Brothers by Blood by breannatala
Summary: Harry Potter, 10 years old, finds out that he isn't a Potter, and that he has a brother still living! And his brother happens to be Severus Snape. After the reading of Eileen Prince's will, Severus takes Harry in. And after spending the summer living with his newly-found brother, being educated in the wizarding ways, and meeting new people, Harry slowly starts fitting in and having a normal life.

How long will it stay normal, though? After all, despite him being known to Hogwarts and the rest of the world as Silas Prince, he still is Harry Potter, and it is only so long that he is able to stay out of trouble.
Categories: Big Brother Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dumbledore, James, Lucius, Other, Sirius
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: General
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Takes Place: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: No Word count: 102508 Read: 124619 Published: 09 Jul 2006 Updated: 26 Apr 2008
The Change by breannatala

"Silas?" a small voice asked a minute after they finished reading the book together.

"William?" Silas asked back.

"When do you leave?" Silas looked at the time.

"Two hours," he answered sadly. It was amazing how well he spoke now, when a year ago all he spoke was parseltongue. Severus explained to him how it was possible – because really, it seemed quite quick – but it was something about magic and the brain, and really – although it sounded interesting – at the time he really didn’t care.

"Do you have to?" William whined.

"Well, Severus is leaving, and I have to go with him."


"But we’ll see each other again in little over a month," Silas reminded him. "That’s not that long from now."

Silas sat up from his position of laying on William’s bed on his stomach and pulled the small four year old – almost five; that was hard to believe – into his lap. William wrapped his arms around Silas, and Silas very willingly returned the hug.


"Severus," Dumbledore greeted, and the potions professor nodded his greeting in return, before looking into the empty Great Hall.

"Yet another year with the nuisances of children," Severus grumbled at the prospect of the students returning in a week. He had left Silas with the Malfoys, and none of the other professors were scheduled to return until the next day. Dumbledore had called him early for a ‘discussion’.

"It’s not that horrible," the headmaster returned with a small smile. They continued walking, slowly making their way up to the headmaster’s office through a portrait-less path. "How was your visit with Trimdol this summer?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Severus admitted. "The usual talk of Sibiu purebloods. Trimdol doesn’t appear to be entirely opposed to muggleborns at Hogwarts."

"That is good," Dumbledore said softly, and Severus gave a barely noticeable grunt. "You still don’t like him."

"Of course not!"

"This doesn’t have anything to do with Silas’ relationship with the Trimdol’s, does it?"

"Trimdol was raised in a pureblood atmosphere. It will be hard enough to prevent Silas, who was raised with horrible muggles, from falling into their beliefs."

"But you said–."

"Not entirely," Severus interrupted, getting irritated. "He believes muggleborns have their uses. His father was a supporter of the Integration Policy. It sounded as if he was loyal to his father."

"You sound hesitant," Dumbledore stated bluntly. Severus sighed. He was never sure whether he liked the straightforward Dumbledore or the facade-driven ‘grandfather’ Dumbledore best when it came to these conversations. Both were exceedingly annoying.

"He’s . . . not trustworthy," Severus stated. "Just from observation, his moods can easily change. But he . . . seems honest. He’s willing to stand up to his adopted family on the matter of muggleborns, in any case."

"Keep an eye on him?" Dumbledore asked, and Severus nodded. "How was young Silas’ birthday?"

"Similar to last year’s," Severus said shaking his head. "At the Malfoy Manor, although Silas choose those who came this year. It was much smaller."

"And how is Lucius?"

"No different from when you last spoke to him," Severus answered flatly. He loathed whenever Dumbledore brought the Malfoy family into the conversation. It was hard not to read into the man’s questions more than was probably necessary – habits are hard to stop.

"Good, good. Well, I’m sure you have lessons to plan. Will you be in the Great Hall for dinner?"

"If you insist," Severus sighed.

"I do, my boy, I do. Can’t have you working through dinner, can I?"

"Wait," Severus said as Dumbledore began toward the stairs. "I’ll come with you. I have a bit of free time and feel in the mood for tea," Severus answered and Dumbledore gave him a knowing look.

"Tea sounds wonderful. It’s been a while since I’ve had tea with anyone capable of decent conversation."

Five minutes later, both were sitting at Dumbledore’s desk, chairs transfigured for comfort, and were sipping their tea contemplatively.

"I came across an old . . . friend at Platform 1/4. Thoroughly disguised, but I was able to recognize him. It wasn’t an extremely different disguise from when we were students." Severus paused. "It was Mulciber." There was an uncomfortable silence between them.

"Are you sure?

"Yes. I confronted him. He seemed surprised I recognized him."

"Odd. Very odd," Dumbledore mumbled. "There hadn’t been . . ." the old man trailed off.

"No news at all? Nothing that has been kept quiet?"

"No," Dumbledore said. "None at all."

– - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - – – - - - - - - – - - - - - -

Silas was nervous, that was for sure. The start of the year went well, so far. It really had. Nothing outrageous had happened, nothing embarrassing . . . nothing dangerous. James Potter’s ‘ghost’ was still wandering around and had taken to following Silas when Severus wasn’t around, but that wasn’t anything scary. It was actually slightly encouraging for him to be there, especially during class. It was nice; the encouraging smiles and the ‘good job’s yelled from across the room. He was just glad no one could hear James but him.

The difference this year, though, was that Draco and Stephan were forcing him to try out for the Ravenclaw quidditch team. He liked quidditch, yes. In fact, he loved being on a broom, but . . . he doubted he would get on the team. He was only in second year! There hadn’t been a second year on a quidditch team for five years, according to Severus, so he really didn’t have much faith that he would be getting a position. He talked to Severus about it briefly, but he only got a noncommital answer.

That didn’t make him feel too good. Severus was usually straightforward with him. Draco and Stephan just told him to relax and shut up, because he was going to try out no matter what. So, as he stood there with an old school broom in hand, waiting for his name to be called for the first round, Silas felt sick, even though he hadn’t eaten anything that morning.

Finally, his and three other names were called, and Silas hesitantly walked to the center of the pitch where the team captain was and stood. He felt so out of place with all those eyes on him as he got onto his broom and listened to the rules.

It was to be a two-on-two. First team would pass the quaffle between each other, flying from one end of the pitch to the other, trying to not get the ball intercepted by the second team. Then teams would switch.

Silas watched, not really paying much attention, as the ball was given to the other player on his team and together, they flew to the goals on one side. Looking down at the stands, it felt as if there were so many eyes on him, all of them giving weird looks. He looked around for Stephan, but couldn’t find him immediately. Instead, he spotted Severus talking to Professor Flitwick and the brothers made eye contact as Severus looked up.

Severus gave him a nod, and suddenly he felt a lot better. Severus had come to watch him! If his brother really did not wish him to try out for the team, he wouldn’t have come to see, right? Giving one more glance around for Stephan, spotting him in the top of the stands, Silas moved his attention to his teammate.

The boy was probably three years older than him – making most of his nerves hit him at full blast once again – and was giving him an irritated look.

"Don’t mess up, Prince," the boy said roughly. "I’m not going to miss out on my place on this team because of Snape’s little brother."

Silas glared at the boy, irritated at being threatened and wanting to prove himself. He readied himself on his room and a whistle was blown. They were off.

It went smoothly for the first few seconds. The older boy tossed him the quaffle perfectly, and he had no problem catching it. He threw it back immediately, not used to the weight while flying; he was used to playing seeker, and when it was just him and Draco, they’d toss around smaller balls or play around with the bludgers instead of the quaffle.

The quaffle made it’s mark, causing Silas to give a smile. He wasn’t expecting the boy to hit it back like he was hitting a bludger instead of catching it then tossing it, and Silas saw a girl from the opposite team racing toward the ill-aimed ball. Urging his broom faster, Silas aimed down, instinctively aiming toward where he might catch it. Just barely, he reached the quaffle before the girl, and he flew upwards quickly and made it half way across the pitch before tossing it back toward his team member.

Catching the boy’s eyes, he saw the anger and he slowed down, watching as he caught the quaffle and few ahead toward the end of the pitch, weaving around the two opposing members. Silas had to rush to keep up, but they both made it to the goals at the same time.

The second round went a bit smoother. He was able to stay away from his teammate and he came close to intercepting the quaffle twice. He didn’t attempt to try out for keeper, but he did make nine out of the ten goals for bludger-aiming. There was only one Ravenclaw who made all ten goals.

By the time it came for seeker tryouts, Silas was extremely excited and much more at ease. The tryout was typical: try to catch as many of the five snitches that were around half the quidditch pitch in five minutes.

Silas caught all five in two minutes. It wasn’t that hard, and Silas had a feeling they were snitches for children; not the type of snitch he and Draco had been using since they began playing together. They were very slow and they felt strange in his hand.

"All right, then!" the captain yelled toward the entire pitch – Silas hadn’t caught his name; he’d have to check on that later – "The team will be posted tomorrow in the common room! Thank you!"

Stephan ran to catch up with him as he started walking toward the castle. "I have to go!" his friend whispered in a hush. "I’ll explain later!"

Silas nodded as he watched his friend run off toward the castle and was startled when Severus put his hand on his shoulder.

"Good job," Severus said smoothly. "You might even make the team."

"You think so?" Silas asked.

"It’s possible. You were the youngest trying out; that might be held against you, Professor Flitwick was impressed with your flying."

Silas looked back at the quidditch pitch, where the Ravenclaw captain and Head of House were talking. From where they were, it was impossible to see their faces, and Silas turned to look back at his brother.

"Are you going to be at Game Night tonight?" Silas asked. "It’s the first one of the term!"

"If I have to be," Severus said roughly. "I was not told yet that my presence is required."

"Oh," Silas answered, a little disappointed. "May I come down to your rooms afterwards?"

"I don’t see why you could not. See if I am in the potions classroom first. I have preparations to do. And do not come and find me after curfew."

"Okay!" Silas said. "I should go. Game Night is going to start soon, and I think Stephan is planning something." That said, Silas ran the rest of the way to the castle.


Severus shook his head as Silas ran off excitedly, pleased at the prospect of his younger brother visiting later. He was quite certain the Silas had earned a position on the Ravenclaw quidditch team, but did not say so because he didn’t want to get Silas’ hope up. It was rare that a second year would find a place on any house team, but even rarer for the Ravenclaw team. Still, the chances were decently high, especially since Silas knew a few of the older years from Ancient Runes. And, apparently, they know him as a decent chess player.

Maybe it would help him become more social. Not that it’s a bad thing he’s not, Severus thought, then shook the idea from his head. Silas was one who craved good attention. The boy loved being around people he knew well, but he had trouble making friends on his own. In fact, Severus wasn’t expecting his brother to try out for the team at all; he was curious as to how Draco and Stephan convinced him to do so.

Of course, Silas being on the quidditch team would cause a few more conflicts; one of them being at the Ravenclaw-Slytherin game.

The boy will understand, Severus thought with a nod.

Later that evening, despite Severus’ proclamation to Silas that he wasn’t going unless forced, he found himself entering crowded Great Hall. Same as last year, the mood was full of energy, children running around on one side of the hall while others playing less active – yet no more quieter – games on the other.

"Severus!" Trimdol said, sneaking up on Severus as he was looking around for his brother. He wasn’t planning on staying . . . for some reason, he just wanted to see how Silas was doing. "You’re in time! Some of the students are putting on a small skit. They’re just setting up now." Trimdol indicated the raised area where the Head Table usually was. Normally, this area was also set up for games, but this time, it was most definitely a stage. A red curtain was hanging from a spot halfway up to the ceiling and Severus could see bits of a set when a student would walk through the curtain. "None of the professors but the headmaster know what it is all about, but I was just coming to find you . . . Albus said he wanted all staff to see this."

"And what would be so important to pull all professors from their work?" Severus asked, not amused.

"You did come, Severus," Trimdol pointed out, looking slightly confused.

"Not for the games," he answered flatly, which caused Trimdol to widen his smile.

"Checking up on your little brother, huh?" he asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

"I came to see if any assistance was required for me. I can see that it is not." Severus turned to leave, but was stopped by Silas’ voice.

"Severus! I didn’t know you were going to come!" Severus turned around to find his brother several meters away, holding the little Trimdol boy’s hand and walking closer. "There’s going to be a play! Stephan’s in it! You can’t leave now!"

Severus sighed. "I have things which I need to get done," Severus answered.

"Like what? It’s Friday! You’re going to be up until midnight like every other night, anyway!"

"Silas," Severus warned.

"Please?" the twelve year old asked, nearly begging. William added a small, "Yeah, please?" too.

"Hello, Sybil," Trimdol greeted, diverting the attention of the brothers’ and William to the divination professor, who just walked in past Severus.

"Hello," she answered. "I had a feeling I would be needed here tonight, so I stopped by. I haven’t been to one of these Game Nights yet . . . too much conflicting energy to be comfortable."

"Right, you are! In fact, I was just about to go find all the straggling professors. I think all I need to find now is Hagrid and Binns – although I don’t know if the ghost will be too keen on coming."

"He will," Sybil said. "If you find him." At that, Trimdol left and Trelawny went to mingle among the students and professors.

"Please stay?" Silas asked again. "Every teacher’s going to be here! You can’t be the only one not here!"

Severus glared at his brother with irritation, but silently consented with a small, single nod.

"Wicked!" he answered. "You can sit next to me and William!"

Fifteen minutes later, the space in front of the stage was set up similar to that of a theater. The seats got higher each row, so everyone could see properly, and Trimdol, Silas, William and Severus were in the fifth row, Trimdol on one side of Silas, Severus on the other and William on the small boy’s lap. Trimdol tried to convince Silas otherwise, thinking that William was getting to big to sit on a twelve year old’s lap for an extended period of time, but Silas just shrugged and continued to hold his little friend tightly.

Severus looked down at the small boy next to him, looking at him indifferently. Despite Silas’ obsession with the runt, he had never spent any extended period of time with William, even while they were in Sibiu. There was something about toddlers that irritated him. Trimdol told him that it was because he never spent any time with a toddler, but Severus had just ignored him, like usual.

"Hi," William said sweetly, not the slightest bit unnerved by his stare.

"Hello," Severus answered, and William responded with a smile and a smile giggle. He held out his arms toward the man, wanting to be picked up by him.

Severus was about to turn away and just ignore the small brat when Silas spoke up. "He wants you to take him, Severus."

"I realize that," Severus answered flatly, and proceeded to take the small boy from Silas’ lap, lifting him up from under the arms. William gave him a hug and turned around to face the stage, choosing Severus as his seat for the play. Severus inwardly groaned, but he didn’t want to make a commotion by forcing the boy off his lap. Instead, he settled in for what was sure to be an extremely annoying time. Finally, a Gryffindor sixth year came out onto the stage, dressed in a bright red and yellow patterned robe that was obviously – and not too badly – transfigured.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. Today we present you something that has never been done in the history of Hogwarts – as far as we know anyway – and we wanted to let you know that no harm was caused to any of the participates in the making of this play. We also wish to inform you that no bad feelings should come from this – all was meant in good fun! Now, on with the show!" The Gryffindor – a muggleborn, from the presentation of the introduction – disappeared behind the curtain as the lights dimmed and the curtains slowly opened to reveal . . .

The Hogwarts staff room. Severus grunted, wondering where all this was going. The grunt caused William to giggle a little and he glared down at the back of the boy’s head full of messy hair. Looking back up, he was just in time to see a Ravenclaw 7th year walk onto the stage dressed as Albus Dumbledore . . . beard, robes and all. Severus closed his eyes, feeling a headache coming on. This was why Albus wanted all the professors here.

The ‘headmaster’ sat down at the table in the center of the ‘room’ and folded his hands in a very Albus-like manner, causing a nervous laugh to settle throughout the Great Hall. Shortly after, a fourth year Gryffindor came walking in as -- who would have to be -- Minerva.

"Good morning, Headmaster Dumbledore," she said sitting down and picking up a copy of Transfiguration Weekly.

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall. I trust you are looking forward to your classes today?"

"Oh, yes," she answered. "I am teaching the seventh years to transfigure a beetle into a rabbit. They are going to have quite a bit of trouble, I’m afraid."

Unbeknownst as to why, Severus heard many of the students giving a small laugh. He didn’t see what was funny. The child on his lap squirmed some, and Severus pulled him somewhat closer to get him to stop.

Next, a bad imitation of himself, portrayed by Silas’ friend Stephan, glided to the table and sat down, glaring at both ‘Albus’ and ‘Minerva’.

"Ready for the first years today, Professor Snape?" ‘Minerva’ asked.

"No," ‘Severus’ answered shortly, and the real Severus shook his head.

– – –

Fifteen minutes later, Severus was glad when the stupid skit was finally over. As the student body, Albus, Flitwick, and Trimdol stood for an applause, William managed to turn himself around in Severus’ lap and give him a tight hug before getting off his lap and into Silas’. Silas was still small for his age, and the steadily growing five year old seemed awkwardly big on the boy’s lap.

"I will see you later, Silas," he said standing, intent on leaving immediately.

"Wait, I’m coming with you! I’m done now. I just wanted to stay for the play."

"Leave the child here," Severus answered flatly, and Trimdol took William by the hand, both saying goodbye to Silas. Trimdol gave Severus another one of those annoying smiles which Severus had no choice to return with his usual, blank glare.

"That was really strange," Silas said as they left the Great Hall. "I don’t know if I liked it. I don’t like how they mentioned me. It’s like they think it’s weird that we’re brothers."

Severus looked down at his brother, trying to figure out exactly what the boy was thinking. He knew Silas didn’t like the attention, but the reference in the play was so small, most of the students would not have even realized it was in there. They were probably laughing too hard when ‘Albus’ and ‘Minerva’ started discussing transfiguration techniques in mostly gibberish to have heard.

"It will be fine, Silas," he replied, not really wanting to hear more about the . . . play.

) () () () () () () () () () () () () () (

"Did you hear?" Draco asked as he sat down at the Ravenclaw table, squeezing himself in between Silas and Stephan. "They’re planning for the Triwizard Tournament next year."

"Really?" Stephan asked.

"What’s that?" Silas asked.

"A tournament between Hogwarts and two other schools. It was banned a long time ago."

"They’re making new rules. Now, you have to be seventeen to enter, fifteen with parent’s permission."

"But what’s the point?" Silas asked.

"Fame," Stephan answered as if it were obvious. "And prize money. Only three people every four years get to play, and the winner is remembered forever!"

"I don’t see what’s so great about that," Silas shrugged. "I’m glad it’s warming up, though. Winter’s been way too long, and the Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff game is next Saturday!"

"I don’t see what you’re worried about," Draco said smugly. "You haven’t missed catching the snitch once. You’ve made up for all those points your team haven’t been making."

"Hey," Stephan and Silas said together. "That’s unfair," Stephan continued.

"But true. It’s the only reason Ravenclaw is second so far. You’d be first if you’d have beaten us."

"You’ll see," Stephan rebutted. "We’ll come in first."

"I can’t believe how fast this year’s gone by," Silas heard as he tuned his friends out. It was a seventh year Ravenclaw, a boy who was sitting a few people down. "March already."

"I know. Almost out of Hogwarts," said another boy.

"I’m going to miss this place so much!" said a girl. "I want to come back a teach someday. Maybe transfiguration or charms. I haven’t decided which I’m going to apprentice for. I’m speaking with the Charms United group this weekend to see if I’d like it there."

"Have fun with that," said a boy. "I heard they weren’t too nice to new employees."

"I need to speak with Professor Trimdol," Silas said, realizing afterwards he interrupted an argument between his two friends, but not really caring. "Meet you in the library at seven?"

"Charms homework," Draco nodded. "Bye."

"Bye," Silas answered, and he left the Great Hall and made his way to Trimdol’s office. When he got there, he knocked on the door and was let in immediately.

"What can I do for you, Silas?" he asked as Silas sat in one of the lounge chairs.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk," he answered. "Anything exciting for class this week?"

"You’ll have to wait and see," Trimdol said with a smile, but as he sat down he picked up a letter and was distracted with reading it. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Trimdol stood up again. "I’m sorry, Silas. I am quite busy right now. I’m behind with my lessons this week. How about you come to my rooms this weekend. Play with William for a bit."

"Okay," Silas said, disappointed, as Trimdol ushered him out quickly. He was expecting to stay with Trimdol for at least two hours, as it was only four-thirty, but slowly trudged down to his brother’s office. He had been feeling very odd for the past two weeks and he had been hoping that Trimdol could have helped to make him laugh. For some reason, Draco and Stephan had no success. Not since the dreams started.

Maybe I should tell Severus, he thought and wondered if it would do any good. He didn’t want to seem like an annoying little brother who couldn’t handle anything on his own. Several times over the past year, he had overheard other students, mostly older, complain about how annoying their younger siblings were, and he had wondered if Severus thought of him in that way.

Severus’ office door was open when he arrived, so he let himself in without knocking at sat down across from his brother, who was grading. At first, Severus just looked up at him a few times, but eventually, he put down his quill and gave Silas his full attention.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing," Silas answered, not especially truthful. Severus sighed and stood up, took Silas by the hand as he closed the office door and gently pulled him along into his quarters before sitting him down in his usual seat. Severus sat down next to him.

"Silas? Something’s wrong, I can tell." Silas shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"I’ve just been having nightmares lately. Nothing important."

"What kind of nightmares?" his brother asked softly in an attempt to get his brother to open up.

"I . . . I think people are dying in them. I don’t really remember much, though."

"But they still bother you?"

Silas nodded. He closed his eyes as Severus brushed the hair away from his forehead and, not knowing what else to say, suggested a game.

"What kind of game?" Silas asked.

"What about chess?" Severus suggested, and Silas shook his head.

"How about that muggle game you bought me before? I haven’t played it yet . . ." Silas smiled as Severus relented and he ran off to his room to his room and grabbed the game. When he got back, Severus was sitting at the table waiting for him and Silas sat down across from him, opening the box and handing Severus the instructions. He pulled out the game board and all the pieces, taking care to not ruin any of the bags that everything came in.

As Severus explained the game to him, Silas looked up at his brother with a smile, feeling much better. Maybe he didn’t need a laugh. Maybe he just needed to spend time with Severus to feel better.

To be continued...

This story archived at