Emrys Snape by Gryffinbear
Summary: Abandoned by his aunt the minute she found him on her doorstep, Harry is discovered by none other than Snape!
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Original Character, Remus
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: General
Media Type: None
Tags: Adoption
Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11)
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 15557 Read: 24567 Published: 31 Aug 2006 Updated: 15 Mar 2009
Story Notes:
Beta reader: Solitare
Prologue by Gryffinbear

Dumbledore took all lights out of the lamps so nobody in the neighborhood would see him in his wizarding attire. He stood at Number 4 Privet Drive waiting for Hagrid to arrive with Harry From Godric’s Hollow. Dumbledore heard a sound near him, looking down he saw a small tabby cat looking up at him.

“I knew you would be here Professor McGonagall.” He said. The cat transformed into a older woman wearing a emerald green dress.

“Good evening Albus, are you really sure you want to leave Harry with these people. I have been watching them all day and they are the worst sort of Muggles I have ever seen.” She said. Dumbledore shook his head.

“They are his only living relatives left. He must stay with Minvera.” He said as he heard Hargrid coming on Sirius Black’s flying motorcycle. Hagrid landed in front of the house, got off the motorcycle with a sleeping Harry Potter in his arm. Walking over to the headmaster and Professor McGonagall. Hagrid handed baby Harry to Dumbledore.

“The lil’ tyke fell asleep on the way here.” Hagrid said.

“Thank you Hagrid.” Dumbledore said as he laid Harry gently down on the front step of Number 4 Privet Drive. Dumbledore set the letter explaining why Harry was there on top of Harry’s baby blue blanket.

“Let’s leave now before anyone sees us.” He said then turned and started walking away. McGonagall following him. Hagrid knelt down and kissed Harry on the forehead.

“I will miss you little lad.” Hagrid said before standing up walking over to the flying motorcycle starting it up flying up and into the night sky.

The next Morning:

Petunia Dursley was woken up by her son Dudley cries for food. She got up out of her bed and went into Dudley’s room picking him up from his crib. Petunia walked out of her son’s room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sitting Dudley into his highchair. She went to check if the milk man had dropped the milk off yet. Walking over to the front door and opening it looking down she noticed that the milk man had not come yet, but there appeared to be a bundle with a baby boy laying inside it. The baby boy stirred opening it’s emerald green eyes staring up at her. It was then that she realized that this baby washer freak of a sister’s child and started of to think of ways to get rid of the child.

“Vernon!” Petunia screamed Vernon ran from their room still in his night clothes.

“Petunia what is wrong?” Vernon said as he waddled down the stairs from their room.

“I want you to go and get rid of this child for me!” Petunia snapped at him.

“What child Petunia?” Vernon said confused. Petunia moved away from the door and Vernon saw the baby boy laying on the front step.

“Who’s child is it Petunia?” Vernon said still very confused about this.

“It’s my freakish sister’s child, who must have gotten herself killed other wise the child wouldn’t be here.” Vernon looked at the child with disgust. He had heard all about Petunia’s younger sister and her freakish way. He glared at his wife.

“I am not touching that child, I will not contaminate myself or Dudley.” He growled out. “You get rid of him yourself.” He snapped walking into the kitchen to cheek on Dudley who started screaming again. Petunia looked down at the boy and roughly picked up the boy not seeing the letter that fell to the ground. She opened the drivers side door and there the boy into the car ignoring the boy’s whimpers as he landed on the passenger side. Petunia started the car up and headed for London. After a couple of hours. She reached London and was looking for a place to ditch the boy. Then saw a dark alley near an abandoned store. Stopping the car she grabbed the now sleeping boy and got out of the car. Petunia walked into the alley stopping a little ways in. she dropped the boy ignoring the pained wail the boy made as he hit the cement floor of the alley hard. Petunia left the screaming child and the alley getting back into her car and sped off back to her home in a hurry.

To be continued...

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=1201