To Have a Father by Crystal Cove
Summary: During the summer before his third year at Hogwarts, Harry somehow ends up in a reality where Severus Snape is his father. AU, Sevitus — Includes Sirius!
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Remus, Sirius
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: General
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Takes Place: 3rd summer
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: To Have a Father
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes Word count: 90019 Read: 154955 Published: 20 Aug 2007 Updated: 17 Sep 2009
Travel by Crystal Cove

Harry started to have trouble breathing. He looked at his hand, turning it over to stare at what was happening. His hand shook terribly, and his heartbeat began to quicken with each second. How was this happening? He was… he was…

Was what exactly? The only thing that came to mind was…

Disappearing. He was disappearing.

Harry's fingers had now vanished. Half of them, anyway. His finger, right down to his middle joint had disappeared… but, as Harry watched closely, he saw that even his middle joint was slowly, slowly starting to vanish as well.

That didn't help. What was happening to him?

A strangled noise escaped from Harry's mouth. He nervously glanced down at his feet and saw, to his horror, that his toes had even vanished as well.

That's when Harry, at the top of his lungs, yelled, “Dad!

It didn't take long for Harry's door to open, revealing Severus, Sirius and Remus, looking startled. Especially Severus.

“Someone yelled Dad,” Sirius said in disbelief, standing behind Severus looking at the back of his head. Harry didn't pay attention. Shakily, he stood, holding his hands up to the three.

“What's happening to me?” Harry croaked, feeling a lump form in his throat. “I'm… disappearing… why?

Severus stared, looking pale. No one spoke.

“Your toes, too,” Remus said quietly, looking horrified. He looked over at Sirius, who was speechless and still staring at Severus, whilst glancing over at Harry as well.

Harry didn't know what to do. He was shaking, completely scared. He took a few hesitant steps forward, his eyes glued on his disappearing hands. He held them out, as if not wanting to be near them. Then, he slowly lifted his eyes and stared at Severus, dropping his left hand down to his eyes as he extended his right.

He gently placed his hand on Severus's cheek.

It was almost as though somebody had cut Harry's fingers off right down to the middle joint. He wasn't turning invisible, because even if his fingers were there, but invisible, Harry would feel them touch Severus's cheek.

The fingers that were gone didn't touch Severus's cheek. His fingers didn't even go through the flesh, as if maybe he was turning into a ghost. The only thing that touched Severus's cheek was Harry's middle joint.

Harry immediately recoiled his hand, a new look of horror crossing his face.

“It's like my fingers have completely vanished,” Harry whispered, staring back down at his hands. “They didn't even touch you.”

“I don't understand,” Sirius finally said, his voice cracking. “Come here, Harry.”

Harry didn't move. He seemed hypnotized by his disappearing fingers. So, Sirius went towards Harry, looking at the boys' hand in awe. With a shaky hand of his own, Sirius took Harry's hand and brought it up to his own cheek.

Sure enough, the only bit of flesh and bone that gently touched his own flesh was Harry's middle joint. The rest of his finger was just simply not there.

Harry roughly pulled his hand away from Sirius, taking multiple steps backward. He looked at each man in front of him nervously, unable to form a sentence. He seemed to have lost his voice.

“What do I do?” Harry asked in a terrified whisper. “What's happening to me? Is it… could… could it be because…”

“Because?” Severus prompted, trying to not look at Harry's disappearing hand.

“Because I don't belong here?” Harry finally finished, his voice still barely audible. “Am I disappearing because… I don't belong here… so it's going to send me back? I mean I don't think I ate anything, and when we were in your lab I didn't spill any potions on me or anything! It's the only thing I can think of.”

“No,” Severus said firmly. “That can't be it. It won't send you back, it—” Severus stopped himself before he got any further. He had to think realistically, and that was a realistic possibility.

“We don't know that for a fact,” Sirius said, getting his voice back. “But there's no other explanation.”

Harry sat back on his bed, defeated. “Well, then that's it, I guess. Soon I'll be back in my old reality. I knew it was too good to be true.”

They stayed quiet until Sirius, resembling Sally during the night of Romeo and Juliet, stamped his foot on the floor loudly.

“We can't just give up like that!” Sirius exclaimed, scowling. “It's not going to happen!”

“I agree with Sirius,” Severus said softly, causing Sirius's mouth to fall open, and not by the fact that Severus had used his first name, either. They were, after all, used to the rare slips.

He was gaping because Severus had actually agreed with him.

“That doesn't happen very often,” Sirius muttered out loud.

“It's true, we cannot give up,” Severus said. “So, I suggest we give Dumbledore a visit. Get dressed, Harry.”


If Dumbledore had been surprised by Harry, Severus, Sirius and Remus's sudden, unexpected visit, he did not show it. With a warm smile he had the four sit down.

“How can I help you, gentlemen?”

Severus looked over at Harry, who had stuffed his hands into his jeans pocket. He gave Harry a look, and biting his lip, Harry slowly pulled out his hands and showed them to the Headmaster.

Dumbledore stared, looking concerned as he inspected Harry's hands through his spectacles.

“Oh, my,” he spoke, his eyebrows knitting together.

“You know about the incantation that brought Harry here. Who invented it?”

The question came out before Severus knew it. But of course, someone had to invent that incantation, it could not have just been created by thin air.

“The inventor,” said Dumbledore thoughtfully. “Yes, yes… a warlock, residing in Ireland. I do believe he goes by the name of Fornacis Althen. I do not know what he named that particular incantation, but it was created many, many years ago.”

“So he's powerful,” Sirius stated.

Dumbledore nodded. “Only powerful warlocks can create equally powerful incantations.”

“Where, exactly, in Ireland?” Severus questioned while Harry looked up at him in confusion. He did not explain to Harry just precisely what his plans were.

“Belfast, Ireland.” Dumbledore frowned, puzzled. “Why, Severus?”

Severus looked down to where Harry was standing as he spoke. “Harry and I have something we need to discuss with Mr Fornacis Althen.”


“I don't understand,” Harry said as they Flooed back to the Manor, frowning. “Did Sirius say 'Slack' Manor?”

“Yes, it was Black's idea.” Severus grumbled, sitting on the couch as Sirius, across the room, grinned. “I say Snape Manor, no matter how much Black tries to get me to use the other.”

“Snape and Black put together,” Sirius pointed out proudly. “Both Slack and Snape work.”

“Listen, Harry,” Severus said as Harry sat next to him. “We're going to Ireland before you disappear completely. There's a good chance that there's a… cure…”


“No,” Severus interrupted. “No. Black, I want you and Lupin to remain here.”

“You're kidding!” Sirius yelled, scowling. “There's no bloody way I'm staying here while you go off to Ireland to try and keep Harry! Blimey, Snape, are you off your trolley?”

“You need to,” Severus said, still looking irritated. “If someone comes by and we're unexpectedly gone, you know how the town was when they didn't see any of us after I returned from Hogwarts. They'd pester us to know where we've been, though it's none of their business.”

“We took a vacation to Ireland!” Sirius said. “People take vacations all the time, Snape!”

Severus gave Sirius a long, hard look until Sirius finally gave in with a sigh.

“Fine,” he snapped. “We'll keep watch over the house and everything else while you're gone. Just try and get there before Harry disappears altogether. Will you Floo?”

“We would, but it could be unexpected since he's a warlock. I think the safest way to get there is the way muggles travel.”

Sirius nodded, pacing the room. “Make sure you get back before Harry has to get his things for Hogwarts and everything.”

Severus avoided Sirius's eye as he gave a sharp nod. He hoped there was something that could be done to prevent any more of Harry from disappearing so he could actually get the chance to return to Hogwarts…


Considering that all of Harry's luggage—which had his clothes—were somewhere back in his other reality, including his suitcase, Harry had the other Harry's clothes (which Harry couldn't help but find a little strange for some reason) and the suitcase, so he really had no trouble packing, except for the fact that he had no idea how long he and Severus were going to be. Even Severus didn't know.

So far, Harry's middle joints were still showing, so not much had disappeared since he realized that he was vanishing in the first place, and not much of his feet were disappearing either. Harry was relieved that the vanishing wasn't all happening rapidly, at least this gave him time.

Harry pulled his luggage down the staircase much later that day. As the suitcase hit each step he went down it created a loud thunk which echoed throughout the foyer. Down by the doors stood Sirius and Remus along with Severus, who was looking prepared and determined.

“I'm ready,” Harry said as he reached the last step. He wheeled the suitcase towards the three, wondering why Sirius was looking so strange. Tilting his head, he asked, “You okay?”

Sirius shrugged it off. “Fine, fine… just the first time I'm not included in a vacation of some type. We always went places together, you see… I've never been to Ireland…”

Severus looked exasperated. “You know this isn't a vacation, Black. We're not going sight-seeing or anything like that.”

“Just going into Ireland itself is sight-seeing because you're seeing Ireland,” Sirius insisted. “Merlin help me if I'm feeling a little bit left out.”

Severus opened the door a crack.

“You know where everything is if we take a long time to return,” Severus said to Sirius. “Black's food? You may need to change his litter box, as well.”

“At least he can go up and down the stairs now,” Sirius said. “Yes, I know where all of that is.”

Severus narrowed his eyes at Sirius. “You won't burn down the house while I'm gone?”

Sirius put on a hurt look. “I wouldn't burn the house down. After all these years and you still don't trust me? My, my.”

“I didn't say you'd do it purposefully,” Severus muttered. “You think you'll have everything you'll need food-wise?”

“Yes.” Sirius nodded his head. “I think we have everything, Snape. Are you going to stand in the doorway all day long…?”

“You have Nome as well,” Severus said suddenly. “So you don't need to cook. At all.”

Sirius scowled. “Thanks. Are you—?”

“Yes,” Severus snapped. “We're leaving.”

“How are we getting there?” Harry asked before he stepped outside. “We don't have a car or anything.”

“I arranged transportation,” explained Severus. “Mrs Cleaver was kind enough to agree to take us to the closest airport.”

“Airport,” Harry repeated in disbelief. “We're flying? I've never been on a plane before. Wow. Wait—Mrs Cleaver? So fast? But… I mean… how?”

“While you were packing Sirius went over and asked. Now,”—Severus motioned irritably to the open door—“can we leave?”

“Yeah.” Harry looked at Sirius and smiled. “Bye, Sirius. I really hope I'll see you again soon.” He turned his head to smile and Remus. “You too, Remus.”

“Bye Harry,” Sirius said quietly, smiling faintly. “Bye, Sugarpie.”

Severus scowled. “I dearly hope you are not referring to me. Goodbye, Black, Lupin. Please, do not burn down the house—keep on eye on him, Lupin.”

Remus nodded as Severus and Harry walked out the door amd closed it gently behind them. He looked over to Sirius, saying, “I hope they're successful in Ireland.”

Sirius frowned, looking around the empty house sadly. “I'm bored.”


“So, Ireland,” Mrs Cleaver said excitedly, glancing at Harry and Severus in the backseat through her mirror. She smiled widely. “Care to take me along with you?” To prove that she was joking, she laughed loudly.

Ben, in the seat next to his mother, twisted his body around to look at the two behind him.

“Why didn't you tell me you were going to Ireland, Harry?” Ben asked. “All we did was talk about the werewolf stuff!”

Harry laughed weakly. “This just happened on short notice.”

“Why isn't Sirius going with you?”

“He… is hanging out with Remus,” Harry lied awkwardly, inwardly wincing. Could he not come up with anything more cleverer than that?

Ben's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he looked at Harry. “You're kidding! He'd rather hang out than go to Ireland?

“He's scared of planes!” Harry said suddenly, the thought striking him just then. “That's the way we're going there. On a plane. He couldn't go.”

“Oh.” Ben turned around again and settled into his seat. “I wish I could go to Ireland. It'd be fun.”

“Maybe someday, Benny,” his mother said gently.

“Mother!” Ben said, sounding shocked as he looked back at the two in the backseat. “Please don't call me Benny!”

Mrs Cleaver seemed to realize her mistake. She ran a hand through her rough-looking dark hair and looked over at her son apologetically.

“Terribly sorry, Benjamin Cleaver. Is that good enough for you, hon?”

Ben crossed his arms, mumbling, “Ben would be fine, Mother, even Benjamin. Not Benny, though—I bet Harry doesn't have an embarrassing nickname by Severus. I doubt Edmund does either!”

Harry pressed his lips together as he grinned. “It's all right, Ben. Sirius used to call me… uhm—”

“He called you his firefly when we were younger,” Ben said, turning around again to look at Harry as he spoke. “Remember? You always wanted to be a firefly; Severus called you his little green eyes, 'cause of your eyes and… well, you were little… I think he still calls you that sometimes, but that's not too embarrassing! Benny is definitely more embarrassing than that, I… think. A little.”

“Benny isn't embarrassing,” Mrs Cleaver said with a laugh. “You just think it is because your mother calls you that. If it was your girlfriend and she called you Benny, you wouldn't mind so much.”

Ben blushed as he looked out his window. “That's not true.”

“Am I right, Severus?” Ben's mother asked, looking in the mirror to glance at the man in the backseat, who didn't look thrilled to be included in the conversation.

“Indeed,” he answered shortly. “Though, Benjamin, you will be no doubt pleased to learn that little green eyes and firefly were not the only nickname given to Harry. If I remember correctly, there was also Harry Cottontail.”

Harry stared at Severus in disbelief.

Ben laughed. “Harry Cottontail? Why?”

Severus glanced at Harry, smirking before he spoke. “Harry, when he was younger, took a ball of cotton and taped it to his behind.”

Harry turned a deep shade of red as the two in the front laughed. Though it was not exactly this Harry who Severus was talking about, in a way it was, which made Harry just as embarrassed.

“Benny isn't so bad,” Ben finally said as the laughter died down. “Hey, how long until we reach the airport?”

“Ten more minutes or so,” Mrs Cleaver said, glancing at the clock in the car. “It doesn't take too long to get there. Have you ever been on a plane before, you two?”

“This will be the first time for both of us,” Severus replied, glancing at Harry, who nodded in agreement.

“Are you looking forward to it? I've always loved flying.”

Forgetting what they were talking about for a minute, Harry nodded his head eagerly. “Oh, yeah, I love flying too.”

Ben frowned as he turned around in his seat again.

“I thought it was your first time on a plane?”

Harry inwardly winced. They weren't talking about brooms, how could he forget? Quickly, he said, “I just meant, the idea of flying… I—I love it.”

“Oh, yeah.” Ben nodded. “I think I've been on a plane… maybe twice, Mum?”

“Mmhm.” Mrs Cleaver nodded. “Look, the airport's just up there. Do you want Ben and I to go see you off?”

“Oh no, that's quite all right,” Severus said quickly. “There's no need, but thank you.”


It was silent until Mrs Cleaver pulled the car to the front of the entrance, where she parked it and unbuckled her seatbelt to get out of the car and help the two with their luggage.

“Well, I hope you have a great time in Ireland,” she said as she closed the trunk after they got their suitcases. “Er—Harry, dear, why do you have your hands in your pockets? Won't it be difficult wheeling your suitcase—?”

“He hurt his hands earlier,” Severus said quickly. “They're still stinging a bit. I'll take his suitcase.”

“Hope you have fun in Ireland,” Ben said glumly. He didn't bother stepping out of the car, but stuck his head out the window. “Will Sirius be all right by himself?”

“Ben,” his mother said disapprovingly. “Sirius is a grown man. I'm sure he can look after himself!”

Although, she did look worried.

“Sirius has Remus to look after him,” Harry informed them with a grin. He glanced up at Severus. “Er—I think we should go before we miss our flight.”

“Of course,” Mrs Cleaver said. “Have fun!”

“Yeah,” Ben agreed. He made an agonized face over a thought. “I hope you get there safe and that your plane doesn't crash either. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?”

Not knowing how to reply, Severus and Harry merely said thank-you again before walking into the airport.

Outside had been warm, a little muggy, actually, so it was a surprise when they were unexpectedly greeted by a blast of freezing cold air as soon as they entered the airport. Harry shivered slightly, rubbing his exposed arms before he realized his hands were visible to everyone. He quickly shoved them back into his pockets.

The airport was crowded with people coming and going. The smell of food from the cafeteria nearby could be detected in the air.

“I feel lazy with you taking our suitcases while I have my hands in my pockets,” Harry confessed, glancing at people who would walk by them every so often.

“It is not your fault,” Severus pointed out. “It's not as if you could go around walking with gloves on in the middle of summer.”

“Well, I could.

Severus raised an eyebrow. “Your hands would be sweating in gloves. If you haven't noticed, it's fairly warm out.”

Harry sighed. “I know, I know.”


It would take one hour and twenty minutes to get to Belfast—then, once they arrived there, they had to find somewhere to stay and then look for Fornacis Althen. Which could be difficult. Harry realized that they should have located where he lived before they left, but Harry also realized that they didn't have much time, considering he was, well, disappearing. Already his middle joint had fully disappeared and soon he would have no fingers left.

Harry and Severus boarded the plane, finding their seats without much difficulty. Harry chose the window seat, finding himself anxious to be in the air.

“I think you can take your hands out of your pockets now,” Severus said in a low voice as he leaned over to Harry to speak. “Not many people will be able to see your hands, but do make sure you don't make them too visible to everyone else. Just keep them on your lap.”

“Good, they're getting a little sweaty,” Harry said, removing his hands and placing them down on his lap, looking around nervously. “People won't be looking down at my lap anyway, right? You're blocking the view of my hands, too, so… that's good…. Sev, maybe I should keep them in my pockets. Just in case.”

“You'll be fine,” Severus said soothingly. “Just don't wave your hands around.”

“What if we don't get this fixed?” Harry asked quietly. “I disappear completely. Then what? Do I go back to my other reality or… or what?”

“That's what we're going to Ireland to find out,” Severus pointed out. Before he could get another word in, however, Harry let out a yelp.

“What was that?” he asked loudly, his eyes wide.

“Turbulence, dear,” an elderly lady beside Severus said, leaning forward to look at Harry as she spoke. “Are you a nervous flyer?”

Harry settled in his seat, frowning. “No, I'm a great flyer. Just… not used to flying by planes.”

The lady's eyebrows knitted together in confusion as she rested her back against her seat. Obviously she was wondering what other ways of flying there were, but Harry was too concerned with her not noticing his disappearing hands to care about watching what he said.

“You should chew gum, dear, just in case when we get high in the air your ears pop,” the lady continued, glancing over. She looked as if she was ready for talking the entire flight. “Do you have any? Oh, my, didn't I just tell Ed to put his seat belt on?”

The lady twisted around so she faced a young boy the next row over and immediately began to get after him for not putting his belt on the first time.

“Wow,” Harry breathed as the plane started to get higher. “This is nothing like flying on a broom. Look at it, Sev. It looks like… I can't even explain it. Everything's so tiny.”

“Look at the water,” Severus said softly, peering out the window along with Harry. “You could pick it up with your fingers easily. As if it's a long, slim, curvy stick.”

Harry laughed softly. “You could with your imagination. How long 'til we get to Ireland again, Sev? I hope by the time we do get there that my whole entire body disappears. Then there's figuring out where this warlock actually lives—don't you think that could take days?”

“Firstly, it shall only take an hour or so. Secondly, your entire body will not disappear within that time, Harry, I promise you. It seems your disappearing is a gradual process, fortunately taking its time.” Severus spoke low so the lady next to him could not overhear. She, however, was too busy conversing with the man the next seat over beside the young boy.

Harry realized that Severus never made a comment about how finding the warlock could take days. Maybe Severus realized that it could, so he didn't want to think about it and just ignored it instead.

Harry looked down at his hands that he had tried folding on his lap and sighed. He, for one, could not ignore that fact.

The End.
End Notes:
Well, this was a long chapter! I didn't really expect it to be as long as it was, but I'm not complaining! So, tell me what you think, and I should have the next chapter up sooner (hopefully) than this one was, if not around the same time.

This story archived at