Black Kitsune Raising Moon by Li Cruz
Summary: Under Revision....In a different time and place, the Harry Potter we know is not the real Harry Potter. As the raising Blue Moon approaches, the truth about the Potter family will come to moonlight, if the one once known as Harry Potter can survive both the Potters and Voldemort... On haitus
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape, Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dumbledore, Hermione, Remus
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Mystery, Supernatural
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Child fic, Creature!fic
Takes Place: 5th summer
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Profanity
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 10523 Read: 7879 Published: 24 Aug 2007 Updated: 26 Oct 2007
The Cat and The Wolf by Li Cruz
Author's Notes:
Has been revised.
And the lullaby contained within is a Japanese one.

July 21

Headmaster’s Office, Hogwarts


Albus Dumbledore considered homicide. Yes, and make sure said individual couldn’t haunt from the grave. Maybe a Buddhist or Shinto burial ceremony then? Yes, very much so.

            Fudge must have noticed something about Albus’ looks because he inquired about his health. Albus reassured the man everything was fine (expect Fudge wasn’t dead) and stroked the frightened kit’s back to calm him down. The kit had been hiding behind the desk when he finally came in and Fudge bellowing for him.

            The man luckily took no notice or simply didn’t care for he made no comment when Albus coaxed the kit into his arms. Very familiar green eyes peered up questioningly at him and it had taken all his skill not to gape as certain things quickly fell into place. He merely cuddled the small child close and listened to Fudge rant.

            “My dear Minister, Moody is currently ideal. Mr. Potter has proven to be a bit more difficult than we originally hoped. The child lacks discipline and respect for authority when it is due. Ex-auror Moody will take no guff from Mr. Potter.”

            Fudge’s eyes were almost blinding in hopefulness. “Of course, I didn’t think of that. Forgive me for doubting your wisdom.”

             Albus discreetly shuddered as he regarded the Ministry idiot. He would have to scrub his hands clean. When did Fudge de-evolve into this slimy, spineless creature? After he was sure the fool was gone, he carefully let the kit down. The kitsune clung to his robe, moving with him as he quickly pulled out some witch hazel and a handkerchief. Soaking it, he cleaned his hands.

            “Better to be safe than sorry. Who knows what that man handled?” He spoke to the kit softly.

            The kit responded with a shy nod and smile. Albus smiled gently as he knelt down. The kit was a bit wary but kept near. Albus asked if he was hungry and received a small nod. Albus scooped the child up. The child weighed nearly nothing now but Albus hoped to put some weight on the kit.

            The kit flinched very little but Albus saw this as a good sign. The kit sat quietly munching a sandwich on his lap as he stroked the short silky hair. The kit finished with the sandwich gave a yawn revealing a pair of dulled fangs. Emerald eyes blinked sleepily at him.

            “I won’t take this away, child. I’m sorry, I should have realized.” Albus murmured as he slowly rubbed circles on the bony back. “This situation is very odd I must admit but dangerous. But we’ll watch him closely, no?”

            He kissed the forehead gently. “I think we’ll call you Alexander.”

            Little Alexander gave him a sweet if not a bit of an odd smile before closing his eyes and nestling against Albus’s chest. Albus soon drifted off as well, listening to the small kitsune’s breathing.

            Albus woke to soft singing. Peering over his glasses, he could see that Fawkes was up but it wasn’t the phoenix’s voice. This was of a vaguely familiar voice.

            Albus listened quietly. He suddenly smiled softly as he finally recognized the voice. While he didn’t recognize the words, the tune was clearly a lullaby. Alexander shifted slightly.


“Nen nen kororiyo okororiyo
Boyawa yoikoda nenneshina

Boyano komoriwa dokoe it ta
Anoyama koete satoe it ta

Sato no miyage ni nani morata
Denden taikoni sho no fue
Sho no fue”


            Albus’ attention was attracted by a slightly bright flash of light. As he watched small fragments of lights condense into a soft singing specter. The lightly tainted red hair floated as if there was a slight wind. Green eyes met his and Lily Potter gave a soft smile before ending her lullaby. She faded away in a shift of light.

            His sight blurred with tears that would not fall. He smiled sadly as he stroked the silky black mop. Fawkes flew quietly over and perched on the back of the chair. A soft thrill was heard. Albus spoke quietly.

            “Lily wouldn’t have visited unless Alexander wasn’t her child. I should have been paying more attention to my charges…”

            There was a soft string of chirps and whistles.

            “My age shouldn’t excuse me!” Albus said quietly but sharply.

            Fawkes spoke in exasperated tones and a question. Albus paused for a second as he thought.

            “Lily asked me to set them August 2, 1981…” Albus blanched slightly and tightened his grip on the sleeping kit. Fawkes whistled and trilled again.

            “Yes, it would make sense why the monitor devices wouldn’t have indicated anything. Then the question is where the real Harry is, why did James switch the children, and how exactly is Alex Lily’s child?”


July 21

Grimmauld Place


“Harry!” Molly swept Harry James Potter into a large hug. He tolerated her as she quickly let go. She was giving a critical examination. For the first time in his life, he was afraid that maybe he would be revealed as not the Construct that had been part of their family. Stupid golem had to complicate things needlessly by befriending these peasants.

She suddenly smiled. “Come eat. I’m glad to see the Dursleys are treating you right. We were so worried when you disappeared. Thought the Death Eaters had found you.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Weasley. I thought Hedwig had honestly delivered my messages. Apparently she is feeling ill and left them on the bottom of her cage.” He said which that was the truth mostly.

“Maybe you should have Hedwig looked at.”

“Already did. Hagrid said she just needs rest. Apparently there’s this nasty bug going about with owls.” Molly nodded as she handed him a plate full of Shepard’s pie.

He made pleasant, working off of the stolen memories. He vaguely had an odd thought. What if the construct survived the series of deconstruction spells? After a moments pause, he remembered it was impossible for a golem to so. He shrugged to himself. He had more important things to do like ensure Hedwig’s permanent loyalty…


July 26

Snape’s Quarters


            Severus actually did love children, just not teaching a large group. However his position in the war disallowed any softness in public. He barely managed it for his Slytherins. Yet something about the small kit clinging to his shirt made it very easy to.

            Thanks to Filch, Alex refused to allow him to put him down. Why that squib felt he had to terrorize any child was beyond him. Lucky for the idiot, Alex had only thrown the man maybe two feet away instead of the entire corridor.

            “Come on, Alexander.” Severus soothed. “He won’t be bothering you anymore. I’m here.”

            Alexander’s emerald eyes were very old and mature for a moment. Severus Snape didn’t want to ever see that look again really but with the child’s history, it would probably pop up at times. Severus sat down on his couch with a sigh.

            He had been assigned to have Alex do an educational assessment test. It was from the muggle school system from Inverness, the closest muggle town. The half inch-stack of booklets sat almost mockingly as Severus struggled with reassuring Alexander.

            After a few minutes, Alexander was reassured enough to be curious. The small kit picked up the top booklet and began what he hoped was reading. Alexander gave him an odd look.

            Remembering some of his own experiences and training, he spoke. “Do you understand it?” The small mop flopped up and down. “I and the Headmaster want you to do your best, alright?”

            Severus watched as the young child slid off his lap and settled on a stool he had placed for Alex to sit. Picking up a pencil slightly awkward, the child began writing his name, Alexander, on the cover. Severus picked up one of his potion journals and began revising some of his older creations.

            A small hand brushed his hand. He started slightly but only moved his head to regard the small figure. Alexander was peering from behind dark fringe and offering the entire stack of completed booklets. Severus looked to the clock and was surprised to see it had been four hours, now dinner.

            He took them carefully. He brushed a hand over Alexander’s mop and gave a small smile. He could have sworn he heard a light purr from the child.

            “You were a good boy, Alex. Do you want to eat now?” To this he received a nod and a shy smile.

            Severus would send in the stack after dinner to the wizarding post office that would send it muggle-style to Inverness Education Center. However, right now, he had a little kid to feed.


August 1

Great Hall


            Remus Lupin often admitted to have stomped out of the Grimmauld Place like a wronged woman. Well, considering what Sirius almost did, Remus felt more than justified. Thank Merlin that Poppy said nothing about it to anyone else but she did advise that he and Sirius separate. He suspected Dumbledore suspected but couldn’t do anything until he was told.

            Remus found himself staring in almost awe. Severus was giving one of his small smiles to a small figure sitting in his lap. The small figure maybe one hundred centimeters tall was in a dark green robe. Remus sniffed the air. It smelled faintly of foxes, milk, and herbs. The small figure turned.

            It was a tiny fox-like humanoid sipping milk out of a goblet. It was adorably cute with the small milk mustache. No wonder Severus smiled. However the dark emerald eyes seemed to regard him warily.

            Remus smiled as gently as he could without grimacing. It must be a young yokai and the child must smell the wolf within. Remus took the seat next to them. He peered up at the sunny-looking enchanted ceiling for a moment. He was startled to find a sudden weight on his lap. Looking down, he found himself staring into eyes that were almost a match for Lily’s eyes but much darker. The piercing gaze suddenly left as the child began touching the delicately carved wooden buttons of his robe. The robe’s original color had faded into a pale brown-gray and was slightly worn. It had been the last Christmas gift from the Potter family and his best robes.

            Severus when he glanced over seemed intently amused at his situation. The child gave a giggle, drawing his attention to those large emerald eyes and the child patted his face gently.

            “His name is Alexander.” Severus said as he sipped on his coffee. “He’s Dumbledore’s newest ward.”

            Remus merely gazed at the child playing with his buttons for a moment. “How old is he?”


August 4

Ministry of Magic


The Minister was seriously courting Albus Dumbledore’s ire currently. That blasted Dolores Umbridge was going to be the teacher. Maybe he should arrange a little ‘accident’. Easy enough –

            “Albus!” Minerva’s voice rang out of the Minister’s fireplace. “There’s been an emergency!”

            His first thought was his ‘boys’. What had happened to Severus, Remus, and Alex? He turned so quickly the minister yelped in surprise. He demanded to know what was going on.

            “We have him Albus! Alexander caught him just before he managed to off Mr. Lupin and Mr. Snape.” She seemed oddly pleased but then grew serious even quicker. “However neither got off lightly…”

            “I’ll be there shortly.” Albus knew there were few men that would have garnered such a response. Only one would be able to attempt an assassination on the two men if he had the guts. He turned to Fudge and demanded he send in some Aurors prepared to deal with an unregistered animagus before disappearing into the floo.

            He was pleased to see Alexander alright but the wolf and the large black cat startled him. Alexander ran up to him in childish happiness and Albus picked him up to receive a large hug.

            The cat gave a yowl as Poppy pulled some of his hair without a change in her pace as she approached. The wolf’s shoulders shook and his tongue lolled out. Well, until the cat bulldozed the wolf over and they began tousling in earnest. Poppy rolled her eyes.

            “I gave them too much of a special calming potion meant for animals. It didn’t work the way it should have so they’ve been behaving like young animals. Mr. Lupin is the wolf, I believe a winter wolf, and Mr. Snape…” She waved her wand over the sample of hair. “Appears to be a rare breed of domesticated hunting cat. The potions involved were Wolfsbane and some obscure potion that seems to be a healing potion. There was a silver dart involved and werewolf blood. The blood and skin on the needle was Severus.”

            Minerva grimaced. “From what we’ve gathered, Peter Pettigrew used the air tunnels near your office and reached Severus’s personal lab.  I snooped around after Alexander showed me where Pettigrew came from. He must have stumbled upon Severus when he fell asleep in the lab and injected him with the blood.”

            Albus nodded slowly as he rubbed Alexander’s back. “Then he planned to have Severus die slow and painfully but he couldn’t get to Severus until he was alone or with Remus. Then…”

            There was a solemn silence. Suddenly the quietness was broken by Alex who yawned and resting his head on Albus’s shoulder, blinked sleepily. Soon his breathing evened out and lo, Alex was sleeping. Albus chuckled wryly.

            “Get off, Lupin.” Severus’s voice suddenly rang out.

            All three turned to see Severus and Remus, now human, pull away from each other. Severus pulled the rags that had been his robe around him with a dark blush across his pale skin. Remus had a book and was scuttling for the stairs to his office. It caused another slight chuckle from Albus and a few giggles. Poppy drew closer to Severus. She snickered slightly.

            Albus and Minerva drew closer. Slight discoloration that resembled the markings of cat fur, a combination of stripes and spots dotted his exposed body neck-down and down his arms. If it wasn’t for the baleful glare, Albus would have joined Minerva and Poppy in their amusement.

            Remus came out, looking slightly healthier if not with more white hair. He held out a robe which Severus snatched and gratefully pulled it on.

            “Madam Promphey, I hope you plan to do some blood tests.” Severus spoke menacingly.

            “Of course, dear.” Poppy waved him off. “Come down to the Infirmary, after you investigate the potion. Make sure to use proper protection. Mr. Lupin, come with me. We might as well have your blood tested first.”


August 7/8

Snape’s Personal Lab


            Severus Snape frowned deeply. According to the fifteen blood tests for the lycanthropy virus preformed for both he and Remus, it had all came back negative but the test for lycanthropy markers came back positive. He had finished analyzing the residue potion combination and would be able to make a close facsimile of it but he was still concerned.

            He allowed a snarl of fury and found himself tangled in his own clothes and on four legs. Calming himself, he managed to shift back into his human form and straightened out his clothes. It was aggravating to say the least to have himself changed into an animal just because he was angry or stressed. This year would not be fun.

            He paused. Maybe that was it.  The virus was eliminated for the body but in return, it anchored an animal form to the person’s emotional state perhaps? The original potion mixed with the wolfsbane potion might have been someone’s spoiled animagus potion. He did have a few of his brighter students do it as an extra-credit project last fall.

            Well, there was only one way to find out. Severus pulled out an empty cauldron. He would finish the animagus potion tonight and tomorrow test his theory.

            The next morning found Severus sleeping in cat from on top of the thankfully clear desk. A small hand reached up and tugged on his tail. Severus opened a lazy black eye and mock-glared at the kitsune who climbed onto the desk.

            Alex gave a giggle as he began to scratch his neck. Severus gave a purr before giving the boy a sandpaper bath. The kitsune wrinkled his nose and covering his nose and mouth sneezed. Severus gave a rumbling laugh.

            There was a flash of the camera and Severus gave a low growl at Minerva as she came into the room, smirking. He watched the camera disappearing into one of her pockets. He sighed. Now he didn’t have to spy anymore, he didn’t worry too much about the pictures. Minerva will probably use them as blackmail but Severus was still a few steps ahead of her.

            Severus managed to dress without her seeing much as he explained what had been the possible cure and its origin. Alexander was playing with the rubix cube he had liberated out of Severus’s desk. Severus eyed the kit for a moment before thinking he rather have Alex nearby than with the currently freaked-out Lupin. The Headmaster was at the ministry with other faculty members in making sure Wormtail couldn’t escape again.

            He and Minerva began their exploration of the theory of the cure.


August 20

Grimmauld Place


            Hermione was pleased to have heard that Sirius had been cleared of charges. However the changes in Harry dulled the excitement. It was a bunch of little things really.

            Harry seemed to have a bigger frame overall. True he was taller but he was almost broader overall. She was more than positive that you couldn’t have increased bone size without a great deal of weight. His eyes weren’t as intense as she had thought them.

            There were almost unnoticeable pauses in his speech as if he was struggling with something and his body language wasn’t as sincere as his voice indicated. He seemed more forceful, arrogant, and uncaring. His stances were all wrong.

            He played pranks for no reason. Harry rarely if ever played pranks without reason. The longer she observed him, the more uncomfortable she became. Where did her Harry go? What happened during the two to three days he went missing?


September 1



“Apparently the train’s been spotted just on the outskirts.” Remus commented idly before drifting away from the outside door of Severus’ quarters. Severus finished up his notes for this weekend’s presentation to the Medical Board of St. Mungo’s over lycanthropy and a cure as he heard Alex’s cry of laughter. Dumbledore had been disappointed that the Ministry had acted so quickly but Remus was hired on as a governor for Alex. Severus knew Remus had only taken the job to keep out of Grimmauld Place. He and the mutt were not on speaking terms due to very different opinions about several subjects. Severus wasn’t sure exactly what they were as Remus hadn’t made any direct comments about it.

            He felt some guilt over what had happened in third year. Severus had been ticked off about many things that year and had taken it out on Remus. Remy, of course, forgave him but it didn’t assuage the guilt much.

            Severus shook his head when he realized he had been on autopilot. He was already at the door, dressed for dinner.  He scowled. He really needed some sleep. A week on maybe eight hours of sleep was not conducive to his health especially if Poppy figures it out.

            Severus sighed and steeled himself for the possible scolding as he entered the Great Hall from the side door. He had cut it close. The Sorting was about to begin. The hat gave a long song warning about house unity. Then after a moment of thought, it spoke again.

   "Looks aren't everything true

        If you don't believe me at all

        Magic and secrets will wax at the moon raising blue

       And careful not into darkness fall."

            Severus snorted slightly as he watched the Great Hall. He chanced a glance at Alex and paused in surprise. A strange understanding look had flashed and then faded into genuine puzzlement. Severus filed it away as he continued his scan. Dumbledore looked deeply troubled while other faculty members were confused and slightly worried. What was the connection?

            Minerva after a few moments of fumbling began the sorting. It began with a Kevin Adamson, Hufflepuff, and ended with a Joseph Walker, Ravenclaw. There were very few new Gryffindors, a mere six wands, compare to the twelve Slytherins, eleven Ravenclaws, and fourteen Hufflepuffs.

            Dumbledore spoke and made announcements. However midway, the newly instated Defense Teacher Dolores Umbridge interrupted. The foolish woman as she spoke in doublespeak that the government was fond of using merely revealed what would amount to the collapse of the Free Wizarding world in Britain. Severus even bet she would even try to eliminate any half-breed from faculty. Ironically much of the staff were half-breeds and not to mention the best in the country if not wizarding world.

            Albus with a half-hidden glare finally finished his announcement. Alex chose this moment to get off Remus’s lap and clamber into his. Alex looked into his face curiously before breaking into a fair imitation of his own scowl before smiling. Severus despite himself allowed his lips to twitch. The brat giggled before leaning against him in contentment.


September 3

Third Floor, Hogwarts


Remus Lupin twitched as Sirius begged him to forgive him. While he may not have a separate wolf-self, he wasn’t in the mood for the half-insane even if he was pack. He had a young cub to watch over and Severus would be there to drop him off soon. The Headmaster was busy often at the Ministry ever since Umbridge’s appointment and Peter’s capture.

            Severus adored Alexander. At least once a day like now, Severus would ask if he would like to have a few hours off to deal with his personal problems. Remus brought himself to the current issue.

            “Look, Sirius, Harry has changed and not for the better. It’s made me uneasy.” Remus spoke neutrally. “Two, you will have to accept Severus. Yes, Severus is not the easiest to get along with but he is at least honorable. Three, and you will be seeing a psychiatrist before I even consider moving back in with you.”

            Sirius scowled as Remus turned to answer the door. Severus, dressed in a dark gray robe, cocked an eyebrow up. Alexander attempted to peer around Remus from his perch in Severus’s arms.

            “Should we come back later?” To this Remus shook his head.

            “No, Sirius will behave while you’re here or he’ll leave.” Severus nodded briefly before letting a curious Alex down. Alex immediately grabbed onto Severus’s robe and peeked shyly around.

            Remus chuckled as Severus rolled his eyes before speaking. “Alexander’s exams came in from the Inverness Education Center. The results are a bit surprising.”

            “Do you have them?” Remus asked.

            Severus nodded and maneuvering gracefully to the couch in the small common room, sat down as he drew out the papers. Sirius curled his lips in a snarl. Remus as he went for the tea service merely whapped him upside the head. Alexander was sitting on the floor, snuggled against the Potion Master’s legs.

            Sirius now was staring at the small kitsune and the kitsune was staring wearily back. Remus settled down with the tea, prepared to go over the paperwork. Remus glanced up in shock a few minutes later.

            “Dumbledore believes it would benefit the child to teach him advance algebra and a number of sciences mostly muggle.” Snape’s lips curled into a smirk. “The child has been going through a number of the books we normally assign the students. He’s reading the third year potion book currently. However perhaps you’ll be able to better recommend a defense against Dark Art book at least up to second year.”

            Remus nodded. “Of course, I’ll look through my old teaching lessons.”

            He turned to Alex. “Come here, Alex.”

            Alex perked up at his smile and going the long way around the coffee table, clambered into his lap. Remus tickled Alex’s side. Alex squeaked with laughter.

            “So that’s what you’ve been up to. Cute little brat.” Remus said laughing. “I guess we should get you your own books.”

            Sirius gave him an odd look. “What are you talking about?”

            Severus gave a flat look but Remus interrupt before Severus could say something snarky. “I’m Alexander Dumbledore’s governor now.”

            “It’s…, er, he’s a Dumbledore?” At the two glares pointed his way, he switched pronouns.

            Severus snorted. “You’re sure he isn’t befuddled or is it that the mutt is just stupid?”

            “In his defense, I don’t think I mentioned the change in job or Alex, at all.” Remus commented.

            “Indeed, Alexander, this is the mutt. Black, this is Alexander.” Severus spoke while Remus was sure that he was joking about it.”

            Alexander laughed while Sirius looked completely put out.



Nani Nani Hogwarts! II

            It’s your old pal, Salazar here. It’s once again for that period of explanations….Nani Nani Hogwarts. Stop fidgeting, Godric. You look perfectly fine in that furry bunny costume…

            Anyway, this week’s topic is….


            Anyone somewhat familiar with legends and fairytale and with high fantasy games should know this. A golem is a construct that is given life. Somewhat like a robot but instead of electricity and such, it’s power by magic and can be any type of medium.

            There are elemental golems. There are famous metal and stone golems. And then there are the less known flesh golems. You could call them clones of an individual except when they are undead flesh type golems. That is what Inferi are.

            However it is unknown whether or not a Golem has a soul. Some say that a golem can gain a soul. Looks like, it’s something to research. Well, farewell for now…

            No, Godric, I will not untie you…

To be continued...

This story archived at