Lily's Charm by Potions and Snitches
Summary: In a story that spans two decades, Lily and Severus look for a way to control the powers of the Dark Mark after Lily's life is threatened by Eileen Prince. Seventeen years later, Harry realized he has no idea who he is. SS/LE H/G RL/NT
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dumbledore, Ginny, Hermione, James, Lily, Lucius, McGonagall, Remus, Ron, Tonks, Voldemort
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Angst, Drama
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Azkaban Character
Takes Place: 6th summer
Warnings: Character Death, Profanity, Romance/Het, Torture, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Lily's Charm
Chapters: 55 Completed: Yes Word count: 270790 Read: 443307 Published: 18 Nov 2007 Updated: 14 Apr 2008
Chapter 39: Cutting Deep by Potions and Snitches
Author's Notes:
Words can wound just as deeply as the sword.


“Slow down,” Remus called automatically to the back of two first years’ heads as they scurried past him on their wary to the Great Hall. He shook his head in amusement. Why did first years always seem to be in such a hurry? he wondered with a chuckle as he continued on his way.

“Hi, Professor Lupin,” came a breathless voice from behind him. Remus turned, smiling down at Hermione as she rushed out of Flitwick’s classroom. Well, maybe first years and Hermione, he amended. But then he frowned.

“You’re not supposed to be alone, Hermione,” he reminded the flushed girl. She shook her head.

“I know…I heard you out here so I thought maybe you’d walk me to the Great Hall. Professor Flitwick is doing some research for me,” she explained. Remus nodded in understanding.

“Of course, Hermione,” he assured her, gesturing with his hand that she should join him. She fell into step beside him. “What sort of research is Professor Flitwick doing for you?” Remus asked with interest. Hermione smiled, a sort of smug expression. But she shook her head.

“It’s a bit of a secret,” she told him. Remus swallowed his amusement, nodding as seriously as he could. Before he had a chance to voice his acknowledgment, Hermione halted. Remus stopped as well, looking down at her curiously. Her eyes went wide. “Harry!” she yelped sharply.

Remus’ head shot up in panic. Straight ahead, only meters from them, Harry was being roughly grabbed from behind by Argus Filch, while a tall Slytherin sneered as he wiped a smear of blood from his mouth with the back of hand. His heart hammering in his chest, Remus bolted away from Hermione who was still rooted to the spot; he covered the distance to Harry in only seconds, but even before he could reach his young friend, Argus had spun Harry around and was shaking him violently.

“Argus!” Remus shouted in objection. “Let go of him!” he demanded. Though he noticed both Ron and Neville beyond Harry and Filch, both grappling with three other Slytherins on the floor, he ignored them in favor of using his entire body to shove Argus aside, pulling Harry from the other man's grasp; Argus stumbled against Ron and he heard the boy crying out in surprise as without warning, Harry pitched forward against Remus.

“Harry?” Remus questioned urgently. He lifted Harry’s head gently; he grit his teeth. Harry’s eyes were closed, his body limp. Sparing only a second to pull his wand out and direct it toward the Great Hall, hoping Severus was already there, a wolf erupted from the tip and ran gracefully toward the Hall. Then Remus knelt down, carefully bringing Harry with him gently, until the boy was resting his head in Remus’ lap.

Using his wand, he performed a quick Diagnostic Spell. A commotion from off to his right had Remus looking up quickly. A crowd of students had gathered in the entrance to the Great Hall and Remus could see Minerva spinning down from Albus’ office, though she was running down the staircase, not waiting for it to deposit her at the bottom.

“What is the meaning of this?” she was demanding as she came, but nobody bothered to answer her.

And then there was a shouted, “Partis!” from behind where the students blocked the Great Hall and the throng of students immediately parted down the middle as they went flying backwards, their limbs flailing wildly, as though a great wave had just separated them. Severus appeared in the now-empty space, his face filled with anxiety. Ginny was right behind him, her face much paler than normal.

Severus came down the now-cleared space at a run and when he spotted Harry on the floor, he drew in a harsh breath, his face paling to a shade beyond white. “Harry!” he breathed. In a panic, he sprinted the rest of the way to where his son lay and dropped down to his knees. Ginny followed suit.

“Harry?” Severus brought his hand to Harry’s cheek gently, being careful to avoid the darkening bruises. “What happened?” he asked harshly of Remus. Remus shook his head.

“All I saw was Argus pulling him away from Pinth,” he answered, waving toward the tall Slytherin, who by this point was lined up against the wall along with the other Slytherins, and Ron and Neville. Minerva was still demanding an explanation, though none of the students seemed inclined to answer her queries. Argus was holding his arm, trying to complain to Minerva about Remus’ manhandling, while Hermione stood nearby, wringing her hands nervously.

Severus looked up sharply, directing his glare toward the seventh year Slytherin; Severus’ eyes were glinting dangerously. To distract him, Lupin said hurriedly, “I think he just passed out.” Severus immediately bent down again toward Harry, his featured softening with concern. With a wave of his wand, he banished the shards of glass that had pierced the skin around Harry’s eye, having only narrowly missed the eyeball.

“He grabbed me, Professor! ‘e nearly broke my arm!” Argus was protesting loudly to Minerva.

Having had enough, Remus snapped, “You were shaking Harry so hard, he blacked out, Argus! What did you expect me to do?” Severus’ head snapped up again, his eyes widening in livid black. Remus instantly regretted speaking.

“But, my arm,” Argus complained. Severus made a low snarling sound in his throat, making a move as though to spring at the disgusting man. Remus put a restraining hand on Severus’ arm.

“Harry needs you here,” he reminded the Potions Master quietly and though Severus firmed his jaw, he turned away from the other man.

“Argus, stop your whining!” Minerva finally snapped to the Squib, who by now was glaring resentfully at Remus. Remus scowled at him. Minerva turned toward the students gawking at the scene. “Anyone still in the corridor in thirty seconds will find themselves serving a detention this evening,” she informed them coldly. The students responded immediately, trying to shove past one another in their haste to get back to lunch, though Ginny and Hermione pointedly ignored the order; Minerva didn’t comment.

“Severus, is Harry all right?” the Deputy Headmistress finally asked, turning her attention to the fallen boy. Severus didn’t answer as he gently pulled his son away from Remus and lifted him into his arms, being very careful not to jostle him. Ginny stood up as well, apparently planning to follow the two men to the Hospital Wing.


Occluding his mind to keep his thoughts away from the violence he wished to enact on both Pinth and Argus Filch, Severus pulled his son’s limp body up into his arms, hoisting him easily; he weighed almost nothing. With long, hurried strides, Severus made his way to the Hospital Wing, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He knew Ms. Weasley was doing her best to keep up with his pace, but Severus paid no attention to her.

Severus swore quietly, wishing he hadn’t allowed Harry to return to classes yet. How could have been stupid enough to think Harry would be safe here? Clenching his jaw, he ignored the next rush of anger at Pinth and the others who had so obviously attacked Harry. Harry stirred in Severus’ arms; he opened his eyes slowly, wincing at the movement. He blinked a few times up at Severus, his green eyes dulled with pain; he made a quiet moaning noise.

“It’s all right Harry,” Severus told him softly. “I am taking you to the Hospital Wing,” he assured him. Harry shook his head slightly.

“I can walk. I’m all right,” he said hoarsely, his voice scratchy. Severus shook his head.

“You passed out, Harry,” he told his son. Harry looked surprised.

“I did?” he asked. Severus nodded.

“Quiet now, Harry. Rest,” he ordered lightly. Harry nodded shakily and closed his eyes again.

“Where’re Ron and Neville?” Harry asked, sounding rather dazed. Severus pursed his lips in concern.

“Shh, Harry,” he insisted, ignoring the question. And amazingly, Harry actually quieted, leaving his eyes closed. And minutes later, Severus was pushing through the infirmary door. Poppy, fussing over a first year, gasped when she looked up.

She hurried toward them, demanding, “What happened?”

“He was attacked,” Severus answered tersely; Harry’s eyes flew open. He tried to say something, but Severus shook his head.

“Not now, Harry,” he shushed his son. Harry closed his mouth again.

“Put him down, Severus…yes, right there,” Pomfrey directed, pointing to an empty bed. Severus put Harry carefully on the bed before glaring at the hapless first year; he looked away immediately.

Poppy waved her wand over Harry, shaking her head and muttering. “You really shouldn’t be carrying him, Severus,” she admonished distractedly. “You are not fully recovered-”

“Spare me your coddling,” Severus snapped, not interested in the least about how recovered he was. Poppy pursed her lips and continued her examination, while Severus watched anxiously. “He passed out,” he told her.

“I’m not finding any signs of a head injury at all,” Poppy said with a deep frown, as she waved her wand over Harry.

“Lupin said Argus was shaking him,” Severus bit out angrily. Poppy looked up, startled.

“Shaking him?” she asked in alarm.

“He had already passed out when I got there,” Severus told her, his jaw moving with tight, uncontrolled movements. Poppy shook her head, her own eyes flashing in anger.

The Mediwitch called for several salves, her tone clipped. Without giving her a chance to argue, Severus plucked the jar of Healing Cream from her fingers and began applying it gently to the cuts around Harry’s eyes. Poppy concerned herself with the bruises; Severus assisted as soon as he finished with the tiny cuts.

“Who attacked you?” Poppy asked as she smoothed cream over Harry face.

“Stephen Pinth,” Severus answered for his son, completely unable to keep the venom out of his voice.

There was a short pause before Poppy asked, “Why?” Severus shook his head stiffly. He had absolutely no idea, but Pinth would most certainly regret coming anywhere near Harry.

Before Poppy could ask any more questions, the Infirmary door burst open as the group of marred students stumbled in with Minerva’s overly-loud lecture following them. Lupin was assisting Longbottom, who looked ready to topple over.

Poppy sighed. “I suspect he’s simply still weak from not eating or sleeping properly. Argus’ manhandling exacerbated his overly-delicate condition,” she informed Severus. To Harry she ordered, “Lie still for now,” before turning to the other students.

“Sit down, Mr. Longbottom,” she commanded shrilly. Severus tuned them out, calming himself as he listened to Pinth’s whiny voice. He forced himself not to turn around, knowing he would likely strangle the seventh year. He had barely been able to restrain himself when Septimus Flint had been brought into the Headmaster’s office yesterday afternoon.

Though neither one of Flint’s parents had connections to Voldemort, they were not exactly tolerant of half-bloods. They had been unpleasantly surprised however when, after some skilled maneuvering by Albus, the fifth year had gleefully admitted his intention to join Voldemort’s cause the minute he came of age. His mother had begun crying hysterically, and Albus had gently suggested she and her husband contact a mind healer to help their son, who had seemed to be unable to stop himself from repeating over and over that he would likely someday kill Harry Potter himself.

The Restraining Spell that Albus had placed on Severus was the only thing that had stopped the Headmaster’s office from becoming the scene of a very grisly murder.

“Is he all right, Severus?” Severus brought himself back to the present with Lupin’s question, and then as Lupin noted that Harry was awake, he asked gently, “How are you feeling, Harry?” Harry shrugged against his pillow, though his eyes widened slightly as Ms. Weasley came to stand beside Lupin, laying a hand on Harry’s arm, but still he remained silent.

“Poppy said he simply blacked out,” Severus answered, beginning to worry over Harry’s reticence. Leaning forward slightly, he asked, “Harry, are you in pain?” It seemed the most reasonable explanation for his son’s silence.


Harry bit his lip and then winced. Damn. His entire face ached; his lips were no exception. And the three people standing around his bed were nothing but blurs, although he knew of course that it was his father, Remus and Ginny staring down at him.

Harry swallowed; his throat was very dry. “I’m thirsty,” he answered, and then he heard an impatient sigh as another face blurred into his vision.

“You can have a glass of water in a moment, Mr. Potter. Do you feel any dizziness, nausea?” Pomfrey inquired, in her usual business-like tone. Harry thought for a moment and then shook his head slowly.

“Don’t think so,” he answered.

“Excellent,” Pomfrey approved, and then commanded, “Severus, if you would help him sit up.” Harry felt his father’s hands grasping him around his left bicep, the hold firm but not rough, while the other hand moved under Harry’s back. Harry used his free hand to lever himself up with his father’s assistance.

“How does that feel, Mr. Potter?”

Harry shrugged. “Fine…my face is sore but I feel fine.” He turned slightly so that he was facing his father’s blur again. “Can I have my glasses?”

“Your glasses were broken,” his father told him, his voice calm and Harry’s insides coiled. Of course his father was perfectly composed now. And Harry didn’t know how he was going to tell him that he’d been the one to start the fight with Pinth.

“A Pain Relieving Potion, Mr. Potter,” Pomfrey told him as she brought a vial in front of his face. Harry drank it swiftly, ignoring the sour taste as he handed the vial back. It was quiet for a moment while Pomfrey waved her wand over Harry, assessing him. She made a tsk-ing sort of noise before saying quietly, “Your immune system is weakened, but otherwise you’re fine." There was a muttered incantation and Harry felt a new pair of glasses being pressed into his palm. "You are free to leave, but first Severus, Minerva would like a word with you first.”

Harry felt ill again. Surely, McGonagall knew by now that Harry had punched Pinth first. And he wanted to tell his father before she had a chance, but he couldn’t, not with everyone, especially Ginny, just standing there.

“I will be right back, Harry,” his father told him quietly and Harry nodded, swallowing nervously again, realizing belatedly that Pomfrey hadn’t gotten him his water yet. But he didn’t want to ask, as he was watching his father and Pomfrey walk toward McGonagall. Shit. His father was going to kill him. He just knew it.

“Here, Harry.” Remus’ gentle voice startled Harry a bit; he was holding out a glass of water.

“Thanks,” Harry murmured, not taking his eyes off his father.


Severus was grateful Pinth and his gang had already left the infirmary as he and Poppy walked toward Minerva. He wasted no time in coming to his point. “I expect Pinth to be expelled for this,” he said with narrowed eyes. Minerva’s eyes opened in surprise. She glanced over Severus’ shoulder. Her lips were pursed when she turned her gaze back to Severus.

“Severus,” she began, almost gently, and Severus tensed in suspicion, “Harry started the fight; he attacked Pinth.” Harry? Unable to stop himself, Severus whipped around. Harry was staring at him, his hands twisted in an anxious tangle. His bruised face paled and Severus had to turn away, realizing how much anger he had undoubtedly displayed to his son; even with this revelation, he had no desire to frighten Harry and the look on the boy’s face had reminded Severus eerily of the day he had learned the truth of Eileen’s treachery.

Carefully Occluding his mind, drawing in steadying, deep breaths, he asked after a minute, “Who told you this?” willing her to say it had been Pinth, and then Severus would know that Minerva’s statement was a lie.

“Mr. Weasley,” she answered. Severus closed his eyes. Damn. Of course the Weasley boy would not lie about Harry starting a fight.

“Why would Harry attack Mr. Pinth?” Poppy asked, her tone ringing with disbelief. Minerva cleared her throat; Severus’ eyes flew open at the nervous sound. Minerva averted her eyes.

“Mr. Pinth slurred Harry’s mother.” Severus clenched his jaw. “Apparently, Pinth was quite vicious about it,” Minerva said quietly. Severus turned away from her slightly, forcing himself to still the rage that burned through him again and he had a moment’s thought to track down the seventh year and strangle him until he no longer breathed.

“Pinth and the others were openly taunting Harry, Severus and they will be dealt with appropriately for that as well as for fighting.” Severus nodded curtly, not really caring about the punishments Minerva would dole out to the students.

“I assume you will have no objections if I deal with this directly, instead of you…in the circumstances-”

“I have no objection,” Severus cut her off, his voice stiff.

“I’m planning on assigning detentions to all the students involved for the rest of this week and next; cleaning with Argus ought to encourage them to refrain from brawling in the corridor,” she said through pinched lips. To Severus she began, “Harry-” but Poppy was already shaking her head.

“Harry is not in any condition to scrub toilets,” she said firmly.

Minerva sighed. “I know that Poppy.” She turned her sharp gaze to Severus, “But Harry’s actions cannot go unpunished,” she told him, “no matter how much he was provoked,” she said pointedly. Severus clenched his jaw as it threatened to give him away. He nodded with a jerky movement.

“I will take care of it,” Severus said coldly, the desire to deal with this aspect of his son’s behavior less appealing than it ever had been. Minerva considered him for minute, before nodding.

“As you are his father, you have the right to deal with your son as you deem appropriate.” Severus, surprised by Minerva’s bold acceptance of him, especially as it had nothing to do with whether or not students were hexing one another, took a moment before he nodded curtly. He wouldn’t tell her of course, that he had absolutely no idea how to deal with Harry. Not anymore.

His worry and anger were clashing mightily as he attempted to find a way to turn back toward his son. How could Harry have allowed himself to lose such control? Hadn’t Severus warned him to control his temper? With a frustrated noise, he realized that he had obviously failed to teach his son adequate techniques to calm himself. They would undoubtedly need to spend some time working on that. After Severus figured out just what the hell he was supposed to do about his son's egregious lack of judgment.

Minerva and Poppy were watching him carefully and Severus jaw clenched as he thought of the inevitable discussion he would have to have with his son. Perhaps Severus would need only to warn him against the dangers of losing control, but this was not the first time Harry had lost his temper when dealing with other students in the past months. But of course, Harry’s reaction was perfectly understandable.

He’d been through a terrible ordeal and it would most likely not help for Severus to lecture him. Harry was tired; he hadn’t even yet regained his strength and Severus had obviously misjudged his son’s readiness to return to classes. He hadn’t adequately prepared him for the other student’s reactions. Severus should have kept him in their quarters longer; he would have been safer that way. Safer? Severus berated himself incredulously. Harry had attacked a boy almost twice his size, for Merlin’s sake. What the hell has he been thinking? Didn’t Harry even realize how foolish that would be?

Of course he hadn’t, Severus reminded himself angrily; Harry had simply lost control again and Severus had already failed in his promise to take care him. Ignoring the way Poppy and Minerva were eyeing one another, Severus checked his shields to be sure he had his anger under control before slowly turning around to face his wayward son.


Harry watched his father, coming back toward the bed, and he recognized the anger immediately in the way his father held his jaw. Harry forced himself not to shy away from it; he had earned this anger. He had failed miserably in his bid not to disappoint his father.

Pomfrey had followed behind Harry’s father and both of them came to halt just in front of Harry. Pomfrey looked Harry up and down critically before saying, “If you feel dizzy again, Mr. Potter, let your father know.” Harry nodded, too nervous to actually speak. Pomfrey narrowed her eyes a touch. “And it would be wise to keep yourself away from further brawling, at least until you have regained your strength,” she told him sarcastically. Harry felt the heat creeping up his cheeks as he looked down at his lap.

“Floo me if he has any further relapses, Severus.” Harry continued staring into his robe-covered lap so he had no idea if his father made any sort of response, though he heard Pomfrey swishing away. McGonagall’s’ sharp voice had Harry looking up again.

“Weasley, Longbottom, unless you wish to add to your detentions, I suggest you get to dinner. You as well, Ms. Granger,” she added. Ron, Hermione and Neville came into Harry’s view and Harry paled a bit. Ron and Neville didn’t look nearly as bad as Harry remembered Pinth had, but both of them had black eyes, along with various other bruises. Harry hadn’t even realized they’d joined the fight. Shit.

He tried to apologize with his eyes the best he could, but Ron and Neville didn’t have a chance to notice as McGonagall said icily, “Ms. Weasley, come along.” Harry twisted around. He had forgotten Ginny was even here, she’d been so quiet. With stiff movements, Ginny moved around the bed, all but glaring at the Deputy Headmistress, but she didn’t move beyond Harry’s side.

“I’ll escort her,” Remus offered before McGonagall could intervene again. McGonagall nodded before turning to usher the other Gryffindors out.

When they’d left, Ginny held out Harry’s wand. Harry blinked. How had he not even missed it? “It was on the floor,” she told him quietly. Harry took it gratefully, wishing he could ask Ginny what was wrong; she’d been much too quiet. Ginny turned abruptly to Severus.

“I don’t suppose Harry will be allowed to see me for awhile?” she asked, her tone clipped with barely restrained anger and Harry stared at her. What could she have to be angry about? Severus’ looked down at her in some surprise, and then his features stilled again.

“I believe you heard Professor McGonagall,” he said coolly. Ginny’s eyes flashed.

“Yes, I did, sir,” she said, her tone almost mocking and Harry immediately slid down from his bed to stand next to Ginny as his father’s eyes narrowed. “And I believe you understand how much Harry’s been through in the past two weeks,” she said, her tone just as icy.

“Mind your tone, Ms. Weasley,” Severus warned. Ginny balled her long fingers into fists.

“You’re Harry’s father right now, not my Professor,” she retorted. “Whatever you’re going to say to Harry, you should remember that as well,” she finished evenly and Severus clenched his jaw. Before he could respond, Remus stepped around Severus, putting his arm out to guide Ginny out of harm’s way.

“Let’s go, Ginny,” he said gently. Ginny pursed her lips, before leaning in quickly to give Harry a peck on the cheek and then she favored his father with one final glare. Remus smiled a bit at Harry as a goodbye, before firmly leading Ginny away. He did give Severus his own pointed glance before he was out of range, Harry noticed. And then the two of them were alone.

Harry fidgeted as he waited for his father to say something…anything. And he finally did. “You need to eat as well.” Harry stared at him. Eat? Surely his father would want to yell at him first. But he didn’t. He simply turned on his heel and spun away toward the door, and Harry had no choice but to follow.

Before they reached the door though, he said uncomfortably, “Maybe we should take the Floo. With all the gossip…the students might think you did this to me.” His father halted. Harry tensed as Severus ever so slowly turned around until he was facing Harry again; his eyes were cold.

“As most of the student body witnessed your little display in the corridor, that is unlikely.” And again, Harry’s cheeks warmed.

“Right,” Harry acknowledged quietly. His father’s jaw tightened before he whirled around again and strode out the door. Harry almost had to jog to keep up.

He needn’t have worried about anyone seeing them; the corridors were completely deserted and by the time they reached the corridors leading down into the dungeons, Harry began to wish they had met someone along the way, anyone that might have distracted his father, whose anger only seemed to be stoking with the long walk.

And Harry’s insides were so tightly wound when they finally reached their quarters and Severus had activated the door that he blurted, “I’m sorry,” before they’d even stepped inside. He flinched as his father spun abruptly around again.

“You’re sorry?” he hissed and Harry fell back a step. “Do you believe that excuses your behavior?” he demanded. Harry shook his head.

“No, sir,” he said quickly and for once Severus didn’t seem bothered by the title. He narrowed his eyes, but instead of responding, he flung the door open. He gestured for Harry to go inside. Harry went in quickly, feeling even worse now that his father had already lost the cool façade he had been so obviously trying to maintain.

He watched apprehensively as Severus closed the door, resting his palm against it, his head bowed and Harry wondered if he was Occluding his mind, preparing himself so that he would not lose his temper. With a stab of guilt, Harry wished he had thought to do the same earlier.

“It was a mistake to allow you to return to class. You obviously were not ready,” Severus finally said quietly, still facing the door. Harry stared at him. Where had that come from?

“I’m fine,” he told his father earnestly. “I just lost my temper,” he tried to explain. His father shook his head, and he sounded weary when he spoke again.

“You are not fine if you could lose control so completely.” Harry stiffened, knowing his father was right but not liking the allusion to his being weak.

“Pinth was completely out of line,” Harry insisted. “He said awful things about you and mum,” he explained, his voice losing some of its edge as he remembered Pinth’s words. His father finally turned around; his eyes were blank and Harry’s insides began to tighten again.

“I appreciate your intentions,” his father said stiffly, not sounding appreciative in the least, “but this will not be the last time someone slurs your mother and it certainly will not be the last time someone says something offensive about me. Pinth was trying to make you angry,” he said, shaking his head. Harry frowned.

“I know what he was trying to do, and fine,” Harry stressed, “he succeeded but he had no right to say those things.” Severus leaned in a little closer to Harry.

“And neither do you have the right to punch him for saying ‘those things’,” he pointed out evenly and for some reason, the words made Harry bristle.

“Would you say the same thing if I had punched Ron then?” he asked, his voice just shy of demanding. His father narrowed his eyes.

“Yes,” he confirmed and Harry cocked a brow at him in challenge.

“So this is not about Pinth being a Slytherin?” he asked recklessly. His father scowled at him.

“This is about you, Harry and your inability to control your temper,” he snapped. Harry looked away, his anger beginning to simmer.

“I can control my temper,” he muttered.

“Can you?” his father asked rhetorically. “So this was a demonstration of you controlling your temper, was it?” he inquired, the sarcasm weighing the words down. Harry clenched his jaw, still unwilling to look at his father for fear of letting his anger loose. He couldn’t lose his temper again.

“No,” he answered stonily.

“I sincerely hope you have something more to say than ‘no’,” his father said, and the mild threat was not lost on Harry; he looked up again.

“I’m sorry,” Harry offered again, unable to keep the annoyance from his voice, though he did try. His father shook his head.

“I am not interested in your apologies. This is not the first time you’ve lose control of your anger. At some point, Harry, you need to start taking responsibility for your actions,” he advised, his tone hardening and for some reason, his father’s statement caused the anger to boil.

“I do take responsibility for my actions!” Harry retorted angrily. “I know I lost control, all right?” His father raised his eyebrow, clearly irritated by Harry's tone.

“And do you realize that you are dangerously close to losing control again?” he inquired icily. Harry glared at him.

“No, I had no idea,” he said sarcastically. Severus’ eyes glinted and he took a step toward Harry; Harry stood his ground.

“If you cannot even manage to remain civil long enough to finish this conversation, how do you expect me to believe your reactions will be any different the next time someone taunts you?” he demanded, his voice dangerously soft. Harry’s fists began to tremble.

“People have been taunting me for years,” he retorted. “This wasn’t about me. I don’t give a damn what anybody wants to say about me!” he shot out, his voice rising into a shout. His father’s damnable eyebrow rose and Harry had had enough. “They were insulting mum and if you could have stood there and done nothing while they called her names then you really are the same unfeeling git you’ve always been!” he yelled furiously. His father’s face darkened.

“Again with the excuses, Harry?” he asked coldly. “I am beginning to think you do feel justified in whatever choices you make, no matter the consequences.” Harry began to tremble, his anger fully engaged now.

“You’re hardly the one to talk to me about choices and consequences,” he sneered, “and telling me over and over, ‘control your temper’, ‘control your tempter’…it’s too bad you didn’t tell yourself that sixteen years ago!” His father’s face paled but Harry didn’t care; he was too angry.

“Mum would still be alive and nobody would think that you had raped her! And nobody would be speculating about why in the hell you left your helpless son to the mercy of Muggles who hated the very fact that he existed. I don’t even know why in hell mum would have been glad to see you again! It’s no wonder there was no choice but to come back.” Harry froze as he realized what he’d just said; he snapped his mouth closed.

A chill went through him as Severus’ ashen face frosted over; his father's clenched jaw began to tremble, and in the next minute, his entire body was shaking. Harry wanted to take a step back, away from the fury he could feel emanating from his father, but before he could decide to do it, Severus had spun on his heel and was stalking toward his room, his black robes bristling around him. Harry stood absolutely still until he heard his father’s heavy door close with a resounding slam. The sound echoed through their quarters.

The End.
End Notes:
Check out the yahoo group for a wonderfully disturbing poster by cathyrf: Harry's Nightmare and a beautiful missing moment written by SiriuslyEnthralled. Thanks ladies!

This story archived at