Year That Trembled and Reel'd Beneath Me by Stump_Pan
Summary: Harry gives a first hand account of the events of the "Order of the Phoenix", but what's this about Snape being his dad?
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Arthur, Dumbledore, Hermione, James, Lily, Lucius, McGonagall, Neville, Petunia, Remus, Ron, Sirius, Umbridge, Vernon, Voldemort
Snape Flavour: Canon Snape, Snape is Stern
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, General
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 5th summer, 5th Year
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Profanity
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 64986 Read: 119776 Published: 05 Jul 2008 Updated: 12 Mar 2014
The Truth Will Out by Stump_Pan
Author's Notes:
McGonagall discovers the truth, Snape gets drunk, Harry visits the Hospital Wing


“That one word changed my entire life at Hogwarts.  The only thing worse than having a professor for a parent is the rest of the staff knowing you have a parent who is a professor.  Professor McGonagall was surprised by it, but she took it in stride.”


May 1996

“What did you say Mr. Potter?” Minerva McGonagall asked her eyebrows rising sharply.

“Errr… nothing.” Harry said shooting his father a questioning look.

Minerva turned to the elder wizard, “Severus.”

“It is true.”  Severus simply affirmed.

“If you did anything to harm Lily…” the witch began sharply.

“We were drunk.  I will assure you everything was it could be.”  Severus promised.

“I see,” Minerva said her eyes narrowing dangerously.  “Is Albus aware?”

“He is,” Severus said gesturing for the witch to have a seat.

Minerva took a seat in Severus’s chair.  The wizard gave her a sharp look, but said nothing seating himself on the sofa.  Harry hovered for a moment before taking a seat at the opposite end of the sofa.

“The Headmaster was informed of Harry’s paternity not long after his birth.” Severus explained.

Minerva’s lips thinned unpleasantly.  “I will be having a word with Albus when he returns.”

Her eyes moved to Harry, “I will be informing your professors of your change of status.”

“Minerva, I do not believe that is a good idea.  We do not know who we can trust.”  Severus said warily.

Minerva pursed her lips.  “All the faculty are members of the Order.”

“Not all,” Severus corrected harshly.

Minerva conceded with a nod.  “I would not give that toad so much as the time of day.  Those who aren’t members of the Order Albus trusts.”

“Indeed.  If you are informing all of Harry’s professors you might as well tell the Dark Lord.  That half-wit giant will be able to keep that secret for less than a minute.” Severus suggested.

“Really, Severus,” Minerva scolded.

“As if you trust the oaf,” Severus said with a smirk.

Minerva met his eyes with a knowing look.  “Yes, now Mr. Potter, I think it’s better you run along and let your father and I speak.”

Harry looked back and forth between them before shrugging.  “Alright, night professor.  Night…sir.”

“Good night, Harry.  I will see you tomorrow for our lessons.” Severus reminded him.

Harry faltered, “Yes sir, night.”

Minerva watched the interaction between the two with great interest.

“Good night, Mr. Potter.  Do remind Mr. Weasley being a member of the Quidditch team does not excuse him from his homework.”

“Yes ma’am,” Harry acknowledged.

“And Harry,” Severus called after the teen.

“Yes sir,” Harry said turning back to his father once more.

“I want you to see Madam Pomfrey first thing tomorrow morning.  I will know if you did not go.  I do not care if you end up missing your lesson.  I am sure you would be more than glad to have a legitimate excuse to miss History of Magic.”

Harry gave him a small grin in return.  “First thing,” Harry confirmed before heading out the door.

 “Really Severus you could be a bit warmer with the boy.” Minerva scolded as the door clicked shut.

“My relationship with my son is none of your concern,” Severus protested.

“That is where you are wrong.  Harry is a Gryffindor.  I have a duty to look out for his welfare.  I begged Albus not to leave him with those horrid Muggles.”  Minerva explained.

“And yet you did nothing for him after he was left on Petunia’s doorsteps.” Severus hissed.

“I did,” Minerva protested. “I checked in with Arabella Figg, a squib who lives a few blocks from Harry.  She kept an eye on Harry.  She reported on his welfare.  I found the reports troubling.  I told Albus to remove Harry; he didn’t deserve to grow up like that.  Albus refused to remove him.  He said Harry needed to grow up with family.”

Severus let a snort of annoyance.

“Do tell me you are kinder to Harry normally,” Minerva pleaded.

“Minerva,” Severus all but whined.

“No, Severus.  After all Harry has been through he needs to know you care.  You know what it is like growing up in a home devoid of love.  Up until this point Harry has too.  Do you wish for him to be no better off in his new circumstance?” 

“I am not asking you for kittens and unicorns Severus.  I am simply saying you need to make sure Harry knows you care.” Minerva told him.

“He is aware,” Severus protested.

Minerva looked at him sharply, “Are you certain?  How many times have you lost your temper in the boy’s presence since your acknowledgement of your relationship?  How many times were because Harry’s actions and how many because of the Muggles?”

Severus frowned.  “I am uncertain.”

Minerva lips pursed, “And yet you are certain Harry is aware you care for him.  You need to make clear when your anger is directed at Harry and when he is simply in the line of fire of your frustrations with those wretched Muggles.  Lily would be ashamed to see you now.”

Severus looked defeated.  He looked so lost, Minerva thought.  She had never seen him like this.  He was always so confident.  It made her remember just how young the man was.  It wasn’t so long ago he was her student.

“Severus I’m sor-” Minerva began.

“No,” Severus cut her off.  “You are correct.  Lily would be ashamed of my treatment of Harry so far.  She was such a caring soul.  Harry would have grown knowing he was loved if she lived.  I do know how to do that.” Severus protested.

Minerva gave the wizard a firm look and put on her best professor voice. “Severus Tobias Snape I am not asking you to become a model Hufflepuff.  You need to tell your son that you care for his welfare.  If you are angry at someone for things in his past make sure he does not misconstrue it as a misdeed of his own.  I am not sure you realize it, but your son has unfortunate habit of blaming himself for others’ misfortune.  The Diggory boy for example.  He blames himself to this day for what happened.  Even if it was all beyond his control.”

Severus let out a grumbled, “Bloody Gryffindor.”

Minerva glared at the comment.  “Now if you will excuse me, I have a stack of third year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff essays waiting for me.  Good evenings Severus.  Do think about what I said.”

Severus gave a weak nod, “I will.” 

Minerva disappeared in a swirl of green flames a moment later.

Severus sat on the sofa lost in thought for a long time.  It was only as he rose to go to bed that he noticed a letter on the hearth rug.  He instantly recognized the Deputy Headmistresses’ script.  Severus quickly broke the seal on the back of the missive.  He read:

You are requested to attend a confidential staff meeting at 7:30 tomorrow morning in my quarters.


Severus looked down at the parchment once more.  She wasted no time did she?  By the time Harry attended his next class all of his core professors would know about his paternity.  Severus crossed the room and poured himself a healthy serving of Fire-Whiskey.  He was not sure he could stand to be in a room of his colleagues all making the same accusations he had faced tonight.  Severus shot back his drink and poured himself another drink before downing that as well.  He needed to be rested for the morning.  Perhaps a calming drought would have been a choice.  Too late for that now the wizard thought.  Before throwing back his third and fourth drinks.  With that wizard stumbled off to bed too far past caring to prepare properly for bed.  He simply collapsed on his bed still fully clothed.

Before he knew it the torches came to life for his typical 6:30 wake up call.  Severus let out pained groaned as the light came on.  The wizard let out a curse as fumbled for his wand.  He grumbled a spell and the room was once again plunged into darkness.

The next time the wizard woke the lamps again were spelled on, but there was an already nervous house elf waiting beside the Potion’s Master bed.

“You is getting up now Professor sir,” the elf squeaked out.

“Bloody hell,” Severus cursed pushing himself upright.

“What time is it?” He demanded of the elf.

“You is being 10 minutes late for meeting Ms. Headmistress Professor McGonagall sir.”

“Damn,” Severus curse shooting out of bed. “Tell her I will be there momentarily.”

“She is saying you coming now,” the elf protested.

“I will be there in a moment,” Severus snapped.

“Yes sir professor sir,” the elf said popping out of the room.

The wizard let off a stream of curses as he pulled off his wrinkled clothes.  He quickly cast a freshening charm on his person before grabbing a new set of clothes.  He pulled then on as quickly as possible.  He gathered his teaching robes before rushing to the fireplace and calling out Minerva’s quarters.  He arrived in a rush of green flames a moment later.

“Severus, so good of you to join us,” Minerva greeted sharply as the wizard fell his way out of fireplace.

Severus made a quick survey of those in the room.  It was all of Harry’s core professors, Flitwick, Sprout, Sinestra, himself, Minerva, along with Madam Pomfrey.  Severus happily spotted a coffee tray and poured himself a steaming cup.

Minerva said as she watched Severus nurse his coffee. “Now that Severus is here I would like to thank you all for coming.  It was brought to my attention that some students have been punished with a blood quill by our acting Headmistress.”

There was an audible gasp from the faculty.

“Since she was granted special permission by the Minister to use more corporal punishment there is little we can do.  Inform your prefects to send these students to Poppy.  The scarring can be minimized if treated early.  Severus informed many students have tried treating it themselves using Murtlap essence.”  Minerva instructed.

Madam Pomfrey tutted softly.  “It may sooth the pain, but it will do nothing to help with the scaring.”

“Yes.  The student who informed me of these sessions was bleeding profusely,” Minerva agreed.

“How awful,” Flitwick squeaked.  “Who was the poor child?”

“Harry,” Minerva said, “Harry Potter.”

There was a collective sigh from the professors.  This wasn’t the first time he noticed his coworkers expressing unexpected amount of concern for his son.

“Were the Muggles contacted?” Sprout asked after a moment.

“No,” Minerva paused heavily and said, “But his family was.”

All her colleagues with exception of Severus looked at her as if she had grown another head.

“Is there something you would like to tell us,” Madam Pomfrey asked a moment later.

“It is not my story to tell.” Minerva replied.  Her eyes turned to the Potion’s Master, “Severus.”

Severus sipped his coffee calmly as all eyes in the room turned to him.

“Well,” Sprout urged after Severus didn’t speak for almost three whole minutes.

“I’m Harry’s father,” is all Severus said.

As expected the other professors were in quite the uproar.  They wanted to know how.  When did Severus find out?  Why hadn’t he done something to protect Harry from the Muggles, Umbridge etc.?  How could he have treated his own son the way he had for the past five years?

Severus let them rage and question.  He sat back and sipped his coffee almost contently.  After almost ten minutes of being verbally assaulted Severus spoke again.  “Lily and I had a tryst when James had disappeared for a short time on an Order mission.  I only found out the truth of our familial connection this summer.  The Headmaster knew all this time and let Harry stay with the Muggles even though they proved to be unsuitable guardians.  I am trying to remedy my relationship with my son.  This is a personal matter however.  What we are here to discuss are the practical implications of Harry’s family reality.”

There was some muttering for a moment before all agreed.  The rest of the meeting past quickly as the professors ironed out all the details of making sure Severus was treated like any other parent in terms of scholastics, disciplinary actions, while maintaining their secret from their acting Headmistress.

Severus made it through his day as well as could be expected with the way the day began.  He was glad he had over an hour between when his class ended and dinner was served.  He took the time to take a much needed shower helping to relieve some of the day’s tensions.  He dressed slightly more casually under his heavy teaching robes.  He doubted the students would notice his missing waistcoat.

Severus ate his dinner quickly before retreating to his quarters once more to wait for his son.  Severus was so lost in thought he missed the first charm alerting him there was a student in his office.  He rose quickly, completely unsurprised to find Harry waiting for him.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Potter,” Severus said. “Please came through.”

Harry followed his dad nervously.  He normally didn’t have Occlumency lessons tonight.  He hopped he hadn’t gotten the professor into trouble.

“Take a seat,” Severus offered before stepping to the fire to order their usual tea service.

Harry took the tea cup offered too nervous to speak.

“As you gathered from her comment last night Professor McGonagall informed your professors of your status as my son.” Severus said dunking his shortbread into his tea.  The wizard pulled it out almost instantly, small smile graced his lips as he took a bite, his tea free of floating bits.

Harry watching him puzzled.  “I thought you said you didn’t like dunking?”

Severus quirked any eyebrow at his son’s line of inquiry.  “You are more concerned about my tea than your professors’ reaction to what in some circles would be considered shocking news?” Harry shrugged.

“I feel obligated to try dunking my biscuits from time to time.” Severus explained.

Harry nodded.  “So how they take it then?  Madam Pomfrey was pretty mad when she saw my hand this morning.  She kept going on about how you could let this happen to me.  There was also some stuff about me being stupid for trying to sort it out myself.”

Severus nodded, “From your statements, and the rather angry note I received from Madam Pomfrey this afternoon regarding your visit, I should be glad you did not see her last night.  I am fairly certain I would have needed medical attention if you had.  It was only the forewarning that stopped her from coming to my quarters and hexing me, I am sure.”

“Madam Pomfrey would have hexed you?” Harry asked disbelievingly.

“Perhaps,” Severus confirmed.  “She is a powerful witch and can have a bit of temper when someone hurts her particular favorites.”

“I’m one of her favorites?” Harry asked surprised.

“You are.  I must assume it was your upbringing with the Muggles that first endeared you to her.  She has a soft spot for those with difficult home lives.” Severus said mildly.  “I was one when I was in school.  If it were not for Madam Pomfrey, Black and Potter would probably have gotten away with even more of their high jinx.”

Harry hummed in agreement.  

 “Her preference for Granger and Weasley are far more difficult to explain.”  Severus continued.

“Hey, they’re my friends.”  Harry protested.  “What did the other teachers have to say?”

“There were the expected questions from the rest of the staff.  Very little will change for you.  I will receive a copy of your term reports.  If you are achieving anything below the average of ‘Acceptable’ in any of your classes I will receive a report,”  Severus pointed at him sharply.  “You better hope that does not happen, or you’ll be scrubbing cauldrons with a toothbrush.”

Harry nodded.  He wouldn’t put it past his dad to do just that.  “What about Hogsmeade?”

“You will continue to have permission.  All slips and forms requiring a parent or guardians signature now require my signature.  Under no circumstance while I am employed at this school will the mutt’s signature be accepted.  Your Head of House has been informed if any of your marks are below an average of ‘Exceeds Expectation’ you are to be benched from the Quidditch team until they improve.  I will not have any child of mine skating by on his fame when he is perfectly capable of achieving such a feat.”

“Okay,” Harry agreed uncertainly, “That it?”

Severus frowned.  “No.  There was another matter brought to my attention.  It is about our relationship.”

“Oh,” Harry said surprised.  This was possibly the last thing he expected the professor to talk to him about.

“I am aware I am not the world’s kindest man,” Severus said firmly.

“You’re not that bad,” Harry tried.

“I believe bastard, greasy git, overgrown bat are the words you have used in the past to describe me.” Severus supplied.

“Well, that was before.” Harry protested.

“Yes, well there was a concern I was not doing enough to try and fix our relationship.” Severus countered.

“Err… what do they want us to do?” Harry asked nervously.

“It is not so much you’re doing as my own.  I have been encouraged to convey my feelings more clearly to you.” Severus explained.


“I need to make sure you know how I’m feeling.” Severus clarified.

“This person met you before?  You don’t tell anybody how you feel.” Harry said almost laughing.

“That is not the case in most families, Harry,” Severus said his voice lilting slightly.

“Yeah, but since when were we normal.”  Harry asked now actually laughing.

“Indeed.” Severus agreed.  “In all seriousness.  I would like you to know I care for you.  I regret I was not there to prevent the atrocity your Muggle upbringing. For my own behavior here at school there are no words to describe the guilt I feel having made you suffer.  Much of my resentment and anger has not been directed at you, but those who hurt you, myself included.”

Harry was blown away.  “It’s alright… Dad.”

“It is not. However, I will endeavor to do better in the future.  Now, would you like to practice your Occlumency for a while or retire back to the Tower for the evening?”  Severus asked softly.


“Dad may not be the warmest guy out there, but it was nice to hear he cared.  It had to have made him super uncomfortable to say it and for that I can never thank him enough.”  Harry said softly.

The End.
End Notes:
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. As always thanks you read and thanks to my beta Pan.
See you next week.

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