3 Slytherin Marauders by severusphoenix
Summary: Dudley and Harry flee Vernon - to Severus. A different Tom Riddle, Petunia is good. Lucius and Draco are helpful. Albus is a bit misguided. The twins are only a year older than Harry, so I can make them non-Gryffindor.
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Fred George, Lucius, Petunia
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slytherin!Harry
Takes Place: 1st summer before Hogwarts, 1st Year
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Profanity
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 137 Completed: No Word count: 545745 Read: 725094 Published: 28 Jun 2009 Updated: 28 Sep 2014
Lucius' New Henchmen by severusphoenix

Harry and Rosmerta hustled Severus into the house behind Lucius and Tuney. Lucius immediately took over the downstairs bathroom, making use of the shower while Petunia and a flock of Reserve Healers worked on fresh clothing and finding potions he would need.

Harry practically carried Severus up the stairs, Rosmerta behind him waving a lightening charm on Severus. Harry was dismayed to find that he nearly didn't need the spell; his father's weight was so reduced. Half the Healers followed them, waving potions vials.

Rosmerta shooed the Healers away quickly after they handed over their potions and then undressed Severus and helped him into the bathtub, shushing his hoarse protests that he needed to see to Harry. Rosmerta bathed him rather quickly, charming a flock of sponges to scrub him while she shampooed his hair.

Harry reassured Severus while she worked, realizing that he could get Severus to take the armful of potions he brought in by taking a few, himself. Severus continued to mutter about Harry's weight and obvious lack of sleep. Memories continued to stream through the cracks in the wall Severus had built. Most of them at present had to do with Harry when Severus had first taken charge of him.

"… you can't skip meals, Harry …" was said over and over in the harsh croak that Severus' voice had become, along with "… you need proper rest, you don't need to overwork yourself to earn your keep …"

Harry nodded in agreement with whatever lecture his dad was remembering at the time, reassuring him that he would eat and rest, just as Severus was telling him.

Severus was quickly gotten into a pair of black pajamas and hustled into bed. A tearful Tinker popped in with soup and bread along with Severus' favorite tea. Severus snarled at him and sent him away to bring a tray for Harry as well. Tinker returned with the tray as ordered.

Happy tears were on the elf's face. "Master Severus is back again and feeling well enough to bark!"

Rosmerta and Harry sighed in relief and nodded. Severus began eating as soon as Harry started and the returned Head of Dragonsrest kept a baleful eye on Harry while they both ate, daring him to not finish the meal.

The Healers crept back in while Severus was distracted by hounding Harry to eat, waving spells over him to check his condition. None of them looked happy at the results.

Healer Randall arrived as the Healers were muttering to each other and was immediately snarled at by Severus.

"Please see to Harry, since these others are wasting time looking me over when I'll be just fine." Severus pinned the huddle of Dragon Reserve Healers with a withering look.

Randall was alarmed at the harshness of the voice coming from the gaunt figure and glanced at Harry, who shrugged a little helplessly. Randall obediently cast the diagnostics and glanced at the closely watching Snape. A clean bill of health would not satisfy him, obviously, so he would need to hedge a bit.

"Well … he needs a few good meals, although he's not really underweight." Randall shifted his feet nervously. "He's used a good bit of magic today, so he should rest the next day or so …" Randall smiled hopefully at the skeptically sneering Snape.

"Are you sure? Poppy has always said he was delicate …" Severus ignored Harry's outraged look and squawk of protest.

Randall smothered a grin. This sounded like a repeat of their conversation when Harry had first arrived to Dragonsrest.

"Oh, compared to a husky bruiser like Dudley, he may look less than robust, but he is in reasonably good health I assure you." Randall reassured Snape.

Snape was finally mollified and nodded. Randall escaped while Harry glared at his oblivious father.


Albus sweated it out, trying to mediate some semblance of peaceful resolution with the irate leaders of the Welsh Reserve, the Peacekeepers from the ICOW. Albus apologized until he was in danger of losing his voice. Hugo finally joined him and declared that Rufus and his loyal bunch of Aurors were, as far as the Wizengamot were concerned, "on suspension pending a rather thorough investigation".

Director Yuan and the Peacekeepers from the ICOW decided that was the biggest win they could expect at present and nodded rather curtly at the sweating pair in agreement.

The senior Peacekeeper gave them a lofty look and nodded regally; reminding Albus and Hugo of the busts of ancient Nubian Queens they had seen in the past. She spoke with only the slightest of accents, but her tones were undoubtedly frosty. She had the finest royal sounding 'we are not amused' intonation the pair of old Warlocks had heard in several decades.

Albus and Hugo watched her sweep toward the Directors office with Yuan, the other Peacekeepers, several Dragonriders and an eager Percy trailing in her wake.

Hugo and Albus sighed in relief; they had a reprieve for now. Time to get their ministry in order before Rustim Argonne, the head of the International Confederation of Wizards decided they would come in and "assist" the Wizengamot in returning order to the Ministry. That was the last thing they wanted.

Albus and Hugo turned and went toward Dragonsrest. Healers were trickling out of the house slowly. With luck they would not get turned away although there were likely to be harsh looks sent in their direction. To their surprise they overtook a pale and unhappy looking Tom who was also wandering toward Dragonrest's front door.

"Do you need any help, Tom?" Albus asked kindly, believing Tom was still mostly blind.

Tom looked at them with a bit of hopelessness. "No, I'm okay. Transforming into a dragon and back seems to have fixed my eyes."

Hugo and Albus perked up and congratulated Tom, but couldn't understand what the problem was, then.

"Oh, Dora and I had a bit of a row." Tom hesitantly answered. He could not explain the problem, although both men knew the story Severus and Lucius had made up; that he was Voldemort's son. If he said that his parentage was what he and Dora had argued about they would be trying to help Tom and Dora reconcile and not understand why Dora would be unlikely to listen. "It will clear up on its own … or not."

Albus frowned, but nodded. Yes, tiffs and spats among young people did flare up and die down at regular intervals and well – meant meddling usually made things worse. Still, this was a bad time for Tom to not have Dora's support.

Hugo frowned; he knew Tom had been fretting over keeping the knowledge of who his father was from his fiancé. Hugo also had felt she should be told as soon as possible. However, today was a bad day for confessions, if that was what the argument had been about.

"Well, give it a day or two, and then present yourself with some pretty flowers and her favorite chocolates along with an apology." Albus smiled and steered Tom toward the entrance to Dragonsrest.

"I'm not sure I should be apologizing …" Tom mumbled. It wasn't like he had had any say about his resurrection. Nor had he been responsible for all his counterpart had done while he'd been in the diary. Tom lifted his head and blinked. It had never been so clear to him that, really, he and Lord Voldemort were two separate people now. He shouldn't have to take the blame for what the Dark Lord had done.

"Well, of course you should make the apology … who knows how long it will be before she would apologize? Not to mention that if she does, she'll lay the guilt on so thick that you'll end up apologizing anyway to stop her tears." Hugo snickered. "That's the way all three of my wives worked, anyhow."

Albus nodded, the few lovers he'd had over the years had occasionally guilt – tripped him, or tried to. He'd never been attached to any of them enough to allow that amount of manipulation. Old friends were more likely to be successful in something like that, such as Minerva or Severus.

Albus sighed. Ah, yes, Severus. He felt terrible about what his Potions Master had suffered … how had he allowed himself to be so blinded by Rufus' evasions?

The trio entered Dragonsrest to find a freshly showered Lucius fending off the efforts of several Healers, who finally muttered that they had done all they could at present, but would return the next day. They were joined by healers fleeing from the upstairs area.

Healer Randall was the last to leave and smiled ruefully at Tom. "I believe Professor Snape will eventually be fine. His memories will return over time and now he is fixated on Harry, and Harry's history of being 'delicate'. His strongest memory at present is of taking care of Harry when he first took over guardianship. As long as Harry can endure being treated as 'delicate' while Severus regains more memories, everything should be fine."

Tom managed to force a smile while Albus and Hugo chuckled in relief.

The Healer nodded, but added, "That's not to say Professor Snape is not in bad shape. Physically it will be weeks before he is totally well, although his mind is what we were most worried about. However, as I said he will recover over time."

The three nodded gravely and turned to Lucius who was grumbling and being shushed by Petunia. Sirius Black entered with a flourish, drawing everyone's attention. Sirius walked to Lucius, loftily sniffing at Hugo and Albus.

Albus sighed, yes, it was a bad situation if even Sirius Black was doing better by Severus than Albus or Hugo were.

Lucius was clutching Petunia's hand, sitting on the couch, once again in resplendent in expensive robes. However, with his still somewhat haggard look and shrunken form, the beautiful robes seemed to be wearing him. This in itself told Hugo and Albus how unspeakable Azkaban had been for Lucius.

Sirius Black looked the wizard over with some sympathy. "Where do you think you and your family should stay until this is all cleared up? Severus and his family are well protected here at the Reserve. It's you and your family that need to look at secure locations."

Lucius blinked and looked at Petunia and Sirius uncertainly. He had just left Azkaban a few hours ago - just no longer being at the dementor's mercy seemed enough at the moment. He'd bunk down with Hazelette willingly if need be.

Lucius turned to Petunia; of course she and the children couldn't bunk with dragons. "Malfoy Manor ?" Lucius hesitated and looked at Petunia.

Petunia sighed. The Manor was just so … big. But safety was much more important than how big the house was. They could just occupy one wing and essentially close off the others, she supposed.

Hugo Savage hesitantly broke in, "The Manor isn't really that secure. The Aurors got in when you were on the run before. You had that gang of lawyers waiting for them, but they did get in." Lucius nodded in resignation.

After the first war with Voldemort, enough members of the Wizengamot had taken his bribes to 'clear' him, but the others had decreed that there be an occasional "checking over" of the manor for a time. The Aurors had insisted that some of the warding be removed on the Manor so they could enter without notice.

The 'checks' had ended years ago, and Lucius had restored some of the wards, but many of the older ones could not be replicated. Many of those wards were ones that were added to over the centuries by generations of wizards. Only time and adding to them over the years would restore power to them, after all that was how they had become powerful wards in the first place.

Sirius smirked at Hugo and Albus and beamed happily at Lucius. "Well, Victoria is already settled into Grimmauld Place quite nicely with Petunia. I'm sure that you and the two boys can spend a week or two with Remus and I until the Ministry get their Aurors back on the leash." Sirius gave Hugo and Albus arch looks of superiority.

Hugo glowered at Sirius a bit and Albus gave him his very best 'stooped over old wizard' appearance along with a sorrowful look of reproach. Sirius' smirk dimmed and he flinched a bit, but he didn't completely wilt under disapproving looks from the two wizards who were arguably among the two most powerful in the Ministry.

Petunia patted Lucius' hand and sighed. "It would only be for a week or two – they will either have things in hand …" Petunia glared at the elderly wizards. "… or we'll have the Manor's wards up to snuff and move into there, hmmm?" Petunia willed Lucius to answer.

Lucius managed to straighten a bit and nodded with at least a little decisiveness. "Yes, thank you, Sirius. My family and I appreciate you extending your hospitality." Lucius sincerely hoped he got the Malfoy Manor wards up to snuff quickly. He turned to Albus and Hugo. "If you could recommend someone trustworthy to assist with the warding?"

Albus and Hugo nodded, relieved that they would be allowed to assist in some way. Petunia held a whispered conference with Rosmerta and then helped Lucius follow Sirius through the floo to Grimmauld place.

Heather Black and Remus, who had returned during the chaos, greeted them with relieved smiles. Victoria and Elizabeth raced into the room to see who had flooed in, shouting "Come on, Uncle Big Bad!" They were followed by a resigned looking Remus, who was regretting telling the girls about one of his old nicknames.

Victoria lit up at the sight of her father and raced to grab him into a hug. Lucius swung her up into his arms, staggering a bit under her weight. He definitely needed to regain some strength, he thought.

Elizabeth looked at them hopefully, and Petunia bent down to talk to her. "Remus or Heather will be taking you back home. Your father is back as well."

Elizabeth squealed happily and pulled Remus toward the floo. Heather laughed and went to gather Beth and Rosmerta's belongings, saying she would follow them.

Heather firecalled her fiancé Oliver to come over and help. Not that she couldn't cast a packing spell and levitate boxes on her own. She had a decision or two to make and wanted his input.

Oliver arrived with a bright, triumphant Gryffindor grin that faded a bit at the sight of Lucius. "I am very glad to see you were safely rescued. I am sorry it turned out it was Azkaban you needed rescuing from."

Lucius nodded gravely and managed a "Thank you." The former Quidditch captain was obviously sincere and had obviously been in the thick of the protests, considering his T-shirt said 'Free Snape! Free Malfoy!' in rather lurid colors. Thankfully the T-shirt did not have pictures on it.

Oliver and Heather went up to the rooms to pack, pulling out the bottomless bag and a wizard – spaced box. They started waving the packing spell and Heather asked Oliver's opinion.

"You know, I told you that some of us have been looking for a dark object that the Dark Lord is going to want but we couldn't locate it here in the house. I finally pulled out of Kreacher that it was here and that it got stolen by Mundungus Fletcher." Heather smiled at Oliver's snort of disgust. "It seems cruel to load Lucius with this right now and telling Severus when he's struggling so hard at present is impossible."

"What about Dumbledore or Auror Savage?" Oliver offered immediately, leaning heavily on his Gryffindor roots, and then frowned. "Lucius and Professor Snape likely wouldn't approve of them right now, though, would they?"

Heather grinned, Oliver could at least reason his way around things if given the chance. "Lucius has a short list of people who know we are looking for this item and an even shorter list of those that know what it really is and why we need it." She grimaced. "I'm in the first list, but that means I really don't know who I can trust to go after Mundungus."

Oliver frowned thoughtfully, "This object is so dark and powerful that they don't even trust close allies?"

Heather laughed. "I get that impression that they think everyone will come unglued if we know too much about it."

Oliver laughed. What could be that bad? "I know Lucius is in no shape to chase after that scoundrel Fletcher at present, but we need to ask him who to send."

Heather nodded and hoped it wasn't too much for Mr Malfoy. Heather sent Oliver over to Dragonsrest with Rosmerta and Elizabeth's belongings after they managed to catch Beth's playful kneazle. Heather approached Lucius who was taking some tea in the kitchen with Tori's supervision while Petunia and Sirius readied the rooms.

Heather explained Kreacher telling about the necklace that 'Master Regulus' had asked him to destroy. Lucius brightened up with a faint gleam of purpose in his eyes. Tracking down Mundungus was just what he needed.

"You're not up to some chase across the wizarding world, sir." Heather said as gently as possible. "And you would be in great danger until things in the ministry are put right."

Lucius scowled, she was right, of course. Well, orchestrating the manhunt from Grimmauld Place would be just as satisfying. Of course he needed a henchman … all masterminds needed a few, as well as a bevy of minions.

Sirius came into the kitchen to announce that "Master Malfoy's luxury suite awaited him." Lucius narrowed his eyes and a sinister smile came onto his face. Sirius faltered. He remembered that look. It had been cast on the marauders when Prefect Malfoy had caught the Marauders changing some Slytherin banners into pink glow worms on a field of orange. The hex that had given them multicolor zits for days had been one even Albus had not been able to undo.

Lucius soon had Sirius up to speed on the theft of the necklace they had been looking for. Sirius had been skeptical about Lucius' reticence on saying why it was absolutely imperative they reacquire the necklace and utter secrecy was needed. He'd frowned when Lucius said that Albus not be told and that Sirius speak only with Lucius or Tom Riddle. Still, he was miffed at Albus at present and he wanted Harry to know that Sirius could truly be trusted. He'd done all that protesting for Severus and Lucius. Now taking on Lucius' project would surely assure Harry of his sincerity.

"Okay, I'm in." Sirius said brightly. Lucius smirked at his new henchman and gave him a list of minions that could be trusted to assist, no questions asked. Sirius raised his eyebrows and then sighed. It wasn't like the entire wizarding world didn't know that Lucius had eyes and ears in useful places.

'Uncle Big Bad', aka Remus Lupin entered and Sirius raised an eyebrow at Lucius. Lucius shrugged. Remus had gotten acquainted with some of the seamier sides of Knockturn Alley at times, and perhaps Sirius could use an assistant henchman.

Petunia then led Lucius away from plotting the manhunt and put him to bed, where Tori could tell him a bedtime story. Lucius sighed, it would reassure Tori apparently and it was low – level torture compared to dementors.


Rufus sat in his den, fuming unhappily. He wasn't under arrest – yet, likely because the Wizengamot was still adding charges up. He suspected that there was a lot of tracking charms all over his home to let them know if he left, just as there were likely the same on the homes of all of his loyal Aurors and trainees. They'd all owled and firecalled him when they had one by one received their suspension papers. They weren't many that had escaped the net.

Rufus wasn't sure what direction to take now. He likely just needed to chuck in all in and just move to the Aleutian Islands or somewhere equally remote. Still, he had a streak of stubbornness and was determined to have his say about things at his hearing or trial or court-martial.

The wizarding world needed to understand the madness of letting Death Eaters like Malfoy and Snape have control of the Boy – who – lived and teach him dark magic and groom him to be the next Dark Menace.


Lord Voldemort read the next day's very thick Daily Prophet that was dripping with literally screaming headlines and reams of photos. He could not decide if he was disappointed that Lucius and Severus weren't dead or not. Still, he'd told Pious Thicknesses that he wanted to kill the pair himself, so that was alright.

Several articles quoted 'a source in St Mungo's' that said that Severus was 'utterly gone round the twist', others said he was 'just a bit bonkers', another said he 'was saved by his devotion to Harry, the Boy – Who – Lived'. Voldemort nearly gagged reading the last article.

The rescue by the dragons and the Dragonriders had been interesting. The debacle involving Aurors, dragons, Dragonriders, Peacekeepers and protesters at the Reserve gates and made him cackle in delight. He hoped that kept the ICOW and the Ministry at odds for awhile.

He glanced over at Madame Zabini who flinched when his gaze fell on her. He snickered under his breath. In spite of her assertions of devotion, she didn't seem to be enjoying all of his attentions. Well, if she wanted him to 'favor' she and her arrogant brat, she would have to get use to giving him her favors as well.

He was starting to send out more 'hunting and killing' squads. The newer recruits needed a lot of training. Less than half of his old Death Eaters had answered his call, and after the news of his failure to kill Harry Potter, or even his blinded brother, at the graveyard there had been defections.

Still, he was concentrating on the muggle world at present, to get the new Death Eaters a taste for blood and more experience. They hit more than just Britain. He wanted to make the wizarding world nervous, but not give them irrefutable evidence of his return. Killing in the rest of Europe would make them wonder if is was him, or just muggle terrorists, or new factions of Dark wizards.

He planned to kill a few wizards and witches, here and there, of course. Just not in any way that would scream "Voldemort".


Severus was settling into a routine, trailing around after Harry and Beth much of the time. He had to make sure Harry ate regular meals and didn't overexert. Beth demanded attention of course. She had a system worked out with Harry. When Harry was getting close to hexing his father, he would signal and she would distract him.

Rosmerta was away a lot, negotiating with the ministry who finally wanted to see Harry and Tom's memories of the night of 'Voldemort's resurrection', although the Ministry was not calling it that. Petunia and Rosmerta, along with a battalion of lawyers was meeting with Ministry officials regarding this, since they wanted to question Lucius and Severus as well – they were unable to find evidence of any actual questioning on Rufus' part.

Rosmerta and Petunia had no intention of allowing any questions without iron-clad assurances from more than just the Ministry. Hence the presence of the rather queenly Peacekeeper by the name of Madame Anat Ahmos, who totally intimidated a good percentage of the Ministry.

Tom spent a fair amount of time at the library, alternately working on the memories to be made available to visitor and writing lengthy letters to Dora that he always ended up burning. It was hard to be around Severus at the moment. He desperately wanted to pour his problems out to Severus and right now Severus wouldn't … couldn't understand them. Worse, he might understand just enough to tell Tom he'd been an idiot to 'confess all' to Dora.

Severus rambled through the house a few days later. Harry had escaped him again and he'd just finished reading several chapters of Beth's favorite storybook to her – a huge book of stories about a mischievous pony. He'd found that wandering around and just handling objects brought memories out from behind the wall in increasing numbers.

Going down the stairs to his lab had him remembering teaching the boys about ingredients and them helping with potions. It also brought him the memory of Tom nearly dying down here. He had been startled to realize that he and Lucius had had the courage to bring any part of the Dark Lord to life.

He was very glad they had, of course, but it still took his breath away. Unfortunately being in the lab gave him no sense of happy anticipation. He'd always felt gleeful when he found time to work on potions. Now, it just seemed like work.

He knew the problem, of course. Potions had been the subject that he and Lily had shared. Working in the lab inevitably brought her to mind and gave him a sense of her still being at his side. Harry and his green eyes had reinforced that when he'd started caring for him. Now, with the majority of Lily's memories sacrificed to the dementors to keep his other memories safe, potions no longer held the same magic for him.

Sure, he still took pride in the fact that he was a Potions Master sought out for his superior knowledge, but it was now 'just a job'. The only thing still holding any attraction was knowing he needed to make that potion to rid Harry of the Horcrux. If they ever got that blasted 'Flaming Chinese Lantern' plant, he would make it immediately and perhaps be done with potions altogether.

Severus turned as he heard Beth pounding down the stairs, squealing loudly, with Harry hard on her heels, shouting.

Beth was clutching the miniature Welsh Green in her hands, Harry was trying to keep a grip on the Hebredian Black and Hungarian Horntail. After the tournament, Harry had asked for the small dragons and the champions had been happy to give them.

Beth was fascinated by them and let them out of the small terrarium Harry kept them in every chance she had.

"She let them out again, dad!" Harry complained.

"You said I could play with them, Harry!" Beth shouted right back.

"With supervision." Harry explained for the hundredth time. "If they get away, they'll be gone for good."

"You could summon them …" Beth sulked stubbornly.

"Not if they go too far." Harry answered firmly.

Severus sighed. "I can ward the house so they can't leave." He put in, to end the squabble.

"There is an actual ward for that?" Harry said, surprised.

"No, but I can make one." Severus answered. At one time he'd quite enjoyed making up spells. "Set the dragons down on the table." Beth and Harry did so and Severus waved a nearly clear barrier over them and explained how to craft a warding spell.

Harry listened with great interest, while Beth watched the dragons sadly. "The dragons are tired, dad."

Severus looked at the small beasts. "Their magic is running out. But I can fix that." He waved another small spell and added some magic to them. "They have a small crystal that is magically imbued at their centers. The magic keeps their spells going, but they need renewing now and then."

Severus was soon prevailed on to make a more splendid dwelling for the dragons, complete with a mountain with caves for each dragon and tiny trees that were spelled to not catch on fire. Harry watched Severus' enthusiasm with each spell he created on the spot for the dragons. He'd worried when he'd seen Severus' apathy in regards to potions. Maybe Spellcrafting would bring back his joy in magic.

"I want a dragon of my own. One just like Hazelette." Beth said firmly, giving Severus her best puppy eyed look.

Severus tipped his head to one side. Tom's birthday was in a few days, then Harry's, then later in August was Beth's. The makers of the miniature dragons would likely be happy to make dragons like Hazelette – and if "endorsed" by the Reserve, would bring the Reserve a bit of income as well. Beth would have her miniature Hazelette in time for her birthday.

"Let's write a letter to the toy company who made the dragons and see what we can do." Severus whipped out a parchment and quill and started writing, with Beth making plans for a miniature castle for her own Hazelette.

Harry smiled happily. His dad hadn't mentioned how delicate Harry was for several hours, now.


To be continued...

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=1868