3 Slytherin Marauders by severusphoenix
Summary: Dudley and Harry flee Vernon - to Severus. A different Tom Riddle, Petunia is good. Lucius and Draco are helpful. Albus is a bit misguided. The twins are only a year older than Harry, so I can make them non-Gryffindor.
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Fred George, Lucius, Petunia
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slytherin!Harry
Takes Place: 1st summer before Hogwarts, 1st Year
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Profanity
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 137 Completed: No Word count: 545745 Read: 724961 Published: 28 Jun 2009 Updated: 28 Sep 2014
A New Professor by severusphoenix

Tom sat in a chair, nervously twitching his fingers in the folds of his robes. Director Yuan shuffled a few papers, taking out a parchment he'd carefully plotted out Tom's future on over the past few weeks.

Tom had told him his dreams – of recording Dragon's memories and making Dragonrider and Dragonkeeper's journals more available – if only to other residents of the Reserves. He had shared some of the memories Yvane had shared with him. Yuan had been surprised at the contents of some of them. Such memories were, indeed, worth safeguarding. He wondered what memories some of the other older dragons might have.

Of course Yuan would have to explore the idea of the 'memory and journal' library. He needed to run the idea by the Dragon Reserve Council. The Reserves tended to run themselves rather idependently, as each had their own particular needs and challenges.

However, there were certain rules that all of them needed to follow, and the IFOW oversaw them in many things. Libraries were present on all the Reserves, of course, but this would be different – an essentially new field of research. Yuan would have to tread carefully. The other Reserves could not necessarily stop him from doing this on his own Reserve, but to gain their cooperation in sharing memories among the many other Reserves would require a great deal of diplomacy.

In the meantime, Tom had some apprenticing to do, to get some all-around knowledge.

"Well, we of course will welcome you as a member of the staff of the Welsh Dragon Reserve, Tom, I know we are lucky to have you. It will be a time before you can dive into the library – you need some general knowledge first – an at least a year apprenticing with a Master of Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Kettleburn has already accepted you for this coming year at Hogwarts, if that is acceptable." Yuan smiled at Tom's relieved look. "For the summer, you'll spend time with each of the inhabitants, learning all that they do." Yuan pushed a schedule over to him and Tom took it eagerly.

"You needn't have worried, Tom. They know they're lucky to get you." Yvane reassured him smugly.

Yao whispered Yvane's response to Yuan. Yao had been concerned that Tom was so worried about the apprenticeship. Yuan's smile dimmed a little. The dragons in general were quite worried about the inhabitants of Dragonsrest. Since being told about the Horcruxes Yuan and Yao had discussed the best way to go about asking around for information on them.

Yao had agreed that Yuan asking about the Horcruxes would get him in trouble – shunned as a dark wizard at best, removed as director at worst. Even those who didn't usually quibble about a few dark arts would turn unfriendly when Horcruxes were mentioned.

Yao had undertaken the task, then. Slowly asking each dragon on the Reserve, first swearing them to a certain amount of secrecy and told them that the Dark Lord had made Horcruxes of all things. The dragons had mulled over the news. Some had memories of wizards who had tried that particular evasion of death, of course.

Most dragons knew a couple things that could destroy a Horcrux – many knew that their dragonfire could get rid of one. Yao, himself, recalled an acquaintance back in china who had been called upon to destroy the Horcrux of a dark wizard there a century or so ago.

Yvane was often called upon to answer a few questions. Tom had been heartened that the dragons were working on the problem, though they seemed equally stumped by the idea of destroying a Horcrux, but not killing the living host.

The dragons who had no riders were now branching out, 'visiting' other reserves and spreading the word of the information they sought and the urgency of the need. Yuan – and Tom - knew that it would not be a quick process. Dragons tended to be methodical and would refuse to be rushed. They especially would not be rushed into revealing information on the very darkest of arts like Horcruxes.

None the less, Yuan and Tom were heartened that the dragons were looking. If there was any information out there – the stubborn dragons would find it.

Tom looked over the summer schedule with a smile, he could hardly wait.

"If you find an area you are especially interested in, you may request extra time there, of course. More than one apprentice has switched the area he expected to work in during apprenticeships. A library can be a ... dull ... place to work, and you might find you wish to put that off for a decade or two, or only work there part-time." Yuan smiled at Tom's appalled look.

"Perhaps." Tom answered politely, but with a look of astonishment that changing his mind might be an option.


Harry awoke the morning of the Wizengamot hearing to find Severus standing over him with a bemused healer at his side.

"I told you yesterday that he was well enough for the pensive testimony, Professor Snape." the Healer explained patiently.

"Things can change overnight when a child has such a terrible encounter." Severus hissed icily. He would take no chances with Harry's health.

The Healer sighed and cast some diagnostics, letting Severus view the results as well. Harry smiled a bit indulgently. Dad could be so protective, and Harry didn't really mind being fussed over a bit.

The Healer finally convinced Severus that Harry had not had a relapse, but Severus loudly insisted that he would be coming along to the hearing to ensure Harry was not 'over-extended'. Randall was not adverse to the idea. The entire British wizarding world – and a fair amount of Europe was anxious for the outcome. Rumors of 'He Who Must Not Be Named's' involvement was rife.

To be there – in an important role such as this – well, he'd be invited to quite a few parties for awhile on the strength of that alone.

Rosmerta pressed a huge breakfast on Harry while Severus downed an entire pot of coffee. Tom joined them – given the day off with the promise he would give the Reserve workers every detail of the hearing.

They got to the ministry just as Petunia arrived with Draco and Dudley. Lucius arrived, just then, with several tough-looking lawyers. Hugo arrived with Shacklebolt and Moody to take him into custody. Moody eyed the group with irritation. He was on a very short leash, now and hated every minute of it.

They all trooped down to the courtroom, ministry workers whispering and pointing as they went by.

Lucius allowed himself to get shackled to the intimidating wooden chair, flanked by grim lawyers. Harry looked properly horrified, standing nearby with Severus at his side. The Wizengamot grimaced collectively at having frightened the 'Boy Who Lived'.

Albus banged for order and the process started. Hugo collected Harry's memory and they started viewing it. They had to stop to explain why an eleven year old had an Invisibility Cloak.

"It belonged to his father, James Potter." Severus explained, unhappy at having to show any indulgence toward Harry's nostolgia for Potter Sr. "He has few enough momentoes of his parents, so I allow him to have the cloak nearby for him to see whenever he wishes. He has strict instructions to not use it for frivolous activities."

There were far too many misty-eyed looks of charity being cast at Severus because of this for his comfort. Suspiciousness was much better.

The memory scrolled on as Harry zipped past Fluffy, the devil's snare, the keys and troll. They were at the giant chess set soon and they explained why the other students were there. The crowd looked at Severus in amusement ... yes, they could understand why the formidable wizard had been suspected instead of the weak-looking Quirrell.

They stopped it briefly at Severus' riddle. Amelia Bones frowned. "Whatever were you playing at with these rather easy traps? They were difficult, but hardly impossible, Albus." She looked troubled.

"I intended to delay any dark wizard after the Stone ... I have taken care to not leave castle in other's hands more than I absolutely had to this year. I expected to delay them and capture them. I hoped to get information that is needed. The Stone was well guarded in the mirror – it could only be removed by someone who did not intend to use the Stone – something no minion of the Dark Lord could say." Albus answered.

The Wizengamot nodded. Capturing an enemy for information was at least understandable. They resumed watching the memory. They all flinched and there were cries of horror when the second face was seen at the back of Quirrell's head. The race through the traps as Harry struggled to escape was watched tensely, though they knew he would get out alive. They gritted their teeth as Quirrell caught him and started to strangle him.

Albus reminded them of the blood wards when Harry clutched at Quirrell's face and he started to disintegrate. They could clearly see the dark spectre rise from the ashes and then rush through Harry and out the window to avoid Lucius' spell.

The memory went dark at that point, as Harry had fallen unconscious.

"Well, obviously there was a dark spectre that had possesed the Professor, and Mr. Malfoy cast at that, though he did miss..." Griselda Marchbanks said, smirking a bit maliciously at Lucius, and making him clench his jaw. Lucius prided himself on being a skillful duelist.

"This doesn't mean it was 'He Who Must Not Be Named'!" Rufus shouted. "He never identified himself and the face was not clear – it might have been anyone. We don't know what the professor was possesed by." There was grumbling from some, but many nodded eagerly, glad for the reprieve from the idea that the Dark Lord was back. Cornelius looked ambivilent.

Albus was irritated, but decided that was an argument for another day. There were those who were here who knew the Dark Lord when they saw him – the news would get out whether Rufus wanted it or not.

"Well, I'd like to see Mr. Malfoy's memory too, to get a complete picture of what happened." Madame Bones said sternly.

Hugo replaced Harry's memory and took Lucius'. It started with Lucius noticing the alarm going off and taking it to find Professor McGonagall. Lucius' snarled curse at finding the empty classroom made a few spectators titter, and Madame Bones lifted an eyebrow. Griselda Marchbanks just snickered, though. The memory soon showed Lucius' running into the corridor to find Quirrell strangling Harry and the Professor turning to ash. Lucius' spell clearly was originally aimed at the dark spectre, but it dodged and the spell struck Binns.

They watched as Binns entered the light cheerfully and the spell ended.

There was some arguing over whether Binns was sent on willingly or not – though the ghost had seemed happy enough.

Lucius was asked under the truth spell – he refused Veritaserum – whether he'd forced Binns on or not. Lucius hesitated, then answered. "In the heat of the moment – I didn't want the spectre to try to possess Harry ..." The Wizengamot stiffened and looked at each other – they hadn't thought of that possibly happening. "... I cast the first spirit dispelling charm I could think of. I actually meant to use one that forced the spirit away ... but the one I cast was spiritus relocus – as you could likely hear. It shows the spirit the way on, but I don't believe it actually forces them to go."

The Aurors didn't like the Truth Spell as well as they liked Veritaserum, but the light never wavered, so he wasn't lying. A few of the Aurors spoke up, saying that no, the spell Lucius had used on Binns did not force anything, though spirits did tend to be drawn to the light that usually appeared.

The Wizengamot all nodded in agreement and Albus stood and spoke. "We are unanimous – you are innocent of the charges of any assault and the spell that struck Professor Binns was not one that would have sent him on if he wished to stay." Albus smirked ... just a little. "However ..." Lucius' lawyer tensed, as well as Lucius. "as you have robbed Hogwarts of a History teacher before the apprentice Binns had been training was done with his studies ... you must take his place for the coming year until other arrangements are made." Albus smiled at Lucius – there had been a hint of rebellion, and then thoughtfulness – Lucius would be able to help look after the trio of troublemaking children this way. Lucius was far too Slytherin to pass up this chance.

Lucius stood, the chains having dropped at Albus' pronouncement. "It will be as the Wizengamot wishes." Lucius said formally.

"There is one other matter to be addressed." All eyes turned to Madame Bones, who had stood to speak. "There is the small matter of your refusal to come in for questioning ..." She held up a hand to stop the lawyer's immediate protest. "I understand your concern, and the Wizengamot is looking into striking down that law – or at least altering it. However ..." She paused and looked at Lucius, and he understood ... open defiance of the law could not be overlooked. She would have to do ... something.

"You will spend one night in the ministry holding cells ... tonight, as a matter of fact." Bones' eyes were flint hard. Lucius knew he would have to submit. She would not allow his defiance to go unpunished. One night in a holding cell as not much of a punishment – but it was symbolic. It would show the wizarding world that even a Malfoy could not defy the Aurors and not pay some price.

Lucius wasn't thrilled with the idea – something, after all, could go wrong. But, it was in the best interests of the Ministry to have Lucius released in the morning unharmed. But, Moody was an excellent example of the loose cannons they had around and one of them might decide on further punishments.

Lucius once again bowed his head. "I accept the will of the Wizengamot." He said, hoping he would not regret it. Madame Bones came down from the judges seats and held out her hand. Lucius carefully took out his wand from the cane and handed it to her, handle first. She nodded and motioned him to follow.

Reporters raced to the flooes and the others watching the inquiry scurried away to tell others what they had seen.

Randall looked Harry over and said that other than needing a good meal and an early bed-time he had come through the experience with no harm. Severus watched as Lucius left, nodding to him as he caught his eye. Lucius looked unconcerned. There was no signal to assist him ... but after all Lucius had his kennel of lawyers at hand and it was obvious this was a pride-saving gesture of the part of the Ministry.

Fudge was talking earnestly to Hugo, who was nodding. They obviously had no wish to explain any injury to Lucius to the wizarding world after insisting that even those bearing the Dark Mark would be treated equitably – insisting that all were considered innocent until proven guilty.

Severus nodded to Hugo, who nodded back seriously. Severus would have to make do with that offhand reassurance.


Madame Bones led Lucius to a holding cell and let him enter. To his disgust the cells on either side held drunken, snoring wizards. The stench was enough to make him lightheaded and a bit drunk himself.

He glared at Madame Bones in silent reproach. She lifted an eyebrow and in a moment of sympathy cast a spell to make the mattress thicker and the pillow fluffier. She hesitated and cast an air-freshening charm as well. Lucius smiled slightly and bowed in her direction. She took over the desk of the guard that usually oversaw that row of cells and sent her personal elf to bring her paperwork to do. She then struck up a conversation with the slightly bored Lucius.

He was suspicious, of course, but she seemed to genuinely want to know why he'd forsaken the Dark Lord. Lucius didn't mind tellng her what Severus had revealed to him regarding the Dark Lord's past and his lies and hypocrisy. He expected that she might not appreciate that he'd initially turned away from Voldemort because of his lack of blood purity. He made sure to tell her that if the Dark Lord lied about that – what else did he lie about?

Bones nodded, she hadn't really expected a tale of some soul-enlightening epiphany from Lucius Malfoy, though he must have changed a great deal after that first turning away, if he was now engaged to a squib who was also Harry Potter's aunt.

Tea was served and Lucius refrained from sneering about the quality of the tea – or the lack thereof, and even nibbled on the not-that-fresh scone. Lucius suspected Bones had sent the stale ones to him on purpose. Still, at least they weren't starving him. Supper was chicken that was innocent of any spicing whatsoever, along with potatoes and gravy similar lacking in taste. Lucius picked at it, telling himself he would have all his favorites tomorrow – Petunia would see to it, he was sure.

Lucius finally was bored and tired enough to doze off, hoping it would be time to leave when he woke. Instead he woke to spells and curses and darkness. There was shouting and he backed into a corner in confusion, abruptly aware that the 'drunks' on either side of him were no longer penned in and had abruptly morphed into Aurors that were firing spells at darkly cloaked wizards.

The battle was over quickly and Madame Bones soon had his cell open to check on him. "Sorry your overnight stay turned out to be so exciting." Lucius just stared at her in shock and slowly realized that he'd been set up by a Hufflepuff. It was horrifying.

"We knew there were some Death Eaters in the ranks – likely a few that were even unmarked. We thought that they wouldn't be able to resist going after you." She continued, eyeing the bound wizards with satisfaction.

Lucius' eyes opened wide. "Why Madame Bones ... that was almost ... Slytherin." He said with a tinge of awe. "You used me as bait ... " He scowled at her, "I hope you intend to tell the press I was 'cooperative' with this?" He arched a brow.

Bones laughed and nodded in answer. "Well, its almost five in the morning ... why don't you join me in the small diner downstairs – the food is almost good." Lucius nodded and followed her out, accepting his wand from her. He peered at he wizards that were being read charges, he didn't recognize any of them, though four out of the five bore dark marks.

He was still sipping tea and trading veiled insults with an amused Bones when his worried lawyers and overprotective son arrived to rescue him from the mean Aurors. Draco looked Lucius over carefully and then eyed Bones suspiciously while the lawyers dealt with paperwork.

Bones saw them off and went to report their success to Hugo.


The summer started out quite well, though Harry was reluctant to take another long trip. Tom was staying all summer on the Reserve and Harry wanted to spend time with him. He secretly hoped to shadow Tom on his rounds of the Reserve a little. It would give him a chance to also see what opportunities the Reserve might hold for him. He liked the idea of working with Dragons, and he had spoken with Yvane and Tom a few times. He was intrigued with the idea of having a Dragon mentor somewhat like Tom had.

Severus didn't mind keeping closer to the Reserve this summer since he would be able to really work on his brewing and do some research, but he did insist on Harry and the other boys learning something new. Magical scuba diving.

With the sea so close – a brisk walk from their doorstep it would be unthinkable to not utilize it. Minerva was pushing to continue Harry's studies to get control of his animagus ability. Severus was ambivilant about this. Harry was still quite young, and that ability required great control. He had no objection to Harry's study, but he hoped Harry didn't actually achieve that particular goal for another year, at least. He wasn't above distracting techniques like dangling scuba diving with gillyweed in front of him and reminding Minerva that it was the summer – and perhaps Harry should have a reprieve from transfiguration?

So, he and Lucius found a wizard skilled in the technique and hired him to give lessons three times a week. Harry, Dudley and Draco were enthralled. They found that there was an amazing world under the waves awaiting exploration. There weren't many magical creatures in that particular section of the sea, but Severus did give them a list of sea plants he wouldn't mind them gathering 'as long as they were down there anyway'.

Between the underwater adventures and the usual Quidditch lessons a great deal of time was taken up.

Dudley's birthday arrived and the Weasley boys were introduced to the fun with gillyweed. Neville was there as well, and he reluctantly joined in. His near drownings – both at the hands of his late uncle made it difficult, but with Theodore Nott's encouragement he tried it. To his surprise he was so busy watching the darting fish, he forgot to be afraid.

Draco partially blocked Severus' plans by eagerly pushing Harry to have Minerva over whenever possible for lessons. Luckily that wasn't as often as Draco, at least would have liked. Minerva was pleased that both Harry and Draco were making progress – though Draco was warned to not expect to achieve his form anytime soon – but she had hoped Harry would have mastered his by now.

Lucius spent a great deal of time at Dragonsrest as well, picking Severus' brain about running a classroom. Jarvis Pucey – the History of Magic assistant soon became a fixture at both Malfoy Manor and Dragonsrest. Lucius might only be temporary, but he intended for it to be the beginning of a more excellent History of Magic class. Binns had once been an excellent instructor, but had gotten sidetracked by the Goblins. Lucius intended to get the lessons back on track. Pucey had the right idea, and Lucius wanted to encourage that.

Harry's birthday was a grand event, and with Rosmerta's persistant nagging, Severus gritted his teeth and presented Harry with the broomstick that Draco and Dudley had both insisted Harry wanted. Draco had already recieved a similar broom for his birthday in May. Dudley had gone for a sturdier broom for use as a beater – if he went out for the Gryffindor team.

Mid-august arrived, to Petunia's dismay. Marge had insisted on having a full two weeks just before Dudley returned to school. Marge had traded part of Christmas break for it, so Petunia had reluctanly agreed. She had a horrible feeling that Marge had something planned. Lucius reassured her that she was still well tied up in rules and overseen by the courts.

Still, as she rode with Dudley back into Little Whining and they turned onto Privet Drive, she felt a wave of dread. How she wished Marge had not bought their old house – it was just creepy, she thought.

Dudley cheerfully kissed her goodbye. "It's only for two weeks – and then we'll do our Diagon Alley trip, don't worry." Dudley, as always, was torn – when it was just he and Marge she could be fun. It was when his mum was there that she turned into a monster.

Dudley spent time with a few old friends and at the pool. He even met a suspicious Lila and tried to convince her that Harry was quite happy with his new dad. He wasn't sure if the girl believed him or not.

A few days before he was to go back Marge announced that she had enrolled him in Smeltings. In spite of his attempts to convince her he was happy at 'the school in Scotland', Marge seemed to not hear him. That was when he realized that the bars on all the windows were not just to keep burglers out, and the locks on the doors were the kind he could not unlock to get out. He just prayed there was not a fire while he was there – he'd be effectively trapped.

He was sweating how to get ahold of his mum or Lucius – he'd no doubt they could straighten his increasingly frightening Aunt – he was sure she was dipping into the sherry again. As luck would have it Ron sent an owl to make sure they met up in Diagon Alley and Dudley sent a panicked note to him asking for help to escape.

He watched the owl wing off with relief. Surely Ron would get a rescue mounted before Marge could ship him off? It would be so embarrassing to have to get hauled out of Smeltings and be late getting to Hogwarts ... he would miss the shopping trip and the train ride!


To be continued...

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=1868