Harry Potter and the Different Path by Sherza
Summary: All other things being equal, what if Severus did not allow his hatred of James Potter to blind him?
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Flitwick, Hermione, McGonagall, Remus, Ron, Sirius, Wormtail
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure
Media Type: None
Tags: Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 1st Year
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Profanity
Challenges: None
Series: Harry Potter and the Different Path
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 53054 Read: 176113 Published: 17 Sep 2011 Updated: 25 Oct 2011
Different Handling by Sherza
Author's Notes:
Well folks, this story is winding up. There are maybe two or three more chapters to be written. The good news is ... there will be a sequel. I have things plotted and planned out clear to the end of fourth year, so, gods willing, this will keep right on going up to that point.
But the next morning at breakfast, there was not so much as a word in the Daily Prophet about Pettigrew or Black or ... well, anything having to do with the whole mess. This confused Severus. But his alarms did not truly begin to go off until he realized that Dumbledore had not returned to the castle since carting Pettigrew off, at which point Severus knew there was trouble at the Ministry. Why, though, was the question. What was going on?

He didn't manage to catch Dumbledore at all that day, even lurking near the stairs to his office until quite late. The next morning saw the man at the breakfast table again, though. Severus took a good look at him and felt a frisson of alarm. Dumbledore looked ... exhausted, heart-weary, and almost ... defeated. The aggravating twinkle was wholly absent. He was more than slightly slump-shouldered and seemed overly preoccupied with a plate of food from which he never actually ate.

Severus soon discovered why, when the owls delivered the mail. The Prophet seemed to be equally divided between two different headlines. "Black Innocent!" and "Corruption in the Ministry!". Severus perused the articles ... and very nearly dropped the paper into his plate. No wonder Dumbledore seemed so upset. It seemed that Black had, actually, never been tried. He'd simply been tossed into Azkaban ... on the orders of Barty Crouch. That, Severus could believe, remembering how hard Dumbledore had had to fight to keep Severus out of Crouch's clutches. Several other figures were named as instrumental in the mess, including the previous minister, Bagnold, and several high-level Aurors of the day. To say that the pureblood elite were screaming to the heavens was, evidently, to vastly understate the case. The entirety of the remaining Ancient and Noble (or simply ancient) Houses were calling for Crouch and the aurors' blood, as Bagnold had died since her days as Minister. A vote of no confidence had already been demanded, and would be carried out later today. Severus realized that Dumbledore was probably blaming himself for what had happened. In all honesty, given how busy Dumbledore had been defending Severus, hiding Harry, and putting out various flames in the community, it did not surprise Severus that Crouch managed to sneak something like this past the man. In the meantime, Black had, evidently, already been removed from Azkaban, but was not at St. Mungo's.

Severus supposed the man was somewhere in the castle, a choice he could not, in all honestly, blame Dumbledore for, if the furor over Black's illegal incarceration was as bad as the paper made it seem to be (which, for once, he had a feeling the Prophet might be understating the impact, rather than blowing it out of proportion), Black would be hounded to the ten hells, rather than be allowed to recover as best he might. Of course, the fact that he would doubtlessly be required to brew potions for Black galled him, but even Severus' overdeveloped sense of vengeance didn't see fit to be more than annoyed. A decade in Azkaban went a long way to paying the debt Severus felt Black owed him.

"Headmaster." He said. "I presume Black's lack of presence at St. Mungo means he's in the castle?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Yes, he is. Given the situation at the Ministry, I felt it safer to bring him here, and Director Bones agreed with me. He is doing ... remarkably well, considering how long he's been there. He shows no signs of having taken leave of his senses. He mentioned he spent much of his time in his animagus form, which might explain it."

Severus snorted. "I'll consult with Poppy later to see what the mutt needs."

Dumbledore glanced over at him, faintly surprised. "Thank you, Severus. I had thought to have to argue you into making the needed potions."

Severus snorted. "I will never like the mutt, but his debt to me seems to have been paid."

Dumbledore nodded. He, of course, also realized that Severus' hate of Black had been deeply exacerbated by his belief that Black had betrayed Lily to her death. "He's been asking for Harry almost nonstop." Dumbledore admitted.

Severus snorted. "I'll not have him near the boy until Poppy confirms he's sane and lucid."

"Of course not. Does Harry even know?"

"Yes, we told him the day we caught Pettigrew." Severus told him.

"Ahhh, good." Dumbledore said.

They sat for a moment in relative silence. Their relationship was still strained, but Dumbledore's defense of him in the fight with Voldemort-Quirrell had gone far in soothing the worst of Severus' ire. Too, it had helped, the last few days, to remember just how frantic everything had been in the days, weeks, and even months after the Potters' deaths. He may have succumbed to grief and apathy during that period, not caring for much of anything (even his own hide and fate) but he knew that things had been more than a bit insane, and Dumbledore had done as best he could under the circumstances. After breakfast, he headed for the infirmary, twisting his features into the spiteful, hate-filled expression that had become rather disused over the last few months. Better for Black to see him as he expected to see him, rather than the truth, at least right off.

Poppy greeted him the moment he swept through the doors, one eyebrow cocked at his expression, then pulled him to a side room. Within, on a bed ... was the most pitiable sight Severus had ever seen. Black had always been good looking. Now, Severus fancied that even Filch looked better. Black was just shy of being skeletal, his skin more pallid even than Severus' own, tinged an unhealthy greenish-yellow, the hair he'd once been so proud of a tangled, befouled mess than hung well down his back, and he looked and smelled as if he'd not had so much as a freshening charm in the entire decade he'd been within Azkaban's walls.

Despite his horrendous appearance, Severus quickly realized that Dumbledore had been correct. Black was still very much there, very much aware. Though he'd clearly suffered physically, his eyes still snapped with intelligence, and the moment he spotted Severus, angry malice.

"Come to gloat, have you, Snivellus?" Black rasped, his voice hardly a shadow of what it had once been.

Severus sneered. "Believe what you will of me, Black. You always have."

"Where's Harry? I think ... if I was counting time right, he'd be here now. Where is he?" Black demanded.

"You have indeed counted correctly ... a feat which I had believed you incapable of. Perhaps your time in Azkaban has done you some good after all." Severus growled. "As for your godson, he is here, but you shall not be seeing him for quite some time."

That had Black trying to scramble out of the bed, face twisted with hate and anger. "You greasy bastard! You're holding him hostage!" Fortunately, (or unfortunately) he was in no shape to go much of anywhere, and sank back into the bed after a few moments' struggle.

Poppy gave Severus a death-glare for agitating Sirius, but Severus ignored her for the moment. He had a method to his apparent madness.

"Of course I am, you idiot. And right under Dumbledore's nose, too." Severus scoffed. "I know it is an activity with which you are unfamiliar, Black, but do try to think for once in your life. You're a mess. If Harry came in here right now you'd scare him half to death, if the stench rolling off you didn't get him first. Once you have bathed and been deloused, and Poppy is sure that you retain whatever wits you were born with, you will be permitted to see him, and not before then."

"And you have a say in it why?" Black demanded.

Severus was going to enjoy this. "I am the boy's guardian."

Black, predictably, howled in rage. "WHAT!"

"Oh, you would have preferred his previous guardians? You might know one of them. Her name was Petunia."

Black's face instantly became a mask of horror. "Oh sweet Merlin. They didn't." He rasped.

"They did." Severus said. "He was in Petunia's ... care ... for a decade. The only people who knew were Dumbledore and McGonagall. McGonagall mentioned the boy's placement to me, but I'd not known the woman had married, so the last name meant nothing to me. Needless to say, Black, when the boy came here and his ... situation ... was discovered, I acquainted the Headmaster with my ... displeasure. I would not have put you in that spiteful harridan's care, nevermind a defenseless child."

"Is he ... " Black rasped. He looked like he was not far from crying.

"He is remarkably resilient. And far more like his mother than his father in most respects, fortunately. He did, however, inherit Potter's skill on a broom." And why in the name of hell was Severus telling Black this, again? Severus sighed. Because he knew that, as much as they disliked each other, if Black was at all competent, which he seemed to be, Severus and Lupin would need all the help they could get keeping Harry in one piece. "He is, however, almost wholly ignorant of the wizarding world. Minerva and I have been working nonstop to correct that, but there are some things that neither she nor I are acquainted with."

Black grumbled. "Like pureblood pussyfooting. But why the hell are you helping him? You hated James! You're a damn Death Eater!"

"Was, Black, was, though I know you'll go to your death believing otherwise. And I have made that position quite plain since Harry's arrival here. As for the rest, Harry is Lily's son as well as Potter's." Severus said. And he really didn't need to say any more than that, because Black was well aware that Severus had been deeply fond of Lily, even if he wasn't aware of just how deep Severus' feelings for her went.

"And you've filled his head with lies about us, no doubt!" Sirius growled.

"Hardly, Black. The past has not come up overmuch in our discussions. I have, in point of fact, left that to Minerva. Unlike you, I am quite aware that my ability to present the facts without giving away my opinion of matters is limited when it comes to any of the Marauders." He sneered the name. Finally, he turned to Poppy. "Will you require assistance in cleaning the filth?"

Poppy humphed. "Hardly. And I'll thank you to leave now, so I can get it done, without you riling him up!"

Severus whirled and stalked out into the main infirmary. About an hour later, Poppy walked out, eyes sparking.

"What did you mean by doing that, Severus? I know you hate the man ... "

"And he hates me. And having someone or something to fight against will assist in his recovery." Severus snapped. "If having me around gets him on his feet faster, then so much the better."

Poppy eyed him off, then sighed. "You do have a point, but try not to rile him to the point of relapse!"

Severus snorted. "As if I wish to cater to that mutt's whims for an even longer period than is to be expected. Now, what is it he will need?"

Poppy rattled off a long list of potions, then sighed. "And I've got him eating as much chocolate as he's willing to tolerate, but Merlin alone knows if it will do any good after so long. Still, it's the only help for the aftereffects of being around Dementors."

Severus snorted. Not even he, with all his skill, had been able to find a more efficacious solution to Dementor exposure than Honeyduke's chocolate. "Quite. Though I imagine it will help him appear to be less a cadaver and more a living being, as well."

Poppy nodded her agreement. "It's a miracle he's still alive, nevermind apparently sane. Still, he's going to have a long road ahead of him before he's recovered ... if he ever fully recovers, that is."

"He'll fully recover, if for no other reason than to spite me." Severus said with a snort. "I'll be back this evening with the potions. Do keep an eye out for Harry, as I'm quite sure his curiosity will get the better of him at some point, and I do not want them meeting until we are surer of Black's lucidity."

"I had planned on keeping his door locked, both for his protection and everyone else's." Poppy agreed.


Harry practically accosted Severus that evening. "Did you see the paper? How can they DO that to people?" He demanded.

Severus had to fight down an exceedingly biting comment, one eyebrow scaling towards his hairline as he regarded Harry.

Harry, to his credit, realized just how ridiculous what he'd said sounded, and waved a hand. "I know, I know. But it's just ... " He flapped a hand, running out of words. "I just ... it's so ... "

"Whenever you feel like saying something intelligent, Harry, do tell me." Severus couldn't quite help but comment. Harry's inarticulate outrage just begged for commentary, and there was only so much Severus could do to censor himself.

Harry huffed. "Just 'cause you can come up with twenty ways to say the same thing doesn't mean we all can, Severus!" but then grinned a little at the familiar snarking. After a bit, he sobered. "Is he, you know, all there?"

"No, but then he never was." Severus grumped. "That said, he seems to have retained what few wits he was born with. Whether or not that will hold true over the long term is yet to be determined. Once we are surer of his condition, you'll be permitted to see him, but that won't be for at least a week, probably two." It would take at least that long for Black to cease to resemble an animated, desiccated cadaver, nevermind the rest. "He has evidently been demanding to see you from the moment he got here."

Over the next two weeks, life took on a familiar, comfortable pattern wherein Severus got to snark, snarl, and otherwise rile Black to a froth. Black seemed to thoroughly enjoy throwing himself into the invectives, but Severus was surprised to discover that while he still did (and probably always would) greatly dislike Black, his heart wasn't really in the game. After all, in every way that mattered, Severus had already won, hadn't he? He was Harry's guardian, now, and Harry would live with him and it was to him that Harry turned for advice. He was the one that was going to raise the boy, from here on out.

Interestingly, the verbal sparring between them had changed tenor over the last few days, as if Black's heart wasn't really in it anymore, either. Why that might be, given Black's utter hatred of him in the past, Severus wasn't sure. It was just barely possible that his stint in Azkaban had knocked some sense into the man. Severus had also noticed Black eyeing him, like Black was trying to figure him out.

Finally, though, Black's recovery had reached a point where he didn't look quite so horrible ... his skin was now ghost-pale from lack of sun, but was finally devoid of the unhealthy greenish-yellow cast, and he'd put on a little weight, so he wasn't quite so skeletal, and his hair had been cleaned and cut to a more reasonable length. Too, Black was starting to have a bit more energy, and getting restless. And while he'd apparently had nightmares every night (which surprised Severus not a whit), and had also suffered some crying jags (never in Severus' presence, but Poppy had reported on it) early on, Black still showed no sign of being mentally unhinged.

Lupin was more ebullient than Severus had ever seen him, but then it stood to reason. After all, the wolf had got part of his pack back, hadn't he? Poppy had apparently had to prise Lupin off Black by force, and it amused Severus no small amount that Lupin had actually gone, when not all Poppy's threats or Dumbledore's reassurances had been enough to move Harry during Severus' convalescence.

Severus waited for a Saturday before he let Harry know a visit would be possible.

"So he's still all right?" Harry asked.

"As well as may be, physically. He'll be at least a year recovering in that aspect." Severus admitted. "But there is no sign of him suffering mental debility from his incarceration. I will, of course, be present for the visit."

Harry grinned over at him, and Severus could see the tension in Harry's shoulders ease.


Harry didn't really know quite what to expect as he walked beside Severus on their way to the Infirmary to meet Sirius Black. He'd been hearing a bit more about Sirius since he'd been taken out of Azkaban, both from Remus and McGonagall. It was making all those silences and gaps he'd noticed in old conversations and tales a lot more understandable ... they'd been avoiding talking about him, because he'd been there too, and they thought he'd betrayed his parents. Harry couldn't really blame them for that ... he'd not much want to talk about someone like that himself. Pettigrew's name had rather quickly become as verboten in conversations as Sirius' had once been.

Ron was both baffled and deeply concerned by the inexplicable disappearance of his pet, but Harry wasn't about to be the one to tell him Scabbers had actually been a man. Just thinking about that gave him the willies. He'd actually brought it up to Severus at one point, mentioning Pettigrew had had uncontested access to the Weasleys as a whole and Percy and Ron in particular. Severus had given him a look that said 'we already thought of that one', and told him that everything was being dealt with.

He tugged at his sleeves. The silly things were refusing to lay right, had been for the last few days. Severus glanced over at him.


"A little, but not that bad." Harry said.

"Then why, pray tell, are you twitching your robes about?"

"Because they're not sitting right."

Severus glanced over at Harry, and tweaked the robe he was wearing. It took him but a moment to realize the real cause of the problem. "Well, that explains why you've been challenging the youngest Weasley in food consumption." He said, not quite able to keep the amusement out of his voice. "I'd say you've grown a good inch, maybe a bit more."

Harry blinked, startled, then glanced at the sleeves of his robes before looking up at Severus. "Really?"

Severus gave him that amused/exasperated look that said 'I will not repeat myself as I know full well you heard me quite clearly the first time'. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed it before now. Growing spurts tend to be ... uncomfortable. And result in you eating quite a bit more than usual."

And now that Harry was thinking about it, he realized Severus was right ... he'd been eating a good bit more than he'd gotten used to, after becoming able to eat full-size portions back in late September. He'd been very nearly keeping pace with Ron, though he was a bit more polite about it ... he hoped. It also explained the looks of amused exasperation Hermione was giving them both at mealtimes. "Is that why I've been achy at night?"

Severus nodded. "Quite so. It's liable to get worse before it gets better, depending on how much height you gain. You're very likely to go through quite a clumsy period for a while. If the aches get too intense, let me know and I'll give you something for it."

Harry wrinkled his nose. "I hope it doesn't affect my flying." He said.

"It probably won't. I've yet to see growth spurts have a detrimental effect on quidditch players once they're in the air." Severus told him.

"I'll have to remember to dig out the stuff you got me for Christmas when I get back to the dorm. It's all bigger, so it should fit better than these." Harry tugged on a sleeve one last time before they walked into the Infirmary.

"That would be wise." Severus agreed.

When the door to the private room opened, Harry damn near had a heart attack. The man sitting in the chair next to the bed ... he was thinner, a lot thinner, but recognizably the same man as the one he'd seen in the mirror. It made his hands shake. Could that mirror have seen the future, maybe? Whatever it was, it was more than a little scary.

The man glanced up from the book he'd been reading, and his face instantly split into a wide, happy grin. "Harry!" The voice was rough, as if he'd yelled himself hoarse recently (entirely possible) or something of the sort, but there was no missing the joy and relief in his tone. "My god, you look so much like James did when he was your age."

That made Harry grin a bit. "Hello Mr. Black."

Sirius made a horrified face. "Gah! None of that, pup. Just call me Sirius. Mr. Black was my father."

From his expression, Sirius liked his father about as much as Harry liked Uncle Vernon, but then again, Remus had told Harry that Sirius ran away from home as a teenager, so that was hardly a surprise. Harry clambered onto the bed. "Ok, Sirius. Remus told me something pretty similar." He admitted. "And why'd you call me pup?" He asked. If anyone would do something like that, he'dve expected it of Remus.

"Ahhh, I called you that ... and Prongslet ... from the day you were born. Has to do with the fact your dad and me were animagi."

Harry blinked, and then grinned. "Oh! Oh, I get it. 'pup', 'cause you turn into a dog, or Prongslet 'cause of me being dad's kid and him being a deer." Harry was just grateful Sirius was a pureblood and didn't know about the movie Bambi ... he'd have to hurt Sirius if he started calling Harry that!

"Yep." Sirius agreed. "So, Snape tells me you're on the quidditch team? As a first year? That's spectacular! I can't wait to watch a game and cheer you on."

"Well, the match with the Ravenclaws is in a couple weeks." Harry said. "Maybe if you ask nice, Madame Pomphrey will let you out of here by then." He gave Sirius a commiserating look. Who wanted to be stuck in the infirmary for weeks and weeks? Gah!

Things were a bit awkward after that, until they found their feet. Severus stayed quiet the whole time, and Harry was glad to see that Sirius wasn't trying to antagonize Severus. Given what Severus and Remus had told Harry a few weeks back, he'd half-expected for there to be a lot of yelling and nasty comments. Then again, maybe they'd been doing that the last few weeks and called a truce for today, or something. Whatever the cause, Harry was grateful. At the end, Sirius gave him a hug, and didn't seem to really want to let go, but finally did, if reluctantly.

"I'll come back again soon. Maybe tomorrow, if Madame Pomphrey allows it." Harry promised. "She's still kinda grumpy with me after last time."

"Last time?" Sirius wanted to know.

Harry blushed. "Umm, yeah. Didn't Severus and Remus tell you about that? Quirrell'd hexed my broom, and Severus went after him. Got into an awful fight, too. Ended up in the infirmary for days. Madame Pomphrey kinda got mad at me because I refused to leave the infirmary when she shooed everyone else out."

Sirius was giving Severus a funny look. "No ... that part of the tale somehow never got told." He said. "Though I'd love to hear the whole of it, sometime."

Harry nodded. "I'll tell you next time I get to visit." He promised.

"I'm looking forward to that."Sirius told him.
The End.

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=2663