Comforts from the Unexpected by Firestar
Summary: The story begins with a fire at the Dursleys & Harry is locked in his cupboard. Rescued by a spiritual presence, he is sent to stay with a certain Potions Master, bringing in a new range of adventures. Suicide attempts, abuse
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required)
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: General
Media Type: None
Tags: None
Takes Place: None
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Suicide Themes
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: No Word count: 83206 Read: 173603 Published: 31 Jan 2005 Updated: 31 Jan 2006
Chapter 8 by Firestar

The days quickly flew by. Severus slowly recovered and soon, it was August 29th, the day Harry was to go get his supplies for the new school year.

That day, Harry woke up early in the mroning. After eating breakfast with the Potions Master, they were set to leave for Diagon Alley.

They Apparated together, since Harry had learned from the Founders how to do so. They appeared outside the Leaky Cauldron.

"You already have a wand, so you don't have to worry about that," Severus said as he quickly pointed out the main stores. "I'll meet you at Three Broomsticks at three." With that, th professor left.

First stop, Gringotts. After filling his bag with Gallons, sickles, and knuts, he walked into Madam Malkins. There, he ordered several dozen pairs of robes, mostly balck. He also ordered robes of emerald green and cerulean blue, each with golden linings. These, he had the shopeowner pack into hsi new trunk.

Next, he walked into the bookstore. He quickly gathered the required books for the sixth years and a few extra books Lady Lyra had encouraged him to get. //You'll need it for studying,// were her words of explanation.

By then, it was about 12 p.m. He was about to go for lunch when he heard a voice call out to him.


Harry turned to see the familiar figure of Hermione Granger walking towards him. Behind her followed Ron Weasley, who had a confused expression on his face.

"Hey, Sebastien," Hermione greeted him. Turning to Ron, she explained, "Ron, this is Sebastien Frostpine. He's new to Hogwarts this year and has been staying with Professor Snape over the holidays."

Harry watched in amusement as Ron gaped at him. The expression on the redhead's face was priceless. Upon reconvering, the boy said, "Ronald Weasley." Turning back to Hermione, he asked, "Where did you meet him, 'Mione?"

"... At... Harry- Harry's funeral." The temperature seemed to drop several degrees as Ron stiffened.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Want to join us for lunch, Sebastien?" Hermione asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure," Harry replied, glad that the awkwardnes had disappeared. "Where do you wnt to go?"

"Is the Three Broomstick okay?" Hermione asked. She looked at Ron, who shrugged.

They sat down at a table and Hermione went to order some butterbeer.

"So, what's it like, living with Snape?" Ron asked.

"It's not too bad," Harry replied. "He's actually okay when he isn't around students."

Ron snorted disbelievingly. "So, what's your favourite Quidditch team?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Chudley Cannons," Harry answered, smiling as Ron started rambling on about the Quidditch team. "Do you play?"

"I played a little for Gryffindor last year," Ron shrugged. "I don't know about this year. How about you?"

"I play Seeker." Harry turned away so he didn't have to see the sorrowful expression on his friend's face.

Just then, Hermione came back with a tray of butterbeer in her hands. All conversations stopped as he began to eat.

After lunch, they went shopping together. First stop, the pet shop. Harry walked in to get a new owl. He had given Hedwig to Ron to keep over the summer at the end of his fifth year.

While the other two were looking curiously at the different animals, he spotted a small, brown owl perched miserably on a crowded perch. Perfect. Paying for his new pet, he left the shop. It was two p.m.

Next, they headed into the Quidditch shop. Harry stopped in front of the broom display. The Maurader's Map, Firebolt, invisibility cloak, and photo album of his parents were some of the properties which he still owned since he had shrunk it and kept it in his pocket before term ended last year. Thank goodness the Firebolt was safe; it was precious, being a birthday present from Sirius. But he couldn't use the broomstick; Ron would recognize it for sure. He decided to purchase a new broom: the Windwhip 2000. It happened to be the newest and fastest broom currently on sale.

"Wow." Ron sighed wistfully as the shopkeeper wrapped up the new broom and handed it to Harry.

They left the shop and was about to walk into Honeydukes when it happened. First, there was a loud bang. Then, a store exploded.

Immediately, a dozen cloaked figures Apparated in. Each wore a mask to cover their face. Death Eaters.

Harry whipped out his wand, standing, ready to attack if necessary. People were soon running wild, all over the place, screaming and yelling.


Harry turned around only to see a Death Eater raise his wand and yell, "Crucio."

Harry knew that he could shield Unforgivables if necessary: Salazar had taught him how. But he didn't want to do so at the moment. He would immediately catch Voldemort's attention. Instead, he allowed the curse to hit him. Pain coursed through him, pounding through his veins, but he paid it no attention. Instead, he raised his wand and said in a firm voice, "Stupefy."

The Death Eater had not expected him to attack while being under the Cruciatus Curse. The stunning spell hit the cloaked figure and the person fell to the ground with a thud.


He turned to see Hermione and Ron running towards him. They had anxious but reliefed expressions on their faces.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. WATCH OUT!"

Harry was just in time to see a Death Eater point his wand at Ron and say, "Crucio!"

Immediately, he paniced. He knew that Ron had never been placed under the Cruciatus Curse before. It was a horrible experience, an experience he didn't want his friend to have. Without a second thought, he leaped into the air, pushing the redhead out of the way. Just in time to see the curse hit his chest.

For the second time, pain rushed through his body, controlling him. With all his might, he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain, concentrating on casting a spell. However, the pain suddenly stopped.

Looking up, he saw Hermione with her wand raised and the Death Eater on the floor. It seemed as if the girl had petrified the man.

"Come on, let's go!" He knew he had to find Severus. As he was rushing around, he saw a group of Ministry Aurors Apparating in. Good, the fight would be over.

"SEVERUS!" Harry yelled on the top of his lungs when he saw his professor in the crowd. "WE'RE HERE! SEVERUS!" He realized that he was using the Potions Master's first name. At this moment, he couldn't care less.

His professor turned and seeing him, began to run towards him. A second later, Harry saw the Weasley family follow suit.

"Are you okay?" Severus asked worriedly. Beside them, Mrs. Weasley was hugging Ron and Hermione.

"I'm f--" he began, only to be cut off by a voice beside him.

"No, you're not! Professor, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse twice!"

He turned to see it was Hermione who had spoken.


Harry turned back to his Professor. "I'm fine," he insisted.

Even as he said this, he knew it was not true: his legs felt as if they were about to collapse, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He felt so tired...

His legs couldn't hold his weight any longer. He fell forward into blessed darkness.


Severus looked helplessly at the boy lying in his arms. He was aware that Granger and the Weasleys were staring at him. Speaking of them, what had Sebastien been doing with them anyways?

The boy was obviously tired. And if Granger was right, he had also been hit by Unforgivables. Not a good combination. Quickly, he picked up the boy, walking towards Leaky Cauldron so he could floo back to Snape Manor. He was aware of the way the Weasleys were gaping at him, but he was surprised to find he didn't care very much. Getting Sebastien to rest was priority.

As he walked, he pondered on what had happened. He had been coming out of the various stores, carrying several potions ingrediants, when he heard a loud bang. A second later, the store 'Monica's Styling Clothes for every event and celebration, both Muggle and Wizard' had blown up, killing the many customers inside.

He had began to panic slightly. Running out, he was searching through the crowds when he heard someone calling his name...

Speaking of his name... Sebastien had called him 'Severus'. He wasn't sure how he felt about this; the only student who had ever called him this was Draco, being his godson. And what was he doing around Granger and Weasley anyways?

Walking into Snape Manor, he strided quickly towards the boy's bedroom. Placing the child in bed, he quickly pulled up the bedcovers, tucking the boy in. Sebastien let out a contented sigh.

He sighed himself. He didn't understand how the boy had managed to stun the Death Eaters. Most of them had experience and were fully trained. Maybe the child was more than he seemed to be after all.

He was beginning to feel tired. Returning to his room, he quickly changed and fell asleep.

To be continued...
End Notes:

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