Unexpected by B00kw0rm92
Summary: When Harry receives a letter at the end of his second year, the effects change not only his life but the lives of two others. With secrets uncovered, perceptions altered and lives changing drastically, can a family form out of the chaos?
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: Draco, Fred George, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, .Snape and Harry (required)
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Family, Hurt/Comfort
Media Type: None
Tags: None
Takes Place: 3rd summer
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Rape
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 25049 Read: 28376 Published: 10 Oct 2012 Updated: 27 Feb 2013
Chapter 2 by B00kw0rm92

July 14th 1993

Harry was struggling to cook breakfast for the Dursley family with only one arm. The familiar pain he had felt in his arm when his uncle had aimed a kick at his face the night before and he had instinctively shielded his face told him that he wouldn't be able to use that arm for at least a few weeks. If he didn't manage to injure it again, it should be healed in time for Hogwarts, but he wouldn't place any bets that he would be able to avoid another injury to it.

He had dealt with broken bones in the past, but it was never a pleasant experience. It didn't matter how badly he was injured, Vernon never let up on him. His uncle accepted no 'excuses'. He had learned to work through pain a long time ago but his uncle had found a new way to punish him this Summer - payback for all that had happened the Summer before he was told – and it made everything that much harder to deal with.

He finally placed the last of the bacon onto Dudley's plate and began placing the plates on the table as quickly as possible. He knew that his uncle would be downstairs any minute and it wouldn't bode well for him if breakfast wasn't completely ready for Vernon to begin eating the moment he sat down. He breathed a tiny sigh of relief when he had just stepped away from the table after placing his aunt's plate when his uncle came barging into the room with Dudley behind him.

"Petunia! It's time for breakfast." the man ordered loudly, summoning his wife from the living room from where she was watching the news.

Harry heard the television click off and within a few seconds, Petunia had sat down at the table across from her husband. As usual, Dudley already had a piece of bacon in his mouth before his mother had even entered the room. Harry stood off to the side as his relatives ignored his existence and he waited for them to pass judgment on the food he had made. He tried to fight back his nerves as his uncle tasted everything in turn. He wasn't sure he could take the extra punishment that would come if his uncle didn't approve, he knew that anything much more extreme would start a vicious cycle that would only get worse until he was able to escape to either Hogwarts or the Weasley's.

"Start your chores, boy!" his uncle demanded, giving the closest thing to approval Harry ever got and Harry quickly made his way out of the kitchen and into the garden to attempt his outdoor chores first, glad to be away from his uncle.

He allowed himself to relax slightly once he was out of sight. He had made it through breakfast with just one useful arm, now he just had to get through the rest of the day. As he scanned Petunia's flower beds for any new weeds, he decided that if his arm had to get broken, he was at least glad that it hadn't happened until he had been back for nearly three weeks. He had already managed to catch up on the things that Petunia had let slide without him around – not that there was much. His aunt was too worried about what other people thought to let anything go without cleaning or tending too for long.

There had been a few cabinets that were loose or wouldn't shut right and other minor things that didn't affect the look of the house very much and Vernon had refused to fix that he had been ordered to fix on his first day back and he had been told to organize and clean the shed the day after that, but for the most part, he had simply taken over the household chores from his aunt when he had arrived back. Every now and then Vernon would decide to order him to do something like clean the attic or paint the shutters, but generally all he had to do was try to keep everything around the house up to Petunia's standards.

After pulling up the two weeds he had spotted, he headed to fill the watering can, trying to ignore the pain he felt with each movement. He knew from previous experience that watering the flowers – along with cooking – would be the hardest thing to do with only one available arm, so he decided to get that done first. As he picked the can up he winced as the weight stretched the bruises and scabs on his shoulders and his ribs ached when he instinctively leaned to the side. He tried once again to push the pain of his mind and struggled back over to the flower beds, he was used to pain, but that didn't mean he wasn't counting the days until he could get away.

July 17th, 1993

"No!" Draco screamed as he woke with a jolt, breathing heavily as he looked around the room and registered that it had simply been yet another nightmare.

He leaned back against his pillows and tried to calm his breathing, he hadn't made it through a night without waking up screaming since the aurors had arrested his father. His dreams were filled with vivid images of what would happen if his father were to escape or be found not guilty. He knew that after what he had done, his father would most likely decide that having no heir was better than having him around any longer.

He was still trying to calm down when his bedroom door opened and his godfather rushed in, giving a quick look around the room before his eyes settled on Draco. Severus sighed before sitting down on the edge of the bed and Draco looked down, embarrassed to have woken the man up once again.

"He will not hurt you again." his godfather said comfortingly, placing a gentle hand on the boy's knee through the covers when he didn't react, "Look at me, Draco." he added, continuing only once his godson had done so, "I promise you. He will not get away with this, but even if he were to, I will not allow him to hurt you again."

"But if he gets out … you can't always be there." Draco replied softly. He knew that his godfather would always try to protect him, but he also knew how powerful his father was.

"If it was necessary, I would be." Severus replied, "The wards here are strong. The castle wards are impressive alone, but I have added further warding to my quarters as well. No one can get into these quarters unless I allow it. You truly are the only other person with the password to the floo, Draco. If needed, I could also take you to Prince Manor. I may not visit there often, but it is still mine and the wards there are some of the strongest I have ever come across. I will keep you safe." the man assured.

"He really couldn't get in?" Draco asked, ashamed by how young he sounded.

"He could not." His godfather confirmed, "This is a moot point anyway, Draco. Your father will not escape and I do not see any way for the Wizengamot to acquit him, biased as some members may be."

Draco let himself relax slightly. He hated that Severus had to remind him of that so often, but it was a hard thing for him to accept. He had never seen anyone get the upper hand on his father and it was hard to accept that the man had truly been beaten this time. He just couldn't seem to accept that he was safe, it didn't feel like that was possible.

"I guess." The boy admitted, "It's just … hard to remember that. He was always so…" Draco trailed off, unsure of how to explain just how he felt about his father.

"He was always in control and he made sure to flaunt just how powerful he was – both magically and politically - quite often." His godfather said, surprising Draco with how well the man understood, "Lucius always tried to make himself seem invincible, but it was not true. Everyone can be brought down with the right tools and Lucius has been brought down. I know that it will take you a while to be able to truly accept that, but he will not get his hands on you again."

"Thank you, Uncle Severus." Draco said softly.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?" the man asked, seeming to be satisfied that he had assured his godson as much as he could.

"No." the young boy replied, "I'm just going to try and go back to sleep."

Severus nodded and patted the boy's knee again softly before leaving the room. Draco watched as the door shut and then pulled his blankets up a little closer. He didn't expect to sleep again that night, but he didn't want to keep his godfather awake either. Once he was certain that Severus must have made his way back to his own room, he tapped the lamp sitting on the bedside table next to him to turn it on. He relaxed slightly as the soft light filled the room and tried to push the image of his father's angry face and aimed wand out of his mind.

July 19th, 1993

Severus gave one last look at his godson, who was starring sullenly at the greenhouse Pomona Sprout was happily leading him towards before walking to the gates of Hogwarts so he could apparate to the ministry. Though Draco had been excused from testifying at Lucius and Narcissa's trial as he was a child and the victim of abuse, Severus had to testify and as such, Draco had been left with the only professor still at Hogwarts that Severus had deemed moderately sane. Draco might not have the best afternoon of his life, but Severus was not about to leave him alone and he knew that the boy was secretly fond of Herbology.

Madam Bone's memory of her interview with Draco would be provided as his statement and the memories Draco had given would be viewed as well. Severus' memory of the night Draco had arrived in his quarters would be viewed as well and he would testify under Veritaserum to leave no doubt. The findings of the Saint Mungos healer's full diagnostic charm would be viewed and the healer would testify as well. The abuse charges should be fairly open and shut and Severus had a feeling that part of the trial might be mostly over with by the end of the day. It was the charges that pertained to Lucius' other illegal activities that would make things interesting.

He wasn't particularly looking forward to the part of the trial that would focus on Lucius and Narcissa's status as Death Eaters. He knew that there would be some uncomfortable questions for him and as much as he hoped to avoid it, he also knew that things could end up being revealed that he had not yet wanted to become public knowledge. As much as the possibility had annoyed Dumbledore, he had made it clear to the man that Draco was his top priority. If keeping Draco safe meant letting out information that Dumbledore didn't want out, he would choose his godson over his boss.

He surprised himself slightly when he looked up and realized that he was already at the gates. He took a deep breath to steady himself as walked beyond the gates and then turned on the spot before appearing in the ministry's designated apperation spot. He headed straight for the stairs after having his wand checked, knowing that for the intimidation factor, Madam Bones had arraigned for the trial to take place in Courtroom 10. He made sure his Occlumency shields were as strong as possible to hide the fact that he was nervous about the trial. He knew that his shields were common knowledge for both sides and as such they wouldn't help him with the Veritaserum as he would be given a higher dosage, but he could at least keep up his mask.

He made his way to the waiting area as quickly and calmly as possible. He wouldn't be allowed to sit in on the trial until he had already testified, but he knew that he could be one of the first witnesses called. He took a seat in the small room, pleased to note that he was the first there and pulled out a book from a pocket in his robes that he had brought for just this purpose. It wasn't long before he heard the door open and looked up to see the healer from Saint Mungos walking in.

"Good morning, Professor Snape." the woman said in greeting the moment the door had closed.

"Healer Johnson." he acknowledged with a small nod.

"Am I allowed to ask how Draco is doing?" the young woman questioned, looking nervous and slightly confused.

"I believe so." the man replied, "He is doing as well as can be expected. His injuries are healing well, but as you know, emotionally, it will take quite some time for him to recover."

The woman was quite young and he had a feeling Draco had been her first abuse case. He knew her fairly well as he had been her potions professor when she was in school, though they had not spoken since her graduation until her examination of Draco. She had been a kind and eager Hufflepuff with a talent for potions and he had been rather fond of her, though he would never admit it.

Healer Johnson nodded and pulled out a knitting project from the bag she had brought with her. The blue yarn looked to be forming into a blanket and he had barely had time to wonder why she was making it when she informed him that a friend of hers was expecting a baby. The brief exchange over with, the duo went back to waiting in silence.

He allowed himself to get lost in the book and before long he was called into the courtroom. He nodded and placed his book back into the pocket as he stood and followed the wizard who had been sent to fetch him. He was escorted straight to the frightening looking chair in the middle of the room that he remembered from his own trial and he pushed his emotions further behind his barriers as he sat down.

The prosecuting attorney, a man named Pearson headed towards him holding a vile of clear liquid, "Do you, Severus Tobias Snape willfully agree to be placed under the influence of Veritaserum as you give your testimony?" the man asked as soon as he stood in front of Severus.

"I do." The potions master agreed before tilting his head back and opening his mouth to allow five drops of the liquid to be dripped onto his tongue

He felt the clouded sensation in his mind that came with being dosed with the truth serum and he knew that with the increased dosage, he would not be able to lie no matter what he was asked. He would have to rely on Madam Bone's intervention if things went badly. He had a feeling that Dumbledore was about to lose his spy, but as long as his godson would be safe, it would be worth it.

The prosecutor asked him several basic "control" questions that mainly served to make sure the reporters could correctly identify him. Everyone in the room might have been magically sworn to silence about the abuse charges, but they were free to report about the rest of the trial. The Malfoy's trial would be front pages news for at least the next few weeks.

Once they had established that he could repeat basic facts that he had no reason to lie about, the questioning began, "Can you tell us what occurred in your quarters at Hogwarts at approximately one in the morning on July 10th of this year?" the man asked.

"The alarm on my floo went off, waking me, and I rushed into my sitting room with my wand drawn only to find my godson standing in front of the fireplace. He called out to me so that I would know it was him and I asked him why he was there. He told me that he could not stay with his parents and do the things they wanted him to do. I placed a hand on his back to comfort him and he flinched away. I asked him if his father had hurt him and he admitted that he had. Once he showed me the damage his father had done, I healed him as best as was possible and put him to bed in my guest room." Severus said in a monotone voice, managing to leave out the parts he didn't want to say.

"Did you have reason to suspect Lucius Malfoy of abusing his son?" was the next question.

"I had always found him to be slightly too strict with Draco, but until the boy showed up in my quarters in the middle of the night, I had never expected more than that. I simply knew that there had to be a good reason for my godson to have run away and I knew that Lucius could be violent, though I had never seen him be violent with his son." Severus explained, letting himself go more into detail.

"When had you seen Lord Malfoy be violent?" the other man asked.

"On numerous occasions. Both Lucius and Narcissa were Death Eaters and I have witnessed Lucius torture and kill many times. He is no stranger to the Unforgivables, but he also likes to be 'creative' as he calls it, with his torture." The potions master informed the prosecutor as he tried to ready himself for what he knew would likely come next.

"How is it that you were able to witness this?" Pearson questioned.

"Because I was a Death Eater as well." he answered, causing the room to explode in angry yells and calls for his arrest.

"Quiet!" Madam Bones called, "Allow the prosecutor to finish his questioning. You are here to observe and listen, not interrupt. If you do not know how to properly behave in a courtoom I will have you thrown out!" she declared, taking charge of the situation before Dumbledore could even speak.

"Were you loyal to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" the prosecutor asked as soon as the room became silent.

"Never. I was a spy from the very beginning." Severus answered truthfully.

The room gave a collective gasp and excited and shocked whispers came from every corner. Severus gave a slightly apologetic nod to his boss, but he did not regret it. He had planned to avoid letting that information out if at all possible, but if it would put Lucius behind bars and protect Draco, anything was worth it. As Madam Bones called once again for order, Severus was the only one to see the stricken look on Dumbledore's face. He would not be able to keep the truth quiet this time. The light had just lost their spy.

To be continued...
End Notes:
I hope that you all liked this chapter! I know that I am time-skipping a lot right now, but that will stop once Harry is away from the Dursley's.

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=2860