Harry My Brother by Slytherin_Lion
Summary: While reading through his mother's journals from her Hogwarts years, Harry discovers he has a half-brother whose father is Severus Snape. Now he and Snape must find his brother who will not be what either of them expected.This is for the Unknown Brother Challenge
Categories: Big Brother Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Other
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Family, Hurt/Comfort
Media Type: None
Tags: Adoption, Crossover
Takes Place: 6th summer
Warnings: Character Bashing, Romance/Het, Romance/Slash
Prompts: When Fandoms Collide, Unknown Brother
Challenges: When Fandoms Collide, Unknown Brother
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5996 Read: 16858 Published: 30 Dec 2012 Updated: 09 Feb 2013
Story Notes:
This is for the the Unknown Brother Challenge by Mellow Moon and it will have a cross over with James Bond in later chapters. Don't worry about that to much.

This is not a story for fans of Lily Potter because for this story to work she is a bit of a bad guy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter all Rights go to J.K. Rowling

1. Chapter 1 by Slytherin_Lion

2. Chapter 2 by Slytherin_Lion

3. Chapter 3 by Slytherin_Lion

4. Chapter 4 by Slytherin_Lion

Chapter 1 by Slytherin_Lion
Harry sat on his bed at the Dursley’s looking through the old journals of his mother’s that Remus had sent him for his Birthday. Harry looked over at his presents and sighed this year Ron and Hermione had not sent him anything, at the end of last year Draco and his father had come to him seeking protection from the Dark Lord who had just been reborn. Ron and Hermione who were with him started to shout abuse at the two men before Harry could say anything, Harry only snapped out of his shocked state when he heard Hermione say the first syllables of the Reducto curse. Using his seeker reflexes he caught her wand and ripped it from her hand before she could curse the two blonds. Harry quickly hurried them away from his now seething friends.

Later that night Dumbledore told everyone in the Great Hall that the Malfoy’s were now under the protection of himself and Harry and they were not to be harmed. Hermione and Ron had not spoken to him after that until the last day of school on the train, when Hermione came up to him and gave him an ultimatum.

“It is either them or us Potter, if you chose to keep supporting the Malfoy’s then you will not have our friendship. You are not invited to the Borrows this year just so you know.” She ended with before turning around and flicking her hair over her shoulder. When he got off the train he was surprise when Mr and Mrs Weasley –or Molly and Arthur as they had been requested to be called- still hugged him and asked how his year had been. It appeared that the only Weasley that shared Ron and Hermione’s opinion was Ginny and that was because Lucius had given her the diary in her first year.

Even though Molly and Arthur had sent an invitation to stay with them along with his Birthday cards he had sent back a not to politely decline. Instead he would be spending the second part of his summer with Severus. He and Severus had buried the hatchet just after his name had been pulled out of the goblet the year before. Severus had found him collapsed outside the potion classroom one night when Ron and the others in his dorm had been making his life unbearable after a long night of talking they realised that they were not that different from one another and Severus had become one of the people he could rely on most. He had been found out as a spy thanks to a certain rat so he was unable to go back to Voldemort meaning he and Harry could be seen together in public which was one of the reasons that Dumbledore had said yes to him spending the summer with Severus.

That year he had been given a book on pranks from Sirius, homemade fudge and cakes from Molly and Arthur. Hagrid had sent him that years COMC book and some homemade rock cakes. Severus had sent him a photo album with photos of his parents from their Hogwarts years. However the best gift that year had come from Remus, he had sent Harry his mother’s journals which she had given Remus to look after before she and James went into hiding. She had made Remus promise to give them to Harry on his fifteenth Birthday and not before.

It was now four days after his birthday and the day before Severus arrived he had reached the middle of the second journal which documented his mother’s fifth year at Hogwarts. He had been surprised to find out that she had started dating someone at the beginning of fifth year however she had yet to mention a name. He had gotten to the prat just after her 16th birthday in January when he turned the page and found a sealed envelope with his name on the front in green ink. Before he read on he picked up the envelope and read the content by the time he was finished the letter had fallen from his numb figures. He picked it up and re-read it not able to believe what he had just read.

My Dearest Harry
I hope that you read this letter before continuing on with my journal, I want you to know that no matter what I still loved you and your father however while I loved James I did care for another. I started to date Severus Snape in September he is the mysterious man that I have mentioned. I noticed I started to feel sick in the beginning of February so I went and saw Madam Pomfrey. She told me I was nearly two months pregnant and due in the middle of August. I knew that the baby had to be Severus’s so I bound Poppy to a healer’s oath so that not even the Headmaster knew. Just after the OWL’s I used the Imperius curse on Severus while James was hanging him upside down, I got him to call me a Mudblood which gave me the perfect excuse to break up with him. This was cruel but I do not regret it, I must admit that I never intended to stay with Severus but if he had known that the baby existed then he would have ensured that we married. I gave birth as Poppy said in the middle of August, my family had moved from Spinners end so I did not have to worry about bumping into Severus. As soon as the baby was born I gave him away, I did not even name him, my parents were furious that I had not told Severus about his son. If you wish to go and find your brother then go ahead however I would not tell Severus about him because it will surely cause him a lot of problem. There is more information about my pregnancy in the Journal. Please do not think badly of me for I did only what I had to do.
All my love your Mother Lily

Harry read the next few pages of the journal which showed his mother’s pregnancy and how she wanted to get rid of the baby but abortions were frowned upon in the Wizarding world. When he got to the point the Baby’s birth there was a picture of a child with black hair. Even at a few hours old it was easy to tell that the baby was Severus’s child.
Harry sat on his bed numb with no idea that to think now, his mother who had seemed so sweet and good hearted had just become cold and unfeeling in his eyes, with the way she spoke of not only Severus but the baby she carried. Harry closed the journal and lay down before he silently cried himself to sleep, knowing that he would tell Severus of his son no matter what the outcome.


Harry woke the next morning to the sound of his aunt banging on the door demanding that he get up and makes breakfast. After he had made a full English for his relatives and his uncle had left for work he cornered his aunt and asked about his half-brother.

“In a way I wish you had never found out.” Petunia sighed while pouring herself tea and offering Harry a cup. “I had hoped you would get to keep the image of the woman you were told my sister was. Most people assume it was because of her being a witch that I fell out with my sister, however the true reason was that I could not stand how heartless she was toward Severus and Her son. I was the only one to hold that child. I do not know what happened to him after she gave him up I wish I did but the only thing I can tell you is that he was given to an orphanage named St. Gabriel’s. Harry promise me you will tell Severus about his son” Petunia ended. Harry nodded before going up to his room.

At midday the doorbell rang, a moment later his aunt shouted up the stairs for him. When he entered the living room his heart sank when he realised that he was going to have to give new to the man before him which could quite possible shatter his world and make everything he thought true become a lie. Severus Snape had arrived.
To be continued...
End Notes:
Well that is the first chapter of my new story, updates will not be that often as I am working on something right now which is on another site. Hope you enjoy and comments are always welcomed
Chapter 2 by Slytherin_Lion
Author's Notes:
This chapter has a bit more of the history of Severus and Harry. Hope you enjoy.

Severus knew that there was something wrong as soon as Harry walked in the room, the boy looked like he had won the lottery and lost the ticket and from the way he was looking at Severus he knew that it had something to do with him.

"Are you ready to go Harry" he asked softly not wanting to startle the young man before him.

"Yes sir" that answers shocked Severus whom Harry had not called Sir since after the second task. Harry when upstairs to to retrieve his trunk and whispered something to his aunt before he left, Severus thought he heard the words 'Have more faith in him' whispered back but he could not be sure.

Severus took Harry by the arm before activating a port key that would take him through his wards and to his home. When they landed in the living room he turned his eyes to Harry questioningly, the young man did not say anything he simply handed the man the letter and the journal before sitting down on the sofa and hugging his knees to his chest. While Severus read the letter and the diary which Harry thought would lead to the man wanting nothing more to do with him, he thought back to how their friendship had started.

*Flash Back*

Harry had been awake for over forty eight hours due to the hassle he was receiving from his dorm mates, whenever he tried to sleep someone would create a loud bang or send a stinging hex at him this meant that he was getting very little sleep, but for the past two nights, they had been getting everyone in the common room to make life hell for him, something about him becoming the next Dark lord –he had a feeling that Ron was the one behind that rumour- this plus the nightmares that he kept having meant that he had gotten no sleep at all. This was why he was wandering the halls of Hogwarts trying to find some peace. He had gotten as far as a portrait or a none descript man brewing a potion when he slid down the wall know that his legs would carry him no further. It felt like hours but was in fact only minutes later that the portrait swung open and out came none other than his most hated teacher Professor Severus Snape. He expected to be flayed alive because he was out after hours and he was in the dungeon. What he had not expected was to be picked up and carried into the man's quarters; he was laid down on the sofa and had a blanket put around him before turning out the lights and walking out of the room.

Harry was shaken awake at half past seven, by Snape who said nothing except that Harry was to come back at eight that night for detention. When Harry went back that night he explained about the way Ron and the others had treated him, they had spent the night talking about everything and nothing and realised that they had more in common. Soon Severus became someone he could talk to about anything and filled the space of mentor that Sirius was unable to.

*End of flashback*

Harry smiled as he remembered Ron's face when he had not been the one who Harry had to pull out of the lake. Albus thought that it was Brilliant that the one person who meant the most to Harry was Severus. Harry chuckled quietly when he remembered what Severus said to him when he brought him and Fleur's little sister. 'You stupid heroic brat, did you really think that the headmaster would let anyone drowned.' He then proceeded to hug the boy and tell him if he ever did anything like that again he would chop him up and use him in a potion.

Unfortunately no one saw the rat that had been next to the lake leave and even if they had the only thing they would have found strange about it was that it was missing a toe. Harry thanked his lucky stars that they had believed the Malfoy's because Lucius told Severus that if he went back then he would be killed because Peter had seen him with Harry by the lake. Severus did not go back however he was tortured through the mark which Albus and Severus were still trying to get around.

Harry looked up when he heard the rustle of clothes next to him, kneeling down before him was Severus who although he looked upset Harry could tell that the upset and anger was not directed towards him.

"Harry is this letter the reason why you look like your world has ended" Severus asked.

"Yes sir" Harry answered trying not to squirm not knowing how Severus was going to treat him, he just hoped that he would not go from being the son of James Potter to the son of Lily Potter which would no doubt be ten times worse.

"Harry are you worried that I blame you for what Lily did?" Severus queried

"Yes sir, are you going to treat me as Lily Potter's son?" Harry questioned quietly.

"No Harry I cannot blame you for her actions, just as I should never have blamed you for your father's actions. The offer I made at the end of last year stands so I hope you had time to decide." Severus said hoping to convey his sincerity.

"What about the boy my half-brother?"

"If you want to find your Brother than I will help you if not then I will leave it until you feel you are ready to meet him because even though he is my son by blood you are my son by choice" Severus told the fretting boy before him.

"I do want to become your son but I really want to find my brother even if he does not want anything to do with me at all." Severus was saddened at the thought that Harry's brother may not want anything to with him but he was overjoyed that the child wish to be adopted by him.

"We will do the adoption tomorrow but for today you should relax, Draco is here with Lucius and he has been dying to challenge you to a race. I will call Remus to witness the adoption along with Lucius and the Twins" Severus said and smiled lightly when Harry grabbed his broom and dashed out of the door to find the person who had become one of his friends through letter's over the summer.

Severus sat down and penned a note to Remus hoping that Black would not see it because they had kept the idea of the adoption a secret from him, Merlin only knows what would happen if he found out. The only thing he could be sure of was that he would try and muck things up by more than likely giving Harry an ultimatum. After he had sent the letter to Remus he picked up the journal once again, he was storming not only that Lily had lied to him but the fact that she dared to think that he would have forced her into marriage. If she had told him then he would have had the baby adopted by his uncle Carter and his wife Elizabeth who had been unable to have children, that way he would have been able to see his son but he would not have had the responsibility of raising a child when he was sixteen. He could not decide which hurt worse the fact that she had gotten rid of his son or the fact that she had never truly loved him and the only reason she went out with him was because Potter still had a big head, he hated playing second fiddle.

Over all though the thing he hated most was the fact that Harry would undoubtedly get his hopes up, he would hope that his brother would want something to do with him despite what he had said and the problem was that the boy –young man- may not want anything to do with either of them.

To be continued...
End Notes:
Next Chapter The adoption and Sirius making a nuisance of himself.
Chapter 3 by Slytherin_Lion
Author's Notes:
Sorry it has taken me so long to update guys I have been doing exams at college so I have been studying. Thank you for being patient with me. The cross-over comes in for the first time this Chapter.

Severus and Harry stood side by side in the Headmasters office, Lucius and Draco stood to his side while Remus, Fred and George stood by Harry's side. Albus stood before them with a beaming smile on his face, he was silently thanking Merlin that his boys had found the family they both desired so much. Albus had just started the words to the adoption right when the Floo flared and out stepped Sirius Black everyone in the room froze knowing that this would not end well. Sirius immediately looked between Severus and Harry before starting forward towards the two, before he could draw his wand on Severus however Harry stepped in front of the man blocking Sirius's way.

"Sirius what are you doing here" Harry asked trying to sound nonchalant.

"I found a letter from this twat addressed to Remus, imagine my surprise when I find out it was to a secret ceremony involving Snivellus and my God-Son. Harry how could you marry such a…" before he could finish the sentence he was cut off by the Twins and Remus who were doubled over laughing while Harry and Severus looked alarmed and mildly disturbed.

"Merlin Sirius I may be gay but I would not marry Severus ever, it would be like marrying my father! The ceremony mentioned in the letter is an adoption ceremony." Harry told him still trying to shake the disgust he felt at the thought of marrying Severus.

"What!" Sirius screeched "Why would you want to be adopted by by him. It is bad enough that you have betrayed the wizarding world by being Gay but you also have to betray your parents by allowing a death eater to adopt you! How will you betray the world next maybe declaring your undying love for Voldemort?!" Sirius yelled grabbing a hold of Harry's shirt and shaking him a little. Everyone stared at Sirius unable to believe what the man had just said however before anyone could say anything back Harry's magic lashed out and sent the man flying to the other side of the room.


Severus crossed the room and pulled the young man into his arms making soothing noises trying to get the young man to calm down.

"How can you say such a thing about James and Lily, James was the kindest bloke who ever lived and Lily was the most honourable woman who I ever met, it is unfortunate that you did not inherit any of their best qualities" Sirius sneered at the boy before him.

"If James was kind then he would not have bullied Severus along with anyone else he took a dislike to and if Lily was so honourable then she would not have left a baby in an orphanage at two days old without even telling the father that the child existed." Harry said in a cold tone that made everyone in the room flinch and Severus realise how deeply his parents betrayal had cut Harry.

"How do you know about James pranking Severus?" Sirius asked.

"Severus showed me the memories of some of the incidents last year when I asked why he hated my father so much" Harry answered in a monotone voice, before Sirius could say anything else Dumbledore, Remus and Lucius managed to get him out of the door. Once he was out of the door Harry collapsed onto a chair and Draco and the twins tried to
cheer him up.

The four men came back fifteen minutes later before anyone could say anything the twins and Draco were motioned to leave the room, the men baring Severus followed after the teens. Severus crouched down so he was on the same level as Harry who was still sitting.

"Are you sure that they you want me to adopt you because that is the kind of reaction you are going to be faced with for the rest of the world who would rather you be put to death than be adopted by a death eater. I need you to be sure" Severus said looking at the figure before him.

"I'm sure, the only reason I reacted the way that I did was because he is my god-father and I hoped that he would like to see me happy. Also how many times do I need to say you are an ex-death eater?" Harry said the last part in a very stern voice causing the man before him to laugh.

After a moment more of talking Severus walked to the door and motioned the others back into the room. Albus stood before the men and smiled before he started the ritual. Severus began the vows he had to speak and Harry had to except.

"With my body I swear to protect you
With my mind I swear to teach you
With my strength I swear to heal you
With my soul I swear to guide you
With my heart I swear to love you" Severus said meaning every word that he spoke, Harry had become as important to him as his own son would be and he hoped secretly that his birth son would one day become just as important.

Harry smiled at him before saying his part
"I swear to take the protection you will give.
I swear to listen to the lessons that you teach
I swear to go you when I need help to heal.
I swear to follow the guidance that you give
I swear that the love you give will always be returned"

Harry finished and Albus put the contract down before Severus and Harry. Severus signed his name before handing the paper to Harry who signed his new name. Harry James Severus Potter Snape, but he would be referred to as Harry Snape.

The scroll rolled up and disappeared into the ministry archives, Severus hugged the boy next to him as everyone in the room burst into applause. Once the ceremony was finished they went down into the great hall to eat the feast the elves had laid out at the head table.


The next day Severus and Harry went about how to find his brother, the first thing that they would do was go to St. Gabriel's orphanage to see if they could find anything out about the boy and if he was adopted and if then by who. If the information was private then a little magic goes a long way. With that in mind the men packed up and headed for their destination.

When they arrived outside the orphanage they found a modern building that had obviously been refurbished recently, inside the picket fence there were children of all ages playing happily. Harry and Severus walked up the path and went inside towards the office. Inside was a woman who looked to be about sixty, she reminded Harry of Minerva a women who would mother you but have a no nonsense attitude.

"May I help you gentlemen" She asked.

"Well ma'am I hope that you may be able to help me" Severus said before telling her about Lily, the pregnancy and how he and Harry were desperate to find the boy.

"You are lucky I am a sucker for a sob story and that the boy you are looking for said that if the man from the picture that was tucked into his baby blanket ever showed up I could give him the information. The child came in with a woman claiming to be in maternal aunt, he had no name except the surname of Evans. We named him Alexander, it became apparent that he was intelligent, incredibly so by the age of two he could read and by the age of four he could build god knows what. When he was six a man going by the name Bill Tanner came to the office saying he had heard about Alexander and wished to adopt him. We went through the proper channels and Alexander was adopted on the 15th of August 19 1991 his seventh birthday. The child comes back here every now and then, he should be coming for a visit within the next few days actually, if you leave an address I will let him know you visited." The woman told them. Before Severus could do so however a rucks outside drew their attention, the children were shouting and squealing in an excited manor. A deep laugh drifted into the office as someone walked up to the door, without a knock the door was opened and someone entered.

The person who came in was a young man, between eighteen and twenty one by Severus's estimation. A pale complexion, with high cheek bones, jet black hair that looked like it would lay straight if it ever saw a comb, about six feet tall yet very slender as if he needed a good few meals. Then only thing about his appearance that could be considered off putting were the black sparkling eyes.

"You always did know when you were needed Alexander." The woman behind them said causing Severus and Harry to gasp.

To be continued...
End Notes:
I hope you guys like it and I hope you are all okay with the cross-over.

Next Chapter Alexander, Severus and Harry talk, then Sev and Harry meet some people Alexander knows. Until then bye for now.
Chapter 4 by Slytherin_Lion
Author's Notes:
Hey everyone Sorry that it has been a while but this is the longest chapter to date. Also their is important info in the end note.
Alexander walked forward before coming to a hault before Severus who was not sure what to expect, everything between the young man before him yelling and screaming to the lad smacking him across the face before storming out of the room however the reaction that he got was not one he expected.

“Well at least now I know where I get the eyes from” Alexander said before giving a grin causing Severus to arch a brow and Harry who had up until that point been frozen to give a giggle. This caused Alexander to look around Severus who had moved in front of Harry when the woman had said Alexander’s name. When he saw Harry, Alexander smiled and held out his hand.

“Hi I am Alexander Tanner” he said his smile became even wider when Harry grasped his hand.

“Hello I am Harry James Potter-Snape” Harry cringed slightly not knowing how the man before would react. While Alexander’s eyebrows drew together as he looked between the two before his faced smoothed back out and the smile came back but slightly smaller.

“Well it is nice to meet you Harry. Mandy do you have a room where I can speak to Mr Snape and Harry” Alexander said with a bright smile to the woman behind the desk.

“Of course Alex you can use this room it is time for the children’s lunch any way. I hope that you can sort everything out. Oh is William with you?” she questioned.

“Yes he is could you please tell him to come here in about half an hour” Alexander told the woman who nodded and left the room.

“So I am guessing that you are my father and that Harry is my brother” Alexander said while taking a seat the other two people in the room knew it was not a question but merely an observation.

“Yes to the first part and yes to the second although not in the way you might think” Severus answered sitting down cautiously while Harry still stood in the background obviously unsure of his welcome.

“I guessed that Harry is your son but he looks nothing like you so I will go with adopted and that considering the similarities in our appearance -with the cheekbones and the shape of our nose- that we share the same mother. Am I Right?” Alexander said giving the men before him a scrutinising look.

“Yes you are.” Severus replied feeling rather astounded at the perceptiveness of the young man before him.

“Harry you can sit down you know I will not bite unless backed into a corner” the bad joke broke some of the tension in the room and Harry sat down beside Severus who he was wondering how much he should tell the young man before him about magic because he had not been to Hogwarts so he could not be Magical.

“Why after all of this time did you decide to finally come and look for me” Alexander asked and even though he tried he could not quite keep the hurt out of his voice. Severus acted almost without thinking and went over to the young man who was his son before squatting down before Alexander.

“I want you to look into my eyes while I tell you this” after he had Alexander’s full attention he continued. “Up until a few days ago I had no idea that you even existed I had known then I would have taken you from this place in a heartbeat. I only found out when Harry received his mother’s journals on his 15th birthday. Will you listen to Harry and I while we tell you all that we know.” Severus asked when he received a slightly hesitant nod from Alexander Severus got back up and went to sit back into his chair.

For the second time that day Harry and Severus retold what Harry had found out and what had happened since then. Severus also passed the journals over to Alexander but warned him that reading them may be upsetting. Both Harry and Severus were worried about telling Alexander about magic because they did not know how he would react. Before they could cross that bridge the door to the office opened and a man stepped in.

He was of average build, dressed in a three piece suit, he had a kind good natured face but in his eyes you could see years’ worth of hardship and more recent pain. His hair was thinning at the front even though he was probably only a few years older than Severus. Before either Harry or Alexander could react Severus was up on his feet.

“You have got to be kidding me he was the child that you had me make the magic analysis potion for.” Severus growled obviously trying to keep his temper under control.

“You know him Dad” the boys both asked at the same time thought they were looking at different men.

“Yes son I know him” The men both answered looking at the respective boy that had spoken to them. Alexander and Harry looked at one another before bursting into laughter at the disgruntled expression on the older men’s faces.

“Harry this is my adopted Dad William Tanner but everyone calls him Bill.” Alexander said to Harry before turning back to Bill “Dad this is Severus Snape my birth father and Lily Potters other son and my half-brother Harry Potter-Snape” Alexander said before going a sitting while indicating for Harry to follow, they were both obviously content to watch the show down between the two men.
It took several minutes but after throwing some insults back and forth Severus finally for the third time that day told Bill why he had not gone looking for Alexander.

“What did they mean by magic analysis potion” Harry asked Alexander while Severus and Bill had a conversation behind a silencing shield. Alexander searched Harry’s face before sighing.

“If I am going to tell you about that then you and Severus will have to come back to where I work because even here walls have ears” Alexander told Harry before getting up and going over to the other two men who now seemed rather calm. When he got to Bill he whispered something to the man before getting a nod in return. Bill said something to Severus which caused the man to stiffen before relaxing and nod in a resigned sort of way. Alexander walked out of the door with Bill following him Severus walked up to Harry and indicated towards the door before following the young man out of the orphanage and to the black Jaguar that was waiting for them.


When the car stopped Harry did not recognise the building but he thought that he may have seen it on the news a couple of times. Alexander and Bill took them through the building and up to the top floor. They went through an office that looked like it belonged to an incredibly important person. They walked past a very pretty woman who smiled at them all and threw a wave to Alexander and Bill before waving them through the door at the head of the office.

When they went into the office the man behind the desk looked up. He looked like a hard man to please, rather aristocratic man with a receding hairline and a light scattering of grey around his temples, however when he gave them a small smile Harry could not help but instantly trust him. The man stood up and moved around his desk he stopped before Severus and Harry.

“I am Gareth Mallory and seeing as you are here I see no need to keep you in the dark you are at the headquarters of MI6 and I am its head. I am mostly called M” The man before them introduced himself. Severus and Harry did the same before M walked back around his desk and sat down.

“Harry you asked about the magic analysis potion, Bill knew of the magical world because his Grandfather is a squib. He realised that I had shown intelligence well beyond anything that I should have so when I was twelve he had my blood tested with a potion. Bill can tell you more about the results than I can.” Alexander said before looking to Bill.

“The potion showed that Alex is not a squib as I first thought, his magic turned inward and became mind magic. The magic has caused Alex to have a genius level IQ, he can multi task with at least three things at once. It also means that no one can use Legitimency on him. Alex did have small bout of accidental magic but not much.” Bill explained, the explanation shocked both Harry and Severus but for different reasons. Harry had never heard of anything like what Bill had just said and Severus had only heard of it because there had not been a Mind Wizard for over one hundred years.

Before anyone could say anything else the sound of raised voices came from outside then the door burst open before a man burst into the room followed by the woman from outside.

“Sorry sir I tried to stop him” She said to M who nodded.

“What the hell is going on Q who are these people” The blond man shouted obviously stunned by the presence of Severus and Harry.

“Good afternoon Bond you do know how to make an entrance.” Alexander said with a fond smile while the other two men in the room gave exasperated sighs.
To be continued...
End Notes:
OK info for the James Bond Characters which may or may not come up in future chapters.
James Bond Born April 13th 1958 (37)

Gareth Mallory Born 28th December 1947 (48) for those of you familiar with Skyfall Mallory was kidnapped by the IRA while in Ireland. In my story he was take prisoner during the Falkland island war instead.

William (Bill) Tanner Born February 18th 1954 (41) 29 when he adopted Alex

Hope this helps with understanding the story.

Next chapter Bond gets a telling of, Mallory reveals a secret and Sirius, Hermione and Ron pop up just to be a pain in the neck. until next time.

This story archived at http://www.potionsandsnitches.org/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=2894