Finding You Again by jjjm0808
Summary: Can old wounds be healed? Can Harry and Severus have a chance at being happy? Can Dumbledore stop being a meddling old coot?
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required)
Snape Flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Overly-protective Snape, Snape is Stern
Genres: Drama, Family, Fluff
Media Type: None
Tags: Injured!Harry, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 1st Year
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Neglect
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 45475 Read: 22108 Published: 05 Jan 2022 Updated: 03 May 2022
Chapter 21 by jjjm0808
Author's Notes:
Sorry, it's been forever! School was brutal and I finally finished. I don't know how I'm liking the turnout of this story but I'll keep going with it for now.
December 25, 1991

The first thought Harry had when he woke up was as to how the small light in the cupboard could possibly be this bright. The second thought he then had was why his cupboard smelled sterilized. He fluttered open his eyes and blinked back the sleep before slowly lifting his head to take a quick glance around the room. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion because he had no recollection of returning to Hogwarts and especially being admitted into the hospital wing.

As he went to sit up, he felt his body fight back; the achiness and the soreness overpowering him and he let out a small groan of pain. A calloused hand then placed his glasses onto his face while the other pushed his chest gently back down onto the bed.

“You are going to be sore for another day or so, so might I suggest you take it easy,” Severus Snape told his son.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows again and looked up. “How… how did we get here? Why am I this bloody sore?”

“Language young man,” Severus gently admonished. “You do not remember?” he then asked while taking a seat in the chair next to the bed.

“Erm… I mean I remember being at the Dursleys, but to be honest I just thought I was dreaming when I saw you punch Uncle Vernon in the face.”

“Do not call him uncle,” Severus snapped. “No uncle or any adult for that matter should treat a child like that. They are not your family, Harry.”

Harry just nodded. He knew they were terrible to him, but blood is blood. Right?

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Severus placed his hand on his forehead and held it there to check his temperature.

“Hmmm,” Severus said quietly. “I shall go get Madam Pomphrey, do no move,” he said while standing up and disappearing into the office.

Madam Pomphrey and Severus returned a moment later. She was carrying a full tray of potions and Harry internally groaned. All medicinal potions tasted worse than a Hagrid’s rock cakes.

“Ah Harry dear, Happy Christmas! How are you feeling? Still feverish? Achey?” Madam Pomphrey asked as she approached his bedside and rested the tray of potions on the stand next to it.

“Yes, he is still feverish and does seem to be having discomfort,” Severus chimed in.

“Severus, I asked the patient himself, correct?” Poppy asked as she pulled out her wand to run a diagnostic on Harry. Severus on the other hand just rolled his eyes and sat back down in the chair.

“I guess I’m feeling a bit sore. Mostly my ribs and back. I am a little tired and feel cold but hot at the same time,” Harry said quietly.

“Yes well, cracked ribs and some severe bruising and cuts on your back will do just that. You got an infection and your body’s response was to break out the fever. Your temp is just around 38.7 C (101.6 F) so only a slight fever is left. You still need another day of rest and recovery before you will start to feel a difference. Here drink these potions and order some breakfast. I will be back to check on you before lunch dear,” Poppy said as she started passing each vial to Harry to down before giving Severus a slight nod and retreating to her office.

“Do you have anything particular that you would like for breakfast?” Severus asked while standing up.

“Erm… no. I’m not that hungry really so maybe some toast with jam?” Harry replied.

Severus nodded. “I will go to the kitchens in the castle to tell the house-elves. I am going to stop by my office for a few things I must handle since I have been gone, but I will be back soon. After you eat try and rest a bit.”

Harry stayed quiet and nodded. He didn’t want Severus to go since he felt safe with him around, but he didn’t want to interrupt his work.

Just as Severus was about to turn to leave, he turned back and placed a comforting hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“And I forgot. Happy Christmas, Harry,” Severus said with a squeeze on his shoulder and a small smile grazing his lips.

“Happy Christmas, Dad,” Harry replied and allowed himself to smile as well.

With that Severus turned and stalked out of the infirmary.


After placing Harry’s order in the kitchen, Severus took the long way back to his office. He was still filled with rage at the entire situation, but he was at least glad he had gotten there in time before anything worse would have happened.

After apparting to Hogsmeade and having to sprint to the infirmary carrying an eleven-year-old boy, albeit a very skinny eleven-year-old, who was passed out from either pain, starvation, fever, or all three, he was emotionally and physically drained. However, after seeing those emerald green eyes flutter open this morning, he had to admit that he felt all anger that had built up dissipate. Those damn green eyes would always have such an effect on him, and he just prayed Harry never finds out.

Severus reached his office and glanced over some letters and papers that were sitting on his desk waiting for his return. He made a note to check out his classroom and make sure it was actually still standing, but he had more important things to do today.

He unlocked his bottom desk cabinet and pulled out a wooden box. This wooden box had changed his life for the better and he thought of a way to turn this past month around. He began to set up his office for his surprise for Harry.

After he finished setting up, he checked the time and saw that only thirty minutes had gone by. He figured he still had time to meet with the headmaster before returning to his son’s bedside. He grabbed the floo powder off the mantle and shouted “Headmaster’s Office,” and peeped his head through.

“Ah Severus, my boy, please come through,” Dumbledore said from the other side.

Severus stepped through and immediately grabbed his wand from his robe and took three long strides crossing the room before he pointed it at the headmaster’s neck.

There was an audible gasp that came from behind and Severus snapped his head around to see Minerva standing in front of the desk with her hands closed over her mouth.

“Severus Snape!” she exclaimed. “Just what in Merlin’s name are you doing?”

“This old fool almost had my son killed!” Severus shouted and thrust his wand deeper into the headmaster's beard.

“Your son?” Minerva questioned.

“Harry? is he alright?” Dumbledore followed up.

“I’m sorry, you said Mr. Potter… Um, I mean Harry,” she quickly corrected when Snape shot her a look, “almost killed? Severus, what has happened?” She asked.

“Those blasted relatives that you put him with! You knew how poorly he was treated there yet you still sent him back! I am tired of you meddling in my life! You have taken so damn much from me, old man!” Severus spat out.

“Now Severus, let us take a deep breath. Can I interest you in a lemon drop laced with a calming drought before we proceed?” Dumbledore asked as he began to step away from Severus and return to his desk.

Severus just laughed manically in response. “This is it. You are done using me as your pawn, you are done using my son as your pawn, you are done. Anything that you wish Harry to do has to run by me first. I will not be going on any more missions. You will stop meddling in our lives. You have caused enough damage. Harry is only eleven but has been through so much already and will probably be going through a lot more if our suspicions are correct.”
“Suspicions? Severus, headmaster, what suspicions?” Minerva cut in.

“We shall discuss that later Minerva, but for the time being, I am truly sorry Severus. I did not think they would have hurt him. I sent a letter ahead and had Arabella Fig, a squib placed next door to keep an eye out. The blood wards were needed for over the break while you were away.”

Severus rolled his eyes. He was beyond livid but it’s not like he would actually ever harm Dumbledore. Well, that is if he never laid a finger on Harry or placed him in immediate danger anymore.

“How is Harry doing?” Dumbledore asked.

“He is much better. Recovering no thanks to you,” Snape muttered and checked his watch. “I actually must be getting back to him. I do not want to leave him for too long,” Severus said as he turned on his heel and made way for the door.

“Severus, please tell him I wish him well and will come to see him when he is feeling up to it,” the headmaster said.

Severus just grunted and left for the infirmary.

“Albus, I told you those muggles were the worst of them. I cannot believe you sent him back there without informing me of the situation. That young boy is in my care throughout the school year and after learning that Severus Snape is his father, well I do not want to be on the receiving end of his wrath,” McGonagall said.

“Yes, Minerva. You are right,” Dumbledore said while stroking his beard thoughtfully.


When Severus returned to the infirmary he saw that Harry had eaten all of his toast and had fallen back asleep. Severus would just have to give him his Christmas gift later. He gently reached over and lifted the glasses of his son and placed them on the nightstand and then leaned down to pull the bed covers up to his shoulders. He sat back down in the chair and gently ran his fingers through Harry’s hair, lingering over the scar slightly. Severus closed his eyes and sighed.

He wished Lily was still here. She would know what to do.
To be continued...
End Notes:
please review! i want any and all feedback :)

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