Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 9 - Domination

Snape left the Hogshead with his hood pulled up over his head. The rain pelted down on the empty street causing great puddles of dirty water to form in the dilapidated road. The full moon peeked through the clouds allowing Severus to see the deep puddles and avoid stepping in them. He walked briskly through Hogsmeade and back up to the castle, feeling defeated for not obtaining any information from a fellow Death Eater as to Potter’s whereabouts.

It had been thirteen days since Potter had disappeared. Thirteen days without so much as a clue. It was hard not to imagine what tortures the poor boy must be suffering through. He’d been at enough torture sessions to know what condition the boy must be in by now, that is if he were still alive, and that was rather doubtful. If not for Albus’ absolute certainty that Potter was still alive, Severus would have a hard time believing it to be true.

He knew it was not a good sign that he had not been privy to the Dark Lord’s plan. He waited fruitlessly for the dark mark on his arm to burn but it hadn’t, not even once. He had set up several clandestine meetings with his fellow Death Eaters in hopes of gleaning information on Potter but no one knew a thing. His new and highly powerful, Veritaserum had proved that they were telling the truth.

Snape knew that the other members of the Order suspected he had something to do with Potter and Black’s disappearance. They never said anything but he could see it in their eyes and see it in their faces every time he had nothing to report. The Weasley parents were beside themselves with worry, along with every other Order member. He could barely stomach watching the werewolf tear up at every meeting.

But, truth be told, he couldn’t help but to feel utterly and totally responsible for everything that had happened. After all, Potter had vanished whilst under his watch. Ultimately it was his fault that the boy had escaped Grimmauld Place. He berated himself for putting any sort of trust in the dreadful house elf. He vowed to get even with the little shit.

Now that he looked back at the whole fiasco, he could see just how brilliantly the Dark Lord’s plan had succeeded. Sending Potter images of Black being tortured, along with a clue as to the location had been ingenious, awful and cruel but all the same, ingenious.

His boots clicked in the silence of the night as he strode up the steps leading into the school. Before he reached the heavy wooden door he heard someone whisper his name. He spun around and searched the surrounding area, spying a small dark figure standing at the bottom of the stairs he had just walked up.

“Professor Snape,” came the hushed whisper once more.

Severus recognized the boyish voice of Malfoy and stepped back down towards the Slytherin.

“Mr. Malfoy, you best have a suitable explanation as to why you are out of the castle at this time of night!” Severus demanded, furtively grasping hold of his wand under his cloak.

“I do, Sir,” Malfoy stepped closer, casting a silencio spell around them. Severus narrowed his eyes at the nervous teen before casting his own silencing spell.

“Out with it then,” Severus demanded, pulling the boy into the more shadowed area on the steps.

The teen pulled a small wooden box from beneath his cloak and held it out to his professor. “It’s from my dad …for you. He said not to open it until you are out of the gates of Hogwarts. He said you have to open it before midnight.”

Severus pulled out his pocket watch, noting that it was just a few minutes until midnight. He tried to deny the spark of hope he felt, but it was near impossible. This would lead him to Potter, he felt certain of this. He grabbed hold of the box then turned towards the castle. Albus would need to know.

“Where are you going,” came the panicked whisper of the teen. “You’re supposed to go right away!”

“Get back to dormitory, Mr. Malfoy and mind your own business.”

Severus was shocked when the boy tried to snatch the box out of his hand. His other hand shot out, grabbing a handful of the teen’s cloak and pulling him forward. “Explain yourself!”

The boy’s voice had risen a few octaves in his panic, “My-my dad, h-he said to make sure you go straight to the gates. If you go into the castle, the box will no longer work!”

Severus silently cast a Legilimens spell, ascertaining that the boy was indeed telling the truth, at least as the boy knew the truth to be. He came to a quick verdict, deciding that it would not be worth the risk to enter the castle. He couldn’t take the chance of the portkey in the box not working. His intuitions was telling him this box would lead him to Potter.

With a harsh thrust he pushed the boy towards the door, “Get to your dorm, Malfoy.”

The teen glared at him but did as he was told. As soon as the heavy wooden door closed, Severus was running towards the gates of the school. His heart constricted with fear and apprehension for what he would find out. He hadn’t been able to think of anything else these past thirteen days except for Potter. Whatever spell Lily had cast on him had turned him into a anxiety ridden fool. His pace picked up as he neared the gates.

The moment he exited the school he flipped the box open to find a small silver falcon. With a touch of his wand he felt the port key take action. He was spun through a dark tunnel to barely land on his feet. He straightened up and looked around.

He was standing on the edge of a very steep cliff. For one terrifying second he thought perhaps the Dark Lord had found out he was still spying for Dumbledore and this was to be his execution. Just then a blue flash came from just in front of him to reveal a magnificent sight.

Out of no where, it seemed, a glorious mansion appeared. The mansion was made to resemble a small castle, complete with turrets and flags. A door opened up revealing his host: Lucius Malfoy.


Lucius beckoned the potion master to him, admiring the bravery of the man as Severus stepped away from the cliff without so much as a concern for having just been port keyed to mere inches away from a hundred yard fall. He held his hand out, welcoming the man into his home.

“Severus, my old friend. Welcome!”

“Lucius,” Severus could see the man was truly pleased to see him. He knew Lucius would want something from him, the question was at what price would it cost him.

Severus entered the castle, taking in every possible thing he could see, storing that information away. He followed his host through a maze of opulently furnished rooms, each more impressive as they moved deeper into the castle. They finally stopped at a very luxuriously dressed office, complete with two fireplaces and several suits of armor decorating the walls.

“Please, have a seat my old friend,” Lucius snapped his fingers and a small, very old, house elf appeared to serve tea.

Severus narrowed his eyes at the man before him, waiting patiently for Lucius to begin. It didn’t take long.

“Severus, I have only a short time to explain, so I’ll get right to it.” Lucius ran his fingers down his own long silky pale hair, finding comfort in it’s perfection. “I have Harry Potter.”

Severus was thankful to have had several years of spying on his side or else he was sure he would have shown how shocked he was.

“He was given to me by our Lord to be tutored and to gain his trust. It is an enormous responsibility and a great sign of the trust our Lord has in me.”

At this point Severus could almost see the pride swelling right out of the man. He kept his own demeanor steady, “Indeed.”

“The boy is actually doing quite well in his training program. He has come a long way these past days with the help of a little potion that the Dark Lord gave to me. I had to resort to giving him a daily double a dose. ”

“And what is this potion?” Severus asked, expertly hiding his panic. Thirteen days under any potion would be detrimental but a double dose could be lethal.

“It is meant to be given to slaves, to help them learn to be obedient. I believe it is called the Potion Of Domination.”

Severus choked on the tea he was swallowing. He sputtered before collecting himself once more.

“So, you are familiar with this potion?” Lucius asked, handing his guest a napkin.

Severus was quite familiar with the potion since he had been the one to invent it. It was a powerful mind altering potion, invented for the sole purpose of garnering absolute obedience in the one to drink it. Thirteen days had passed already, too many days to not have come fully into effect. The boy would most likely remember nothing of his past. His face must have been pale for Lucius stood up and walked to the bar in the corner.

“Let me get you something a bit stronger, Severus.”

Severus took that time to compose himself, “What exactly does the Dark Lord hope to gain by using this potion on Potter?”

Lucius handed over a tall glass of the finest Fire Whiskey that money could buy. He sat down once more before answering, “Before I tell you, you must swear to me that you will not speak of this to any one.”

“I swear,” Severus solemnly announced without hesitation.

Lucius smoothed down his crisply pressed shirt, “Yes, I believe you, but unfortunately the Dark Lord does not want you to know.”


Lucius chuckled, “Do not look so forlorn, my dear friend. The Dark Lord purposely kept this plan from you because he believes that Albus Dumbledore would be able to get this information from you. He did not want to take any chances.”

“That is ridiculous,” Severus snapped out.

“Be that as it may, the plan to kidnap Potter was only discussed with four of his most trusted inner circle. You were not one of them.”

Severus could see how pleased Lucius was to be able to say this. He took a sip from the crystal goblet before asking, “So then, why are you divulging the Dark lord’s confidential plans?”

Lucius paled at these words. He smoothed down his hair once more before answering, “It seems I have run into a slight problem and I require your assistance. The Dark Lord was not aware that Harry was harmed when the wards were brought down at Hogwarts. He had given explicit instructions that Harry was not to be touched. Draco, not only failed to get the port key to Harry but he also harmed him during the attack.

It seems that my son was a bit too eager during the raid and hexed Mr. Potter with a most unsophisticated spell. In turn, Mr. Potter suffered a most hideous burn to his back that is proven to be most resistant to heal. I can not continue with his training until he is healed and free from fever.”

Severus did not let his concern for the boy show in any way. “Why me then? Why not ask a true healer to deal with this problem?”

This time Lucius could not hide his nervousness, “If the Dark Lord were ever to find out that Draco has harmed Harry, my son would be killed. Harry has been getting progressively weaker. I need him to be strong when I present him to the Dark Lord.”

“You still have not told me what the Dark Lord plans to do with Potter?”

Lucius shook his head, “That is not important.”

Severus stood up, shaking out his robes, “Then I must decline.”

Lucius jumped to his feet, “Wait!” He hesitated before sitting once more, “I will tell you.”

Severus sat down, glad that his ruse had worked. He nodded curtly.

“He wants me to gain Harry’s trust… completely. I have been poisoning Harry’s mind with stories of Dumbledore. Draco told me what Harry’s filthy Muggle relatives had done to him. That is how we knew that the wards at Privet Drive were weakening. It was only a matter of time before they fell and we were there when they did.”

Now it all made sense to Severus. Draco had known more then he had thought and told his father all.

“Once Harry is fully under my control then I will present him to the Dark Lord with a gift.”

“A gift?” Severus asked, quite curious.

“Yes, Harry will present the Dark Lord with a gift. Harry will bring The Dark Lord the prophecy that now sits under guard at the Hall of Prophecies in the Department of Mysteries. Harry is the only one, other then the Dark Lord, who can obtain the prophecy.”

Severus felt his heart twist in horror, for he was the one to have made this prophecy known to the Dark Lord, albeit many years ago. It was because of him that the Potter’s had been killed, it was because of him that the Dark Lord had any knowledge of the prophecy to begin with. He swallowed down the bile that had arisen in his throat.

“So, will you help?” Lucius asked. “I know how fond you are of Draco,” he thought to add.

Severus closed his eyes for a moment before answering, “Yes I will help. I would do anything for … Draco.”

Lucius immediately stood, “Thank you, Severus. Shall we go down to see Mr. Potter?”

He was here? Severus placed his glass on the table before standing up, eager to see the teen.

“I hate to rush you since you haven’t yet finished your drink, but I fear for anyone to see you here.” Lucius gave a nervous laugh, “You see, occasionally a few of the inner circle drop by to check up on Harry’s progress. You will have to heal Harry down in the dungeon but I didn‘t think you would mind since I know how much you love your dungeons, Severus.”

“That will be fine,” Severus stated, relieved to be left alone with the boy.

“I took the liberty of setting up a make-shift potions lab in Harry’s cell. It is the only place that is fully warded against anyone who might drop by for a visit. They are not allowed in Harry’s cell.”

“What has happened to cause you to sequester the boy away so securely?” Severus asked.

Lucius laughed, “Mulciber tends to get a little too…shall we say, physical with the boy.”

Severus felt the blood drain out of his face, “Has Mulciber harmed the boy?”

“No, not yet. I’ve never left the boy alone with him,” Lucius motioned for Severus to follow him.

They walked through a large dining room, then turned down a long hall. Severus was glad to have the time to compose himself. He’d witnessed just how violent Mulciber could get in the raids they had been on together. He felt for the portkey in his inner pocket, knowing that he would need to get Potter out of here as soon as possible.

They turned before the kitchen and went down another hall. The temperature drop was noticeable. Lucius waved his wand in front of an ancient painting of a decrepit old castle. The portrait swung open to reveal stone steps.

Lucius waved his wand again and but the sconces barely lit up, hardly adding any light in which to navigate by. The walk down to the dungeon was steep and treacherous. Once they reached the bottom, they stopped in front of a big metal door.

Severus stepped back into the shadows to allow the door to swing open. He could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. The boy was dressed in the same pajamas he had on the last time he had seen him. Potter was even thinner and more sickly looking then thirteen days ago. But most appallingly was the boy’s unfocused, red rimmed eyes. The emerald green eyes stood out eerily against the bloodshot background.

Lucius stepped into the cell with an air of anticipation. He turned to smile at Severus, whispering out, “Wait until you see how far he has come.”

Severus watched in horror as the teen struggled off the dirty mat on the floor and onto his feet. The teen was almost too ill to stand but compliance forced him to try. When he was a few steps away from Lucius, he dropped down to one knee in supplication.

Severus knew then that his potion had damaged this boy, perhaps permanently.

Lucius leaned down and patted the boy on the head, “Good boy, Harry. I have brought you a gift from the Dark Lord.” Lucius held out a chocolate frog in a wrapper.

The teen squinted as he lifted his head and looked up, “May I eat it, Lucius?”

Severus would never have recognized the raspy, hoarse voice as belonging to Potter if he hadn’t just seen the boy speak. He was alarmed at the teen’s sickly pallor and flushed , fevered cheeks.

Lucius chuckled, “So greedy, Harry!”

The boy dropped his gaze to the floor, “Sorry, I‘m just a bit hungry.”

Lucius chuckled again, “Very well, you may have your treat.”

Severus watched as the boy slowly took the treat from Lucius’ hand. Potter painstakingly struggled with the wrapper. As soon as the chocolate frog was free from the wrapper it came to life and began to hop away. Potter was far too lethargic to catch the confection. He reached for it but the chocolate frog hopped into a crack in the stone wall. The boy sat back on his heels in defeat.

“Will you thank him for me?” Harry quietly asked.

“Yes,” Lucius replied. “Harry, I have a visitor for you to meet.”

Severus observed as the boy looked around in a panic, edging back to his paltry mat on the floor, with obvious fear.

“I’m doing everything you say, Lucius!” Harry said in blatant panic. “I swear!”

“Calm down, Harry and get back here!“ Lucius commanded in a severe tone. He waited until the boy knelt before him once more before speaking, “Mulciber is not here.”

The teen relaxed a bit, letting out the breath he had been holding in.

“Severus Snape is here to help you, not hurt you, Harry. Now show me how obedient you are and say hello.”

Harry squinted towards the open door until he made out the dark cloaked figure that had just stepped forward. Something deep inside him recognized this man. He was confused as to how he knew this man but he had a feeling it wasn’t in a good way.

He grabbed at Lucius hand, “Don‘t leave me alone with him!”

Lucius ripped his hand out of the teen’s grasp, “Enough foolishness! I trust Severus and I command you to trust him and do everything he asks of you!” Lucius hissed, quite embarrassed for having been so blatantly disobeyed and in front of company, no less.

“I’m sorry,” came Harry’s desperate plea.

Lucius wiped his hand on his robe, “I am ashamed of you, Harry. Now show my guest the same obedience that you show to me and let him heal you.”

“Yes, sir,” Harry whispered. He stayed where he was until Lucius left him alone in the cell with Snape. As soon as the cell door closed, he scooted as far away as he could get from Snape. He watched warily as Snape stepped closer to him.

“I know you do not remember me, but I promise I will not hurt you,” Severus said as he knelt before the boy and began to assess his health. “I am a Potion Master and know what will stop the infection from getting worse.”

Harry stayed by the wall, ready to leap away if the man came any closer.

The magical evaluation spell ended, leaving a smoky set of signs hanging in the air. Severus immediately knew that Harry had been given an anti-apparition, anti-port-key charm. “You cannot be port-keyed out,” Severus said in frustration.

“Don’t you dare!” Harry said in a shaky voice, “If you try to take me, I’ll die!”

Severus stood up, “What makes you think you will die?”

Harry gripped his stomach, “When I got here, Mulciber forced a silver bullet down my throat. If I leave the castle then it’ll explode in my stomach.” He slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor. He pulled his knees towards him and rested his head on them.

“Look, Snape, I don’t need or want your help. I know I‘ve met you before but I can‘t quite remember where. The part I do know for certain is that you have something to do with Dumbledore and I don‘t want anything to do with him.”

“What do you know of Dumbledore?”

Harry shook his head, “I can’t remember much, except that he kept sending me back to live with my Muggle relatives. Lucius says they were the ones who gave me this blasted burn on my back.”

“Do you remember getting the burn on your back?” Severus asked, alarmed at how thoroughly the boy had been brainwashed.

Harry thought for a few minutes before answering, “Everything’s kinda fuzzy but I have nightmares of the Muggles and what they did to me...” He suddenly stopped talking. He folded his hands on his knees, clutching his hands tightly together to help him focus on something else. He didn’t like thinking about his nightmares or what the Muggles had done to him.

Severus dropped down to one knee and looked at the teen, “Do you have any nightmares regarding Lord Voldemort, Harry?”

Harry suddenly looked up at Snape with panic clearly written on his face, “Don’t say his name! You’re not supposed to say it out loud!” He looked towards the door then back at Snape, “The Dark Lord hasn’t done anything to me to cause me to have nightmares about him.”

Snape was taken aback to hear those words coming out of Harry Potter’s mouth. He shook his head in consternation, “Does your scar ever hurt you, Harry?”

A slow smile crept across Harry’s face, “You know about my scar?”

“Yes, I know that the Dark Lord gave it to you.”

Harry’s smile grew wider, and in a voice of wonderment he said, “He must be the most powerful wizard in all the world and he chose to give me his special mark.” He traced his scar with his finger, “Lucius says that I’m special. Do you know what the Dark Lord calls me?”

The Potion Master shook his head, fearing what he was about to hear.

Harry’s eyes lit up with happiness when he said, “The Dark Lord calls me his chosen one.”

Chapter End Notes:
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