Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Hitting the Skies

"Ah, clever," growled Snape as he stared at Father Christmas, arms over his chest. "And I can't very well back out now, can I? The convenience of paperwork."

"Now, Severus, I chose the two of you because you both know how important an operation this is, how much hope it brings -" Father Christmas said steadily, looking from Harry to Severus.

"Because Potter, the Prince of the Wizarding World, knows how important this is …" Snape muttered bitterly, pulling on the gloves. "I will do it, because I am a man of my word. That does not however mean I will enjoy it."

Harry chose not to say anything, and Father Christmas looked at him, seeming to ask if he had permission to prove Snape was wrong. Harry shook his head slightly.

"I believe it is up to Harry when it comes to the subject of what he knows and doesn't, Severus," Father Christmas said firmly. "Now, if you both agree to continue with this, time is running short. Harry needs to get suited up as well, and then you two need to meet the reindeer. It's imperative they are acquainted with you two, you especially, Severus."

Harry looked at his feet as Father Christmas led him past Professor Snape, who stalked out of sight.

Father Christmas opened the wardrobe and rifled through it to the very back, where he pulled out a small, red coat, white fur lining the cuffs and collar. A pair of trousers followed, which Harry was instructed to pull over the ones he was wearing already for added warmth. Harry was able to put his book off to the side to get when he came back. When he was done that, Father Christmas went down on one knee in front of Harry and adjusted the shoulders of the coat slightly.

"Could use a good shrinking spell," said Father Christmas, waving his wand. To Harry's amazement the fabric rippled and then shrunk to fit him. "Ah. Better."

"Sir?" Harry asked quietly as Father Christmas stood back to study the effect.


"Professor Snape … he really doesn't like me. Why did you ask both of us?"

Father Christmas sighed in a tired sort of way, suddenly looking much older than he did before. "The thing was, Harry ... I could not think of a pair that understood the importance of one, small gift, more than the two of you. You two have not had an easy lot.

    "You yourself have faced many difficult years, Harry, I know. Year after year I visited that cupboard of yours, and it does not get any easier seeing the way they make you live. You have been on my list since the moment you were left there. And I was on Father Christmas' list too, as a boy. In fact, all the men who are handed the position to take over were once on his list. But your situation is even more painful than mine was, and for that reason, I believe that you, most of all, understand how important a single gift can be. How important it is to know somebody cares. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I do sir," Harry said. "But Snape? He's … he's so bitter … and mean."

"Have you ever paused a moment to ask yourself why that is?" said Father Christmas quietly, and Harry looked at him in wonder. "I thought so."

"Do you think … do you think this will make him nicer?" Harry whispered slightly.

To his surprise, Father Christmas let out a deep belly laugh.

"That would be wonderful indeed. I merely hope that in doing this he will remember what Christmas means, and that kindness is preferable to hatred, at all times of the year."

"I still don't know how this will work," said Harry, shaking his head. "But I'll try anyway."

"That's my boy," Father Christmas said, patting Harry on the shoulder and handing him a pair of boots.


The Reindeer stamped their hooves as Father Christmas had Severus help him put all the harnesses on. Potter was busy dusting off the sleigh, the whole rig sitting in a long stable-like expanse. Severus was perfectly happy to have him around to do that at least.

"How can you see the buckles to do them up, what with all the bells?" said Severus in amazement, to which Father Christmas merely chuckled.

"Sir?" Potter asked cheerfully, perched on the front of the sleigh behind the six reindeer all lined up.

"What?" asked Father Christmas and Severus as the same time, much to Severus' chagrin.

"Father Christmas, I mean, sorry Professor," Potter said, blushing. "What I wanted to ask, is why are there only six reindeer? I thought there were eight."

"Correct, Harry. There are eight, and I will bring out my lead reindeer in a moment. First, we need to introduce you two to the ones that are here. The lead pair must be convinced of the driver's abilities, mind you. They're a lot like Hippogriffs, Reindeer. You need to earn their trust to lead them. That will be your job, Severus."

Severus nodded.


Harry didn't know what a Hippogriff was, but he didn't say anything because Snape seemed to make perfect sense of it, and he didn't want to look silly.

Harry jumped out of the sleigh and tagged along beside Snape as Father Christmas stood by the back pair of Reindeer.

"These two here are Caspian and Comet."

"I don't remember hearing about a reindeer named Caspian."

The question was on the tip of Harry's tongue, but to his amazement it had been Snape who said it. He looked at his Professor, who scowled slightly under his gaze.

"Ah, yes, my reindeer are not the same ones as those in folklore, although Comet here got his name thanks to that. A little tradition is nice, and he seemed to be the type. He is one of the most agile I have. Caspian, Comet, do say hello."

To Harry's delight and amazement, the two reindeer, with their gleaming eyes and shining coats, bowed their heads slightly toward Harry and Snape.

"Next up we have the pair in front of them, the oldest of the lot - they've been pulling this sleigh for twenty years and keep trotting out to help every year no matter what I do. That will be the magic in them. Magical reindeer live around thirty years, which is a far cry more than regular ones. Anyway, enough chatter. I give you one of two female reindeer I currently have who are both fast and strong enough to pull this sleigh, Rain. Beside her is her long time mate, Royal."

They bowed slightly, just as Caspian and Comet had. It was indeed apparent they were older, for their coats that had faded slightly, from the customary brownish grey to almost white in places. Rain also had antlers, but hers were shorter, and Royal's where a sight to behold, tall and broad. Rain nuzzled Harry's sleeve slightly, and he rubbed her nose, which was speckled with snow-white spots.

"And these two?" inquired Snape as he stood in front of a rather antsy looking pair of reindeer as they pawed the ground expectantly. Rain gave a slight snort and the two grew still, the furthest one doing so the quickest, his ears perked up and twitching.

"Our two youngest, the far one being Halcyon. He's very fast, and quite energetic. Rain and Royal's own, you know. Then, next to him is … well, perhaps I should explain how Reindeer get their name first."

"Oh, tell us!" Harry said excitedly. Snape raised an eyebrow, and looked at Harry. Harry refused to be any less excited just because Snape was being so boring. He resisted the urge to make a face at him.

"Well, Reindeer foals are interesting in the fact that the very first name you address them with is the one they will respond to for the rest of their life, and the only one. The idea is to look the foal straight in the eyes, put your hand on its head, and say its name firmly, with plenty of emphasis so they know that it is theirs. This Reindeer here caught me by surprise … I was just about to name him with the name I'd picked out … when he stepped on my foot … and things didn't go exactly to plan."

"Go on, what is his name?" Snape said with a smirk.

"Pants," said Father Christmas, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Pants."

To Harry's amazement, Snape let out a bellowing laugh at this, and after a few moments added, "And I thought I had it bad with Severus for a title."

"Well, I could have done a lot worse, definitely," said Father Christmas, looking rather guilty. Pants the Reindeer looked down slightly, like he was upset they were laughing. "There there, Pants, you're one of the best Reindeer I have - not every young reindeer is even fit to pull this sleigh. Besides, a name is not important - it is the actions taken under it that are."

Snape's grin slipped, and Harry wondered for a moment what he was thinking about.

"Hi Pants," Harry said, scratching around his antlers gently. Pants let out a huff of appreciation. Harry looked up when Snape spoke.

"And the last? The lead pair?" Snape inquired.

Father Christmas turned his head up to the roof, and called loudly, "Atlas! Calypso!"

In a flash that sent silver sparks to the ground two Reindeer burst into being in front of them, a male and a female, Atlas and Calypso. The two trotted around the trio standing by the sleigh and stopped in front of Father Christmas.


"Was that apparition?" Severus said, intrigued and more amazed than he wanted to admit.

"Indeed it was. How else do you think the Reindeer can transport this sleigh at the speed needed? The sparks seem to be a side effect of their abilities. They all do that. It's quite a sight to see them all do it at once when you're in the sleigh.

"Calypso, Atlas, this is Severus. He will be filling in for me tonight."

The two reindeer stopped in front of Severus. He looked to Father Christmas questioningly, wondering what on earth he was supposed to do.

"Bow to each of them in turn," said Father Christmas cheerfully. The one closest to you, with the reddish-brown coat and smaller antlers is Calypso. She is a female.

Thinking that this couldn't be much different than with Hippogriffs, Severus bent low, trying to keep his eyes on the sharp antlers. Calypso's dark eyes surveyed him. After a moment, Severus straightened up. Calypso did a circle around Severus, surveyed him, and then stopped in front of him again. She bent her front legs and sunk into a bow as well.

"That's one," said Father Christmas gladly. "She's fairly easy to impress, so no surprises there. Atlas, come forward."

Severus took in the brawny form of Atlas, whose coat was almost pure silver, although he seemed to be much younger than Royal and Rain. Severus had to admit that he was a fine specimen. His underbelly was pure white, and in addition to this there was a strip of white that stretched up around his neck. His eyes were so dark they seemed black, and behind them there seemed to be a sort of fire. Easily the tallest of the reindeer, his head leveled off at Severus' chest. Atlas snorted slightly, shuffling his hooves.

Severus bowed.

Atlas didn't look impressed. He snorted.

"Back away, Severus," said Father Christmas sharply.

"Watch out, Professor!" he heard Potter call as Atlas reared up.

Severus could tell that Atlas was going to charge the second he reared, and he backed away as quickly was possible, stumbling out of the door frame and outside.

"Best run!" called Father Christmas as Atlas shook his horns and lowered his head, heading straight for Severus "He won't chase you too far!"

Severus wasted no time, and he turned his back and bolted. He could hear Atlas snorting and huffing behind him as he ran through the snow, sending it flying on all sides.

"Great idea!" Severus called back sarcastically at Father Christmas as he leaped over the frosted wooden fence, scowling and picturing his epitaph (Here lies Severus Snape, tragically gored to death by a reindeer). "Oh yeah, he loves me!"

The fence didn't slow Atlas down a bit, but unfortunately the trough sitting on the other side impeded Severus. He tripped and went flying in the snow, losing a boot as he did so. He rolled onto his back just in time to see Atlas take a flying leap over the fence. Severus swore he saw his life flash before his eyes as the reindeer landed with a thud overtop him, hooves thundering down on either side of him, Atlas' shaggy mane of a neck bending low so he could stare Severus in the eyes. Off in the distance Severus could hear Potter and Father Christmas running out into the snow.

"Atlas, stand down!" called Father Christmas.

The reindeer made no move, and stared at Severus with murder in his eyes, his horns lowering and looking ready to pound Severus to a pulp. Pinned beneath the reindeer, Severus wildly thought of what to do. Yet another image of himself being squashed to death by a reindeer filled his mind.

Then the solution occurred to him. What was he thinking? He'd done this sort of thing hundreds of times, only with Death Eaters. It was a show of confidence; that was all. Severus concentrated for a split second, willing his nerves to turn to steel.

"Go ahead, gore me if you want!" Severus growled, putting on his fiercest expression possible and staring deep into Atlas' fiery eyes. "I dare you."

The reindeer stared, lowered his horns slightly, and snorted.

Severus didn't flinch, but smirked instead.

Atlas paused, his narrowed, dark eyes widening slightly as though in surprise. His ears pricked. Then, to Severus' relief and amazement, he backed away, allowing Severus the freedom to move.

Slowly, Severus got to his feet, snow showering from his deep green uniform.

"Better," he said firmly to Atlas, clasping his gloved hands behind his back.

Off in the distance, Severus caught a glimpse of Potter and Father Christmas. They seemed to be holding their breath.

Atlas moved quite suddenly, and Severus froze. Then, before he knew what was happening, Atlas reared and bent his front legs, resting them on Severus' shoulders, his face inches from Severus, his eyes no longer fiery but warm as they stared straight in Severus' eyes.

Severus realized what would happen next the second before it did. Atlas head butted him. It wasn't all that hard - in fact for a reindeer Severus supposed it must have been light - but it certainly knocked him off his feet.

He opened his eyes slightly to see the reindeer staring at him almost lovingly, and to his further amazement Atlas sunk down into the snow and started nibbling his hair.

"What the hell did he do that for?" Severus asked dazedly as Father Christmas whooped and celebrated, climbing over the fence with surprising agility for a man his age.

"That's how male reindeer show their loyalty - the head reindeer in particular. You're lucky Calypso is a girl. When I did this I had to impress two male reindeer. I saw stars for a week! Of course … usually they don't chase you first …"

"Huh, you know, I guessed that," Severus said getting up out off the ground and dusting the snow off his green jacket and trousers, as well as putting his lost boot back on. Atlas got up and trotted happily after Severus as he made his way back to the barn, this time through the gate.

"I think he's rather taken," said Father Christmas fondly as Atlas kept trying to nibble at Severus' jacket. He pushed him away slightly.

Severus paused to glare at Potter, who was standing in the doorway of the barn in rapture.

"Sir!" Potter said, almost running to keep up with Severus' fast pace. "That was awesome! Atlas just … just stopped right in his tracks!"

Severus looked at Potter in surprise as he led Atlas and Calypso over to the sleigh, on Father Christmas' instructions.

"Well, it could have gone worse," Severus said, too shocked to think of anything else to say.

"Harry, come over here so I can show you how the delivery system works," Father Christmas called from the sleigh, a twinkle in his eyes.

Severus watched Potter go. He shook his head slightly and continued to do the buckles on Atlas' harness. Potter was a mystery.


Harry ran over to the sleigh, full to the brim with energy after the excitement.

"Between you and me, I haven't heard of a reindeer taking to anyone like that," Father Christmas whispered, looking pleased.

"I thought he was a goner," muttered Harry in awe. "But he just … just glared at him. He does the same thing in class!"

"That's another reason why I asked him to do this," said Father Christmas with a chuckle. "From what I've heard he runs a very tight ship. Yet, despite the way he acts, he hasn't quite forgotten the importance of Christmas."

"Really?" Harry said in disbelief as Father Christmas gave Harry a leg up to get up into the sleigh, which was quite tall. "I mean, these past couple weeks you'd think he'd eaten a lemon the way he's been snapping at people."

"Oh, there's some Christmas spirit in there yet," was the whispered reply. "Just look at him."

Harry spared a glance at Snape, who was scratching around Calypso's ears. He was smirking. Snape seemed to have relaxed slightly. Harry hoped Snape would warm up to him too, although not in the same way as the reindeer. Harry felt he would probably send Snape to get his head checked out if he started scratching around Harry's ears to show friendship. The image made Harry want to laugh.

"Enough chit-chat," said Father Christmas. "The Big Book stays fastened on this shelf at the front of the sleigh, as you can see. For the journey the book organizes the names by where they live, rather than alphabetical order. When you get the sack of gifts, all you need to do is tell the bag the name of the child you are visiting next. It is enchanted, and will levitate the gift out into your hands, and prevent anything from falling out during sharp turns. That's all there is to it. Now, you'll have to work through the book in order, as it's set up for the fastest route. All you need to do is inform Severus of what area you are going to, or house. He'll tell the reindeer, as Atlas and Calypso only listen to the driver. They will take you two there no problem. Have you got all that?"

"Yes sir," Harry said. "But how do we deliver the presents to the kids?"

"Ah, I knew you would ask that."

"I was thinking the same thing, actually," said Snape, who had come over to the edge of the sleigh.

"It's quite easy, really. There are two ways. One, apparition. The coats are charmed to silence the sound of apparition, and the boots that you two are wearing silence your steps; you may have noticed that your feet make no sound. The idea is to apparate into into the house and place the gift at the foot of the child's bed so they find it. If it is a whole family of children who are receiving the gifts - take a look at the situation they are in - sometimes you may place all of the gifts in one place, say under a Christmas tree. Some parents can know that the gifts appeared, but in less than ideal situations, they can't. Harry, you will need to read the precautions for each child that must be taken during delivery. Severus, pay close attention to those."

Both Harry and Snape nodded.

"Um, sir?" Harry muttered. "What's apparition?"

"Witches and Wizards, when they are older, learn how to disappear and reappear somewhere else at will," Father Christmas said.

"Oh, okay," Harry said, understanding now why it would be advantageous for reindeer to do the same thing.

"What's the second way to get in?" Snape asked.

"The chimney, of course," said Father Christmas. "If they have one, although most wizarding households should. The coats you two are wearing aren't just festive. There should be a little bag in each of your jacket pockets - check now."

Both Snape and Harry reached into the pockets of their jackets, and each came up with a small drawstring pouch.

"The bag is charmed to show up in your pockets even if you drop it or leave it behind. Now, all you need to do is take a pinch from that bag, and toss it to the ground while you are standing beside a chimney or on top of one. It acts as a sort of floo powder, and you will disappear and reappear in the fireplace just as with floo powder."

"Sorry, but what's floo powder?" Harry asked, feeling stupid.

"It's a mode of transportation for wizards," Father Christmas patiently explained. "You throw a bit in the fire, and you walk into the flames and say where you want to go, and it takes you to a fireplace in that location."


"And that is that?" Snape said, an eyebrow raised.

"Yes," said Father Christmas. "And without further ado, let's get the both of you in the sleigh and hitting the skies."

Father Christmas handed the reins to Snape, who had gotten into the sleigh, and then he nudged Harry into the bench-like front seat as well. They both sat down, and Father Christmas hopped off onto the floor.

"Severus, give the reins a slap and address the head reindeer," said Father Christmas as he opened the large doors at the end of the barn. "Tell them to bring the sleigh out. The runners are charmed, so it will slide just as well on other surfaces as snow, like the dirt floor here."

"Atlas, Calypso, bring out the sleigh," Snape said, sounding rather bewildered as he took the leather reins and hit them against the front of the sleigh.

The sleigh runners groaned as they were dragged along the dirt floor, but it moved with surprising ease.

"Woah," Snape said when the Reindeer had pulled the sleigh out into the snowy landscape.

"Now, we just have to wait a moment for Merry to bring out the gifts."

Harry watched patiently as Merry ran out through the snow, grinning from ear to ear and holding an alarmingly small sack, considering. Father Christmas was definitely right in saying that it was magic. Harry could hardly imagine three small boxes fitting in it, let alone gifts for all the wizarding children in the UK that had no gifts coming to them.

"Merry wishes you two good luck!" squeaked the elf as he handed the feather light sack to Harry, who thanked the elf.

"Well, now that you have that all sorted, you two had better be off," said Father Christmas. "Just remember, make sure you are back by sunrise, and when you arrive, if I am not back Merry will meet you to take you to the Yuletide time turner. It activates at 8:30 sharp, and once only. Otherwise you will have to show up late on Christmas morning! You should have plenty of time, however. The journey usually only takes until five-o-clock in the morning to complete, and you would do well to be done by that time, as people begin to get up not long after that. Any questions?"

"I don't think so," Harry said. Snape looked thoughtful for a second, but did not say anything.

"In that case, go ahead, Severus. Call out all the Reindeer's names to get their attention, and tell them to fly. Harry will give you the first location, and all you have to do is call it out and they'll take you straight to the address and land in the most convenient spot. I shall stay here for the launch, and then I must be off to France to fix that book."


Severus frowned.

"That's it?" he said, bewildered. "You aren't even going to do a test flight with us?"

"Oh, very little can go wrong with this kind of thing, I assure you," said Father Christmas. "Go on."

Severus looked at Potter, wondering if he thought this was as crazy as it seemed. Potter just grinned.

Resisting the urge to curse under his breath, Severus took the reins.

"One more thing, Severus," said Father Christmas, his eyes crinkled and laughing. "While the sleigh is charmed to make sure that you stay in your seat, and make your feet remain firmly planted at all times during flight, do try not to do any fancy maneuvers. No barrel rolls! That might make the reindeer dizzy."

"Very funny," muttered Severus while Potter snickered behind his mittens.

Thinking that it was now or never, and the sooner he did this favour the sooner he could be in bed, Severus slapped the reins and bellowed in the rhythm he'd always heard in stories: "On Atlas, On Calypso, Royal and Rain, Comet and Caspian, Halcyon … and … On Pants!"

Ignoring Potter's laughter, Severus slapped the reins once more, and quite suddenly the Reindeer lifted their hooves and started to run.

Father Christmas slid by with the trees and snow, and then came the stuttering jumping of the reindeer as they fought to raise the sleigh. The shuddering thumps of the runners rising and falling made Severus' teeth rattle, and beside him he could hear Potter exclaim in shock every so often. Then, as though gravity had suddenly shifted, the sleigh shot from the ground and the Reindeer curved up in a graceful arc. Severus pulled the reins and they turned sharply left, spiraling higher and higher up into the snowy air.

"Er, level off!" he called to the reindeer as he pulled the reins back, and they did. For a moment they soared above Father Christmas' workshop, the twinkling lights down below saying goodbye to them.

Off in the distance they could see Father Christmas giving them one final wave before going inside. The sky stretched before them like a vast ocean, and the world below them had become a miniature.

"What did we get ourselves into, Potter?" Severus said dazedly, half shocked and half amazed. "I am dreaming. I must be."

"Well if you're dreaming, sir, then so am I!" Potter said breathlessly as he stared over the side of the sleigh, his mittens gripping the railing. "This is going to be amazing!"

And for once, Severus couldn't disagree.

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