Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm back! :) I've been asked over and over to update this story. I am finally getting a chance to. I hope the next update will not take as long. ENJOY!!
Chapter 21

Severus walked into the living room. Narcissa was sitting on the sofa. He handed her a phial then waved his wand moving a chair that was in the corner. It levitated to him; he sat down.

Narcissa looked at the phial and back to Severus.

“Severus, really,” Narcissa said. “You know me. You know if I’m lying.”

“Well, forgive me if I do not believe you,” Severus said, coolly. “I’ve been through a lot these past two weeks that I will not take things a face value.”

“What is this?” Narcissa asked.


“Veritaserum, seriously,” Narcissa sighed. “Severus, you know me.”

“Maybe,” Severus said. “I did know Narcissa, but I was told she was dead.”

“This is absurd,” Narcissa huffed. “Why am I getting this? Severus.”

Severus just raised an eyebrow. “If you want me to believe you, drink. Only a sip will do.”

Narcissa looked at the phial in her hand. She hated her words alone couldn’t prove to her friend that she was who she said she was. Sighing, Narcissa brought the phial to her lips and took a sip.

Severus watched his friend take a sip and waited. After a few minutes of tense silence, Severus looked at her.

“What is your name?” Severus asked.

“Narcissa Malfoy nee Black,” Narcissa said, looking at Severus.

“How did we meet?” Severus asked. Severus had no doubt about the name, but he knew no one knew how they first met.

A small smile graced the woman’s lips as she looked at her friend.

“We met at Olivander’s. You were getting your wand. You were nervous that you wouldn’t get a wand. I came in alone and came up to the counter. I saw all the wands on the counter and a skinny boy with his hair in his face. He looked so sad. I came up and said ‘don’t let this bother you. My mom told me that it took almost half Olivander’s wands before she found her wand.’ You looked at me and smiled.”

Severus relaxed in his chair. He knew no one would know about that.

 “Alright,” Severus said. “Now that I know it is you, tell me what happened.”

“I was in Paris,” Narcissa said. “My great-aunt was sick. I stayed with her to help her with the day to day household duties.”

“When did you leave for Paris?” Severus asked.

“I left in February. Severus, please tell me what’s going on. You are not the first person to tell me that I was supposed to be dead.” Narcissa was getting agitated. “And I want to know why you had my son, your godson, arrested.”

“Yes, Narcissa,” Severus said. “We need to talk. There is much you need to know.”

Severus talked. As Narcissa listened, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was ludicrous. Her son wouldn’t sell someone. He wasn’t those other children. He was a sweet boy. Her baby. Not some monster.

“You’re lying,” Narcissa said when Severus finished talking. She stood up and started pacing.

“I’m not,” Severus said. “I’ve seen it. He confessed it to me. Draco sold Harry Potter to sex traffickers for thirty quid.”

Narcissa couldn’t believe what she just heard. To keep from thinking on it more, she decided to change the subject.

“Was Draco told that I was dead?” Narcissa asked standing in front of the fireplace. Her back to Severus.

“Everyone was told that you were dead,” Severus said, standing up, facing Narcissa. Her back was to him. “Death Eaters raided Potter’s relatives’ house, killing them. Lucius reported that you were killed as punishment.”

Narcissa quickly turned around and looked at Severus.


“Yes,” Severus said.

Narcissa tried to keep her emotions in check as she stood in Severus’ living room. She took deep breaths, trying to calm down.

“Where is Draco being kept?” Narcissa said, coolly.

“I had Kingsley come pick him up, while I went and looked for Potter.”

“Thank you for talking with me, Severus,” Narcissa said. “It seems that while I was away taking care of one home, my home went to shambles. I’m going to take care of my house.”

Narcissa turned to pick up the floo powder tin but put it back down and turned back to Severus.

“Harry,” Narcissa said.

“What about him?”

“Is he safe?” Narcissa asked.

Severus raised an eyebrow at Narcissa asking that.

“Don’t seem so surprised, Severus. I’m a mother. No child should go through that. No one. I must know, is he safe?”

“Yes, Narcissa, he is.”

Narcissa sighed, “Good. Good day, Severus.”

Severus nodded to Narcissa as she floo’ed away.


Narcissa walked out of the fireplace and headed for the entrance.

“Are you going to let me up?”

Narcissa stopped where she stood, turned and faced her husband, who was still stuck to the chair she blasted him to. “Why should I?”

“I will not allow this,” Lucius commanded.

“Oh, really,” Narcissa said, walking over to him. “You told everyone that I was dead. You did something to my son, and you didn’t even try to get him any help. If I find out that you did anything else to him, I will kill you. Now you will stay here until I get back from seeing my son. You better hope that he doesn’t tell me that you made him do it. You might be a powerful wizard, but I’m a pissed off mother. And nothing is stronger than that.”

Narcissa walked out of the room, leaving Lucius slightly worried.

Narcissa apparated once she was outside of her house. The entrance to the Ministry was in front of her when she appeared. She looked at the entrance. It had been a long time since she came this way. She usually came by floo, but she didn’t want to be in that room any longer before seeing her son. She walked in. With Lucius’ lies, Narcissa wondered how her walking around would be taken. She didn’t let that stop her, so she made her way to Kinsley’s office.

Kingsley was working on paperwork for the trafficking. It turned out some of Victor Franklin’s clients were witches and wizards. A knock on his door interrupted him from his work. When he looked up, he was surprised at who he saw.

“Madam Malfoy?” Kingsley looked up surprised. “Forgive me,” he stood up, “I was told…”

“Yes, Kingsley, I know. Lucius has a lot of explaining to do. I’ve come to ask if I can see my son.” Narcissa pulled the small phial that Severus had given her and took a sip. “This is Veritaserum. Severus brewed it. I am Narcissa Malfoy. I know you have my son. I want to see him, please.”

Kingsley nodded. “Yes, of course. He will be happy to see you.”

The two of them made their way to the confinement area. Kingsley kept giving Narcissa side looks. He still couldn’t believe that he was standing next to Madam Malfoy. Once they were alone in the elevator, Narcissa said, “I know this might seem awkward, and I promise you I will give you an explanation once we get back to your office. But to I’ll let you know everything. I just need to see my son. I haven’t seen him since his Christmas break.”

“Of course, Madam Malfoy,” Kingsley said. “But could you at least tell me where you were?”

“I was in Paris,” Narcissa said, looking up at Kingsley. “I was taking care of family.”

The doors opened before Kingsley could respond. They walked down the corridor in quiet. Both in their own thoughts. Once they got to the door, Kingsley stopped and faced Narcissa.

“Madam Malfoy,” Kingsley said. “Please wait here. I’ll see if he’s awake and let him know that he has a visitor.”

Narcissa nodded and waited. A few minutes later, Kingsley returned. He had the door opened, holding out his hand, escorting Narcissa into the room. Narcissa took a deep breath and walked in the room. Kingsley stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.


The next morning, Severus woke up surprised that he wasn’t awaken by Harry throughout the night. Getting up, he put on his robes and went to Harry’s door. Lightly knocking, Severus opened the door and saw that Harry was still asleep. Severus closed the door and decided to get himself some coffee.

Sitting at the kitchen table, he thought about the conversation he had with Narcissa. He wondered what she was going to do. Her son did sell Harry into a trafficking ring, but if anyone could get Draco the best defense it would be Narcissa.

The small ringing in his ear let him know that Harry was waking up. Not wanting Harry to wake up to another flashback, Severus went to his room. He promised Harry that they would start working on getting him stronger so that he could move on his own.

Knocking on the door again, Severus heard a faint “yeah” and he let himself into the room.

“Good morning, Harry,” Severus said.

“Good morning, sir,” Harry said.

“As promised,” Severus said, standing next to the bed. “We are going to work on your movements so that you can get out of that bed.”

A smile graced Harry’s lips as he held his hands out so that Severus could grab him.

“Let’s try to sit you up,” Severus said, grabbing hold of Harry’s hands. “Do you think you could sit straight up?”

“I can try,” Harry said, determinedly.

“Let me know if you are in pain, or if it is too much. We’re going to take this slow.”

Harry bit his lip as he tried to slide his body closer to Severus. With Severus holding his hands, it helped brace him. It didn’t take as long as if he did it alone to get to the edge of the bed. The way Harry in a reclining position. Severus’ hold on his arms is was kept Harry in that position.

“Okay, Harry,” Severus said. “Let’s try to sit up.”

Very slowly, Severus pulled Harry to a seated position. Harry felt a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t unbearable. He could deal with this. It wasn’t totally painful. It just mildly hurt.

“How do you feel?” Severus asked.

Harry nodded. His eyes were shut. Putting his arms beside him, using his hands to keep him sitting straight. His arms started to shake.

“Do you want to lay back down?” Severus kneeled in front of Harry.

Harry shook his head. His eyes still closed.

“Look at me, Harry.”

Harry opened his eyes. Severus could see the pain he was trying to hide but could also see the determination in them. Still kneeling, Severus grabbed hold of Harry’s ankle. Slowly moving them in different directions. He did that for both feet.

“Okay, Harry,” Severus said. “Are you ready to try and stand?”

Harry nodded.

“Talk to me, Harry.”

“Yeah,” Harry strained out. “Let’s do this.”

“I want you to lean on me as much as you can, understand.” Severus stood up and reached under Harry’s arms.

Harry braced himself to stand. He was excited about it and dreading it. He didn’t want to lay in the bed forever. He didn’t want to be a burden. Even though his professor told him many times that he wasn’t it still didn’t take away the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he was. He guessed that voice came from the fact that when he would be with his relatives, he had to do everything. He had to do things for himself. Now, Professor Snape must do almost everything for him. Help him eat. Help him walk. Harry was ready to do some of this on his own.

Harry had a tight grip on Severus’ robe sleeves. Severus slowly lifted Harry off the bed. Harry’s feet didn’t feel like they used to. It almost felt strange standing up. Once he was straight, Harry kept his balance, but also did not let go of Severus. Severus kept his hands under Harry’s arms, holding him steady.

“How do you feel?” Severus asked.

Harry looked up at his potion’s professor. “I’m okay.” Harry took a small step closer to Severus just to see if he could do it.

Severus took a step back and Harry matched his step going forward. He felt stiff, but this was the greatest feeling of being able to walk. Harry had a huge grin on his face.

“Do you think you can make it to the bathroom?”

Smiling, biting his lip, Harry nodded.

Very slowly, the two walked into the adjoining bathroom. They took a few breaks just so Harry could catch his breath. But they made it into the bathroom. Once they got there, Severus sat Harry down on the closed lid of the toilet. Harry was breathing hard, but he was proud of himself that he walked to the bathroom.

Severus filled the tub with water, pulling phials of potions out of his pocket, handing them to Harry.

“Once you get in the tub, I want you to pour these in.  One will keep the water warm so that you can soak for a bit. The other is to help strengthen and relax your muscles. Once you’re finished, I will help you back into the bed and we’ll have breakfast.”

“Can’t I have breakfast in the kitchen?” Harry asked, looking up at Severus.

“I understand wanting a change in scenery,” Severus started, but stopped when he saw the pleading emerald eyes looking at him. “Alright,” he sighed, “but I’m going to carry you down the stairs.”

Harry smiled.

Severus’ heart warmed seeing that smile. After everything that has happened the last few days, it was good seeing Harry smiling about something. Severus was determined to keep Harry smiling.


Severus walked down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. He stayed with Harry until he was sitting in the tub. After getting some more clothes and a towel for Harry, Severus left the child alone.

While getting everything together for breakfast, Severus heard the floo go off. He walked into the living room.



“Yes,” Poppy’s voice came through the fire. “Is it a good time?”

“You know you never need to ask,” Severus said. “Come through.”

Poppy stepped through the flames and saw that Severus was still in his night robes.

“How is everything?” Poppy asked.

“Getting better,” Severus said. “Come. I’m starting breakfast.”

The two adults walked into the kitchen and both started working on getting breakfast ready. They worked together with ease the same if they were in the Infirmary together.

“How is Harry doing?” Poppy asked as she cracked some eggs.

“Getting antsy,” Severus smirked. “He’s ready to start walking.”

“That’s great,” Poppy said, smiling. “He’s not doing too much is he?”

“No,” Severus said, waving his wand over the pan of bacon. “I won’t let him. But I understand that he wants a change of scenery. He doesn’t want to eat upstairs.”

Poppy nodded and the two of them continued to work in silence. Not long later, breakfast was on the table with a warming charm over it. Poppy was sitting in the living room, waiting for Harry and Severus to come down.

Once the two of them got to the bottom of the stairs he put Harry down. The bath helped a lot and Harry felt a little stronger standing. He was leaning on his professor, but it was nice to be standing. While Harry was getting ready, Severus told him that Poppy was here.

“Good morning, Madam Pomphrey,” Harry said.

Poppy got up and walked over to Harry and Severus, smiling. “Good morning, to you. How are you feeling?”

Harry shrugged his shoulder. “I’m okay. Better now that I’m moving.”

“Well, you just keep practicing. And soon you’ll be running up and down those stairs with ease.”

“Don’t give him any ideas,” Severus said.

Poppy and Harry smiled at each other. The three of them went into the kitchen to eat breakfast.


Instead of using the floo to go back home, Narcissa walked. She didn’t know if she was angry or hurt at what she just saw, but she knew that her husband and a lot of explaining to do. Thinking about how Draco looked broke her heart. Her baby boy in that room with that dreadful collar on. The first tear streamed down her face when she walked out of the room. She didn’t want her Draco to see her cry. She would be strong for him, but right now, she was angry.

She opened the front door and walked into the receiving room. Lucius was still where she left him. The hurt that she felt instantly changed to anger.

“Before I file charges on you—”

“What do you mean charges?” Lucius growled cutting Narcissa off.

“Just what I said,” Narcissa said, calmly. “I am filing charges against you. But I want to know one thing. Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why would you do this?” Narcissa asked, sitting down in the chair across from Lucius.


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