Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Moving Forward

Arabella took a steadying breath before approaching her scared and confused daughter. As she crouched down, she was couldn't help but notice how small Hermione looked tucked into Draco's side. Draco's was talking softly to her, his hand running over her hair in a steady, soothing rhythm.

" Was Papa hit with the Cruciatus, Mama?" Hermione asked, her voice quivering slightly. Her perception and knowledge startled Bella momentarily.

" How do you know about that curse and its affects, Livia?" she asked in return, her voice firm but not harsh.

" I read it one of the advanced healing books in the library. I mentioned it to Darrius and helped me find it in the Dark Arts books," she replied her voice getting softer as she went out and her eyes darting toward Harry as she revealed their secret.

Bella sighed, "We will discuss your accessing restricted books later. For now, I want all of you to get your lunch. Draco, can I count on you to make sure they do eat?"

" Yes, Lady Arabella," Draco replied.

" Mama?" A voice from behind her asked softly.

" Yes, Darrius?" She said as she turned to face her son.

" Papa will be alright, won't he?"

She smiled. Harry's concern was so clearly written in his expression. "Yes, Darrius. Your father will be fine. A bit short tempered for a while, but he will be fine."

" Can I help, Mama?" Hermione asked, pulling herself away from Draco and rising to her feet.

" Of course, Livia, but not just yet. I will come for you when its time. I want you to get something to eat and spend some time working on your meditations. You will need to be centered and calm. Do you understand?"

" Yes, Mama," she replied, nodding her head.

" Good," Bella said, "Why don't you go in now. I'm sure the elves have lunch prepared."

She followed as the two children and teen made their way into the house, separating from them in the Great Hall. Once they had disappeared around a corner, Bella quickly made her way up to several flights of stairs and down the hall to the master suite. As she entered the room, she could hear Severus arguing with Lucius and Narcissa.

" Really, Severus! You know Bella would kill me if you broke something while trying to get into that damned bath by yourself."

" I am quite capable of seeing to myself, Narcissa. If you feel the need to help someone, help your husband. "

She found herself biting back a laugh at the sharp sounding words; his tone reminded her of a bird with serious ruffled feathers. She could almost see him trying to puff himself up; see him standing there with a straight back and a hard expression. Deciding to spare Narcissa, she stepped around the corner and into the bedroom.

" It's alright, Cissa. I will take care of him. Why don't you get Lucius into his bath? I will send an elf in with a post-cruciatus potion and some clean pajamas."

" I don't think that will be necessary," Lucius said.

Arabella had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at the man's pompous airs. The man could be a haughty bastard on occasion, but something about him always drew her, made her want to forgive him his numerous shortcomings. Perhaps it was the odd but strong friendship he shared with Severus or the appeal he held for Cissa; whatever it was, she knew she would needed to help him. Drawing herself up, straightening her posture to an almost painfully erect stance, she turned and locked eyes with him. "Are you arguing with me, Lucius?

" I am fine, Arabella," he said, "I will…"

" Lucius Malfoy, you will do as I say. I am the Healer here and you will not be leaving these premises until I am absolutely certain that any damage done to your system has been healed. Are we clear?"

She felt her heart begin to pound as she faced off with Lucius, grey eyes locking with grey eyes. It wasn't so much a battle of wills as it was a negotiation and an offer of solidarity. The pureblood society and the old ways were complex; had he accepted her offer, done exactly as she asked it would imply he was willingly subservient to her. His challenge was the same – if she hadn't challenged him; she'd be acquiescing to him. She knew she could never do that. She knew she couldn’t let him leave yet. The Malfoys' were important pieces of her plan and she – they - need all the time they had to form and cement those bonds.

Having Lucius subservient to her wouldn't serve her purpose; he was of more use to her strong and independent – an equal. Narcissa, who was sworn to Avalon, was as close to a "follower" as she ever wanted. What she needed was a clever friend, an ear in all the right places that would help her protect her family. She needed her family's honor and well being to be of value to him. Not only for her children's and husband's sake, but for Draco, as well. Arabella had detected an awakening power within Draco she was determined to nurture, not to mention that the further the young man was from Voldemort, the safer Harry and Hermione would be. All she had to do was convince Lucius that Draco, the Malfoy name and even Voldemort would best served by allowing her to control Draco's education – which would mean fostering him and swearing him to Avalon until his graduation from Hogwarts.

Taking a chance, she stepped forward and rested the back of her hand against his cheek. She was surprised when he didn't step back; he had to know what she was going to do. He stared into her eyes. She could feel him measuring her- her intentions, her desires. His curiosity and weariness floated just outside her consciousness. Taking a chance, she buried the contempt she felt for some of the his actions and pushed her emotions into him – her gratitude towards him for saving and projecting Severus so many years ago and the support he and Narcissa had offered Severus since then, the she fondness she felt for Narcissa, as a distant cousin, a fellow of Avalon and as a friend. She dug deep into her memories to resurrect the feelings of bitterness and betrayal toward Fudge and Dumbledore and let those fleetingly brush with his senses. Layered on top of the emotion was her sense of worry of what they – he and Severus - had been subjected to, not only today but also in the past.

" Please, Lucius. Trust me. Let me help you," she asked softly.

The few minutes she was forced to wait for his answer seemed eternal. She kept her facial expression clean, yet internally she feared she played her hand to early and perhaps shown him too much.

" Alright, Bella, if it will ease your worry, we will stay this night. I would appreciate it if appropriate attire was acquired from Malfoy Manner."

Narcissa smiled and, to Bella's well-trained eye, relaxed at her husband's acquiescence. "I will draw up a list, Lucius, as soon as you are situated."

" Good! Cissa, I'll leave him to you for now. I'll come check on you both in 30 minutes." Bella said smiling. Turning toward her husband, she held out her hand and drew him toward her. With an arm around his waist, she guided him toward his bath.

Once behind closed doors, she assisted Severus in disrobing and into the warm, swirling and healing waters. Crouching beside the tub, she held up the long sleeve of her kirtle and tested the water. With her eyes closed, she felt for the energies imbued to the waters by the healing potions she had ordered added to it. Satisfied with the elves' work, she rose and stepped away from the tub. Quickly, she pulled off her robe and then surcoate.

" What are you doing?" Severus asked as she pulled her kirtle off, as well and hung it with the other garments, leaving her body covered in only her thin linen chemise. She sighed at the weary but stubborn bite in his voice and resigned herself to his foul mood – at least temporarily.

" Really, Sev, did you think I would help you while remaining completely dressed? Just because I can dry them with the wave of a wand, doesn't mean I wish to be wear them wet in the first place," she said as she turned towards the tray of small potions bottles left on the counter. Gathering several bottles of medicinal oils and a soft cloth from the counter, she walked over and knelt beside the tube on a soft, cushioned mat.

" I can manage by myself," he said in a stern, offended sounding tone; she merely rolled her eyes at him. She knew his attitude, at the moment, was more bluster than anything else.

" Yes, you could Sev, but this will be more enjoyable. Besides, you know it will make me feel better to help you." She said as she poured a liberal amount of one of the oils on her hands and began gently stroking it over his shoulders and arms. As she worked the oils into his skin, letting the medicinal values in them work their magic as she used her own skills to soothe and heal some of the deeper damage. She knew immediately when the healing began to take effect; Severus slumped as the tension began to drain from him.

A tentative peace settled over the room. Bella could feel his internal conflict, but knew enough not to push him. She was surprised when, just a few minutes later he asked, "Will Livia be alright?"

She hesitated for a moment, having hoped to delay this conversation a bit longer.

" Bella?" he asked again, this time shifting in the tub as if preparing to rise from it.

" Stay put, Severus," she said, raising her eyes to meet his.

" Tell me," was his reply. He continued to sit upright and she sighed in resignation, knowing he would climb from the tub to seek Hermione out if she didn't tell him what she knew.

" They know, Sev, about Cruciatus. Livia recognized the symptoms. She and Darrius have apparently been doing some extra curricular studies. She's fine, now. Draco did a wonderful job of soothing her," Severus' eyes widened at that comment and it occurred to her that he might not know of Draco's talent. "Darrius and Draco are looking after her; I promised she could help treat you - but not until later." She paused for a minute, placing her hand in the center of her husband's chest and gently easing him back into the warm churning waters of the tub. "Sev, did you know that Draco is a sensitive?"

Sev's face paled as he stared at her in shock.

" I thought I detected it when I first met him, but it was so weak, I couldn't be sure. But his reactions to Livi this morning… it's not weak anymore. He used it remarkably well; he seems to be naturally good a sublimating emotions – or rather, Lucius has trained him well. He definitely isn't aware of what was happening though. He needs to be trained."

" You're sure?" His voice was soft, clipped – precise, like he was still trying to work her statement into his consciousness. All Bella could do was nod in reply.

Being a sensitive – at least a strong one - was a curse in the wizarding world. Empaths have an inborn ability to differentiate between their own emotions and those sensed from others. They learn, instinctively how to control the gift the same as other children learn how to speak. Sensitives had no such abilities. While they absorbed emotions in the same manner as empaths, they had no way of distinguishing those emotions as being foreign. Having no way to discriminate their own emotions from others meant there was no way to control it. A sensitive's only hope was an empathy being willing and able to help them learn control through magic, reason and emotional sublimation.

" You will help him?" The uncertainty in Severus' voice struck a cord deep within her. She knew he was really asking if she would help Draco regardless of his father's blind devotion to the bastard Voldemort.

" I will help him," she said. Leaning over, she gently kissed his cheeks and then whispered in his ear, "I promise." Sitting back, she continued, "Now, promise me you will sit in the water for an hour."

" Bell, I'm fine now," he replied, a bit exasperated.

" You'll be better after an hour if you stay in that spa treatment. I need to go check on Livia and Darrius and I want to test Draco before I talk to Lucius and Cissa. I’ll be back in an hour and a quarter." Leaning over again, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "Be ready for me when I get back okay? I want to work on some of the more serious damage done to your nervous system again before letting Livia and Darrius in here. "

Jumping up to her feet, she summoned her complex outfit and dressed quickly while she waited for Severus to concede. He finally gave her a caustic "fine." She smiled at him softly before opening the door and leaving. Once outside, she found it difficult not to slump against the wall. The temptation to give in to her tired body was almost overwhelming. Taking a deep breath and firming her resolve, however, was her only course of action; she couldn't succumb and leave her family – not to mention Draco – to fend for themselves. Walking toward her full-length mirror, she straightened the layers of clothing she wore, mentally cursing her affinity for the more traditional styles as she longed for the ease and comfort of Muggle clothing. Yet, as she absently listened and followed the mirror suggestions to fix her hair and freshen her make-up, she admitted to herself, that despite the bother, the clothes suited her. They were an outward symbol of who she was – a well-born witch of an ancient family who was educated in the old ways. She was of Avalon - The Lady of Avalon, herself. The upturned waning crescent of an eclipsed moon imbedded in her forehead was testament to that.

When Narcissa and Draco had arrived mid-morning, she had put forth a mask, played a part that felt unnatural – alien. Yet, now, as she gazed at her reflection – she knew the truth. That "act" was as true to herself and as the long unused as the style of dress she now wore. She could see past "old" Arabella – the one hidden behind years of Muggle disguise – to the even "older" Arabella she had been – the confident, determined, willful and powerful witch. The only difference she could detect was her naiveté and youthful optimism had been replaced by experience and a truer understanding of the nature of life, of love and loss, of pleasure and pain. With a simple nod to herself, she exited the room, gliding down the hall in the silent, graceful stride that had been ingrained in her since she was a small child. As she rounded the corner of the hall, she could hear the faint sounds of conversation drifting up the stairs from the dinning room. At the foot of the stairway, the voices became more distinct and she paused briefly to listen.

" Shut up, Darrius," Hermione said, her voice strained and as falsely polite as she could muster considering the words she used.

" Now, Livi," Harry said teasingly, "I think Draco would find it endearing!"

" I don't particularly care what Draco would think!" Hermione replied, her voice taking on an almost haughty tone.

" As curious as I am," Draco chimed in, "I do not believe it is wise to tease our Lady, Darrius."

" Pfft! Lady! Really, Draco! She's just Livi. Besides, if you are going to marry her someday, you should know who you will have to share your bed with…" Darrius replied, a bit slyly.

Arabella could almost see the teasing smirk on her son's face – so like his father's. It was probably the only thing stopping her at the moment from walking through that door and lecturing him soundly about teasing his sister so meanly.

" Darrius Snape!" Hermione's outraged voice echoed into the halls.

" It's really cute, Draco," Harry said, "She has this fluffy stuffed dragon that she can't sleep without – calls him Dray Dray."

" I think that's enough, Darrius," Draco replied, his voice carrying over Harry's.

" UGH!" Hermione exclaimed. Arabella could hear the thwap of her daughter's napkin hitting the table as if balled up and tossed down harshly. The sound of a chair being pushed back from the table followed and within seconds, Hermione was storming past her in such an agitated state, she was unaware of anything around her.

" Brilliant, Darrius," Draco said in a displeased tone, "Do you feel better now?"

The room was quiet as Arabella walked softly toward the door. From her vantage point, she could see Darrius sitting starring directly at Draco. The intense, measuring glare in his eyes reminded her again of Severus. Though Harry's eyes were green, he still managed to use the same penetrating gaze. Suddenly, Harry's eyes flickered and softened and she knew she had been spotted. Smiling back at her son, she stepped fully into the doorway.

" Darrius, perhaps you should assist Livia in getting her yarn and needles. Your father placed them on a high shelf last night and she shouldn't be climbing in her dress."

" Yes, Ma'am," Darrius replied and immediately rose from the table and moved to follow Hermione. He stopped only briefly as he neared her, "How is Father, Mother?" he asked trying to sound formal, as he had been schooled to do in front of company.

Arabella smiled reached out a hand, gently brushing it over her son's head, "He will be fine, Darrius. You can see him when you lessons are complete."

Harry smiled at her before moving off at a quick pace. Turning to face Draco, who was now standing and watching her, she listened as Harry called out to Livia to wait for him. At the sound of their soft bickering renewed, she smiled only to be met by a perplexed look from Draco.

" Why did you let him get away with that?" Draco asked.

Arabella studied him for a moment, trying to determine the extent of Draco's concern. He had, after all, only met Livia and Darrius hours earlier. Definitely not enough time to form any bonds, unless…

Holding out her hand, she said, "May I have your hand, Draco?"

He stared at her, his eyes wide like a frightened deer. Arabella could see his body straining against the desire to step back from her. Then, suddenly, the demeanor of the boy standing before her changed; it was like a wall fell behind his eyes, allowing her to see nothing by calm aloofness. He extended his hand to her and when she grasped it, she felt only his controlled confidence, with shades of annoyance at Darrius for his earlier behavior toward Livia and mild concern for Livia, herself.

" You have wonderful control, Draco," she said as she sent small mental tendrils into his him, searching along the mental wall for the a small crack, " Your father would be proud." The flash of pride that flashed in him momentarily was the opportunity she had hoped for as she slid her probe deeper into his mind. She forced a smile and a serene expression as she was bombarded by the turbulent waves of emotions he was suppressing and controlling quite effectively. Gently, she searched the threads of fear, anger, frustration and confusion until she found one that bore the distinct signature that belonged to her daughter. Tracing it back to the root, she closed her eyes and concentrated on dampening the new and unexpected bond between Hermione and Draco. When she opened her eyes again, Draco's composure was threatening to crumble, his eyes once again wide with fear.

" It will be alright, Draco," she said softly. "Have you told your parents?"

Draco merely shook his head in the negative.

" Why?" She asked.

After a few moments, he replied, softly, "I don't want anyone to know I am a freak - cursed."

" Being a sensitive is not a curse, Draco, regardless of what you have been told. It’s a gift, one that with training and a bit of subterfuge can serve you well. Why do you think your father has trained you as he has – to control your emotions ruthlessly?"

" Father is not a sensitive," Draco said firmly.

" You are right, he is not, but I suspect it is a Malfoy trait. I have long suspected it, since I first learned of your father's training - how all Malfoy's are trained to control themselves so thoroughly. The real question is, Draco, is your father's training enough for you, or do you wish to learn more? Make the most of the gift?"

" It's not a gift! It’s a curse! One that can not be controlled," Draco said, his agitation level rising.

" It can not be controlled, Draco. It can be learned, manipulated. And there are benefits." She said calmly.

" Benefits," he said incredulously.

" Yes, like the bond you currently share with Livia." She saw his surprise and smiled before continuing, "It was likely a bit of accidental magic and as a result, I am unable to undo the bond. However, it is also very likely only temporary and should disintegrate in the next week or so – if that is your wish, of course. However, given time and training, you two could establish a more permanent bond. Such a bond could be, " Arabella paused, tilting her head to the side slightly, "shall we say - beneficial – to you both should you decide to fulfill the contract."

Draco flushed slightly at her statement and she had to repress a laugh. She could feel him weighing his options and squeezed his hand before releasing it. "I would be glad to teach you what I can, Draco. But many of the things that would be most beneficial to you would require a pledge to Avalon." She saw his face immediately fall. "It would not need to be a permanent one – merely one that lasts until you are of legal age."

He looked up at her and she could see the flicker of hope in his eyes. He wanted to learn, of that she had no doubt and if she could keep him for Voldemort's service for just a bit longer, she might be able to keep out altogether. Though she only barely knew Draco, there was something in him that attracted her and she couldn't stand to see him fall under that demon's influence. "I need to know if this is what you want before I talk to your parents."

" I would like that, Lady," Draco said softly – respectfully.

Bella smiled genuinely at him. "Would you care to join me while I talk to them?"

Though he swallowed hard, he nodded. He had courage, which was good. He would need it.

" Alright, then. I just need to talk to the twins for a moment. Wait here."

Going into the library, she quickly instructed Harry and Hermione to practice their meditation exercises in the solarium and then followed them out of the room. As they crossed the Great Hall, Hermione stopped before Draco and smiled at him. He smiled when she crocked her finger in his direction and leaned over so they were nearly eye-to-eye. Hermione surprised him with a sudden move; she stood of her toes and kissed him on the cheek, before whispering in his ear, "Don't be afraid." In a flash, she scurried off, not once looking behind her. Harry simply shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes before following after her.

" Are you ready?" she asked, trying to hide her amusement.

At his nod, she gestured toward the stairs. Draco turned and stared up at the staircase, seeming daunted by what lay in wait for him. In a blink of her eye, the trepidation disappeared from his posture, leaving a hauntingly confident young man in its wake. Turning around, he addressed her, "There is one thing I don't understand, Lady?"

Arabella raised her eyebrow toward him as she came even with him on the steps, "yes, Draco?"

" What is Livia doing with yarn and needles?"

Draco's expression was so earnest that she couldn't help but chuckle. "As yes, Livia has taken up the habit of knitting or crocheting by hand when agitated. She finds it calming." He looked at her with a bewildered expression before turning again and walking steadily up the stairs, only pausing at the top so that she could lead the way. She studied him again as they walked; she prayed she was right. She was playing with fire – her machinations could backfire on them all in so many ways. She knew Harry and Hermione disliked Draco – strongly. She to build a strong bridge between the teens before returning Harry's and Hermione's memories or her plan would weaken considerably. Her intuition was screaming at her that Draco could be the thread that tied this whole thing together – and the cornerstone to her children's survival.

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