Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Hello! yes yes, the general blah about me being late to update but hey, you got an extra long chapter this time so there you go. Thank you to all those who left comments, even the harsh ones. Hearing about other people reading always brightens an authors day so don't be shy! On with the story!
Thanks, I Hate it
Despite Pomfrey’s insistence he didn’t let himself spend too long asleep. Immediately he checked the time when he woke up, finding that he had spent a total of five and a half hours sleeping. He wondered why he hadn’t insisted on returning to his own quarters given his distaste for sleeping in a hospital bed.

His gaze rested on the heavily sleeping Potter. It was a miracle the kid wasn’t a head case in St. Mungo’s by now really. Although, given the iron will of both his parents, maybe it wasn’t such a surprise. He had remembered his proposition to Potter, of course, and he did intended to make good on it. The only question was whether to let Dumbledore in on the change of plans. If he did, the elder wizard would undoubtedly object and if he couldn’t convince him, it would make both his and Harry’s life much harder. If he stayed silent, it was very possible that the man would find out anyway and then they’d be more fury to pay.

He allowed himself to sit and rest a little more before he would do anything. He had long learnt that in difficult times it was best to rest whenever possible or risk burnout in important moments instead.

After all, he would soon need to stand in front of the darkest wizard of their time and explain why he didn’t come when summoned. His mind went in circles just trying to come up with an excuse.

An hour or so passed and Pomfrey’s face emerged from the fire place, he was just about to come up with a response for why he was not asleep when the stressed look on her face stopped him dead.

“Severus… You’d best come to the Headmasters office. Now.” Her pinched cheeks and curly hair disappeared in a twirl of colour and Severus soon followed.

When he arrived in the very familiar office, his attention went immediately to all those in it. As expected Pomfrey was there, looking red with anger, Dumbledore stood serenely in the corner yet still seeming to be the largest presence in the room. Most interesting however, was the ministry officials now searching furiously through the office. Including inside the many strange contraptions adorning the space. Cornelius Fudge stood in the middle of all this chaos watching the proceedings intensely.

“Ah Severus, good to see you.” Dumbledore’s greeting seemed to be in direct opposition to the atmosphere of the room.

He was going to return the greeting when Fudge noticed his presence and spoke.

“Ah! yes! very glad you are here Mr. Snape.”

“May I enquire as to why you are here Minister?”

“Most certainly. You see, matters here at Hogwarts are becoming of great concern to the Ministry. Between Mr. Diggory, the convict Black running rampant, business with a Basilisk and the death of a teacher, you can see why it’s high time the ministry intervene.”

“Intervene? and you are currently….?”

“Searching this office with full permission from Wizengamot, excluding of course, that of Albus.”

He held out a very important looking document with a detailed red stamp.

“Why do you believe you’d find anything here? all the matters you’ve previously listed weren’t the fault of the Headmaster.”

“Ahh quite the contrary, Mr Snape. The Headmaster is accountable for all happenings inside of a school and the need to search this office is a very practical and reasonable action.”

Done with Fudge’s delusions he directed his words to Dumbledore.

“And you? You’re okay with this?”

Fawkes made a loud noise of protest as one of the men searching caused part of his stand to tip. Severus had his hand poised over his wand instantly, then slowly brought it back to rest by his side.

“I am…”

“He doesn’t have to be okay with it. Let us not forget that Hogwarts is under the full jurisdiction of the Ministry and that –”

“Cornelius please. Severus, I am perfectly fine with the necessary lengths the ministry must go to make sure our students are safe. They will find nothing of interest here and we may all continue on our way with a strengthened peace of mind.”

The warning in Dumbledore’s smile did not go unnoticed by Severus and so he allowed the men to continue searching. He was not however, the only one begrudgingly staying silent. Pomfrey looked at high risk of hexing someone every time they opened a draw.

After some minutes of rifling, opening and searching possessions the men stopped and quietly whispered to Fudge who nodded.

“It seems.. that other than a few instruments that will be further examined at the ministry, there is nothing particularly harmful here. Presently.” He spoke as if the words were coming through gritted teeth, which they probably were.

“That does not mean that our investigations are finished. All three of you will be taken to the Ministry for further questioning.”

At this he could no longer hold his tongue and neither could Pomfrey

“Minister! we do not –”, “ I will not be –” “Have certain obligations..”

“Severus! Poppy!” Both quieted down.

“Cornelius, I would be happy to accompany you. However I must ask if my staff may remain here. I doubt they would be able to help you any further. Any questions you have of them could be asked nowand I personally can attest to the good nature of the both of them.”

Fudge had already begun shaking his head and Severus knew Dumbledore would never be able to get through to him.

“Albus, these two have a fair bit to add I suggest. The school healer who would be able to tell us the direct injuries the students here have suffered, and their causes. And of course, a former Death Eater who as part of his agreement in escaping Azkaban, is able to be questioned by the Ministry at any point.”

A regrettable stipulation that he had never really agreed to. He had never believed the Ministry would act on it unless he drew their attention. Fudge turned to the four officials who were waiting on his instructions,

“Lasnder, Elmeny, Williams, Taylor. Take these three Wizards into the Department of Magical Law Enforment on level two. Elmeny and Taylor report back once it’s done. There are a few other things I’d like to inspect before I’m done here.”

All of them nodded and moved towards Severus, Pomfrey and Dumbledore. Fudge left the office happily and Severus snarled angrily behind his back. Immobilising spells were cast on their hands and their wands were taken from them. One official stood with each of them and the leftover women with black hair led the group, casting weary glances at Dumbledore. It seemed they were all sure that is it came to it, they would be overpowered.

True to form, they were apparated directly into the ministry. It’s large scale, latin mottos and many wizards and witches rushing about were all quickly forgotten as they were pushed into an elevator that moved quickly upwards. They arrived at one of the Ministry’s many long corridors. This one however, put Severus on edge, having being detained here for many hours while nearly being put on trial and sent to Azkaban. Dumbledore had vouched for him then and he hoped the man would get them out of this predicament quickly.

He shared a glance with Pomfrey and Dumbledore before each of them were taken to seperate rooms. Once he was inside, his attendant left and he heard the soft pop of disapparation and the immobilising charms on his hands disappeared. His room was a little better than a cell, there was a desk with two chairs on either side facing each other, some sort of coloured cabinet, a glass of water and a copy of the latest Daily Prophet. There was no toilet, but he supposed that was a good thing. It gave him an excuse to try and escape if it came to it. Although, he would not leave without his wand.

He went to the cabinet first, intrigued by it being bright blue with gold detailing. Unsurprisingly, it was locked. A few strong pulls also indicated it was magically locked. If he had his wand with him he was sure he would be able to dismantle the spells but, frustratingly, the only thing he could do was pull.

After a few more attempts of pulling and slamming the cabinet, he gave up. It seemed it was impervious to damage, showing not a single scratch despite his efforts.

He eyed the water warily; he would not drink it unless he was trapped in here for a very long period of time and if that were the case, he may have other problems to deal with.

He spared a thought for Potter, the last time he saw him, the boy was resting peacefully. Hopefully they’d all be back before he was up and he’d be none the wiser. If not, well the boy might be a little anxious when he could find no one around but he would be fine. He’d rest up if he knew what was good for him, he was still in rough shape. If the kid really were that desperate he could always call on that house elf he’d befriended or go see the owl he’d left at Hogwarts before the summer. Severus rather thought he should focus on his own dilemma.

It was a few very boring hours before anybody came for him. He had even succumbed to almost reading the entire Daily Prophet.

When she arrived, she spared him a very brief glance before taking a sip of her mug and walking towards the cabinet. Her back was turned to him so he was unable to see the way she opened it.

“Ah, Mr Snape. I remember your little complex file floating through our offices a few times, you’re a rather hard one to figure out you know that?”

“Yes well. If we were all predictable, the Ministry would be out of a job wouldn’t it?”

“Too true. Too true.”

She sat on the chair opposite him and opened up a glowing orange folder. Inside where moving pictures of him as a Hogwarts student, one of his mother, bold headings like ‘possible convictions’ and at the bottom in blocked letters ‘Spoken for by Albus Dumbledore’.

“There’s quite a lot we don’t know about you Mr Snape.” Her long blonde hair swung slightly as she spoke, partly obscuring one of her eyes.

“And I would prefer it to stay that way.”

“We are all friends here. We all have the same enemy. Correct?” She leaned closer in as an effort to seem earnest.


“Well I don’t see why we should have much of a problem.”

“And who exactly are you?”

“Jennifer Ashton, an investigator of the Magical Law Enforcement branch.” She smiled cheerily, like she was glad he had asked.

“Well Ms Ashton. Can I ask that we finish this matter efficiently so that you and I can return to our oh so important lives?”

“Sure. After all, being a teacher must be very taxing on your precious time.”

Not rising to her bait, he crossed his arms and leaned backwards.

“Any questions?”

“Many, such as did you at any point, see the convict known as Sirius Black?”


She took out a purple quill with a gold tip and began writing on parchment, briefly glancing up at him as she did so.

“Have you had contact with any past Death Eaters proceeding the demise of He Who Must Not Be Named?”


“What about Igor Karkoroff? During the Triwizard Tournament?”

“Perhaps briefly. Less than a few sentences.”

“Were you involved with any of the major incidents that have recently occurred at Hogwarts within the past four years?”

“I helped put protections on the Philosopher’s Stone, I ….mistakenly…. reported seeing Sirius Black and I was involved with some of the tasks in the Triwizard Tournament.”

“Were you involved at all, in the making of the last task?”


She continued smiling cheerily and asking him question upon question. All the while, her quill scratching away. She asked about his whereabouts at certain points, people he’d talked to, what he knew of a plot to overthrow the minister, how Cedric Diggory had died and many, many, other draining questions. Finally it came to a point where she seemed to have run out and the quill stilled.

“The Ministry thanks you Mr Snape for cooperating with us. As part of standard procedure, we’ll be viewing the last couple of spells you cast.”

She removed from her pocket, his black wand and placed it on top of the file between them. Picking up her own wand, she performed complex hand movements and pressed the tip of her wand to his where it glowed a soft gold.

“Prior Incantato”

A small, washed out, clock appeared and beneath it, the word Tempus. The spell he’d done to check the time earlier. Next was a small coin turning into a muggle coin and the word Commutationem. Not the most innocent looking spell, it had been the one he’d use to pay for the room in the Shetland islands. Finally, the wand shifted a bit to the side, as though fidgeting in nervousness. Hanging a few centimeters above it, there was a simple line of faded green smoke and the words Avada Kedvra. Jennifer flinched back and Snape had the terrible realisation of what exactly his last three spells were.

Her voice was not nearly as confident as it was before when she spoke. “Uh.. Mr Snape. You have performed one of the three … unforgivables recently. Highly illegal spells that are never to be used unless the express permission of the ministry …. is given – granted. Or, the user was acting in full self defence. The fact that.. .. these spells were used means we will have to detain you until you can prove your innocence or a court proceeding… can be…. can be had.”

She quickly packed up her folder and stowed her wand. She went two steps before turning back and and hastily grabbing his wand with the green smoke still above it. Rushing out of the room, it seemed all desire to stay had fled her.

Severus let his head lean back against the wall as he began thinking of any possible way he could spin this.


Harry had wished he had been more grateful for the time he had been given away from the Dursleys. Although it hadn’t exactly been a holiday, almost anything was better than this.

His hands were red and irritated, a few of his fingertips bleeding. He was currently being forced to clean all of the pots in the house. It would’ve been no worse than a bad detention if it wasn’t for the metal cleaner he was using. He tried his best to avoid contact with it; every time even the slightest bit of skin would touch it, he would feel a burning sensation and the skin would become red and rough. That and scrubbing with a wiry metal brush were certainly taking its toll.

His uncle had been furious as soon as the door had been shut. Slamming him face first into the wall and demanding to know why he’d brought those bunch of bafoons here. When he didn’t have an answer he was shoved into the white paint again. This time, leaving a smear of red. He was keenly aware of the wand in his back pocket, itching to be used. He almost had reached for it, but it was all too easy to fall back into the natural patterns at the Dursley household. Plus he did actually agree on one thing with his uncle, he never wanted to see Fudge again.

Perhaps his uncle had seen a small movement to reach for it for the next thing he knew, it was pulled out of the waistband of his jeans. Over his shoulder he saw the man grab it in both hands and knew if he didn’t intervene they’d be a sharp snapping noise next.


Desperate to say the right words an excuse just fell out of his mouth.

“You can’t snap it! It…… will bring more of those people! They’ll come for it! Do you really want them here for longer?”

He could almost smell the smoke as the gears worked inside the brutish mans brain.

He shoulders dropped in relief as his uncle furiously stomped to a closet where he removed a box with a lock on it. Opening and shutting it violently, the wand was placed inside. Vernon Dursley then marched through the house with an equally mad Petunia and a warily following Harry. When they got to the backyard, Vernon picked up a nearby shovel and dug.

It didn’t take long before a large pile of dirt amassed and a rather deep hole sat in the middle of the square backyard. Vernon made a show of dropping the box inside and Harry winced as he heard it crash. He then looked Harry dead in the eye.

“There will be No. Magic. In my house, Clear?”

“ Yes.”

His uncles eyes blazed and he quickly corrected himself,

“Yes sir.”

A fatty hand grabbed his collar and he was smacked in the head.

“Don’t forget your place here. Whatever you’ve been doing, if you’re staying here, you will learn respect.”

He nodded hastily. Whatever he could do to make his uncle go away. The hand on his collar released and he fell hard onto the ground, jarring his shoulder so bad he felt momentarily winded.

The large feet of his uncle moved away but the red slip ons stayed. It was a mistake to believe that Petunia was not as vindictive or cruel as her husband. While Vernon dealt in-the-moment blows and quickly changed rules so that Harry was at fault. Petunia would always have longer lasting torment. She cut deeper with malicious words that would wound him and envisioned ways in which he would endure longer lasting pain.

Such as his current predicament with the pans. As a strange an unusual punishment she’d made him take his shoes off, he hadn’t seen why it was such a problem until he stepped outside. The asphalt had spent all day heating up in the intense sun and felt like the equivalent of a pan on a stove. At least standing on the kitchen’s cold tiles gave his feet some relief.

After all this, he held hope that he wouldn’t be stuck here. That Snape wouldn’t turn back on his word and the man would arrive here in his menacing black, and intimidate the Dursley’s to the point where they wouldn’t say a word as he dug up his wand. Imagining the moment often provided a happy escape from whatever punishment he was receiving.

Although at night laying awake in a cupboard – given the ‘privlege’ of Dudley’s second room was confiscated — the doubts crept in. The fact they’d been no one in the hospital wing when he woke up, the fact that apparently no one had even noticed his apparent disappearance. Not even Hedwig had come to visit with a letter from Ron, Hermione or Sirius. It felt like he’d been smuggled back into his old life and nobody had noticed.

As one day became two, then three, hope started slipping away. His life quickly turned into hell. Dudley had been ecstatic when he found out Harry had returned. He’d apparently formed some sort of a gang and they were all very keen to prove themselves. He was a fast runner usually, but a lame leg and running on almost no food and water had an effect. Even Dudley could catch him occasionally, evidenced by a large purple bruise on his collar bone and blood stains on his usual baggy shirt.

In general, he tried to stay out of the house and away from Dudley and co. His most frequented spot was the children's playground, sitting on the plastic swing chairs provided a sliver of peace. Nobody else came to the park much either, the few children and mothers he saw kept well clear of him. Obviously fearing he was some sort of young delinquent with a pension for fighting.

His swing creaked as he pushed back and forwards staring into the few smears of clouds above.


Severus had been given an upgrade. Well, not exactly the correct term but still true. His cell was more of an actual cell, complete with rough bed and dingy toilet. He’d been moved here after the wand incident and was still yet to see hide or hair of Dumbledore or Pomfrey.

At least it had given him some time to think. When confronted he would do his best to explain how it had been in self defence, which wasn’t a complete lie and therefore he could say it while under the influence of veritaserum.

His story went that he’d been walking through the streets of London when he was mugged. He had been slightly hurt; explaining his few bruises and scratches, and therefore wanted a room to stay in; rather than apparating, hence the money exchange spell. He had not said anything because, given it was a muggle affair, it would be best to leave it to the muggle police.

He had spent time narrowing down the specifics such as what exactly his mugger looked like and what time he’d roughly been threatened and he now had a very complete story.

Of course none of this helped when there was no one to tell it too.

Finally, after two days, someone approached his cell. Although Severus was surprised by who it was.

“Lucius? What are you doing here?”

“A better question I think, it what exactly you are doing here my friend.”

Lucius was dressed in slender green and black robes that were quite formal. His metal cane was also close by.

“I heard you got into a bit of trouble hmm? performing a few naughty spells that the ministry takes issue with.”

“Yes it seems I am in a rather inconvenient situation.”

“ You must tell me the whole story Severus, I’m dying to know.”

Severus knew he could utilise Lucius in this specific circumstance but it would come with a cost later.

“I’d be willing to share if I were not in such a confined manner.”

“Yes well I suppose I could help you out old friend. Being a man with my privilege comes with its fair share of benefits. ”

He stayed silent. Either Lucius would help or he would not, there was very little he could say that would persuade the man.

The blonde gave an exaggerated sigh and looked down at his cane. “It would mean I might have some explaining to do later….. but whats life without a little challenge? and these days, challenge is to be expected.”

Lucius touched the tip of his wand to the lock and the door swung free.


Severus tentatively stepped forwards and did his best to portray no emotion to Lucius. The less human the man saw him the better. Cold blooded creatures are less likely to kill other creatures of the same type.

Lucius led the way out of the ministry, Severus refused to call it the way to freedom.

The blonde withdraw a pitch black slender wand, “You’ll be needing this I would assume.”

“Thank you.” Indeed he was grateful to have it back in his possession

“So what exactly have you been doing that has made you such a busy man Severus?”

The story he gave now would need to be the same one he gave to the Dark Lord. Any inconsistencies and Lucius would spot them immediately.

“Dumbledore sent me on somewhat of a mission.”

“Indeed? How intriguing”

“Well it was unsuccessful. Any other details you may want to know will have to wait until we’re somewhere a little more private.”

Already a few witches and wizards glanced there way. Lucius it seemed was more than well known here.

“Can be done immediately. We shall go to Malfoy Manor and you shall tell me all about this little tale of yours.”

It was an interesting bet Lucius was making. Face questioning in his job but get to here what Dumbledore was up to firsthand from the spy, before even the Dark Lord knew. It could be useless or invaluable. For Severus right now, it was beneficial.

He needed no directions from Lucius in apparating there. He had learnt a very long time ago, how to do so and the place was ingrained in his memory. Like a cemetery you had to walk past to get to where you wanted to go.

Out of the floo and into cauldron it seemed.

Inside the wide and tall living room, he exchanged greetings with Narcissa. Strangely there was no Draco to be found. He was barely given tea before he felt something dark coming. Like seeing shadows near you that were not your own.

He didn’t have to look to know it was behind him.

Lucius went to his usual grovelling self in an instant “My Lord. I was not expecting you or else I would have prepared something more…”

The voice that had plagued the nightmares of many crawled across the manor.

“No need Lucius. I will not be here long.”

Severus knew that the Malfoy’s were in the Dark Lord’s good graces but he hadn’t quite realised that the man was making house calls.

The hair on the back of his neck prickled and he knew he had been noticed.

“Severus. How nice to see you again, you have been rather absent of late.”

He did his best to return to his Death Eater self. Making himself appear smaller and in awe of the thing in front of him.

“My Lord, forgive me. Dumbledore sent me some place remote in an effort to find something to use against you. It was covered in anti-apparation wards, I could not leave.”

Partial honesty seemed the best method.

“Ah, the old man believes he can find a weapon to defeat me? how entertaining. Tell me Severus, what was it and did you find it?”

He carefully avoided making eye contact, his occlumency shields were weak at best currently. Also it helped make him appear more subservient.

“It was a stone my Lord. It was said that it could break through any wards put up by a wizard. We unfortunately were unable to find it.”


Dammit. Yes we, Harry Potter and I.

“There were others there searching for the stone. I utilised them then disposed of them.”

“How cold of you Severus.”

Understanding dawned on Lucius who connected the dots lightning fast. “And that is why you were detained in the ministry.”


There was a tense silence where both Severus and Lucius were too afraid to say anything. Eventually Voldemort broke out of his musings.

“While I can see why you were absent, disobeying requires…. punishment. However I shall be lenient, it will be done privately.”

He was already shivering and could hear his heartbeat in his ears. This is what he had feared.


It was indescribable. Waves of hot agony twisting their way through him. Like swallowing a thousand burning knives. He could not see or hear anything else. He was unsure if he was even crying out. All other thoughts turned to dust, the pain was more intense than even seemed possible. Every nerve ending on fire, every piece of him screaming and all at once it stopped.

As his thoughts were put back together and his vision returned he could see the burning pieces of coal that were the Dark Lord’s eyes. Oh how he longed to drive a dagger through that empty heart.

“ Goodbye Severus and Lucius. I shall see you again.”

The Dark Lord disappeared and Severus picked himself of the polished floor boards. Lucius smirked at him, likely enjoying someone suffer at the hands of their master.

The false concern was quickly returned. “Shall I get you the potion? And a fire whiskey perhaps?”

He valiantly tried to make his voice like steel. “No.”

Satisfied, he spoke a full sentence. “ I must go, there are other things I have to attend to.”

And he didn’t trust that anything of Lucius’s wasn’t poisonous.

He apparated away and arrived at the gates of Hogwarts. He was shaking all through the wandwork to open the doors. He tried to steady himself but to no avail.

He made it to the Hospital wing with black spots dancing in his vision and saw Dumbledore and Pomfrey in an intense discussion. Both stopped when they noticed him. He sat on the beds and Pomfrey was on him an instant.

“ Cruciatus I presume?”

He nodded wearily.

Pomfrey accio’ed a potion and almost force fed it to him. There was a moment of relief as all of his muscles stopped shaking.

He allowed himself to relax and Dumbldore appeared beside him.

“Severus, how I wish you did not have to do this.” It was true, those blue eyes had softened in sympathy. There was nothing he could say, they’d had this conversation before and they both knew the answer.

With his remaining strength, he glanced around the place and noticed Potter was not with them.

His next word was more mumble than word. “Pott’r?”

Dumbledore replied, “I suspect he has gone to stay in Gryffindor tower. He was never much of a fan of the Hospital wing.”

Again he nodded clumsily.


When Harry collapsed onto a set of old dirty pillows he was holding onto a very small slice of hope. There wasn’t so much as a letter explaining why no one had come for him, why no one had shown up. He felt miserable, every part of his body ached from one sort of punishment or another.

Faith in Snape was diminishing. Perhaps the man had acted differently purely out of setting and the moment he put a foot back in Hogwarts things would go back to their usual. Except he wasn’t sure he could go back to usual. He understood Snape now in a slightly different way, knew the risks the man took on his behalf and knew why Snape had played the role he had.

Day by day he sunk lower and lower, his nightmares about the final task and Cedric’s death returned. A green light flashing before he woke up in a cold sweat and wiped the excess moisture from his brow. Some nights he would yell to warn Cedric and some nights he was the one that held the wand that stole the light from the young boy’s eyes.

On nights like these he would not sleep; instead peering through the gaps on the bars of his window, at the cloudy and moonlight sky. Watching the limited traffic down below and wondering what each person’s life was like. Anything to get his mind off of what he had just seen.

On the nights he woke up screaming; they’d be be hell to pay. His uncle or aunt would come to the door and smash it open in anger. Looking down at him in disgust.

He barely found the energy to get up anymore. Crawling out of one desolate hole into another, in the darkest times he weeped, for the loss of all that had been and all that was to come. He would never let the tear stains show, desperate to show that he could beat the world. No matter what was thrown his way.

He would be back at Hogwarts in two weeks, he just had to hold out until then.

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