Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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DaughterOfAres [Contact] Better be Slytherin!
Call me: DaughterOfAres (undisclosed) Member since: 23 May 2007
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It's been a minute, ya'll.

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Prompts by DaughterOfAres
Summary: Snape teaches Harry a lesson, using any of Aesop's Fables as the moral. The fable from which the moral comes must be sighted in the author's notes. It must involve Snape telling Harry the fable and what he expects Harry to learn from it. Can be a oneshort of a part of a larger story. Any other characters may be used in the story as well as long as Snape is the one telling the story and Harry learns something from it.
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Summary: In some way shape or form Tobias Snape is made Guardian of Harry Potter. He can either be abusive or loving or somewhere in between. If he is abusive Severus must rescue him. Tobias Snape is Severus Snape's father, as we all know. The books imply that he was abusive, but nothing definite is ever stated. Because we know so little about his character he can be portrayed any way the author likes.
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Summary: This story was written and posted on ff.net by PotionsMistress25. She gave it to me to continue anyway I saw fit. I've posted it as a Round Robin challenge that anyone wishing to continue may add to. You can either post a rewrite of a chapter that has already been posted or write a new one.

Go to my bio page, or click here for a link to the story that was posted on ff.net.
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