Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Dumbledore had a lot of control over Harry, but Harry gave him that control by agreeing to things and giving his consent, albeit resentfully at times. What if Harry just said no? To be more specific, what if when Dumbledore ordered Harry to have Occlumency lessons Harry just said no? How would his 5th year go, and what role would Severus Snape have?

You may pick any other instance as long as Snape plays a big role.
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Summary: Everyone has heard of the gift of foresight, but what if Harry has the gift of hindsight? What happens when his sight begins to show him how similar his father and Sirus to Severus and to Lily as Dudley and his gang were to Harry and the little kids of Surrey?

  • Remus joining in the bullying behavior
  • Lily getting bullied by at least by one of the three main mauraders after she is married to James.
  • Sirus screaming at Harry
  • Sirus leaving Harry hanging somewhere like they hung Severus
  • Severus helping Harry deal with the shock

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Summary: Harry and/or Severus recognize each other as father and son of the heart and soul.

Bonus: Harry's animagus form is a child version of whatever Snape's anigamus form is.

"Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about." ~ Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park
"Somehow destiny comes into play. These children end up with you and you end up with them. It’s something quite magical." -Nicole Kidman
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Summary: Harry tells his son Albus Severus about how his mother and her best friend spent their Halloween's before Hogwarts. Must have: a Halloween memory of Snape's with them trick-or-treating/dressing up via Snape's memories given to Harry from TDH.
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Summary: Professor Snape notices something odd from his seat in Great Hall... Why is Harry Potter sneaking food into the sleeves of his robes? Because of the Dursley's abuse/neglect, Harry has taking to hoarding food out of habit.
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Summary: 9-year-old Harry Potter gets the chance to go Trick or Treating near Spinner's End, and stops by Snape's house. This chance meeting affects the future more than either could imagine. Bonuses if: Harry dresses up as either Bambi (with Snape noticing the depressing irony of it all.), or a costume of your choice (that either Snape or Lily wore as children.) Can be a stand alone, or a larger sequel for later, i.e. when Harry comes to Hogwarts at eleven.
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Summary: Harry's Boggart surprises everyone -- it isn't Voldemort like Remus thought, or even a Dementor, it's....his mother's dead body. He panics and breaks down in class. No one knows how to help, except Severus, as his boggart is the same. Can be a one-shot or a multi-chapter fic.
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Summary: Start a story with the line, "He liked to hear himself speak".

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Summary: Write a story which begins with the line, "He was about to be kissed".
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Summary: James was the only one of the Potter family that Voldemort killed. Voldemort stll tried to AK Harry, still had the spell deflected back at him, Harry still has his scar. Lily goes on to marry Snape. It's up to you if they have any children together. Snape is good to Harry, because if he were the jerk that he is in canon, Lily would never stay married to him. Stick with canon as much as possible. Happy writing!
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