Reviews For Storm Surge
Great chapter! I loved the interplay between the muggle and wizarding worlds. Snape, as usual, was written brilliantly - subordinate to his altruistic father, ha! Arthur was on the nose too. And then to have Hsrry realize what he means to Severus - perfect!
Oh Harry, poor little guy. First a panic attack now about to sob. He's finally getting it that Snape cares about him. I hope he and Severus have a nice hug and chat. I like the idea of Harry meeting the Weasleys. This Snape is lucky to has missed the twins. I can't believe you didn't give us more scenes about the revelation about Snow and Tobias! I know it'll come though. I'm so impatient! I can't wait to see how that conversation happens with Severus and how things change between Severus and Snow. Thank you for your prayers! Author's Response: I hate to admit this, but I didn?t write the scene of things being revealed to Severus! He actually didn?t know (which comes out later in a discussion between Harry and Severus), but I?ve now had so many people ask that I think I?ll write the scene from Snape?s POV and post it as a oneshot. (I?m considering making a separate fic that is basically vignettes from other perspectives that take place during the events of the main timeline, posted as needed for clarity or just for extra fun for readers). The big reason I didn?t write it was because I imagined this was one of the few times where they actually (for once) managed to have an adult conversation behind closed doors and with Harry successfully barred from overhearing it and the fallout.
I'm sure most of your readers don't know how to change the oil, you did fine! Thank you an excellent chapter and Arthur Weasley was a joy. Thank you so much Author's Response: lol thank you! I?m always worried about getting a review that?s like ?hey! You don?t change oil that way!? Haha I really really enjoyed writing Arthur, especially because it?s a peek of the broader wizarding world that we don?t get as much of in this fic. Of course, in the rest of the series (to be written) Harry will be at Hogwarts and we?ll get that angle, but I feel like this fic was enormously important for setting the stage for what?s to come and how things in this universe will be fundamentally different
Thank you for brining out what you have been hinting at for a few chapters. I'm not sure what the dynamics will be in the family now and of course how Severus will react. Thank you so much for your regular updates, I really look forward to Tuesdays
Severus' family is getting bigger.
Called it. I feel so bad for Snow. Someone please get this child therapy. The girl clearly needs help managing and expressing her feelings. Throwing in this drama isn't going to make it easier. At least she has Harry. Of course Snape knows. He has since the nativity play. I think it's why he's been amenable to her being around so much and why he brings the kids cookies. It's his way of helping. I am not excited for Toby to be in Snow's life, but am glad that Snape and Harry have greater ties now. One day there will be a blowout between Papagema and Snape and it'll be so powerful that the earth will shake off it's axis. Also- fyi: I live in LA and while I'm safe this past week had been utter insanity. Rereading this fic over the last few days has been a great way to relax and focus on something besides the fires. Your writing really helped me out! Author's Response: You did indeed call it! One of the first ;) Holy cow, I?m so grateful to hear that you?re alright! I hope this won?t offend, but you and your family will specifically be in my prayers, in addition to the rest of LA. I can?t claim to be able to even imagine what you and your fellow Angelenos are experiencing right now, but my heart is aching for you 3
What is up with Mr Fowler? He's either a very crappy teacher or a secret bad guy who is trying to send some very dark messages to his class. Maybe both. Google tells me that boggles are like barghests. Barghests certainly fit the description of what Snape and the otherkids saw. Maybe Mr Fowler is the barghest. He just traded in his scariness for bad teaching skills. Why drag a kid into a rabbit warren when you can make them read Shakespeare aloud to the class? I know which I'd have preferred at age 8. Still, seems unlikely. Judith's boys are as obnoxious as she is. Harry trying to casually bring up the rabbits was pretty well done for a child, but obviously Snape is Snape. Tobias isn't at the pub. He's hanging around Papagema. I don't believe he's drinking though. I think Severus used magic to ensure that wouldn't happen or that he'd know if it had. I like Harry and Snow's changing relationship. Good for her for getting him to do some schoolwork!
Interesting back story. Of course Severus would be considered as the one totally to blame. No results found.
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