Reviews For A Summer Like None Other
Frankly, as far as I'm concerned THIS is how Year Six and the summer after happened. It took me ages to get through HBP and TDH and I admit to not being happy with how the canon stories went at all. Where I read books 1-5 several times, it was an effort to finish reading TDH, and I was, frankly, disappointed by its ending. But I know that I will not be disappointed by the forthcoming sequel to ASLNO, whenever you publish it. Well done seems a totally inadequate accolade for your stories. Thank you (and your co-author and beta team) for many hours of excellent reading! Author's Response: Oh, it was nice of you to tell me that these stories are your new canon! That's fun. I wanted to let you know that the sequel IS available as a WIP -- just not at this site. I only post to one site until the story is done, and then I'll archive in some other places. To read A Family Like None Other -- 13 chapters so far, look here: http://archive.skyehawke.com/popular.php AFLNO is a few stories down on the list. I look forward to hearing from you again!
In the beginning it seemed a little strange. Snape and Harry getting along with each other. And then Draco turning to the "Light Side of the Force". Adoption and many other things, but now I have to say that this is the best Harry Potter fanfiction I have ever read. The plot is perfect. Every sentence, every word and every letter has its right place. The way characters interact is just great. Maybe my comment doesn't make sense. I just wanted to tell you that the work you have done is great. You really can write!! And the world of Harry Potter FF would be much better if other authors could write at least half as good as you do!
I love this series. Your take on Snape and Harry are just spot on - there are, of course, the differences based on your Snape backstory compared to canon, but even so it is really just an AU difference, not OOC. I have to admit to not staying with stories where Draco becomes a main sympathetic character - except for this series. You have made his transition and growth seem very plausible and natural. I am willing to follow him in your story where other stories of his redemption - whether from the very beginning or later on - just irk me! I hope you understand that the fact that I prefer your Harry voice to the Draco voice probably stems from this pretty universal dislike I have of Draco presented in the Potterverse (and a lot of other fanfic.) After all, you have made him very like canon Draco and some of his thoughts and actions are still irritating to me! A part of me also selfishly wants Harry to have Snape ALL TO HIMSELF - but I can see that to Harry having a brother he can trust and rely on is just as important as finally having a father. In this case I am glad that Harry now has what he wants and needs! I am glad also that over the Summer Hermione and Ron have come around to Snape as Harry's dad, and are getting adjusted to Draco as Harry's brother. Their support and caring for Harry in the past were so important to him, and I am glad to see that they are willing to adjust because he is happy where he is and with the family he finally has. Such a great story, and a wonderful series!! I am now following AYLNO, and so very happy that you are filling that with new, interesting characters and plot! Thanks for many hours of great reading (and rereading!)
Author's Response: I always planned to post it here, but I kept waiting until I had a properly re-edited version. No sense in posting files I knew needed a little bit of spiffing up -- I'd just have to get back to them later to fix them, and do twice the work. Though I don't know why I'm complaining about the work as my wonderful friend Keira is the one who did the actual posting for me. I'd be lost without such good friends. Looking forward to your later review!
Ok. I read this over on Schoogle earlier this year. You HAVE to post AFLNO soon!! I'm going crazy waiting for it, even if Harry's angst is driving me crazy. You've done a magnificent job with this universe, and I'll be waiting for more.
Again GREAT JOB and Merry Christmas. Nightshade :)
I'm so thrilled to see your story here. I've read AYLNO, ASLNO, and now AFLNO and I'm really hooked. Harry and the needles, thank God he's got Snape, and Draco, and the support of a loving family. |
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