Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 26 May 2023 3:28 am
Reviewer: OutriderIvyHill (Signed) [Report This]
    Who said "Oh bloody hell!"?

    I like to imagine that they both said it, at the same time, and then shivered at speaking in tandem like... relatives??
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 19 Jan 2010 9:38 pm
Reviewer: Amanda (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Personally - no offense to whoever wrote Heir to Prince Manor, because they are great too! - I think this is a bit better...great job!

    Author's Response: Wow. Thank you very much! If you do like Heir to Prince Manor, you should look up its author Snapegirl. She's on several sites and she is a great author. Thanks again Amanda!
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 10 Aug 2009 6:51 pm
Reviewer: amainage (Signed) [Report This]
    And the bridge of revelation came tumbling down around Severus and Harry now Severin.

    Author's Response:

    Let it fall! lol Thanks for the review!

Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 08 Aug 2009 5:34 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Hehe, I found the last part slightly witty because I imagine they would indeed look like mirror-images if not for Harry's fake exterior. This is very well-done; I really am enjoying the shock of both father and son.


    Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad you caught that! Ten points to you!! ^^ Thanks again for a review!!
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 06 Aug 2009 4:06 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so glad that Severus remembered, though of course it is a huge shock to both him and Harry!

    Loved the flashback of Harry's birth...so sweet and poignant and sad all at once.

    I like your version of Harry's name. It does seem appropriate. The last line...maybe they both spoke together.

    Oh, I love medieval history too, especially the Tudor era in Britain...mmm, maybe that's considered later than medieval actually. It's fascinating to read about and study, but I do thank my lucky stars that I live in the here and now!

    Author's Response:

    Glad you liked the name. I thought it would sound like a "proper" wizarding name and all that jazz. Last line I left up to everyone because I could see some people not thinking Snape would say it or something. (personally, I thought they both said it too, but thought I'd leave it up to everyone)

    Ooo! Yeah, love the Tudur period, but I thought that was a bit more Renaissance...how sad, I forget!! But I think the Crusades are fascinating, especially the Knights Templar. Their end was quite tragic.

    Anywho, thanks again for reviewing!!

Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 31 Jul 2009 7:53 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I kind of figured they said that last line together...


    Author's Response: It's whatever you want! Thanks for the review!!
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 31 Jul 2009 5:54 am
Reviewer: Raven Knight (Signed) [Report This]
    Such a happy moment turnd painful for poor Lily. I would hate to experience something like that. "Glory-seeking bastard James Potter," eh? This how she really feels about James? Both Petunia and Lily in loveless marriages. Ouch. Oh, poor Lily again, wanting Severus (her husband) and the nurse thinks she means James. *pukes* Poor Lily. Interesting. Wizard forgery! *chuckles a little* Painful, but appropriate. Like the name, by the way. Out of curiosity what made you pick Harrison and Tiberius? Just wondering, because many authors pick names for very specific reasons and was curious to know if there was a reason you picked those. I like them, don't get me wrong, just curious. Oh, did you use Harrison to connect it to Harry, as James *gags* would have wanted? Because that's interesting, if so. Oh dear! If my husband (even if he weren't really the father) came barrelling in asking if the child was "out" rather than "born," not to mention calling him ugly...Oh look out! (Were I a wizard) my wand would be out, and I'd blow his bottom clear out the door, with a few extra curses and hexes to boot! Prat! And go figure he was with Sirius rather than "his wife!" UGH! James disgusts me! Good! You kick his sorry self out of there, Lily! So, DUMBLEDORE convinced her to return to James! Oooh...He's getting closer to number one on least favorite character list here.

    Poor Harry...it's too much for him right now...Poor Severus...Not even remembering that he had been married to Lily. Ugh! Dumbledore, you git!

    I knew it was time to reveal the box! Poor Severus! The truth hits him so hard, and to reveal that Dumbledore, whom he trusted destroyed not only his happiness but his family. The jolts of the parental bond idea is very cool! And there it is. The birth certificate. Poor Harry, finding out that not only is he Severus's son, but that he is practically named after him. And Severus, ugh! This poor man is getting choked by his own emotions. There needs to be a long chat soon with everyone. I'm glad you focused mainly on the shock of the situation rather than going straight to something like, "Oh, we're related? OKAY! I'm perfectly fine with that." Huzzah for keeping the emotion of shock around long enough so that things can kind of register for Harry and Severus.

    Hmm, just a thought, but I don't think they (nurses, or anyone really) would carry around birth certificates in their pockets. They would at least summon them/conjure them with a wand perhaps. It seems very careless and unprofessional for a wizarding nurse to whip out a birth certificate from a pocket.

    Another thought: While I agree that Harry might would use the word "shit" to describe the situation, I do not think that just after telling him to watch his tone, Severus would use the same word he told Harry to basically not use. Severus is a very literate man, even in rage. (Perhaps something like...absurd? Insanity? Something like that?) Unless you want your Severus to be more raw sounding. He is - what? (oh dear, math time...) - thirty-six at this point? He would resist using phrases that the younger generation would resort to, but that is just my opinion. (eg. "load of bullocks" would probably not be there...he would simply say "...come up with this was in poor taste.")

    Typo time: Right before the year break: "With that in mind, she drifted off to sleep, not realizing that a nurse came to tuck Harry away." Do you mean "take" or did you really intend "tuck?" It sounded odd. You forgot the "s" in Hogsmeade. After Severus realizes the truth: "...Headmaster’s face when Severus had told him the truth, the ma’s disappointment, the pain, the betrayal…" Should read, "...the man's disappointment..." Yay! Still doing well on the technical side! Huzzah!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, thank you for all your advice! I tend to get carried away in high stress chapters because I want to make sure the reader feels everything the character's feeling, so sometimes I forget the little things I guess. But thanks for the advice, I did go back and change the little things! :)

    I'm also very glad you liked the chapter! So, about those names... yeah, I did kinda have reasons for them. First off, with Tiberius, it is a similar name to Tobias (at least to me) and since Lily lost her husband, she wanted to make her son's name as close as possible to Severus's (ie Severin) So the first name is a take off of Severus, later you'll learn that Harrison will be Lily's father's name, Tiberius in the memory Tobias, but not exactly like Tobias since both Severus and Lily hated the man. :) Another reason why I chose Harrison was because I could not just leave the name as Harry and I'm not much taken with Harold myself, so Harrison was a no brainer. (Plus I REALLY like Harrison Ford lol) Thanks for actually take the time to wonder about that. I'm gunna explain it soon though.

    I'm glad you picked up on James's behavior too, because I wanted to portray him as still just a kid (a selfish kid at that) so he would naturally not be too interested in little children. And I uber glad you liked Sev and Harry's shock. I hate it when the two of them hate each other and then are suddenly okay with each other. *ugh!* But thanks again for your lovely reviews!!

Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 31 Jul 2009 3:07 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Why couldn't Both say the last line? ;)

    Author's Response: I suppose they could. However you like it, it's fine with me! :) Thanks for the review!!
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 31 Jul 2009 1:53 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, you are really spoiling us!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!

    Oh yeah, Harry will hate the name won't he, and Snape will probably force him to take his name, won't he? I kind of hope that Harry still stays Harry though, even if his last name becomes Snape. I don't know, I just can't get used to Severin!!! LOL!!!

    Aw, I'm so excited to read the next chapter. I can't believe that this is your first story. Nice work.

    Author's Response: Aww! *blush*  You're too kind! *head getting swollen* Don't worry too much about the names; they're just a formality really. I just thought it would be kinda fun to change the name up a bit. Of course I thought Severus would like all the big, fancy, sophisticated names. lol. Thanks for the review!!
Title: Chapter 9: Memories and Madness 31 Jul 2009 1:19 am
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh dear, that was a revelation! Thank you for the story. Add new chapters soon!

    Author's Response: Can do! And thanks for the review! :)

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