Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 26 Feb 2010 1:17 am
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    I've decided to comment as I read, the "Got you" that was great, I can just see Snape hunting or something and then the "Don't you DARE fall" whoo hoo, I could see my grandpa saying that to me. Especially if he know that I liked playing with the garter snakes I found in the woods. "Don't you DARE get bit." Please, that time it was a black rat snake and they don't want anything but a ride to the barn. The rest was just sweet.

    Author's Response: AHA! You got in trouble for playing with snakes? I always did too. And lizards...and frogs...and turtles...and just about everything else but rats. (can't stand rats) But yeah, glad you liked it all. Thanks for reviewing the chappie! :)
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 15 Oct 2009 5:13 pm
Reviewer: Raven Knight (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, I thought this opening dialogue here was heartbreaking! Nicely done, but so sad. Particularly loved the "I'd do anything" line there. I'd break there too, were I Harry. You are tying nice parallels between Harry and Severus this whole story so far. I've mentioned this many times throughout, but you do a great job with doing it. History repeats itself, even in the WIzarding World, it seems. HAHA! Love how he "convinced" Harry to help him with potion-making! Poor Harry, thinking he's constantly going to be punished and that it's all a good dream. Is it just the fact that he's in a potions lab? I love that he's determined to have Harry at least PASS potions! Aw, I actually, "aww"'d out loud at Snape saying, "He's one of us, Lily, he's one of us."

    Typo Alerts: "It was an eye opening revelation to make since Harry had been use to the other wizard always..." Add a "d" to "use."

    Author's Response:

    ^-^ Yay! So good to hear from you again RK! Hope you're feeling better and all and things are going well for you. (I didn't even realize that there was something wrong until I saw another review you got *hangs head in shame*) But let us not dwell on bad thing; on with the review!!

    I'm so glad that you like the parallels between Harry and Sev. I don't know why, but stuff like that just facinates me. And HA! yeah, the potion-making part I randomly thought of and decided that it NEEDED to be put in there since things were so angsty in the beginning...and things aren't going to always be so light-hearted towards the end...dun dun duuuuuunnnnn (that's dramatic music, by the way ^-^) And I'm so happy I got an "aww!!!" out of you. That line I just threw in there too! Thanks for another lovely review, and I'm off to your others!

Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 10 Oct 2009 12:19 am
Reviewer: hacklebolt (Signed) [Report This]
    *Munches on apple dumpling* great like how Severin/Peter is building a relationship with his father.

    Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you like it!...oh and the chapter too ;)
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 05 Oct 2009 2:26 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    :D Harry is just so unsure of himself, good thing Severus has it under control.

    Author's Response: lol Snape always has it under control...well, he things he does. lol Thanks for reviewing!! Have an apple dumpling!
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 05 Oct 2009 12:38 am
Reviewer: wellyuthink (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, they are so sweet! I love how you've brought the chapter nicely round from depression at the beginning to such a great uplifting note at the end - thanks for writing!

    Author's Response: You are very welcome! But I think I should be thanking you for the great review! (I always LOVE these things XD ) And I'm glad it turned out the way I'd wanted it to. I thought some nice drama and then some fluff. Have an apple dumpling!
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 04 Oct 2009 12:15 am
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwwww! What a sweet chapter! I just love the end! Can't wait to see what's next!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! The next chapter's on the way, so grab an apple dumpling and enjoy it as you wait! ^-^
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 03 Oct 2009 9:50 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh, apple dumplings? Yum yum.

    You deserve it. Great chapter Ivy.
    I just love how they are bonding and SEverus is trying to control his temper.

    I especially love the ending when Severus realises that Harry is good at potions.

    Great job as usual Ivy. I loved the bonding. Squeeee...

    Want more...

    Author's Response: LOL Glad you're enjoying the apple dumpling...and the chapter of course! ^-^ And don't worry, I've already started the next chapter, so be a bit patient and enjoy the apple dumpling. (I LOVE them so MUCH!!) Thanks for another review!
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 03 Oct 2009 8:43 pm
Reviewer: SongoftheDarquePhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    I just wanted to comment that this entire chapter was quite sweet... it made me smile.

    Author's Response: Very glad to hear it! So glad that you liked it! Have an apple dumpling while you wait for the next ^-^
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 03 Oct 2009 7:56 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    For such a turbulant beginning, this was a wonderfully warm ending for the chapter. At what point will Sev realize that small heart-felt compliments mean the world to Harry. Even more so than big jestures (that our poor boy realy doesn't know how to take or understand.)

    Lovely! looking forward to your next update!

    Author's Response: Thanks very much! ^-^  While Sev himself likes the little things, he doesn't have to mindset to realize the little things he does all the time to make others happy. But I'm glad you liked it! Have an apple dumpling while you wait for the next update! :D 
Title: Chapter 28: Hidden Truths 03 Oct 2009 5:06 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    Yum-yum! Apple dumplings. Thanks.

    Thanks for the update, I really like the way you are molding Snape and Harry into their new roles without changing their characteristics. Especially Snape's reaction to the thought of having to give Harry up. His trying so hard to hide his fear and pain of that very thought brought tears to my eyes.

    Thanks again for sharing your story with us.

    A few small edits need to be done - there were two times when you used the word revile (abuse or malign) instead of reveal (uncover or make known)
    "but they wait for the day when they can revile to everyone" and "He had never been good at reviling his true emotions" Of course, the funny part of this is that I imagine that Snape is actually very good at reviling his true feelings. :-D

    Plus, "Harry watched his father in jealous aw" should be awe instead. And lastly, in the stirring instructions, "then still twelve times" should, of course, be stir.

    Author's Response: OPP!! Sorry about that. Those are really silly mistakes *hangs head in shame* I'll go fix them. Thanks for telling me!! And thanks for the review! Enjoy your dumpling! :D

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