Reviews For Where Once Was Light
Thank you so much for such a wonderful story!!! I'm dreading getting to the last chapter you have written, but i can't stop reading it!
Sneeky old "seer" SHIT HSIT SHIT! YOU DID IT! OH MY gOD YOU DID IT! You resorted him! I ABSOLUTILY POSITIVELY LOVE YOU!!!! 10 to the 10th power rating! Author's Response: Carlin, I believe you are my kinda person. XD The resorting HAD to come, it just HAD too!! I was powerless to stop it. But I'm glad you liked the Bible reference and the seer bit. Thanks for the great rating and the nice review! :D
Author's Response: Thanks very much! Glad you liked the resorting. ^_^
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked the rhyme. I'm fond of poetry and thought I'd take a stab at it! ^-^
Author's Response: Really? Oops! Sorry about that, but thanks for catching it! ^-^ And I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the review and here's a chocolate frog! :D
Author's Response: Yay! Thanks! Have a chocolate frog!
Typo ALerts: "Harry turned around to see a wave of redhead swarm him." Should be "redheads." "he had the whole summer to prepare, and he was usually to one that stood watch at the gates..." SHould read, "usually the one." "...Severus found himself in his usual place, sitting tall and ridged." Should be "rigid." "His being term meeting with Trelawney had not helped..." This confused me. Is this supposed to be something like, "His beginning of term meeting with Trelawney..."? "...well, your Slytherin aren’t going to be very…cooperative..." Pluralize (is that a word? *laughs insanely*) "Slytherin." "He wouldn’t let himself get capture. The boy had stood up to the Dark Lord his first year and second years,..." Should be "captured." And it should either be "first two years," or "first and second year," or "first year and second year." "The Head of Slytherin began to feel a bit uneasy as his snakes would each sneak glance up at him, only..." Either should be "sneak a glance" or "sneak glances." "...turned his attention to the Hat, and his collogue, hoping the nagging feeling..." Should be spelled "colleague." "...the Potions Master was extremely neat, boarder line germ phobic in some areas, but was he going to wean everyone off the “old” Snape slowly? Seemed possible." Change to "borderline germaphobic." And if he is going back to his old, greasy self, wouldn't he be weening everyone back ONto that Snape slowly, rather than off? It just got me a little confused. I could be tired though. "He had know something bad was going to happen!" Change "know" to "known." Author's Response: Ah yes, the Red Sea. That made me giggle when I typed it. And since the adults know that Snape went to the Dursleys, Harry's allowed to tell them since they'd probably find out anyway. So he just tells them a story HE wants them to believe. And yes, Trelawney's a bit of a fraud...even though she's a seer too, Severus can just predict more often then she can. You'll find out how she found this out later. YES! Harry's a Slytherin now!!! So prepare yourself for a lot more drama and Malfoy!! XD And I may put this in in the notes of next chapter, Harry really goes from "fire to water" since that's the elements Gryffindor and Slytherin are affiliated with. So, I'm going to have so much fun with Sev and Harry really soon and throw off Ron and Hermione and Draco. It's gunna be great! XD ...I hope. So I'm glad you're interested, and I'll try to update soon. Thanks for another awesome review Raven! *gives hug*
I wanted top mention, once again how much I love the Snape-as-a-seer twist. I can't wait to see where this fic goes! Author's Response: Muhahaha!! I love being dramatically evil!! But I'm glad you're enjoying this and Severus being a seer. ^-^ And just hold on a bit and the next chapters on the way! Have a chocolate frog while you wait! Thanks again for the review!!
The only problem I forsee, is that he is going to be surrounded by Slytherins who will be out for his blood. But then again, Severus can keep an eye on him now. Great chappie Ivy, and yes I do feel better now, thanks! Author's Response: Good! Glad you're having a better day! ^-^ And yep, Harry's a Slytherin...a Slytherin that's hated by ALL the other Slytherin...but yeah, Severus can be there for him, in a way. So thanks for another wonderful review, Pandora, and have a chocolate frog! |
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