Reviews For Where Once Was Light
This is a really great story! I've just spent the last couple of hours catching up and I really like the complexity of the plot, and the way you are keeping Severus in character as the "mean git of the dungeons" and yet also, during private times, showing us the gentler, fatherly figure when he's alone with Harry. And I think that in the end, he might just bite the bullet and assign Black as Harry's Godfather again--for Harry's sake. It will be fun to see if I'm right or not! Well done!
Author's Response: lol Neville's a sweetie! XD Thanks for reviewing!!
My friend Tony's birthday is 3 Jan. Author's Response: Yeah, Neville got over looked sadly...but it was Tolkien's birthday!...and my friend Brittney's birthday...and some other famous person's I can't remember right now... lol
Author's Response: No, but that was a good guess! I was thinking of JRR Tolkien, but I was also told that it was Helena Bonham Carter's birthday as well. Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Yep, Minerva knows now, and she's going to be helping out. Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: I know, it almost broke my heart to write Severus's confession, but I did it anyway. And Minerva will be around, no fear. Neville gets the friend award, fo'sho!! Glad you liked it and thanks for the review!!
Author's Response: Thanks! I will!!
Author's Response: Thanks! And Hermione's not trying to ignore Harry exactly, she's just trying not to lose Ron too. But yes, Neville gets the cute award in this one. (Highfive Neville!) And thanks, I'll update soon! :D
Author's Response: Glad you do! Thanks, I will.
Author's Response: Well, I guess you're just gunna have to stick around and find out! ^_^ Thanks for the review S.S! |
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