Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 7:15 pm
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Signed) [Report This]
    update update update. i do like this story.....

    Author's Response: Glad you do! Thanks, I will.
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 3:12 pm
Reviewer: S.S (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love the new chapter.... Can't wait for more.... Wonder if Severus will appoint Sirius as his godfather.

    Author's Response: Well, I guess you're just gunna have to stick around and find out! ^_^ Thanks for the review S.S!
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 9:01 am
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm glad that Severus explained to Minerva why he is so upset, but I still have to wonder if she knows about Harry being his son and not James'. Well, no matter what, I'm confident that she will be more than happy to help them.

    Harry should be proud of himself. He did really well in potions, even with Neville as a partner. Kudos! Hopefully, this will raise both of their confidence a bit.

    If only for Harry's sake, Severus should consider the matter of godfather-ship in regards to Sirius. However, I feel that it should be dependent upon his behavior. Severus has every right to expect Sirius to treat him with respect.

    Great chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks! And Minerva's going to be stepping up in this story. She's a bit put out with Dumbles to put it lightly. And Harry and Neville SHOULD feel proud of themselves! I thought they deserved a confidence buster. And you'll see how Sev handles the whole godfather thing later. But I still believe Sev has every right to withhold the right if he sees fit. Sirius can be a bit wild after all. Thanks so much for the review!!
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 8:21 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) has her birthday Jan 3rd. i wish ron would grow up, i am glad harry feels he has neville, as least. Please post soon!

    Author's Response: Well, that's not who I was thinking of, but I give you the points anyway. I was thinking of J.R.R Tolkien, but yay for finding someone else too! And yes, Ron's being a prat, but he'll learn soon enough. Thanks for the review!
Title: Chapter 19: Meetings 05 Jan 2010 4:13 am
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Signed) [Report This]
    I really do hate Dumbledore.......I have always thought he was an ass!

    Author's Response: Me too...that's why I'm showing everyone he IS in this story. Thanks for the review!
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 2:25 am
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    I am so proud of Neville! He always was one of the "good guys" and I loved him for it.

    You did a wonderful job of portraying Sev's description of his feelings. It was heart-wrenching. Bravo.

    Now if we can just find some LASTING happiness for our boys.

    Looking forward to your next update.

    Author's Response: I know, Neville needed some love and attention I think. He is Gryffindor brave, even if it doesn't really show all the time. And Thanks. I really wanted Snape's big emotional outburst to really show everything he felt. Our boys won't be happy too much in this fic, I'm afraid, at least not for very long...oh, you'll see later. Thanks for the review!
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 05 Jan 2010 12:28 am
Reviewer: icecream_effn_sundae (Signed) [Report This]
    awesome update!!!
    i cant wait for the next one!
    Hopefully ron will come around soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it. And Ron will come around...eventually...but thanks for reading!
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 04 Jan 2010 11:34 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    I love that Neville is sticking by Harry!
    It would suck if Snape couldn't at least be civil to Sirius for Harry's sake.
    I hope Ron becomes less hostile soon.

    Is Harry still going to be forced to compete in the Tri-Wizard? I always thought it was stupid for a minor (under 17) to be forced to be held to a magically binding contract without parental/guardian consent. I think in the book Albus could have easily gotten Harry out of it if he was acting In Loco Parentis (in place of parent). But since Snape is his father, HE could prevent Harry from competing.

    Author's Response:

    Yep! Neville rocks, Ron's still being a prat, and Sev and Sirius are not going to get along for a while. But everything will work out in the end I think. Don't worry about that.

    And yes, the Triwizard Tournament is coming up, and although it is stupid that a minor should compete, Severus can't really stand up from Harry as they don't want people to know they're father and son yet. (Plus it wouldn't be as good a story if Harry didn't compete) But you'll see how it turns out soon. Thankd for the review! :D

Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 04 Jan 2010 9:29 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    What a wonderful chapter! I feel so sorry for Snape and Harry - but the end was sweet. I love Neville! Can't wait to see what's next!

    Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it. I thought Neville needed some spotlight time, and Harry needed a friend. Thanks for the review! :D
Title: Chapter 36: Things Are Looking Up 04 Jan 2010 4:40 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh that was so beautiful Ivy. You portrayed Severus' spilling his emotions, so realistically. He wouldn't be the type to start sobbing, or even crying. If he ever did admit his feelings to anyone, it would be exactly as you portrayed it; in a cold, matter-of-fact manner, distant and reciting it as if he were emotionless, but his eyes would mirror that pain, as Minerva noted. Severus, depsite his effforts, couldn't totally mask the pain.

    Oh, and I wonder what Draco is up to. I think I know what Nott's problem is; he's got a crush on that girl that Harry was partnered with.

    I thought that it was so sweet that Harry took Neville under his wing, and that they both did so well. Oh and Severus' comments about Neville were hilarious.

    I feel so bad for Harry about Sirius though. I really do hope that Severus changes his mind about making Sirius Harry's Godfather again. It would be wrong of him to take Sirius away from his son. There is no one else that Harry is that close to, and Harry will resent Severus for it, down the road. I hope that Severus comes to that conclusion eventually.

    Great chapter Ivy. Chock full of raw emotion and angst! Beautifully written too.

    January third, not sure, but Snape's birthday is January 9th!! I should make him a cake. Oh...but Snape would probably throw it in my face!

    Happy Birthday Ivy!! Is it YOUR birthday? Here's a cake for you. And do I get five points?

    Author's Response:

    Thanks Pandora! But it's not my birthday quite yet. Mine's Feb 9th, one month after Sev...I should make him a cake too, and if he does throw it back in your face, at least you get all of it and don't have to share! ^_^ And you can get five points for the yummy yummy cake! But the other person with a January 3 birthday is probably my all time favorite author, J.R.R Tolkien. Nice try, and very good cake.

    But I'm glad you liked Severus's emotions. I wanted to show just how hard he had taken the news of Dumble's betrayal and just what he was going through to make him fly off the handle with Sirius. And I didn't want him weeping all over the place, especially with Minerva. I don't think he could have lived with himself after that. But at least he apologized to Harry (which is a big step)

    And yep! You guessed it. Poor Nott's besotted and doesn't want to tell anyone. It's gunna come in handy later...plus I just thought it would be cute to have a little bit of some romance in this. And you'll see what Draco's up to later. He's still thinking over what his mother told him over the summer. And I did think Harry needed someone to hang around with since Hermione's busy trying to get Ron to stop acting like a prat.

    And yeah, Severus just REALLY does not want Harry around Sirius. He has some good reasons for it, but ultimately he just hates Sirius. He can't change that easily. But I've got a plan for all of this too, not to worry.

    Thanks so much for the awesome review!...and the cake! Five points to you for the cake!! How'd you know I like chocolate cake? Anywho, thanks again!! :D (oh, and I still think your last chappie of Sparks Will Fly was brilliant! Can't wait for more!! )

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