Reviews For Sacrifices
Author's Response: It has been a while, real life interfering non-stop over here, but the rest of this saga is coming soon! Thank you for reading and reviewing. Glad you like it so much! ~ RK
that wasnt why she hated magic. she hated it because her sister and friend used 'accidental magic' to violate her privacy just because she had a letter from the magic world! than when she saw what magic was doing to her sister mind when she defended snape to her lilly was dead, she became a freak like how a undead is a freak of nature. to me petunia has every right to hate magic and lilly. not harry though. Author's Response: Interesting points...Petunia is an interesting character in her paranoid, jealous way. Thank you for reading. Sorry my response took so darned long! ~ RK
Author's Response: Thank you! Fred & George have a small part in this story, but they are fun while they're around. Things will be a little tense at the Burrow and Ron and Tevin's first meeting, that is for sure. That will occur next chapter. Hope to hear from you again when I keep going. Only a few chapters left! Agh! I'm shooting to have this beast finished by the end of July. Stay tuned. Thanks for reviewing! ~ RK
Author's Response: Ah, good to know. :) Thank you! Sorry it took so long to respond. But thank you for the info! ~ RK
Author's Response: Well, you may have missed the update, but I missed your review for a while, there! I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter. The funeral scene was great fun yet greatly painful to write, but I am glad you found it worthwhile and enjoyable. It was mainly inspired by Viking funeral rites, in which the corpse was set aflame on the water. Yes, Tevin is doing some investigating...not exactly a good sign. Remus struggling with womanhood isn't a huge focal point for this one; I have to keep things moving with this. I feel that going into his issues with that will just be a long tangent to the main chain of events in this story. But it mightbe touched upon a little more in the sequel - who knows? And Gran Longbottom's vulture hat just had to make an appearance, especially ever since Snape looked so fetching in it in PoA. Could not resist. Hope to hear from you again at some point when the next few chapters get posted. Thanks for reviewing! ~ RK
Author's Response: Well, no pun intended it is a witchhunt at this point in time. And anyone who's even whispered to have been associated with the Death Eaters is guilty by association. Flitwick is massively important to this story. Read on for more of why. Thank you for reviewing! Hope to hear from you again! ~ RK
Author's Response: Thank you! I think Petunia can be a rather interesting character, and it is a shame that JKR only focused on her jealousy over Lily's being a witch more than other "human" aspects she could have demonstrated. Petunia will be back...WAY later, but she will appear again. Thank you for reviewing. ~ RK
Author's Response: It is unfortunate that Ophelia had to end in the way she did. But it is very much necessary for this story. Without her death, the story cannot go anywhere; it would become stagnant and nothing would move forward. The basilisk poison was a merciful death. As evidenced in HP:DH, the venom from a basilisk works pretty darned quick to kill someone, after all. Without it, and Snape's mercy in administering it, she would have suffered a long period of agony as she went delirious/insane as her blood boiled in her body and brain, which would be a far more painful and barbaric death than fast-acting poison. Yes, Tevin does need a mother, but he will have to do without in the event of her death. It's harsh and horrible, but it must be. I hope this helps a little without spoiling the next few chapters. Thank you for your review. I hope you continue to read as the last several chapters are posted. Thanks. ~ RK
Author's Response: Thank you! Unfortunately, this is one of the very few times we'll be seeing Sirius in this story. He is in Azkaban, so there's not much he can do there to help with this story's events. Thank you for you compliment! ~ RK
I look foward to reading more. Author's Response: Thank you! I dont' mind that you just discovered the story. (I discover a whole gaggle of new ones all the time and they could be several years old!) I hope you enjoy what the last few chapters hold. Thanks for reviewing! ~ RK |
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