Reviews For Sacrifices
It would be better for Severus to share his thoughts and feelings about Lily, so that he can let it go, even if it is difficult for him. What happened, happened and cannot be changed, so he needs to move on and allow himself to enjoy life, even Halloween, once again. Great chapter! Author's Response: I'm sure Severus will pull through. Yes, he needs to let things go, but keep in mind that even in canon the guilt he feels for somewhat causing her death haunts him up until his death. It's not in his nature to forget. There will be some other events that will definitely distract him from his guilt though. Thank you for your review!! ~ RK
-P.G. Author's Response: I'm not sure if I'll be revealing all of those memories she gave him in that scene yet or not. I have a lot more events to cover in the story that I want to keep it moving. But if a flashback becomes necessary, then possibly. Glad you kept reading - and still like it! Thanks for your review! I get excited when I get one every time! ~ RK
-P.G. Author's Response: Yeah tragic for Severus, isn't it? Glad you are still reading! I'll post the next chapter when I find time to write. Things are crazy right now. Thanks for your review! ~ RK
Author's Response: Glad people are still interested in my story! Yes, she is warming up to the idea of Mom. We'll see the reactions of everyone next chapter. It should be more lighthearted than this last three-parter chapter. As soon as I find time to write, updates will follow. Be patient. ~ RK
Author's Response: You are welcome for the update! Tevin and Ophelia are finally growing closer, yes. They will be interacting a little more soon. I'll update as soon as I find time to write again. Thank you for the review! ~ RK
You are a really talented writer, and I get so caught up in the story. I wanted to cry right along with Severus, when Lily died. As a matter of fact, my eyes are tearing right now. Aw, little Tevin is such an imp, a cute imp, but an imp nevertheless. I can't wait for the next chappie. Author's Response: Glad you are still reading! Thanks for your compliments on my writing. I was hoping I did the death of Lily justice, because the events surrounding that Halloween night took forever to plan out and map out. This was a nightmare of a chapter to write. Glad you like little Tevin. He's a little devil. I can't wait to find the time to write the next chapter, nevermind to post it. Be patient. Thanks again! ~ RK
But what a dramatic chapter!! I wonderful, chapter! This was great Raven, and I mean it! I almost started crying like it ten places it got to me! The memories were the real tear jerkiers I think. And Severus's in the graveyard hit hard too. It was wonderfully done! I just loved it so much! Poor Ophelia though. I feel bad she always gets the blame...but poor little Tevin! That would be scary to come home and not find anyone at that age! And Remus, waking up to realize that his godson's gone! AND then last, poor Severus! Now he's sick too! Everyone's so sad in this! But this was wonderful Raven! I'm really glad you updated! Sorry I can't review more, but I have class. Brilliant chappie!! :D Author's Response: Sorry for making emotional (but at least it lets me know I'm doing my job!), but I am glad you liked this chapter. It took forever to write. When I get the next chapter up and running it should be a little more light-hearted than usual. (Draco should be back!) And yes, real life does suck soemtimes, but what can you do but persevere? ~ RK
Author's Response: Thanks. Hope you like the next section of this chapter is to your satisfaction as well. Thanks for reviewing again! ~ RK
But poor Sev in "present" time. He's still so sad. He thinks he killed Lily, and he just wants to hold her again, but he can't! So sad! And he can't get away from nightmares. Sad. Hopefully Tevin will make him feel better soon. Another fantasic chappie Raven! Again I say, well worth the wait! :D Author's Response: Glad you like it so much! This part and Part III are the toughest parts to write for this massive chapter. Yes, Severus did everything he could and gave everything he had. And yes, Severus is still devestated by Lily's death, because he is overwhelmed by the guilt and the loss. Thank you! I hope the last part of this chapter is also worth the wait when I finish and post it. (I'm slowly catching up on your story. I'm still busy, but things will hopefully slow down soon. I will catch up!) Thanks for reviewing! ~ RK
Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, he tried everything to save them. There is more of this in Part III. And you are most welcome for the update. I post when I can. Thanks for sticking with it! ~ RK |
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