Title: Early Morning Revelations
| 28 May 2007 10:09 pm
Reviewer: MorwenIsilwen (Anonymous)
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Please don't apologize for fluff, I love it!
Title: Magic
| 15 Feb 2007 6:08 pm
Reviewer: Rowan Cross (Anonymous)
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Oh, how wonderful. It's a very sweet story, but there's so many spelling mistakes and typos! To you credit, however, they did not make me stop reading as your plot is very good and your knowledge of the psyche of children obvious. Please scan through it and fix your mistakes. Besides that, I look forward to an update.
Title: Magic
| 14 Feb 2007 5:28 am
Reviewer: Rocky (Anonymous)
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How dare you keep ending with chapters! You have to keep going! PLEASE!!!!!! *Falls to knees* PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Pouts and throws arms around Rosaleen's knees* PLEASE?!?!?!
A lovely story. I just found it, I can't wait for more.
aww... fluffy angst... nothing better
This is a really great story. I wonder how it will be when they 'grow up' again . . . hehe
Oh poor sweet Harry. I just want to cuddle both of them!
I have to tell you I am so happy to see two more chapters of this. :) I adore your toddler Severus and Harry. :)
I have to tell you I am so happy to see two more chapters of this. :) I adore your toddler Severus and Harry. :)