Title: As The 7th Month Dies
| 26 Jun 2005 7:02 am
Reviewer: Mariposa (Anonymous)
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Wow! This is an amazing fic! I seem to be saying that alot here at P&S :oD To start I thought in the beginning it was going to be pretty fluffy but its not all fluff and I think you've struck a good balance. I love the little boys and I just want to smother them! They are too cute! I love how caring everyone is and calling them pet names, too sweet! The parts where the boys are having problems are so heart wrenching! DD should be glad they both don't seem to have problems at the same time ;o) I like the explaination you gave about why this age and what is happening to them. I can't wait to see how it turns out after they re-age. I hope they don't have to stop early. Remus and Harry are just too sweet together, I love it, and the little Moony he gave him, i could see Harry clinging to that all the time. I wonder what he'll do with it after he takes the antidote. I absolutely loved this last chapter. Thank goodness the twins weren't there in the boys fragile state. I'm sure Molly thought of that. I loved seeing Ron, Hermione and Ginny interacting with them, I wish it could have been more. I can't wait for more! I want to see thier hurts heal so badly! Great story! Great Job! And last but not least a Great Job! to your beta! This story is absolutely brilliant!
Poor Harry. *shakes head* *sigh* Damn Dursleys... Great chap though! I pity Dumbledore, honestly, a clingy toddler is a nightmare! Next chap!!!
lol! Awww! That was cute! Poor Harry. *sigh* *grin* These two are soooo cute!!! lol, you almost forget that they're really a 37 year old man and a 16 year old teenage boy! Great chap(s)! NEXT!!!
Awww... Poor Harry. *shakes head* And poor Sev. I always thought something like that had happened to him. *sigh* Poor boys, and poor Albus. Things just got a lot harder. *grin* great chap! NEXT!
Title: Complications and Slides
| 20 Feb 2005 2:22 am
Reviewer: Gray Darken (Anonymous)
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Awwww.... how cute! Will you update soon?? I would very much love if you did, because this is simply wonderful. ^o^ Thank you for posting the story!
Title: Complications and Slides
| 18 Feb 2005 1:38 am
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous)
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lol! That was cute! Poor boys. *shakes head* First one, then the other. *sigh* *snicker* I can't wait to see Minerva at the park. lol! That ought to be interesting. *grin* great chaps! NEXT!
Wow. Poor things. *shakes head* Excelent chap. I pity Dumbles right about now. He's got two toddlers viaing for his attention. One neglected, the other physically abused. *sigh* Great chap! NEXT!
Title: When Harry Met Severus
| 03 Feb 2005 1:50 pm
Reviewer: ,00, (Anonymous)
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Excellent story. Love the little ones. Small Snape yah. Story finished at FFN.
lol! This is sooo cute! *grin* Poor Dumbledore. He really doesn't know what he got himself into does he? *smirk* I know from experience ONE two year old is enough, but TWO is hell in nappys. *grin* Excelent fic so far! Next chap!