Title: Chapter 11
| 02 Mar 2014 12:00 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Ooooh, I really like this story^^ You don't take pleasure in watching your characters suffer, which is one of the most common faults for authors of slave-fics, in my opinion. Keep up the good work^^
Really hope Sev gets his memory back..I'm really sad as of right now though
Good job.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Good job! I like your writing style and your stories are unique!
Love this :) update soon.
Poor sev, I hope he is ok
Poor Severus, he went through hell... Everyone at the Ministry that was involved with the whole slave scam should be sent to Azkaban! I hope Hermione is able to succeed with her plans of justice :).
Author's Response: I do hope too :P