Title: The Vigil
| 20 Feb 2013 3:42 am
Reviewer: JWOHPfan (Anonymous)
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Brilliant! His talk with Ron was well done, indeed!!!
Gosh i am so glad you are back! hopefully life will take it easy on you and won't let you leave us for so long without an update, this story is too good to be left alone for so long and me reader...am to desperate xD
this was a great chapter, the interaction between Severus and Ron was great and now they've mended the fences, all is good =)
thank you so much
oh my gosh!! it has been great! i hope you are doing better, i shall keep you in my thoughts and wish for better things for you and your loved ones.
this is a great story and i thank you for it.
Title: Outwitted by the Witless
| 21 Nov 2012 6:48 am
Reviewer: A (Anonymous)
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Please write more soon - I love this story! I can't wait to know what happens next.
Severus may be stuck giving Harry lessons but at least he got a bit of fun out of the situation.
Severus may be stuck giving Harry lessons but at least he got a bit of fun out of the situation.
Severus may be stuck giving Harry lessons but at least he got a bit of fun out of the situation.
Poor Severus, sucks to be him. So Harry's worst fear will come true - he will have to spend the summer with Snape. I'm sure they will both be thrilled. I know I'm looking forward to it!
I like the thought of Harry taking out his anger and guilt on the weeds. I've been known to do that myself and there is a certain satisfaction in it. Harry's shower after the incident with Voldemort makes sense, too. It would be hard to feel clean after that.
Title: Outwitted by the Witless
| 25 Oct 2012 8:37 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a great chapter very well told with no let up in the pace!