Thought I'd drop you a line - I'm really enjoying the sequel so far! So much action and angst. I read this chapter on my lunch break and I felt almost sacrilegious to go back and do something as mundane as work when Harry suffered a relapse...
I really appreciate all the specific medical details that you put in. It makes the story more real (and I like reading something that I don't yet about).
Just some thoughts:
What was the purpose of Hala Khatib's line about running? Also, if he would pushed off the chemo by a day, would it have put him in a worse situation medically?
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the review and I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the story so far!
As for your questions about Hala, the running comment may or may not come back with an explanation. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it sounds like you know my foreshadowing pretty well. Her comment about not moving his appointment had more to do with the ritual than the diagnosis of his relapse. To collect the clay under the full moon they only have 3 days (full moon is Tuesday) to make the arrangements, so it's already a tight schedule. Adding to the fact that Harry gets chemo at an outpatient clinic on a Saturday, moving it back "one day" would likely mean moving it 2 days (to Monday). What Hala saw was the fallout of him missing the first chance at the ritual and the cancer aggressively growing (aided by his magic) in the following month to the point where it couldn't be treated. It was a subtle mention in this chapter and gets a bit more prominently stated in the next.
Hope that helps clear up some things! Thank you again!