Reviews For Shattered
Author's Response: Too true. I love making him suffer.
Author's Response: I know it is strange but wanted something different. He's finally realizing, too late, he's let Harry get away with a lot.
Author's Response: Glad you enjoy it.
Author's Response: Slowly working on it.
They really are trying to make Harry’s life a misery, aren’t they? Author's Response: Indeed they are. Dumbledore finally realizes that Severus has been right about Harry being irresponsible and getting away with too much when he stupidly went into Hogsmeade against everyone's wishes with a mass murderer on the loose.
Author's Response: Same but I thought it was odd how Remus never faced any consequences for not speaking about the map in the first place when he recognized it after getting it from Snape. You figure he'd be more responsible, as at that time, he didn't know Sirius wasn't the traitor and still belived he was guilty of the Potters/Pettigrew's death and I'd never seen Remus get in trouble before for that so decided to try that out with Dumbledore. And yes, Dumbledore may seem harsh but Harry did knowingly and willfully put his life in danger.
Author's Response: Glad you seem to be enjoying it.
Author's Response: You're the second person to say that it's out of character for Dumbledore to do and that it's abuse and not corporal punishment. It does but he doesn't want to expel Harry outright since otherwise he'd be without the protection of Hogwarts and he's 'needed to kill Voldemort' after all. But he also knows Snape would keep Harry in line and hopes they could get over their hatred of each other, not realizing that's impossible at the moment.
Author's Response: Hah, no he does not. Thank you. I personally think that was one of his character flaws in the series.
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the chapter! I did my best but you're welcome. |
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