Wow. I had never heard the song Oklahoma, but as soon as I read this fic, I had to go get it off of Itunes! This was such a great fic, and I don't agree with Harry. Oneshots are great, and sometimes they get a message across alot better than 20 chapters worth of story would. This was great, I loved it. Keep writing!
-Your simply stunned reviewer, Elise
Author's Response: Isn't it just a brilliant song? *grin* Everyone in our family loves it. lol, everytime it came over the radio or on the CD Mum always cut it up as loud as it could go without obscurring his voice. I know what you mean. *nods* A propperly pointed one-shot often carries more punch then the longer, drawn out fics (regardless of what Harry thinks). [Harry: Hey!] Though I tend to write more long fics, it's usually the oneshots I write as a writtersblock aid that come out the best. Unfortunately, I rarely write anything Harry/Severus centered so I can't post the rest of my fics here. Thanks for reading! lol, I'd almost forgot this was here. Sorry, I suppose you really didn't want to read all of that. *blushes* Thanks for reading!