Where Once Was Light by Ivy-Green
Summary: Severus is found out as a spy among the Death Eaters and runs for his life. Along the way, he makes some shocking discoveries about Harry Potter.
Categories: Parental Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Dumbledore, Hermione, Lily, Original Character, Remus, Ron, Sirius
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Media Type: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Resorting, Slytherin!Harry, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 4th summer
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Profanity, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: No Word count: 174704 Read: 346064 Published: 23 Jul 2009 Updated: 04 Jan 2012
Chapter 39: What's to be Done? by Ivy-Green
Author's Notes:
Harry talks to Severus. The Heads of House pay the Headmaster a visit...

Harry hurried down to the dungeons after classes. Once finished, he’d jumped up and immediately headed for his father’s office. He was more than unnerved due to Professor Moody’s “lecture” for the day. Actually, it was more like sitting in a classroom with the old Snape, only this professor hated everyone in the room.  In many ways, Moody was ten times scarier than Snape had ever been.

Coming closer to the door of Snape’s office, Harry overheard talking…well, it was very close to yelling actually. But what surprised Harry was the fact that not only was the door slightly ajar, but the angry voice within was not the Potion Master’s at all, but rather the voice of a much younger man, one that Harry was sure he’d heard, but could not place at the moment.

Harry stopped just outside the door, and he wondered if he should knock or just come back later when his father didn’t seem to be so busy. Was it really snooping if he happened to overhear what was being said? Would his father or the student inside be angry with him if they knew he could hear them?

“-and not only did he continue to frighten Tommy here- and take away fifteen points, he even went as far as to make loose threats to him about his family!”

“While I understand your outrage, you must calm yourself, Mr. Sellick,” came Snape’s smooth, yet forceful reply. “I will see to mat-”

“No! This is not to be tolerated!” the prefect growled.

Nor is your disrespect and interruption,” Snape snapped. “Now, rest assured that I will be having words with the Headmaster about this.” The deadly threat clearly rang in the Potions Master’s words. “This will not happen again if I have any say in the matter, Mr. Ericson, Mr. Sellick.”

It was then that Harry heard the sound of slight sniffling. Although he could not quite remember- what with everything he’d been through so far this year, Harry guessed that it was a first or second year in there with the prefect. The little boy must have gone to Sellick, and then together they had gone to Snape. And although Harry did not know for sure whom the two were complaining about, he’d bet that Moody had been foul in every Slytherin class so far.

“Thank you, sir,” came Sellick’s determined growl, along with a more timid, “Thank you, sir,” from little Tommy Ericson.

It was then that Harry knocked on the door, and not a second later, it opened to reveal the tall seventh year, followed closely by a still sniffling first year. The prefect looked a bit surprised to see Harry standing there, but he recovered quickly enough, and though it was obvious he did not like the former Gryffindor, he did not want to cause any trouble while Snape was right inside the door. “Potter,” he nodded before he stalked off with the littler Slytherin in tow.

Harry stood in the doorway a moment, wondering if he should go in or just run away and go to his room to study or do his homework. “Come in,” Snape’s voice was harsh, making up Harry’s mind for him.

Walking through the door, Harry found his father with his back turned, his hands firmly grasped behind him, as he seemed to be looking through his book collection that was neatly sitting on his shelf. From how white the man’s knuckles were, the boy figured that his father had to be pretty angry about the topic of his last discussion. The professor’s stance was also defensive and rigid, alerting his son that he was more furious than one thought at first glance. But then only those that really knew Professor Snape could have seen this and understood what it meant.

“What have you to say about Professor Moody?” the older Slytherin asked roughly, his anger still at the surface.

“I, um, just wanted to tell you about what he did in my class, is all,” Harry spoke quietly, lest he set the Potions Master off again.

Severus turned around sharply, and stared at his son for a long moment. It appeared as though Harry caught the man off guard, which spoke volumes of how distracted the Potions Master had been. Composing his face into a calm mask, Snape nodded towards the door. “Close it,” he said bluntly.

Knowing better than to hesitate, Harry closed the door quickly. He turned back around to see that his father’s stance had visibly changed from aggressive to simply tired. Sympathy shot through the boy as he thought about everything his father was going through so far this term. For the past several days Harry had been worried about himself and everything that happened to him, but he realized again that his father had so much more to contend with. Besides just teaching and grading, the Potions Master was also the Head of House, he brewed for the hospital wing, he was fighting for control over his House, he had to worry about Harry being in his House now, and he was also butting heads with not only the Headmaster, but with Moody now as well. It was no wonder the man was exhausted.

“Sit,” Severus ordered. He was on the verge of either screaming and crying or just breaking everything that he could get his hands on. There were really no words to describe how furious he was with Moody for what he had done to his Slytherins, or with Dumbledore, for that matter, for hiring the crazed ex-Auror in the first place.

Even though Severus was not looked on kindly by many of his young serpents anymore, he was still fiercely protective of them. They were all still children, after all, and even though they might have formed several biased opinions of him, Severus was still more than willing to look after them. He knew he would have to work hard to raise their esteem of him again; and even though he might not be as adored as he had once been, he was still ready to risk it for their overall good.

Many of the Slytherin children had Death Eater family members, and Severus knew all too well the horrors of what awaited his students should they decide to join the ranks of the Dark Lord. If there were anything he could do to prevent them that fate, he would gladly do it. Service to the Dark Lord was not something they could simply change their minds about if they decided they no longer wanted to serve him. It was a lifelong commitment; one that usually ended up being a rather short commitment to be truthful if one was not smart enough.

After some time and reflection, Severus had actually been stunned when he realized just how much it hurt him to have many of his House members despise him. When he had come to teach at Hogwarts nearly thirteen years ago, Severus had been a broken man, tortured with guilt and depression. Nothing had sparked his interest the way it used to, and with each passing day, he had become more and more bitter, realizing everything he had given up or lost. He had believed that his chance for a family was gone forever, and that he would never be loved since his precious Lily had gone. But something within him had refused to accept that he would never have some sort of family.

Instead, Severus, unknowingly at the time, had made his House his family. When other Houses berated his Slytherins after the First War, he had found himself berating them back. The more comfortable he got in teaching, the more comfortable he became with using his authority to protect and look after his serpents. In every sense of the word, Severus had slowly begun to think of himself as their father, and his snakes his children. He would do anything for them, and all he asked for in return was their respect and obedience, which they gave willingly. It was in this way that the Potions Master had filled the void in this heart to a certain degree.

It was only within the past week or so, when taking care of Harry, that Severus actually realized how much he viewed himself as the father over the Slytherins. He had told himself in the past that all of his actions were simply because Slytherins stuck together and that, in part, his bias for his House was to keep suspicion off of himself from the Death Eater families. But now that Severus had had a true taste of fatherhood this past month, he realized that his past actions had been very similar in many cases. In a sense, he treasured his Slytherin students, as he was now learning just how much he treasured his own son.

Even now, with his brood furious with him, someone had come and started harassing his children, and Severus could not have been more enraged. Despite their disgust at him, many Slytherin students had come to their Head of House to talk or complain about Alastor Moody and his treatment of them. It seemed that the old Auror was not treating Severus well at all either. Although he was livid with the Defense professor, Severus could not also help but be relieved that his students were coming to talk to him. In some way, they still did care for and trust him, and for that, Severus was glad.

But coming back from his thoughts, Severus looked out to see the face of his son sitting before him. The boy looked concerned, even a bit worried. Just thinking that Moody might have harmed Severus’s son in some way secured the Potions Master’s eternal fury. Messing with his House was bad enough, but harassing his son was something Severus could not forgive. In fact, he still did not forgive himself for all of the abuse he had caused his child over the years…

“Did Moody do something to you?” Snape asked tightly, his face lined with anger.

Harry sat in his chair, fidgeting for a moment as his father’s black eyes burned into him. “Well…not really. I…I mean, I was just…concerned about that class.”

“He showed you the Unforgivable Curses as well?” At Harry’s nod, Severus had to fight down, yet again, the desire to run to the Defense professor’s office and demonstrate the Unforgivable Curses on him.

Unable to remain seated, Severus stood up quickly, startling Harry, and pacing back and forth behind his desk for few moments, trying to vent some of his anger out in his clipped movements. It was not working.

Harry frowned and started chewing on his lower lip in agitation as he watched his father. “Did he…did he show them more than just my class?” he asked timidly.

“To every fourth year and above,” Snape snapped ferociously. “And for the younger students he settled for showing them curses that were merely boarder line Unforgivable,” the professor’s eyes flashed dangerously.

Hearing the news, Harry winced. It had been terrible to see such curses at his level and at his age. He could not quite believe that the Professor would show something similar to the Unforgivables to any of the younger students. Harry had to admit, at least to himself, that he had been quite frightened and had felt physically sick while watching his DADA professor. It was no wonder Tommy Ericson had cried and had been disturbed enough to actually go to the prefect and then to Snape.

“What are you going to do about this, sir?” Harry asked quietly, not quite knowing how he could help his father, and at the same time, he was compelled by curiosity to know what was going to be done.

Severus stopped his frantic movements and looked over his son once more. The child looked worn and exhausted. But then, who would not have been after everything the boy had gone through? It was taking its toll on them both, running from Death Eaters while hiding their relation to the world. And yet, every time Severus was around the Headmaster or around others, he could not bring himself to tell his secret. What would the Headmaster do? What would the other professors do?

With this new complication with Moody, Severus was determined now more than ever not to give anything away. The Auror was a lunatic, that much was obvious, but he was also a man that did not like Slytherins it seemed. Not only was Harry in Slytherin now, which meant that Moody was going to be watching him even more closely than other children, but if Severus were to announce that Harry was his son, or if the Ex-auror found out…

The thought made the Potions Master feel queasy at best. There was no doubt in his mind that Moody would raise all kinds of hell about the situation. If Moody knew then it would not be too long before the whole world knew that the Harry Potter, and the infamous Potions Master suspected of collaboration with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named were father and son it would hit the papers and the Wizarding World would be turned upside down.

No, for Harry’s safety, Severus did not want to tell. They were both walking on thin ice already. To have another drastic change occur so soon would not end well for anyone, least of all Harry. So, for his son’s sake, Severus knew he would have to do everything within his power to protect the boy from the Headmaster and the new, immediate threat of Moody.

“I shall have another talk with the Headmaster,” the Potions Master said softly as he eased himself back into his chair.

“Another talk?” Harry’s eyes widened slightly in panic at the thought. “But aren’t you in trouble with him right now?”

“I don’t really care how pleased he is or is not with me at the moment,” Severus snapped. “This ordeal with Moody cannot be overlooked. No matter how fond Albus is with neglecting his duties as Headmaster, he will see to this.”

There was a moment when Harry seriously thought his father might actually murder the older wizard, and it was in this instant that he almost pulled out his wand to stun the Potions Master just in case. There was something chilling about the way his father controlled his fury. The older Slytherin did not show the hot fire of contempt and wild impulsiveness that he had had when he met with Sirius. No, this time, the wizard’s rage was cold, a calm iciness that was actually far more menacing that any outbursts of anger.  Loss of control could be more or less predictable in the order events would go, this calculated vehemence could not always be understood, nor could it be followed.

“But…you’re not going to get into a fight with the Headmaster again, are you?” Harry could not help what he said. He was so afraid that if he did not say something that his father might end up getting sacked, or worse. The Headmaster was not a fool, and not to be underestimated in any situation. Harry knew his father knew this, and yet he hoped that the older wizard would not get into something he could not get out of.

The question struck Severus in an odd way. It was true that he had been getting into increasingly more arguments with the old wizard, but he had not had the time to reflect upon how it was all affecting his students or his son. The tension between himself, the Headmaster, and Moody was more than likely clearly seen by the students and other staff members no matter how hard they tried to cover it all up. Over the last several days Severus had really not bothered to hide his displeasure with either Dumbledore or Moody, and only now was he beginning to regret it as he looked into sad green eyes.

“I do not want a confrontation between the Headmaster, but if that is what it takes to get him to open his eyes on this matter, then so be it,” the Potions Master said sternly. “This is inexcusable.”

“But what if the Headmaster gets angry again?” Harry stood and looked up at his father with determined eyes. “What if he sacks you? You’ll have to leave the castle, and then where will you go? And what would happen here?”

Again, Severus looked into the shining emerald eyes that he loved so well. His expression hardened; he could not back down from this. The students needed him, and he could not let the Headmaster or Moody or anyone else harm them, even if it was unintentional. Besides, without him, who was to watch to make sure none of his snakes got pushed farther into the arms of the Dark Lord’s minions? And what would happen to Harry?

“He’d be a fool to get rid of me, Harry,” Severus said softly. “He could not afford to. Besides, this is not a personal matter, as before. This has to do with school codes not to mention the very law. If he were to sack me, he would have to have very creative lies to cover up his actions as I am merely reporting a complaint as a professor concerned for his students.”

Harry knew from his father’s tight expression that the Potions Master was not going to yield to any of his wishes on this particular matter. And although he knew his father was doing that right thing, Harry could not help but be scared. He did not want his father to get into any more trouble. What would Severus say? How would Dumbledore react? Would there be other teachers complaining to help solidify his father’s complaints to the Headmaster?

“I thought of all that,” Harry admitted quietly. “But I just don’t want you to get into trouble…or to get hurt again.”

The feeling of being warm inside was becoming more frequent for Severus, and he relished the feeling. Since Lily’s death, he had been a very cold man. Some even called him the “Ice Man” in his early teaching career. But now that he had Harry, now that he had a son, Severus was coming to life again. And all it took was for the boy to show his concern for Severus, or smile up at him with those bright green eyes to warm the Potions Master’s fridge demeanor. 

 “I will not get hurt again,” Severus took his son’s shoulders in his hands and made sure the boy was looking at him. “I promise you that I will stay in control this time, and I will not let the Headmaster harm me in any manner.”

Harry offered a weak smile, but his father knew that the boy was not quite sure of the whole situation. “All right,” Harry said after a minute. “But…um…would you help me with some homework?” The question was out so fast Harry really did not have time to think about it. After the day, he just wanted to spend some time around his father and make sure that the older man was well.

“Yes,” Severus nodded his head, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “I would like to help you.”


As Severus stalked to the Headmaster’s office, he was fuming, building back up his anger so that he could use it affectively against the old man. But when he came to the door, he saw Minerva, Filius, and Pomona all standing there as well. “What’s going on here?” Severus asked smoothly as he glided in next to his colleagues.

The other three Heads of Houses looked just about as furious as Severus felt. “Are you here to speak to Albus about Alastor?” Filius asked agitatedly, his normally squeaky voice seemed even higher-pitched with his frustration.

Looking between the small wizard and the two witches, Severus knew that Moody had made a mistake with not only his class, but with the others as well. Although he was still furious, a cruel sense of glee shot through him as he thought the Headmaster could not ignore his claims this time, not if everyone else was as angry with the new professor as he was. “Yes,” he nodded.

“That-that…man!” Pomona’s face turned a rather interesting shade of red. “I can’t believe he would have the nerve to show my students such absolutely horrible curses!”

“I told Albus that Alastor would not make a good teacher,” Minerva growled. “I told him! The Auror’s not good with children!”

The door to the office opened after a moment and together the four professors ascended the stairs and went into the Headmaster’s office. Severus stayed in the back, taking his time up the steps, all the while trying to keep his anger up so that his fear would not consume him.

“Albus!” Minerva snapped the moment she was in the room. “We need to talk.”

Before Albus could have said a word, Minerva, Filius, and Pomona were all yelling at him at once. The old wizard sat back in his chair and could do nothing for a moment but sit in shock, looking into the angry faces of his employees.

“One at a time! Please!” Albus held up his hands, trying to calm the miniature mob that seemed to have busted down his doors. “What is this all about?”

“What is this about?” Pomona snapped. “This is about that lunatic you hired as the Defense teacher!”

“Pardon?” Albus frowned.

“Alastor’s been showing my students the Unforgivables!” Filius shrieked.

“I believe he showed all of our classes, actually,” Minerva growled, her eyes flashing with her inner fury.

And just as before, the three professors began talking all at once again, threatening to overwhelm Albus, who had to shrink back slightly in his chair as they all seemed to lean in toward him to yell. Looking between them again, he noticed that in the back, standing in the shadows, was Severus. The Potions Master did not look pleased either. In fact, he looked outraged, and Albus was strangely reminded of Satan watching from the shadows as his minions worked to wear down a weary soul. Or perhaps not Satan, but an angel observing righteous condemnation? Either way, it unnerved Albus to the point where he wanted nothing better than to just sink through the floor or run away from them all.

“And what of you, Severus?” Albus asked, once the other professors quieted enough for him to think. “What have you to say about Alastor?”

The Potions Master scowled darkly. “You already know what I would say,” he spat.

“I would hear what you have to say all the same,” the Headmaster said softly, his blue eyes dull.

Severus stared at the man that used to be his mentor in stubborn silence. He had told Albus things he had never told anyone else. He had wept on the man’s shoulder more than once for Merlin’s sake! But now Severus could hardly stand the sight of the old man and it hurt. The only regret that the Slytherin had at the moment while burning the old man with his gaze was that he could not feel pity for the man that had once been like a father to him.

Knowing that his defiant Potions Master would not speak again, Albus turned to the other professors that were glaring at him for the moment. “If you would all please leave. I need to speak with Severus in private.”

“You cannot just kick us out,” Pomona huffed indignantly. “I still have things to say.”

“I will speak with each of you individually, but for the time being, please go so that Severus may say what he wishes without having to shock the room.”

Feeling the slight barb, the Head of Slytherin had to fight back a snort. Albus knew him well, but the old man did not know everything about him and for that, Severus was glad. And even though he knew he should probably tell the Headmaster about his discovery of being Harry’s father, he simply could not bring himself to do it. All his life Severus had lived with one betrayal after another, from everyone around him, even those that he had cared about. He was not sure he could handle one more.

Slowly, Filius and Pomona stomped towards the door, very angry. Minerva went, and stopped at the door, shutting it behind the other two professors while she herself stayed within the room. “Minerva, you should go as well,” Albus nodded towards the now closed door.

“No,” she said firmly, walking to the side of the Headmaster’s desk. “I am Deputy Headmistress here and, it is my right to know what is said between the Headmaster and a staff member.”

Although he could clearly see that Albus was upset with this decision, Severus wasn’t sure if he should be as well. He liked the fact that Minerva was standing with him as she did promise to help him, but he also was truly not sure what was going to come flying out of his mouth this time. For a man that prided himself on his control and aloof manner, Severus had been acting rather…Gryffindor like the past several days with his spontaneous fits of fury towards Albus and Black, and then going right around to comforting his brood or Harry. No one could ever say that Severus Snape was one to be on an emotional rollercoaster, but lately he was wondering about himself. All of these emotions that he had penned up for so long seemed to just be springing out of him lately, and he actually began to fear that with all of his stress he would go insane.

“Minerva,” Dumbledore said pleadingly, bringing Severus out of his thoughts.

“No. Not this time, Albus,” the witch shook her head, while crossing her arms. “I’m tired of you undermining my authority here. I will be staying. It is my right and my job to do so.”

It was in times like these that Severus really could not deny his admiration for Gryffindor courage. Minerva was openly defying the Headmaster to help a friend, and Severus appreciated it. It actually reminded him of all the times Lily stuck up for him in school, back when they had been the best of friends, fending off the Marauders… But that had been a long time ago.

“Stay then if you wish,” the Headmaster sighed heavily. “As long as Severus does not mind?”

Albus knew that his Potions Master was a very private man, and he was banking on the Slytherin to tell his co-worker to leave, as it was a confidential issue. But the Headmaster got no such luck when Severus shook his head. “I do not object.”

Sighing again, Dumbledore nodded. “All right then, Severus, what have you to say of Moody?”

“What I said in the beginning,” Snape hissed, allowing some of his anger to show through clearly. “Why the hell did you hire that man? He’s noticeably unstable! He’s done nothing but threaten and torment my students in all of his classes.”

“And how is that different than what you do to the other Houses in your class?” Albus snapped. He was tired and just wanted some peace for the evening.

The Potions Master’s eyes began to blaze with black fire at the Headmaster’s words. Any student that had ever had Professor Snape could have told you that the man was furious, and the only advice that they would give would be to run. But the Headmaster had faced down some of the most nefarious dark wizards in his past and his spy did not frighten him too much. He knew that no matter how angry Severus got that the Slytherin would not do something stupid. If there was only thing Dumbledore could usually depend on, it was Snape’s control.

That,” Severus growled, “was different, and you know it!”

“How?” Dumbledore challenged.

“I was under your orders to act, in part, that way. I had to so that I could still play in your little game of manipulation and lies to make sure that I could assume my role as spy when I needed to.”

As she watched, Minerva was not sure exactly who to cheer for in this debate. Of course she knew that Severus had to make himself disagreeable to many to save his position as a spy, Albus had told her that many times, but at the same time, she had been one of the chief staff members to complain about the Slytherin’s behavior towards the other non-Slytherin Houses. Severus’s attitude and actions towards the other Houses were not to be excused easily, especially over the past few years, when he seemed to get worse the moment Harry Potter came into view. But at the same time, she now knew the extent of the man’s personal struggles and pain, and knew just what he had given up when he pledged himself to help Dumbledore.  Severus had given up so much to ensure freedom and safety for the Wizarding World, and it was this thought that helped Minerva calm down when she was the angriest with her younger colleague.

“That may well be,” Dumbledore sat back and glared at Severus, forgetting Minerva for the moment. “But Alastor has not done anything that you yourself have not done to students before.”

“Really?” Severus challenged, crossing his arms angrily. “He, in a sixth year class, used magic upon one of my students as punishment.”

Here, both Albus and Minerva’s eyes popped open as they stared at the Slytherin in disbelief. “That’s highly illegal and unethical!” the witch gulped.

“As I was saying,” Severus went on, satisfied that the others understood his plight now, “the man is insane. He not only hexed one of my students after the child merely muttered about the homework assignment- something we all know children are wont to do- but he threatened all of my other classes, calling out Death Eater children and telling them how their parents were traitors and would rot in Azkaban or worse.” Severus’s face was grim, his eyes still burning fiercely as he thought about his poor Slytherins. Everyone else already judged many of them, and he was furious that someone would try to harm them.

“Albus,” Minerva turned towards the older wizard. “I had no idea that this was occurring as well. Moody has also been demonstrating the Unforgivables to every class fourth year and above. Either you need to stop him, or you need to get rid of him.”

“I say get rid of him,” Severus growled.

All his many years seemed to come crashing down upon Albus at that moment as he nodded his head. His normally sparkling blue eyes were dulled with sadness. “I will speak to him in the morning. Before any classes.”

While Minerva nodded, Severus scowled. “And you will do what is necessary? Even if it means sacking him?” the Slytherin pressed.

Slowly, Dumbledore nodded. “I will do what needs to be done, but I will talk to him in the morning. As of now, I believe that I need to get some sleep.”

“Albus,” Severus stopped his employer quickly. “Just remember everything that he’s already done.”

The old wizard nodded once before he went to his rooms, not looking back at either of his professors. To tell the truth, Albus was almost afraid to look back. He had not counted on Minerva and Severus teaming up on him as they had done, but at the same time, he was glad that they were finally seeing eye to eye. It was just ironic that what they had in common was their anger at him.

“What do you think he will do?” Minerva asked as soon as she and Severus were out of the office and walking along the corridors.

Sneering, Severus looked straight ahead of him so that Minerva could not see just how disgusted or concerned he really was. “Not enough I’m sure.”

To be continued...
End Notes:
New chappie for you all to enjoy. Thanks for sticking with me everyone! Your reviews always make me so happy!! Please let me know what you think of this chapter too. I love hearing from ya'll!! :)

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