Jamie’s heart crumpled, the memory of Buckbeak flying into the horizon with her only connection to who she could’ve been, replaying over and over in her head.
What her life could’ve been like, had her parents not been killed.
She sighed, and glanced at a moving picture, a snapshot of red hair and gleaming glasses, laughing at each other and then back at the camera.
It was her favorite, and one of her only pictures of James and Lily Potter. It was propped up on her sturdy oak side table, and she usually caught a glimpse before she left the dorm room.
It strengthened her resolve, to throw herself at her studies so one day, she would be ready.
She would face the man who butchered her parents head-on, without fear. Like a true Gryffindor.
However, currently it didn’t inspire such feelings. Right now, Jamie just wallowed in her own pity- something she didn’t like to do often.
Her hand twitched, and she scooted over on the side of the bed so she was closer to the frame, swiping it off the varnished surface.
She rubbed a tanned thumb over her Father’s face, finding something so familiar in that crooked smile.
Second Year, she tried to mimic her dad’s expression one evening, just to feel closer. Her face practically glowed when Ron absently commented how much she looked like James with that grin.
They were little moments, things that barely meant anything, but nevertheless- it was all she had.
“Jamie! We’re going to be late for breakfast!” Ron’s urgent voice hollered through the door, startling the girl out of her thoughts.
She laughed, a barking one that burst from surprise.
Of course Ron’s agenda revolves around every meal of the day.
“Really, Ronald. You’d think we’re missing a Ministry Meeting.” Hermione’s muffled disappointment dripped off Ron’s immediate offense.
Jamie’s dour mindset had successfully been shelved by her best friends, and she set the photo back in its spot before jumping from her bed.
Sun streamed through the dormitory windows, and her mood heightened with the reminder of Quidditch practice later. It was certainly a great day for it.
“Coming!” She responded, and scrambled out the door. She almost bowled through a familiar head of red hair, who looked ready to yell again.
Ron squawked when Jamie’s elbow found purchase in his stomach, and he stumbled against the stone railing of the balcony.
Hermione rolled her eyes from the top of the spiral staircase, and sighed.
“Oi! Watch it!” He sulked, and rubbed his middle.
Jamie shared Hermione’s exasperation, and motioned to the empty bridge that connected the two dorms.
“Ron, maybe if you weren’t right on the door, I wouldn’t run into you.” She pointed out, and skipped over to Hermione, her stomach growling. Now that Ron had mentioned it, she was ravenous.
It was almost the end of the year, and exams were coming up fast. She needed the extra waffles.
“Come on, Ron! Let’s go!” Jamie urged, Hermione falling into quick succession behind her as she made her way down to the common room.
Red and gold assaulted her vision pleasantly as she crossed the cozy room, her real home for most of the year. The fire was crackling, as it usually did in chilly mornings. Luckily, the robes students wore helped with the cold castle. Only a few Gryffindors were still found lounging in the couches or doing work on the soft carpets.
Jamie must’ve been up in the dorms longer than she thought.
The Golden Trio made haste after that, going out the portrait and racing down the stone bricked halls, following the mouthwatering smell.
They made an unnecessarily public entrance, with the Great Hall’s doors being closed. Most simply turned back to their food, but Malfoy had to send a disgusted sneer Jamie’s way from the Slytherin table. Most sitting next to him followed suit.
Jamie rolled her eyes, but otherwise ignored the normal treatment from snakes.
It was the head of raven hair at the very front of the candle-lit expanse that made her pause.
She recovered quickly enough to escape the suspicion of her posse, and the group continued to their seat at the Gryffindor table.
She had wisely not told Ron about the shocking revelations both she and Hermione had experienced just a few nights ago, but with her plan to confort Snape- she felt the need to loop Ron into everything.
And both of them into her new game plan, as she had not digressed her scheme to Hermione yet either.
Hitting two birds with one stone.
Sitting down, Weasley immediately started to pile food onto his plate, ignoring Hermione’s disappointment.
After two years of this, it has basically become habit.
Hermione picked out some fruit and a light serving of milk to start the day off, and Jamie watched as she meticulously arranged her food.
Carrying a smirk at her friend’s perfectionist qualities, Jamie gathered a portion akin to Ron’s, knowing she would need fuel for practice later.
“You on for a quick round of wizards chess before practice, Jamie?” Ron asked with a mouthful of egg.
“Actually, I need to talk to you guys about that.” Jamie replied, seeing no better avenue to start the difficult conversation ahead.
Hermione set down her fork to Jamie’s left, signaling she was respectfully paying attention.
Ron, predictably, did no such thing, simply gave Jamie side-looks.
“I need to have a talk with Snape after classes today.” She started, causing Ron to immediately wrinkle his nose. It was a knee-jerk reaction around most Gryffindors when talking about the mean dungeon bat.
“Why?” He scowled, incredulous.
Jamie glanced to Hermione, hoping she got the connection.
Hermione, being Hermione, returned her prediction with glittering eyes- giving no doubt that she knew the reason.
“You remember the time turner thing, right Ron?” Jamie swiveled her head back to the redhead, watching his eyebrows furrow.
“‘Course I do. I was in the hospital, ‘member? You went without me.” He sulked, clearly still a little rubbed about that.
“Something else happened, while we were trying to right things.” Jamie said slowly, still baffled herself. This only fueled her desire to confront the potions master today. She had put it off for long enough.
“Me and Hermione saw Snape use his Patronus to save me and Sirius.” Jamie summarized. She really didn’t want to revisit the cold, gaping despair of that memory- and it seemed to be enough for Ron anyway.
His light eyes flashed with the same disbelief that Jamie’s had, and with egg yolk dripping from the corner of his mouth, the ginger sighed.
“Mate, pulling my leg this early in the morning?”
“It’s true, Ron. Why would we lie about this?” Hermione swooped in for backup, her gaze steeled.
Weasley shrugged. “Dunno. You really expect me to believe the greasy git saved Jamie? I’m convinced he hates her more than anyone.”
Jamie shook her head, putting her elbows on the table and leaning forward. The steaming plate or food, left untouched, was pushed away. Her messy, dark brown hair fringed on her vision.
“That’s why I need to talk to him. Ron, you know me, and you know how I feel about Snape. Do you think this is any easier for me to admit? To talk about?” Jamie reasoned, pushing her slipping glasses back up. She was sick to her stomach every time she thought about it, her brain twisted with different explanations.
Ron scraped the last bit of food from his fork. His undaunted loyalty shone through hesitance at the absurd tale. Jamie had her doubts that he found truth in their story, but at least he was supporting.
“Alright. I guess you have a point, but why? Snape isn’t exactly the charitable type.” Ron followed-up, asking more questions that Jamie wanted closure on herself.
“I don’t know. I intend to find out.” She replied grimly, with all the joy of a Gryffindor walking into another verbal lashing from the Head of House.
“Want us to come?” Ron offered with a flatness that clearly conveyed his reluctance.
Jamie didn’t blame him. He almost got it as bad as her in potions.
“No, I want to do it alone.” She replied, glazing over the sigh of relief beside her.
Hermione’s gentle hand offered comfort.
“Are you sure?” Her soft, brown eyes were worried. Jamie was more distressed about this development than she’d like to admit, and Hermione caught on, like she always did.
Jamie gave her an unconvincing smile, and nodded stiffly.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ll be back for practice this afternoon.” At that, Ron gave her a playful shove.
“You better! Slytherin needs to get taught a lesson in the next match!” He fired, making Jamie laugh.
They rose from their seats, filing out of the great hall with other students, ready to attend classes.
“That games’ as good as ours!” She exclaimed, Ron cheering beside her.
To be continued...