Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 222] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Harry Potter goes missing less than a day after being dropped on the doorstep of the Dursley home. One person must determine who his friends and enemies are as he protects the boy under the Headmaster's watch. Unusual favors are called in, unlikely friendships develop, and the shadow of betrayal grows darker...

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) Chapters: 36
Snape flavour: None Completed: No
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Hurt/Comfort
Tags: Alternate Universe, Baby fic, Child fic, Slytherin!Harry Word count: 196901
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Charlie, Draco, Dumbledore, James, Lily, Lucius, Original Character, Other, Remus, Tonks Read: 181471
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 31 Jul 2009 - Updated: 01 Mar 2013
Story Notes:

This is an AU, in which many characters will be portrayed in another way than is strictly canon.  Please see all warnings, etc. 

I am a slow, deliberate writer, who tends to write lengthy chapters, therefore do not expect to be spoiled daily with additions. 

Disclaimer: Recognizable characters and magical items and locations, sadly, do not belong to me, but to their creator, J.K. Rowling.  However, all original characters, magical items, and locations do in fact belong to me.  No copyright infringement is intended.  I write out of the respect for the original work. 

Table of Contents

1. Prologue & Chapter 1 - Of Unknown Locations by Raven Knight [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (2779 words) Printer

A wizard questions himself, and another questions some Muggles...

2. Chapter 2 - Uncertainty by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (4593 words) Printer

Struggling through nightmares...to be guided by memories...

3. Chapter 3 - Decisive News by Raven Knight [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (5598 words) Printer

One wizard confronts someone he trusts, and comes to a gut decision...

(Please, if you read my story, please review. It makes me very happy...)

4. Chapter 4 - A Message and a Delivery by Raven Knight [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarstar (3539 words) Printer

Unexpected help...

5. Chapter 5 - Unexpected Welcome by Raven Knight [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar (5406 words) Printer

Severus returns to Hogwarts to an unexpected welcome. Meanwhile, the other professors form a plan...

6. Chapter 6 - The Trial of Severus Snape by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (4324 words) Printer

Severus stands trial for his accused crime. Dumbledore defends him, but was he the only one to influence the proceedings?

(Please, please review if you read! They make me happy and inspire my brain to write.)

7. Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (7980 words) Printer

After the stressful events of the last few days, Remus has time to reflect, be overwhelmed, and very confused...

(Thanks to everyone taking the time to review! Makes me very happy!)

8. Chapter 8 - Clarity by Raven Knight [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (7684 words) Printer

Once back in Severus' Hogwarts suite, Remus is offered a little clarity to his confusion...

(A continuation of the previous chapter. Reviews make me write faster, and they make me happy!)

9. Chapter 9 - Adjusting by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (4882 words) Printer

The first day for Severus's resumed teaching, for Remus's babysitting, and for Tevin's stay at Hogwarts.

10. Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4430 words) Printer

After a near disaster, Severus and Remus come to an understanding.

11. Chapter 11 - Reminder of a Promise by Raven Knight [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (7673 words) Printer

Remus visits Flitwick, a promise is remembered, and a meeting takes place.

12. Chapter 12 - Reassurances by Raven Knight [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3932 words) Printer

A plan is hatched and tested. Remus points out something important to Severus.

(Please review if you read. Thanks to everyone who is reviewing! It really makes my day!)

13. Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (4772 words) Printer

The plan is executed, and Remus has a good afternoon.

(Thank you to everyone who is reviewing! They brighten my day!)

14. Chapter 14 - Protective Measures by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4582 words) Printer

What exactly brought Lucius Malfoy to Severus Snape's trial?

(Thanks again to everyone who is reviewing!)

15. Chapter 15 - News of Relations - Part I by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2844 words) Printer

New faces in the Great Hall can cause a little too much excitement.

(This chapter is dedicated to Pandora and Ponytail Goddess for being amazing reviewers and keeping with this story from almost the beginning! You two make my day so much brighter with your reviews! Thank you so much!)

16. Chapter 16 - News of Relations - Part II by Raven Knight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3592 words) Printer

Remus has unexpected guests...Severus helps soothe the pains of loss.

17. Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny by Raven Knight [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (5701 words) Printer

As Severus chaperones Hogwarts students in Hogsmeade, two families finally collide, and an invitation is issued.

18. Chapter 18 - Tense Discussions by Raven Knight [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (4162 words) Printer

Dinner at Malfoy Manor...

19. Chapter 19 - Matters of Cowardice by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4447 words) Printer

An accusation triggers a memory, and Severus gives an ultimatum.

(Chapter is for Pandora, Ponytail Goddess, Fairner, and Ivy-Green! You guys are awesome!)

20. Chapter 20 - Christmas Curiosities by Raven Knight [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (5838 words) Printer

Christmas Eve at Remus's home, and presents are opened. Lucius sends Severus a letter, while Hagrid tries to give a peace offering to Tevin. Finally, a visit to Diagon Alley.

(Thanks to all reviewers! I hope everyone enjoys this update! Happy reading!)

21. Chapter 21 - Strengthened Bonds by Raven Knight [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (6585 words) Printer

Two young wizards get into trouble, someone gets injured, and bonds are strengthened...

(Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far! You guys make my day brighter and make me want to write more! Thanks! Please review if you read!)

22. Chapter 22 - The Halloween Feast by Raven Knight [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (4470 words) Printer

Tevin and Draco attend the Halloween Feast, Draco learns what spells really look like when performed, and Severus struggles to maintain his composure.

(Please review! I enjoy receiving and responding to them! Thanks!)

23. Chapter 23 - Halloween Secrets - Part I by Raven Knight [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (3262 words) Printer

Part I - Remus introduces Tevin to someone, and Tevin has a nightmare...

24. Chapter 24 - Halloween Secrets - Part II by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4828 words) Printer

Severus's memories and nightmares...

(Thanks to everyone who's been reviewing! It's wonderful!)

25. Chapter 25 - Halloween Secrets - Part III by Raven Knight [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (9150 words) Printer

The conclusion of the events of Halloween...

26. Chapter 26 - Consequence of Persuasion by Raven Knight [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (4565 words) Printer

Two young boys get into trouble, while new friendships begin.

27. Chapter 27 - Introduction to Potions by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (5613 words) Printer

The aftermath of Tevin and Draco's potions accident, then they begin to get some instruction, and a suspicion is overheard...

28. Chapter 28 - Progressions by Raven Knight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4472 words) Printer

Tevin & Draco improve in potions despite arguments, Tevin and Ophelia bond in the kitchen, Snape opens up to his son, and a Quidditch Match ends badly.

(Thanks to everyone reviewing. I'm glad people are still reading this!)

29. Chapter 29 - Shaken Perspectives by Raven Knight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6259 words) Printer

A new meeting in Diagon Alley, a visit to Hagrid, a confrontation in the Infirmary, and a fiery suspicion.

30. Chapter 30 - Weakening Foundations by Raven Knight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6488 words) Printer

Even the strongest foundations can be weathered and eroded...

31. Chapter 31 - Shattered Visions by Raven Knight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5472 words) Printer

A birthday party where secrecy is sworn, Occlumency training begins, the Malfoy family makes some startling discoveries, and a letter arrives at a house in Surrey...

32. Chapter 32 - Pieces of Parchment by Raven Knight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (7997 words) Printer

Arabella gets a letter, a conversation is remembered, precautions are put into action, and Tevin receives an unusual present.

33. Chapter 33 - Gifts of Protection by Raven Knight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4551 words) Printer

Tevin visits Luna, Remus meets the Lovegoods, Severus & Flitwick teach their four chosen students, and Luna receives a present.

Happy Halloween, readers! I decided to post the first of the coming updates on Halloween as a little present to everyone who is still reading this. Thank you for your patience!

34. Chapter 34 - Martyrdom & Mercy by Raven Knight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (7908 words) Printer

A potions accident, an emergency visit to Saint Mungo's, and difficult decisions are made...

35. Chapter 35 - Remembrance & Recovery by Raven Knight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (12238 words) Printer

For enhanced reading, I recommend listening to “In Noctem” from the sixth film’s soundtrack during the first two scenes of this chapter. It was playing on repeat while writing those sections, so it will probably help the mood, but it is up to you, the reader. Enjoy. ~ RK

36. Chapter 36 - Devleoping Connections by Raven Knight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4285 words) Printer

One of the shortest chapters, but things are about to get very busy in these last chapters. This chapter is mainly to introduce several more familiar characters. Enjoy, everyone! ~ RK

To be continued...
Raven Knight is the author of 0 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 108 members. Members who liked Sacrifices also liked 1445 other stories.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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