Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 54] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The story begins with a fire at the Dursleys & Harry is locked in his cupboard. Rescued by a spiritual presence, he is sent to stay with a certain Potions Master, bringing in a new range of adventures. Suicide attempts, abuse

Takes Place: None Chapters: 43
Snape flavour: None Completed: No
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Genres: General
Tags: None Word count: 83206
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required) Read: 177891
Rated: T
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Suicide Themes
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 31 Jan 2005 - Updated: 31 Jan 2006
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

by Firestar


//...// Telepathic speech between Harry and Lady Lyra

Telepathic speech between Harry and Familiar (Phoenix)

{...} Telepathic speech between Harry and Snakes

*...* thoughts

"..." Normal speech

~...~ Parseltongue

?...? Phoenixus

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1 by Firestar [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (944 words) Printer

2. Chapter 2 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1199 words) Printer

3. Chapter 3 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstar (1503 words) Printer

4. Chapter 4 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3598 words) Printer

Thank you to all reviewers and readers: I was thrilled by all the reviews and comments I recieved.

This chapter may seem a bit unrealistic, but the idea just popped up out of nowhere, so please forgive me. I hope you enjoy.

5. Chapter 5 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstarhalf-star (1068 words) Printer

6. Chapter 6 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] (2659 words) Printer

//...// Telepathic speech between Harry and Lady Lyra

Telepathic speech between Harry and Familiar (Phoenix)

{...} Telepathic speech between Harry and Snakes

*...* thoughts

"..." Normal speech

~...~ Parseltongue

?...? Phoenixus

7. Chapter 7 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (3133 words) Printer

This chapter is dedicated to Ankha, Lyssaphra, and Gil-Celeb for their wonderful stories 'A Hidden Friendship', 'Beyond the Heart', and 'Green and Red, Candles and Snow', all which I'm currently reading. Just want to say that they're all fantastic!

//...// Telepathic speech between Harry and Lady Lyra

Telepathic speech between Harry and Familiar (Phoenix)

{...} Telepathic speech between Harry and Snakes

*...* thoughts

"..." Normal speech

~...~ Parseltongue ?...? Phoenixus


8. Chapter 8 by Firestar [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star (1506 words) Printer

9. Chapter 9 by Firestar [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2225 words) Printer

10. Chapter 10 by Firestar [Reviews - 2] starstarstar (1821 words) Printer

11. Chapter 11 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1264 words) Printer

12. Chapter 12 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2365 words) Printer

Summary of Chapter: Quidditch; Ron and Draco get into an... argument.

13. Chapter 13 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2212 words) Printer

Chapter Summary: Severus asks Harry to become his Potions apprentice, which leads to interesting delimas...

14. Chapter 14 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1544 words) Printer

15. Chapter 15 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2187 words) Printer

Chapter Summary: A few plans of Voldemort.... Includes action.

16. Chapter 16 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1508 words) Printer

17. Chapter 17 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1148 words) Printer

Chapter Summary: A visit from Remus in the Hospital Wing... Harry/Sebastien slowly begins to recover.

18. Chapter 18 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1727 words) Printer

Chapter Summary: A visit to the kitchens in the middle of the night...

19. Chapter 19 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2393 words) Printer

20. Chapter 20 by Firestar [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1934 words) Printer


a?膘..........a?膘- Communicating through the necklace Godric gave Harry

21. Chapter 21 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2686 words) Printer

22. Chapter 22 by Firestar [Reviews - 2] half-star (2079 words) Printer

23. Chapter 23 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1202 words) Printer

(Otherwise titled: Moonlight Sonata)

24. Chapter 24 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (804 words) Printer

25. Chapter 25 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2471 words) Printer

26. Chapter 26 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1461 words) Printer

27. Chapter 27 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1848 words) Printer

28. Chapter 28 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2010 words) Printer

29. Chapter 29 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (3191 words) Printer

This chapter is dedicated to my new (and first) BETA reader, Scary Person. Thanks a lot, Emma!

30. Chapter 30 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2210 words) Printer

Betaed by: Scary Person

WARNING!: Suicide Attempt

31. Chapter 31 Wild Goose Chase by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1912 words) Printer

32. Chapter 32 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1471 words) Printer

33. Chapter 33 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] (3540 words) Printer

I've found a new beta reader: Vinnie. Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to her.

Also, a great than you to Valerie, my new... interpreter, you can say. She's going to be translating my story into French. This chapter is dedicated to her too. Yay, Valerie!

34. Chapter 34 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1375 words) Printer

35. Chapter 35 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2988 words) Printer

36. Chapter 36 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2968 words) Printer

37. Chapter 37 Healing by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1708 words) Printer

38. Chapter 38 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (1254 words) Printer

39. Chapter 39 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] starstar (1469 words) Printer

40. Chapter 40 by Firestar [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (1375 words) Printer

41. Chapter 41 by Firestar [Reviews - 1] (1375 words) Printer

The story begins with a fire at the Dursleys & Harry is locked in his cupboard. Rescued by a spiritual presence, he is sent to stay with a certain Potions Master, bringing in a new range of adventures. Suicide attempts, abuse

42. Chapter 42 by Firestar [Reviews - 0] (2396 words) Printer


Speech signs:

/.../ Telepathic speech between Lady Lyra and Harry

... Telepathic speech between Harry and Snakes

... thoughts

"..." Regular speech

... Parseltongue

... Phoenixius

The story begins with a fire at the Dursleys & Harry is locked in his cupboard. Rescued by a spiritual presence, he is sent to stay with a certain Potions Master, bringing in a new range of adventures. Suicide attempts, abuse

43. Chapter 43 by Firestar [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar (1475 words) Printer

The story begins with a fire at the Dursleys & Harry is locked in his cupboard. Rescued by a spiritual presence, he is sent to stay with a certain Potions Master, bringing in a new range of adventures. Suicide attempts, abuse

To be continued...
Firestar is the author of 4 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 52 members. Members who liked Comforts from the Unexpected also liked 1216 other stories.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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