Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 34] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: When Harry receives a letter at the end of his second year, the effects change not only his life but the lives of two others. With secrets uncovered, perceptions altered and lives changing drastically, can a family form out of the chaos?

Takes Place: 3rd summer Chapters: 7
Snape flavour: None Completed: No
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Genres: Angst, Drama, Family, Hurt/Comfort
Tags: None Word count: 25049
Main Characters: Draco, Fred George, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, .Snape and Harry (required) Read: 29486
Rated: T
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Rape
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 10 Oct 2012 - Updated: 27 Feb 2013
Story Notes:

Warnings: This story will involve child abuse - neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. I realize that this is a serious issue and I plan to do my absolute best to be as realistic as possible about the effects. 

It will take a few chapters to actually get to the guardian portion of the story, but I tried to make it fairly clear that the story is heading in that direction.

Table of Contents

1. Prologue and Chapter 1 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3282 words) Printer

2. Chapter 2 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 1] (3228 words) Printer

3. Chapter 3 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 1] (4168 words) Printer

Reminder: This chapter is where the stories warnings really come into play. The scene is not graphic, but it is upsetting.

4. Chapter 4 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstar (4246 words) Printer

5. Chapter 5 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3354 words) Printer

Floor Plan for Severus' Quarters:

6. Chapter 6 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4006 words) Printer

7. Chapter 7 by B00kw0rm92 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2765 words) Printer

I am so, so, so, so sorry for how long this took to update! To make up for the long wait, this chapter is hot-off-the-press and unbeta'd, I will replace it with the edited version once my beta is able to get it done. Things got crazy after Christmas and I was behind on a lot of things and trying to catch up. I was spending a week at my other grandmother's house and had gotten a lot done, I had two pages of a website to finish editing and my updating my stories was next on my list when my mom called to say that my aunt Melissa whom we live with (along with my grandparents and great-grandmother) had died. She was only thirty-eight and died suddenly in her sleep, we still do not know why. It's been nearly a month but things were so crazy afterwards that I haven't had the chance to update until now. I hope that this chapter is alright, I'm kind of uncertain about it.

To be continued...
B00kw0rm92 is the author of 0 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 55 members. Members who liked Unexpected also liked 1351 other stories.

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