Summary: After Harry's turbulent second summer and third year, he's begun to gain more confidence in himself in his dealings with the community. He's learning to find his footing in his new family as well, even as Albus and Severus struggle to find theirs. The wizarding community isn't happy about Harry's stance on Fae, and now that he's been entered into the Tri-Wizard tournament, Harry will have to find a way to balance the backlash he's facing from his community and the dangers of the tournament he must prepare for. "Be careful Mr. Potter. Small changes can have lasting effects." - Harrison Silver This story is part of the series, Building Doors. The previous story in the series is Building Doors.
Takes Place: 3rd Year, 4th summer, 4th Year
| Chapters: 7
Snape flavour: Snape is Angry, Canon Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Snape is Stern
| Completed: No
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
| Genres: Angst, Drama, Family, Fantasy, General, Hurt/Comfort
Tags: Adoption, Azkaban Character, Elves, Hospitalization, Injured!Harry, Runaway, Vampires, Werewolves
| Word count: 57678
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Dumbledore, Hermione, Original Character, Remus, Ron, Sirius
| Read: 12390
Published: 02 Dec 2021 - Updated: 19 Mar 2022
Story Notes: This story picks up right where Building Doors left off. It covers the rest of Harry's third year, the summer, and fourth year, including the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It won't make sense if you dont' read Building Doors first. Note: the canon timeline for Sirius diverges from the norm in this story, but we haven't seen the last of padfoot.
JAWorley is the author of 61 other stories. This story is part of the series, Building Doors. The previous story in the series is Building Doors.
This story is a favorite of 21 members. Members who liked Building Bridges also liked 684 other stories.