Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 94] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Sirius is finally free, and Harry is looking forward to having a real family who cares. But then everything falls apart. Can Severus Snape figure out what happened to Harry and the secret he is hiding? Harry and Severus are thrown together due to an impulsive action by Sirius Black. This story is a response to the prompt "Disowned" by Nightshade sydneylover150.

Takes Place: 5th Year Chapters: 18
Snape flavour: Out of Character Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Mean Completed: No
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Tags: Alternate Universe, Snape-meets-Dursleys, Spying!Harry Word count: 46198
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Sirius Read: 28570
Rated: T
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Bullying, Panic attack, Profanity, Violence
Series: None
Challenges: Disowned
Published: 24 Aug 2024 - Updated: 19 Jan 2025 New!
Story Notes:

This is my first fanfic story, and I am not a native English speaker. Reviews are welcome, and I hope you enjoy the story.

ITALIC indicate thoughts, BOLD indicate dreams/visions.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling.

Table of Contents

1. Prologue by SpiritTree [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstar (259 words) Printer

2. Chapter 1 - Sirius by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (1341 words) Printer

3. Chapter 2 - Hogsmeade by SpiritTree [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1456 words) Printer

That chapter focuses a lot on Sirius, but no worries—Severus is waiting in the shadows.

4. Chapter 3 - Umbridge by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2000 words) Printer

5. Chapter 4 - Aftermath by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1892 words) Printer

6. Chapter 5 - Snape (Part 1) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3767 words) Printer

7. Chapter 6 - Snape (Part 2) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2869 words) Printer

8. Chapter 7 - Snape (Part 3) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (3616 words) Printer

9. Chapter 8 - Death Eaters by SpiritTree [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (1706 words) Printer

10. Chapter 9 - Escalation by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (5316 words) Printer

11. Chapter 10 - Disowned by SpiritTree [Reviews - 16] starstarstarstarhalf-star (7132 words) Printer

12. Chapter 11 - Secrets (Part 1) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4167 words) Printer

13. Chapter 12 - Secrets (Part 2) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar (3631 words) Printer

Life is busy, and I haven't finished the arc of the chapter. I promise the letter will be in "Secrets (Part 3)," and I hope you still enjoy this shorter chapter as a bridge during the long wait. 

14. Chapter 13 - Secrets (Part 3) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (3937 words) Printer

15. Chapter 14 - Conclusions by SpiritTree [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3109 words) Printer

16. Chapter 15 - London (Part 1) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3171 words) Printer

17. Chapter 16 - London (Part 2) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (4768 words) Printer

18. Chapter 17 - Draco (Part 1) by SpiritTree [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3359 words) Printer

To be continued...
SpiritTree is the author of 0 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 27 members. Members who liked Surprising development also liked 552 other stories.

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