Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 11] starstarstarstar
Summary: Harry is a 12 year old Orphan about to meet his birth father for the first time. Song fic, Majorly AU. No Voldie, Dumbles, ect. (Sev doesn't work at Hogwarts)

Takes Place: None Chapters: 1
Snape flavour: None Completed: Yes
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape Genres: General
Tags: Alternate Universe Word count: 1419
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Fred George, Ginny, Hedwig, Molly, Original Character, Percy, Ron Read: 4483
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 18 May 2005 - Updated: 18 May 2005
Story Notes:

Oklahoma by Billy Gilman is a family favorite in our house and every time I heard it I got the itch to use it for a story so, I put pen to paper and this is the resault! I try to interpret feeling through words since I wasn't blessed with the drawing skills of some of my friends. *sad smile*  If I can't paint the image on a piece of paper then I can at least paint it across your imagination. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writting it!

If you haven't heard the song before you can go Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3BA8bDzI3k to watch it on Youtube.

Table of Contents

1. Oklahoma by GoddessMoonLady [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstar (1419 words) Printer


GML: Aha!! I did it! ::does little happy dance::

Draco: What did you do now?

GML: ::grin:: I finished this story!

Harry: Oh, is that all? ::rolls eyes::

GML: Shut up! It took me a while! ::sniff:: Some people just don’t appreciate Genius.

Draco: If that’s Genius, then I’m a dancing chicken.

GML: ::evil smirk:: ::pulls out wand and casts spell::

Draco: ::turns into a chicken dancing across the floor:: Bicock!

GML: ::snicker:: I don’t own ‘HP’, but I did turn Draco into a dancing chicken! ::laughs hysterically::

Harry: ::wince::

The End.
GoddessMoonLady is the author of 1 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 6 members. Members who liked Oklahoma also liked 589 other stories.

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