Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Membership status: Member
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Raven Knight [Contact] Better be Slytherin!
Call me: (undisclosed) Member since: 28 Jul 2009
Beta? No
About me:

I have been a frequent visitor and reviewer here for quite some time before finally deciding to just go with it and join!  I've read a whole ton of stuff on this site, to the point where I wonder if I truly have a life. 

The story has begun, everyone!  I am very excited!  I have a lot of research to finish up still, but once it is organized into a Bible format (if you will) writing should be very speedy.  Reviews feed my brain, so be kind.  I welcome constructive criticism, so don't be shy!  Just don't bash me.  It isn't nice.  Thanks. 

I review when I read (just have not had a lot of time to do that, actually...hmm, I might take more time to do some reading so that I can review...), so please be kind enough to do the same.  Thank you...

Just throwing it out there, I am a Slytherin, and very much loyal to my House!  And I find the Malfoy family completely fascinating.

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