Brothers of Bond by watercrystals
Summary: On the night of October 31st, when Voldemort showed up to kill Harry, he found that two of his Death Eaters were already there; traitors. That night left two boys orphaned and seeing no other option, Dumbledore placed both boys on the Dursley's doorstep. Draco and Harry grow up bonding as brothers for they're the only other person they've got to rely on. Come their year at Hogwarts, they're both sorted into Gryffindor. But Severus Snape watches them...will he be able to take them in when they need him; his godson and a boy that should have been his son?
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Angst, General, Hurt/Comfort
Media Type: None
Tags: Adoption, Alternate Universe, Child fic, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 1st Year, 3rd summer
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 68446 Read: 111245 Published: 03 Sep 2009 Updated: 08 Oct 2010
Story Notes:

This idea just came to be out of nowhere and I had to write it, enjoy!

Also the first several chapters are revolved around Draco and Harry but Severus will get his main part a little later on, I promise. But this story would be pointless if I didn't establish the bond Draco and Harry had first, plus it will further show what Snape will be up against. Let me know whatcha think!

Orphans by watercrystals
Author's Notes:
This chapter is the beginning of the background chapters that don't yet include Snape fully. These will show various times over the years and demonstrate the bond that Draco and Harry have as well as what they go through. Things will even out more once they're eleven.

Eight days after that night...

Dumbledore sat at his desk in his office at Hogwarts, gazing down at the papers that sat atop his desk but he wasn't really seeing them or paying any genuine attention to them. He had a goblet of pumpkin juice in his hand and was swirling it slowly without spilling a single drop as he sat deep in thought.

It had only been eight days since that fateful night that cost four lives and left two young boys orphaned. He remembered it clearly, the joy and celebration across the world that still continued following the "defeat" of Lord Voldemort. And many had already forgotten the details that Dumbledore was now musing over.

No one really knew what happened that night though, not even Dumbledore himself. The Potters had gone into hiding upon his suggestion and Voldemort had shown up for their son, Harry but they sacrificed themselves to protect the boy. The curse rebounded onto Voldemort and he dissappeared, too weak to carry on. Those details there clearer, but Dumbledore had been shocked when Hagrid sent him an owl to say there were two more cassualties and a second baby had been found in the rubble, crying for his parents.

He and McGongall left and sought out Godric's Hollow and discovered that the second baby belonged to non-other than Death Eaters Narcissa and Lucious Malfoy. It seemed that Mr Malfoy had been downstairs with James Potter when Voldemort had shown up but each of them had discarded their wands as an act of trust or caution between the other.

But there was no way that the Malfoys were there as an act to the Dark Lord or with any ill intentions for they wouldn't have been able to even find the place otherwise and surely they'd have alerted their master by then? Mrs Malfoy was found in the hallway just outside the nursery, where she had placed her son Draco in the crib with Harry. Voldemort only wanted to kill one baby, so poor Harry's mother saved him from the curse whilst Draco was left untouched, physically.

Dumbledore had theories, ideas and clues, but neither could be confirmed or backed up by any evidence. He cast a relative charm and found that Draco had no other living family members besides his Aunt, Uncle and cousin...just like Harry. But the Tonks family were unable to take him in, unable to provide for him at the moment and the boy had no where else to go with Sirius Black's arrest and no other living relatives apart from known Death Eaters Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange.

As he and McGongall had looked into the crib where the two babies had ceased crying and fallen asleep in exhaustion, he saw their tiny hands linking and clutching to the other...for safety, support or something else and it occured to him that these boys had so much in common and were both here on such a fateful night that perhaps it would be best not to seperate them. But how was he to explain that to the Dursleys?

Dumbledore pondered on that decision for more time than he'd have prefered, although he just knew it was the right decision. He could say that the boys were brothers, or perhaps cousins even. But he didn't want the boys growing up thinking that for it would be injustice to their parents, or at least the Malfoys as he knew they would not be pleased with being related to Lily Potter, a muggle-born witch.

It was McGongall that came up with the solution: pay them. Leave a nice sum of money behind as a "apriciation" to taking both boys in. It was worth a try but Dumbledore reworded the letter to make it clear that Draco was to stay just as Harry was. The "threat" was rather uncalled for as the family had a child of their own and now two more only months apart in ages? It was a bit unfair and they were asking a lot, but he'd checked...they could more than afford for each child.

And so they headed back to Number Four Privit Drive and placed each boy on the doorstep with the letter, wishing them luck and then said their goodbyes, for now.

It had been later the following night that Severus Snape had mournfully called a meeting with Albus Dumbledore and confessed his change of sides, of his loss for Lily Potter that he had loved dearly but had been unable to save. Dumbledore was mad, yes, but he forgave the boy somewhat with the agreement to serve as his spy, work as a teacher at Hogwarts and help not only protect Lily's son Harry but also his godson Draco. Snape could have taken Draco in, but Dumbledore knew within seconds of meeting the distraught boy that he would never have been able to raise a child at the time. It was best to leave the boys together, and he kept an eye on them for the first few days for it seemed he had made the right decision. Albus Dumbledore had no idea that placing them in the Dursley household wasn't a very good idea, but keeping them was probably one of the best decisions he'd every made.

The first day after that night...

With her husband heading off to work each morning and a moody tollder to care for, Petunia Dursley was naturally up rather early. Although it was barely daylight and neither other two in the household were up yet. Which was actually a bit strange for her son, Dudley, but Petunia marvelled in a moment of peace and made her way downstairs fully dressed and partially prepared for the day ahead. She had no idea the change that today would bring, or yet of the two babies laying outside her front door, squirming in the cold and unfamililarity.

Petunia poured herself some coffee, feeling she needed the caffeine hit as she had been up rather late the night before with Dudley.

As she seated herself at the kitchen table, it was then that she first heard it: A small whimper and gentle rap against the front door. Thinking it was just some animal, she thought nothing of it only of what damge it could be doing to her garden. But when it came again, a little louder, Petunia found it harder to ignore and sighed as she made her way to unlock the front door.

Her eyes went wide and her hand rose to cover her gasp as she stared down at the two babies wrapped in blankets on her doorstep. The raven-haired one had a deep cut on his forehead and was resting somewhat contently there as he gripped the second baby with one tiny hand. Lily stared at him and the letter atop of him, knowing he was her nephew by his emerald eyes...her little sister's eyes.

But the other child was a stranger, and nothing alike Harry for he had white blonde hair and blue eyes. She did not know who this baby belonged to but he clutched Harry's hand in a way twins or related babies tended to. It was him that had broken her quiet morning for he was more awake than Harry and had freed both of his hands from the blankets. Draco whimpered again as though cold and hungry while swinging his spare hand in attempt to grab something.

Petunia was frozen on the spot, watching the pair as she knew they were not like her, Vernon and Dudley...they were no doubt wizards. She knew because Harry Potter was certain to be one and this other baby was connected so surely he was one too. She nervously glanced around the quiet street in fear of someone seeing her standing there over two babies and quickly picked them both up. She carried them into her perfect living room and placed them on the couch while she read the letter, fearful of its contents.

It was almost 7am when Vernon awoke and plundered his way downstairs while fixing his boring tie for work. He'd had a rather good sleep although his son kept him awake at times but he was used to that by now. As he entered the kitchen in hope for breakfast, he found something rather startling. His wife was strapping an unnaturally obedient Dudley into his highchair while over on the floor sat the toddler's old playpen before they'd bought the new one a few weeks ago. Inside the playpen were two other toddlers looking up at him. The dark-haired one was watching him while the blonde one was tugging lightly at a blanket in his hands, but was annoyed for Harry was sitting on it. With one final tug, Draco managed to topple Harry sideways off it and yank the blanket free.

"Ya!" Draco cheered and hugged the blanket while Harry scrunched his face and started getting upset.

"Shh!" Petunia went over and sat Harry upright again, before scowling at Draco.

"Pe..." Vernone attempted speech. "Petunia?"

"Oh, good morning Vernon!" Petunia gasped as she finally noticed him and sighed. "This is Harry, my nephew and well...Draco."

"Why are" Vernone questioned.

"They were left rudely on our doorstep this morning" Petunia frowned and passed the letter over to him, her face looking angry but her tone sounded sad. "My sister and her husband were killed last night, along with Draco's parents. They were in the crib together and seemed to be reliant on each other...I don't know. But we're expecte to take them in."

"Are they..." Vernone lowered his tone as though there were media reporters just outside their window with giant microphones and cameras. " of, them?"

"I'm afraid so" Petunia sighed. "But we have no choice."

"Bloody oats we don't!" Vernon scowled but lowered his beady eyes to the letter and read. "Ungreatful...disrespectful..." He was muttering the entire time.

"Vernon" Petunia said and held up a rather large bag and after explaining that she'd grabbed it and it had enlarged to it's actual size, something she'd seen her sister do with her trunk in sixth year once when she came home for a the summer, she explained it's contents and Vernon nearly fell over.

They were being paid to take the second boy in whilst the other boy was relative and also needed a home, care and food.

"Alright, but if those two cause too much trouble or influence Dudders wrongly, they're out! You hear?" He roared to Petunia and she nodded in agreement, deciding that now was not the time to tell him that the boys had to stay until they were "of age", regardless.

As Vernon left for work and Dudley was put in his new playpen that overflowed with toys, Petunia fed the second babies and found that they were both starving, especially Draco. She stared at Harry and saw so much of that Potter in him, which was a bit of a shame as she'd always thought Lily would end up with Severus Snape, not James Potter. Oh well, who was she to say?

"Now you two behave yourselves, no freaky stuff" She told the toddlers sternly although they had no idea who she was, even though Harry had a thoughtful look on his face.

Petunia left the room to give her son some snacks for he was wailing again and left the two babies in the kitchen.

"Ha!" Draco said and placed his hand on Harry's face, covering his eyes briefly.

"Nah!" Harry grumbled in reply and shoved his hand away, only to reach out and touch Draco's face in the same way but nearly poked Draco in the eye. "So'ry" He mumbled and grabbed Draco's hand again. The boys sat there for the time being but then Harry stood up with the aid of the playpen and looked around while Draco starting crying boredly. At that point there were in a new home without their parents and with another boy they had only met the night before and somehow already felt a connection to.

Two years later...

It was a Friday morning and Vernon had left for work a few short hours ago. Dudley was off with some playmates down the street and Petunia was at home cleaning. Draco was the oldest of the three boys, being several months older than Dudley while Harry was one month younger than Dudley. But each child was more than three years old now.

While Petunia worked, Draco and Harry sat at the kitchen table eating crackers which was their breakfast and just swung their legs boredly for they could not yet touch the floor. Draco was shifting slightly while Harry sat perfectly still. The boys were often restless and liked to run around yelling at each other while laughing, which was why they spent most of their time outside.

But today was different, when Vernon got home Petunia was going to move them into their new room...well sort of. They were becoming too loud and were not yet old enough to do their own chores, not until next the Dursley's opinions. So they were going to be sleeping and spending more time in the cupboard under the stairs. The idea had been Vernon's but Petunia agreed for she was just so exhausted after caring for three children when one child had been plenty enough work for her. Harry was the least problematic (although she would never admit that Dudley could be troublesome) and Draco seemed not too bad but he was bored more easily and was more demanding, especially with food. He threw more tantrums as well, but not as many as Dudley was known to and his were more for real reasons rather than simply wanting to.

"Why?" Draco groaned as he was placed beside Harry on a bed in the cupboard under the stairs later that afternoon, as planned.

"Because!" Petunia said, longing for some rest and shut the door on the boys, locking it as well so they didn't wander out and wreck the house.

"Meanie" Draco frowned and crossed his arms.

"Dragon!" Harry pointed at the dusty shelf, seemingly less bothered by the situation than his friend was.

"Where?" Draco looked up eagerly. "Where, Harry?"

"Imagine" Harry corrected and closed his eyes, picturing a dragon with sharp teeth and a long, spikey tail as well as huge wings that could carry him far. He could breathe fire too.

Draco frowned. "Don't wanna" He said but closed his eyes as well and they both imagined a dragon sitting on the shelf and watching over them. They did this often to entertain themselves as they only had one broken toy each and a blanket. Their clothes weren't great either; both were dressed in Dudley's old clothes but Draco's was always dyed black while Harry's were left as they were since Draco hated wearing the same clothes as the other two and wailed for hours otherwise.

Draco yawned and opened his eyes, laying down on the bed as Harry joined him.

"Do they love us?" Harry asked Draco as they pulled the thin blanket over themselves and just lay there side-by-side while staring up at the underneath of the stairs.

"I don't know" Draco replied and his eyes were starting to fall closed as well.

"Are we brothers?" Harry asked after a moment and Draco glanced at him, looking unsure but also a bit hopeful.

"I dunno" Draco said again. "But we could pretend" He added. "It feels like we're brothers."

"Yeah" Harry nodded with a small smile. "Goodnight, brother."

"Night" Draco mumbled and yawned again.

And so the two boys fell asleep in their new bedroom, a place that they would be confined to for years, for the duration of their stay inside a household that provided shelter and small amounts of food...but no warmth or it was something they gave each other. In the minds of the two orphaned youngesters...they were brothers and nothing was going to change their minds, not even the truth that they were not.

To be continued...
End Notes:
I have a promo/introductive video that I made for youtube for this fic, but it's not up yet. Will give you the link once it is. Also made a banner, will add that to my profile soon as well.
Please review and let me know whatcha think! Will update within a week!

This story archived at