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We are the home of 706 authors from among our 9632 members. There have been 115834 reviews written about our 2223 stories. A special welcome to our newest member, monstersnuggler. My Tracked Stories |
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What sweet would Severus prefer?
Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate  12% Bread and butter pudding  5% Tunnock's Caramel Wafer  0% Werther?s Original  9% Pumpkin Pasties  0% Bertie Bott's Beans  0% Fudge Flies  3% Peppermint Toads  5% Fizzing Whizzbees  0% Acid Pops  3% Cockroach Clusters  1% Exploding bonbons  0% Toffee  24% Treacle  1% Jelly Slugs  0% None, Snape dislikes sweets  31% |
Welcome to the Potions and Snitches (P&S) Fanfiction archive.
It's time to renew our hosting plan. If you would like to contribute some funds, here is our P&S donation page! Thank you so much!
This is the home for stories exploring the general relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. You will be able to find Mentor fics, Father and Son fics, and similar type stories in the archive. MA rated fics are not allowed on this site, nor is SS/HP slash (SS/HP romantic or sexual content). Gen means nonslash.
Chocolate frog ratings: When submitting a review, you will have the option of rating the story as well, from 1-10. A ten is a fantastic, ridiculously awesome chapter that you are going to want to reread; a five should be an average story, which translates to 2.5 frogs.   
P&S Quick Links: Discord - FFN Community - Deviantart Group - Facebook Group |
Most Recent |
Cripple Me by krosi (K+) Severus Snape hates Harry Potter. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing. Not...
Acid Reigns by Mothboss (16+) Coming of age in a declining northern borough wouldn’t be easy for any...
Story of the Moment |
Kids These Days by ocha T Harry, Ron and Hermione feel really bad about accusing Snape of trying to steal the stone this year. So they're determined to get better at potions next year to make it up to him. (And maybe find out that this potions thing isn't too bad after all...?) |
Shoutbox |
MinistryFlunkie02/12/25 02:27 am
Ive checked the categories and can not seem to reproduce the problem, if it continues for you just hop on discord (link is on the home page) and I will do my best to get you a resolution.MinistryFlunkie02/12/25 02:22 am
shhh dont make me give away my secrets@ lol just kidding but this IS something that I am working on. :)MinistryFlunkie02/12/25 02:22 am
Harrison Snape - As for the categories, if you get a chance to hop on Discord I can look into it, you can do so online, dont have to download if you don't want to. as for an app.....HarryPrinceMalfoySnape02/11/25 01:26 pm
Jan I did email you backHarrison Snape02/08/25 08:33 pm
When I choose a category it doesn’t do the selected category which is irritating & won’t let me choose the type of parent. Also potions & snitches should have a app to read & post stories on. Helpshadowienne02/08/25 07:14 pm
@MinistrtFlunkie -- thanks for the info. I've never done Discord... I'll have to check it out. :)MinistryFlunkie02/08/25 02:17 pm
@shadowjenne it may be easier to request help on Discord d so that any of us can try to help you... sadly Jan is a very busy Head Prefect lolshadowienne02/07/25 06:47 pm
@Jan_AQ -- I emailed you again on January 13, but I have not yet received a reply. Did my msg go to your spam folder, by any chance?Jan_AQ02/06/25 12:10 pm
HarryPrinceMalfoySnape, I emailed you last week, waiting to hear backJan_AQ01/30/25 09:03 am
randomaus - you need to select the subcategory in parental, either Sevitus or Severitus. You can't just select the parental category without the subcategory.HarryPrinceMalfoySnape01/28/25 12:53 pm
I need help posting a storyARim01/27/25 06:05 pm
Watching Auschwitz memories here in Europe. Thank God fanfics are more hopeful.
People will learn to do better. Thank you for Potions& Snitches.shadowienne01/26/25 05:11 pm
@random... So you're locked out, too?randomausfulloffluff01/25/25 11:54 pm
hey admins! I just went to try to post a story, and it wouldn't let me add the category 'parental Snape', it said it was locked. Is there anything I can do to resolve that?shadowienne01/08/25 03:45 pm
Jan, I just re-sent you my new email address. Previous attempt was dated 10-30-24. Hope this one reaches you!Jan_AQ01/07/25 07:07 am
shadowienne, yes please send again. :)shadowienne01/04/25 06:07 pm
Jan, I did get your email that you sent to my new email address, so that did work, and I sent a confirmation to that effect. Do you need me to resend my new email to you?Jan_AQ01/04/25 06:36 am
shadowienne I don't think I ever got your e-mailJan_AQ01/02/25 10:36 pm
I think everyone moved to the Discord to talk. Sorry, I've been exhausted and distracted lately.shadowienne01/01/25 05:18 am
Happy New Year!!! |