Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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We are the home of 706 authors from among our 9480 members. There have been 115250 reviews written about our 2229 stories.

A special welcome to our newest member, Leedeleedelee.

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No. 14%
Maybe. 57%
Always. 28%

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Bloody Shards by OutriderIvyHill (T)
Turns out, the Dursley's weren't too happy with Harry for blowing up Aunt Marge...
Books And Aconite: The Adventures Of A Potions Apprentice by JAWorley (16+)
Uncle Vernon’s acting weird, and Snape has designs on making Harry the...
Ouroboros in Tribute by SerenaEW (T)
Blood, I have learnt, is thicker than water. - The life of a fallen Prince...
Understanding by MagnificentAndStrange (T)
Winter break of Harry’s first year at Hogwarts brings awful memories of...

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Welcome to the Potions and Snitches (P&S) Fanfiction archive.

It's time to renew our hosting plan. If you would like to contribute some funds, here is our P&S donation page! Thank you so much!

This is the home for stories exploring the general relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. You will be able to find Mentor fics, Father and Son fics, and similar type stories in the archive. MA rated fics are not allowed on this site, nor is SS/HP slash (SS/HP romantic or sexual content). Gen means nonslash.

Chocolate frog ratings: When submitting a review, you will have the option of rating the story as well, from 1-10. A ten is a fantastic, ridiculously awesome chapter that you are going to want to reread; a five should be an average story, which translates to 2.5 frogs.

P&S Quick Links: Discord - FFN Community - Deviantart Group - Facebook Group

Site News
Donate to P&S

Members have asked about helping and supporting the site. P&S is a fan-created archive, with zero ads. It makes no revenue. It costs a little more than $650 for hosting renewal every three years. We are due to renew this year. Additional costs are for domain renewal, bug fixing costs, etc.. it all adds up.

Since 2015 I have spent $2,430.87 on the site.

If you would like to help with these costs it would be GREATLY appreciated! But no pressure. The Potions and Snitches...

Jan_AQ on 31 Jan 2024 2:57 pm [2 Comments]
News Archive

Most Recent
Healing the Past by TEC (K)
In a world where the shadows of the past linger heavily, 11/12 year old Harry...
Acid Reigns by Mothboss (16+)
Coming of age in a declining northern borough wouldn’t be easy for any...
Barely Functioning, Deeply Loved by krosi (K)
When six-year-old Harry Potter finds floo powder while cleaning the fireplace...
A Lit Roof in a Dark World by OutriderIvyHill (T)
When the zombie apocalypse turns the whole world upside down, it also twists...
Surprising development by SpiritTree (T)
Sirius is finally free, and Harry is looking forward to having a real family...

Story of the Moment
The Talk by Lady Lanera T
Close attempt to Lia's "The Talk" challenge. After Harry's been caught snogging several young ladies, McGonagall and Dumbledore decide that it's time for Snape to give Harry the talk.

11/07/24 07:36 am
Plans up for any seasonal challenge?
10/31/24 04:53 am
Happy Halloween everyone!
10/30/24 07:47 pm
Happy Birthday, Jan! I did get your email, so we know that works. You can get back to me whenever it's convenient for you. Have FUN!
10/30/24 06:00 pm
It's my birthday today so I might not respond right away. :)
10/30/24 05:59 pm
ok sent!
10/28/24 12:23 pm
Jan, I just updated my email info on my bio. I lost my orig email during the pandemic. Please resend to my new email. Thanks!
10/28/24 05:05 am
shadow, I will contact you. Check your e-mail.
10/27/24 09:15 pm
I tried to send to your admin email. I've never done Discord -- don't know how that works. I'll have to try from a library, if I ever get there...
10/27/24 09:14 pm
Thanks, Jan, but this isn't working from my cell phone. I keep getting ERROR messages every time I hit submit. Sigh. :(
10/26/24 03:22 pm
Send it to me on Discord or to my e-mail
10/25/24 09:45 pm
What am I doing wrong??? The preview looked okay, but w/o Selected Categories, story won't upload. Help?? Please!
10/25/24 09:43 pm
Once again I failed to upload a story. Got red warning that info was missing. "Selected Categories" is required, but INACCESSIBLE -- Can't click on it, and info said it was LOCKED.
10/21/24 08:10 am
Huh. I just typed out a review for a chapter, but it only posted the first word. Has anyone else had this happen?
09/30/24 12:21 pm
I encourage reviews in every single chapter I post, but readers still very rarely leave them :/
09/25/24 10:18 pm
And there should be encouragement to leave reviews even if stuff posted are older...
09/09/24 03:36 am
TheLostBoys333: I haven't read your fics bc I have to avoid certain tags per PTSD: but I DO know I'm guilty of not leaving comments. :/ Often I'm so engrossed in the story I forget to stop
09/09/24 03:34 am
Jan AQ: right! I found the game simply by chance. It's the largest detailed world mobile game I've ever played, and it was super fun! They didn't advertise well.
09/07/24 01:33 pm
As a writer, I really wish people would leave more comments. It's discouraging to see my stories getting so many hits, but not getting any real engagement :/ Writers want to know what you think :/
09/07/24 07:02 am
With the new HBO Harry Potter series coming out, they are going to get new fans. Should leave the game up.
09/07/24 06:56 am
I didn't even know HP Magic Awakened existed. Seems they could of spent more on ads and got more revenue.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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