At the end of that fateful Occlumency lesson, the jar of cockroaches, instead of hitting the wall, flies slightly lower and smashes directly over Harry’s head.
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At the end of that fateful Occlumency lesson, the jar of cockroaches, instead of hitting the wall, flies slightly lower and smashes directly over Harry’s head. [Report This] Summary:
Severus Snape has been severely mistreated at many points of his life, causing his mind to fracture. His sense of self is separated into several parts: Severus [host] a socially inept individual with autistic and obsessive-compulsive tendencies surrounding dark and defensive magic whose best friend growing up was Lily Evans. Severus is the one Dumbledore thinks is teaching his students, Dumbledore trusts since his knowledge of dark arts but without the desire to actually harm anyone makes him invaluable. Toby, age 5 a personality that developed to protect Toby from the lonliness and sadness of Spinner's End, who loves life and holds all his positive memories. Toby, however, isn’t really all that developed since Severus wouldn’t have had many positive memories and hadn’t met Lily yet – mostly attaches himself to Asphodel and thinks Harry would be a ‘cool older brother.’ Asphodel, 21 a personality that diverged from Severus because of the grief and despair on October 31st 1981. Asphodel is the character that protects Harry throughout the series, is sarcastic and quick witted but caring and instinctually protective. Professor Snape, age 50, a personality developed to protect him from but is also most like Tobias Snape. Professor Snape is an extremely intelligent equally vicious (ex-)terrorist and potions master. He is who is actually doing the teaching since he gets called 'Professor Snape' or 'Sir' during class. Professor Snape is the character that hates Harry and who is cruel to him. Suggested plot: When Dumbledore asks Severus to check on Harry during the Summer, Aunt Petunia’s disdain and Uncle Vernon’s temper trigger Asphodel into protecting Harry. She orders Harry to pack his things, and apparate him to her safe house. Her job done and everything calm, Severus contacts Dumbledore who gives him temporary guardianship for the summer. Severus tries his best, but he struggles to look after himself let alone a 14-year-old. Luckily, Harry knows how to cook but strangely doesn’t mind cooking for Severus. Severus talks about Lily Evans, a girl who he grew up with who had eyes like Harry’s and Harry learnt a lot about his mother. Severus is happy that Harry isn’t calling him weird of a freak, so Severus continues to mentor Harry. Severus teaches Harry about defensive magic and how to dispel dark curses. When Harry mentions that he has never been to the cinema and could he please go for his birthday, Asphodel gets oddly protective and takes him, though Harry has to take over protecting Toby who decides he just has to see The Little Mermaid. Harry confronts Severus about who Asphodel and Toby are, causing Severus to have a meltdown since he doesn’t like Harry’s confrontational voice and unanswerable questions – leaving Harry to go to Dumbledore to ask what was going on. Dumbledore manages to calm the three of them, and explains to Harry about the alters, that he did a good job looking after Toby and getting him. Dumbledore warns him about the ‘Snape’ personality, the side who is a blood purist and wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him – which doesn’t add up for Harry because that’s Professor Snape’s personality unlike Severus’. Dumbledore blanches and wonders what was going on, worrying that he’s not being paying enough attention to his teachers, then sends Madame Pomphrey to assess the situation. Dumbledore decides to move Severus into teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts in an attempt to temper the ‘Professor Snape’ personality, suggesting that Severus use his mother’s maiden name Prince. Dumbledore makes the decision that ‘Severus/Professor Snape’ should not go back to spying duties during the next war since he realised that triggering that personality was doing more harm that he realised. Professor Prince is a half-decent professor, even if he’s not as fun as Professor Lupin. The Defence Curse (Riddle wasn’t completely mad then, the curse decreed that there would be an annual turnover until someone as qualified as him showed up) deems that Professor Prince is a suitable professor and allows him to continue teaching. Severus applies for magical guardianship from Dumbledore, and thus Harry is given permission to stay under the protection of Hogwarts throughout the Summers. [Report This] Summary:
“Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here.” - Deathly Hallows
Tom, Severus and Harry died that day on May 2nd 1998. All three end up having the same grim reaper who explains that much of their life has been orchestrated by the headmaster Albus Dumbledore so that he can claim the Merlin Peverell seat - for the ‘greater good,’ of course. Merlin Peverell had extraordinary magic and the ability to wield dark, neutral and light magic with ease as such had a special role in the wixenaught. He had three sons and divided his estate between the three magic types. The three brothers also created the invisibility cloak (light magic, Harry,) the elder wand (neutral magic, Severus) and the resurrection stone (dark magic, Tom.) Only when the three brothers sit on the Merlin seat will balance be restored to magical Britain. Unfortunately, Albus Dumbledore decided to use his position as headmaster to drive harsh divides between the types of magic and has allowed the orphanage or abandonment of the three boys so that no magic can live whilst only one survives. Lady magic places the three boys in a purgatory classroom where they learn from her grandniece Deþ (death) about their family history and intertwined fates. Then, Tom, Severus and Harry need to decide when they're going back and what they're going to do about the problems they've uncovered.
Regarding the timeline, Deþ can either:
Regarding relationships
Regarding Cannon Plot Issues
Regarding Plot variances
End Goals
'There is no good or evil, only power and those who use it’ – adapted Philosopher’s Stone
Little Things
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Twin idea: You know how fanon at least says Harry has a saving people complex? What if it wasn’t putting his neck out but healing? Because of future plans of being a doctor, he resists any attempts to go to Hogwarts, or any other magical main school for lack of muggle subjects/help in his future career and is quite content at attending Stonewall High…this can also make Petunia & Vernon treat him better when they learn he chooses to forsake magic or, just one relative since he’s 1. Lived without magic for 10 years, 2. Has no real attachment to his parents, 3. thinking about his future. If…when…they press it (ministry and dumbledore), Vernon and/or petunia can question about his muggle education or future beyond Hogwarts if/when he chooses to go back to the muggle world. Maybe petunia, as he gets near Hogwarts age has to tell Harry what happened to his mother (aka she went to Hogwarts and was killed by a madman). Or, if it’s Vernon being treated normally, he says this as well as why he hates magic (possibly scared of it, James ‘bragging’ about being rich when they met). Now for the sake of plot, Harry is forced to go and not surprisingly, Snape is sent to fetch potter and bring him back by any means necessary (or the aurors on ministry orders) to attend Hogwarts. Oh and he clashes with Hermione because she loves magic and thinks it’s the best thing ever and obviously has no plans of ever returning to the muggle world, so they aren’t friends but rivals. Because of these changes, Harry and his aunt and uncle or Harry and Vernon at least are in good terms with each other through Harry’s education. What role would Snape play besides possibly kidnapping Harry? He could be put as Harry’s magical guardian at Hogwarts or mentor? Ron, being a pureblood, doesn’t understand why the ‘famous Harry potter’ doesn’t think magic is amazing. You can also give him a side muggle career as well (always good to have at least 2 future plans in place if one doesn’t work out). So Harry is allowed to do better in school and doesn’t get in trouble for it. If Vernon is chosen to be the caring one, could lead to a divorce with petunia getting her ‘Ickle diddydums’ and Vernon getting ‘that nasty boy’.
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[Report This] Summary: As it says in the title. Lily was able to protect her parents during the war (or they just weren't dead when she died). So they are available to take Harry on when Lily and James die. Either Dumbledore leaves Harry with them or Petunia gives them Harry after he's left on her doorstep - your choice. The Evans raise him in Cokeworth, having never moved away. Snape is still there during the holidays. Added complexity - if left with Petunia, maybe Dumbledore doesn't know they are alive.
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Time is a dangerous thing to meddle with. Hermione Granger should have hidden her schedule and time turner more easily because it ends up in Harry’s hands after he decides to investigate how Hermione can take two classes at the same time multiple times a day. He finds Hermione’s time turner and after some investigation, discovers what it is. For whatever reason, he decides to take the time turner, leaving Hermione to panic about where it has gotten. Yet, after getting into a fight with Draco, something happens that throws both boys into the past, breaking the time turner in the fight. Unable to get back home, Snape eventually learns of this and learning it was Granger’s doing, is sent back by Dumbledore to retrieve Potter and Malfoy. Snape must chase them down and try to get all three of them back home, protecting and guiding them along the way. Do they get home or are they lost in time?
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A master of his craft. A boy who finds peace in nature. A troublemaker who has the rules bent for him. Potions is a dangerous subject but there are those who simply do not appreciate such a subtle art of magic. The arts of Potions and Herbology both deal with plants so what if they were taught as one subject? Everyone knows Severus Snape hates that chubby Longbottom boy and the Potter whelp and the animosity of Potter and Snake spanning decades. Like father, like son after all. After all, Longbottom can’t make a potion to save his life regardless of what Pomona says and Potter didn’t inherit anything of Lily. Circumstances occur that lead to this very thing happening. During Harry Potter’s Hogwarts life, sometime after first year, it is decided that Herbology and Potions are better off taught as one class which nobody is happy about. Not only that, to stem the issues of bullying, it is decided that students will be split up by house to foster an understanding of each other. Oh there’s no way this can go wrong is there? With Potter there always is. Things I would like to see:
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Re: the only good thing Petunia did for Harry (was a challenge or prompt here) Petunia taught Harry how to sew / mend clothes with needle and thread, and made him do cloth repair jobs round the house. When Harry's uniform rips, he realises that some cloth tears cannot be mended with magic, and he is scared to throw his uniform into the separate 'needs repairs' hamper cause he's afraid of repercussions. It happens in 1st year since he doesn't know about the house-elves yet. Ergo, he asks Hermione to ask her parents to send needle and thread / he wishes for needle and thread for Christmas. Or better yet, instead of a 50 p piece, Petunia sends him a small spool of thread and a needle. Fast forward, Harry now has a reputation and a small business as person who mends clothes better than the house-elves / being able to do it where the house-elves can't. The only way Snape can show his support is anonymously sending Harry his orders, and sending Harry books about magically enhanced sewing... [Report This] Summary:
There is truth to the "voodoo dolls" [I know the term is problematic] cliche in the wizarding world. It is actually real / applicable, and only Snape knew about that (cue Prince Family Secrets, etc.) It's the reason why Voldemort only came back many years later, with no nose and not so powerful, while Harry's survival is, in large part, because Snape keeps pouring some low-level luck potion and health potions over Harry's doll. [Report This] |
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