Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11)

Coming of age in a declining northern borough wouldn’t be easy for any eight-year-old boy. For reasons that defied logic, being named ‘Harry Potter’ only seemed to complicate matters. Second in the Storm Surge Series. Sequel to Grease & Lightning. HP&SS friend/mentor/Severitus-style fic. No slash.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Canon Snape
Tags: Child fic, Kidnapped!Harry, Sibling Addition
Categories: Big Brother Snape
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Bullying, Profanity, Romance/Het, Torture, Violence
Chapters: 57 - Completed: No - Updated: 10 Feb 2025 / 27 Feb 2024
Series: Storm Surge - Challenges: None
When six-year-old Harry Potter finds floo powder while cleaning the fireplace, he is accidentally sent over to Severus's Snape's house, where he discovers that Snape is his biological dad, he has a half-sister, and Aunt Petunia has been abusing him all his life. It's almost too much for little Harry to handle. Can Severus help this boy through the traumas he's suffered?

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Overly-protective Snape
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape, Parental Snape > Godfather Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Out of Character
Chapters: 39 - Completed: No - Updated: 28 Jan 2025 / 23 Jan 2021
Series: None - Challenges: None
At a young age, his life changed and he now has a secret that must be hidden at all costs. Over the Yule holidays, another boy endures his own horror. Two first-years, each with a secret, must try to navigate their school years but Draco's secret is revealed and he is disowned by his parents as well as shunned by his classmates. The two boys come across each other, discovering the other's secret but circumstances lead them finding themselves within the United States and under the protection of someone unexpected as they try to navigate the lunar waters. Based on Harry is a werewolf by JAWorley

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11), 1st summer before Hogwarts, 1st Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape
Tags: Child fic, Hufflepuff!Harry, Injured!Harry, Werewolf!Harry, Werewolves
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape, Teacher Snape > Unofficially teaching Snape
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Physical Punishment Spanking, Profanity, Violence
Chapters: 3 - Completed: No - Updated: 14 Jan 2025 / 20 Nov 2023
Series: None - Challenges: Harry is a werewolf
After little Harry Potter runs away from his relatives’ home for the sixth time, Albus decides something drastic must happen. Instead of sending a friendly witch from family services like he had done before, he sends Severus Snape in hopes of scaring the boy into staying put. But when a blizzard interferes with plans, Severus learns why Harry keeps running away and a change of plans ensues.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Out of Character Snape, Snape is Stern
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Chapters: 40 - Completed: No - Updated: 13 Jan 2025 / 22 Oct 2017
Series: None - Challenges: Runaway
After the death of the Dursleys before Harry’s eighth birthday, it’s suddenly up to Severus Snape to take care of him. Temporarily, of course. Until a better guardian can be found. Severitis (non-biological). NO corporal punishment. AU, but follows canon knowledge of the Dursleys.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape is Loving
Tags: Adoption
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 13 - Completed: No - Updated: 22 Dec 2024 / 28 Jul 2024
Series: None - Challenges: None
Harry is dragged along for trick-or-treating to collect double the amount of candy for Dudley. After being dropped off in an unfamiliar neighborhood, Harry is tricked by Dudley and his friends to go to the Forbidden House on the Corner, a supposedly haunted house inhabited by a child-eating vampire.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape, Fic Fests > CozyFest 2023
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 3 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 27 Sep 2024 / 18 Sep 2023
Series: None - Challenges: None
How far would you go to protect the ones you love? How much of yourself would you be willing to sacrifice? How much would you deny yourself to ensure their safety?

Severus Snape knows exactly how far he would go, and there was still no turning back. Not until his mission was truly finished. James Potter and Lily Evans were the center of Severus’ world. If losing them both on the same night wasn't devastating enough, the realization that the Dark Lord wasn't dead continued to eat at his spirit. The Dark Lord would return, forcing Severus to play his part once again.

It’s been eleven years since the Dark Lord disappeared, and much to Severus' chagrin, Harry Potter has finally come to Hogwarts. Nothing would prepare Severus for pushing the last thing he had left of James and Lily away. As Severus struggles to face his mistakes, a young Draco Malfoy falls victim to a similar fate. For the love of his best friend, Narcissa Malfoy, Severus is driven to help Draco navigate the dark legacy that has been forced upon him.

As the Dark Lord rises again, Severus will do anything to ensure Harry and Draco's survival, even if it means burying his heart deeper to do it.

Takes Place: 0 - Before Harry is born, 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11), 1st summer before Hogwarts, 1st Year, 2nd summer, 2nd Year, 3rd summer, 3rd Year, 4th summer, 4th Year, 5th summer, 5th Year, 6th summer, 6th Year - Snape flavour: Out of Character Snape, Snape is Depressed, Snape is Desperate, Snape is Secretive
Tags: None
Categories: Misc > No category on the site fits
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Alcohol Use, Bullying, Character Bashing, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Profanity, Romance/Het, Romance/Slash, Torture, Violence
Chapters: 4 - Completed: No - Updated: 25 May 2024 / 25 May 2024
Series: None - Challenges: None
During a Christmas sleepover, Harry and his friends watch a scary Dracula movie without Severus’s permission. After a string of circumstantial evidence, Harry and the others become convinced that Severus is a vampire.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Out of Character Snape, Snape is Kind
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 01 Jan 2024 / 01 Jan 2024
Series: None - Challenges: None
Harry gets lost in the forest. Will Severus find him before it's too late?

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Overly-protective Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Snape is Stern
Tags: Alternate Universe, Child fic
Categories: Parental Snape > Stepfather Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 14 Oct 2023 / 14 Oct 2023
Series: None - Challenges: None
In a world where you can find your soulmates through a simple test, Severus finds that he has a Storge match in Harry Potter. He rescues Harry from the Dursleys, but the poor child never seems to smile. An AU one-shot requested by AngelColdHeart.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Out of Character Snape
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 16 Sep 2023 / 16 Sep 2023
Series: None - Challenges: None

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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